For a boy who doesn't have a heart, you would think things would be smoother, easier. You're dead wrong. If only you had seen the look in those sad brown eyes...
I'm sorry. I'm getting a little ahead of myself. Here, let me explain.
My name is Subject 4876921, but you can call me Jack for short. Im not exactly from your neck of the woods as you would say. Unless you were also genetically modified to be the most perfect human being in the world, except for one thing. I don't have a heart.
Yeah, you heard me. I don't have a heart. And I don't mean it figuratively I mean it literally.
The creators believed that if they didn't give me a heart nothing could stop me whatsoever. I could literally kill someone for them and not feel any remorse at all.
Or so they thought.
My eyes glow with infuriating heat as I lift the knife over my head. I was in killing mode. I was focused. I had a mission and that was to illuminate the subject. That's what I was there to do.
My body coursed with foreign power I have never felt before. Maybe because of all the souls I have devoured, maybe not. Maybe it's just my way of life, the life I was created for.
I let out something between a growl and a hiss before I brought the knife down. Or tried too.
Instead of the subject screaming, he just stared at me with big, sad brown eyes, causing me to freeze.
"I know what you're here for," the subject says quietly, not even flinching. I watch in awe as his brown eyes slowly turn red and shadows caressed his body all over. "I know exactly who sent you, why they sent you, and how they found me."
A strange feeling creeps up my throat causing me to twitch my eye. I don't know what this is but I don't like it one bit.
The subject crosses his arms and glares at me. "I'll give you two choices, how about that?"
I don't say a word just kind of stare down at my knife not believe what my eyes are showing me.
"First choice," he says in the deep, echoey voice that sends chills down your back. "You can kill me, devour my soul and take my body back to the creators so they can praise you on such a good boy you are. Only for them to send you out on a mission." He licks his lips. "Or, you can listen to what I have to say, because believe or not I'm just like you. You just don't know it yet."
The room around me grows cold. So cold I can see my breath as I breath in and out, trying to avoid looking at those red eyes.
"But if you do decide to kill me, whatever they told you about my soul is a bunch of lies." I look at him. His eyes remind me of those sad brown ones, just scary. "The choice is yours."
The choice is yours.
I don't want to choose but I have to choose. I don't know which one to go with. But if he's just like me, does that mean we came from the same creators? Why haven't they mentioned anything about him to me at all? Could I trust him?
Without him saying another word, I made a decision.
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