Can we get our lost love back? Part 4
Suddenly Omkara's eyes fell on Avni's phone screen.It had Neil and Avni's picture.
Omkara:This picture?
Avni replied emotionally:This is Neil.
Omkara was shocked.
Omkara:I know him.He is Gauri's friend whom I met at our wedding.
Avni was shocked.
Flash back...(Reference-Previous chapter)
Omkara-Gauri got blessed by Harshwardhan.
Gauri's friend said:Gauri,you are lucky to have a husband like Omkara.He proved that he is your real hero.
Gauri smiled:You are right.Omkaraji is my real hero.
Omkara smiled.
Avni:I am surprised that our exes are friends.
Omkara:But the real surprise is not that Avni.Gauri had introduced Neil to me.We both had a chat too.And Neil was not married.
Avni was stunned:What?
Omkara:Yes Avni.Maybe because of that your heart was not able to believe that Neil married someone else leaving you.
Avni became emotional.
Avni:Are you sure Omkara?
Omkara:Yes Avni.
Avni:Then why did DD lie to me?Why did'nt Neil marry me?Something is hidden somewhere.I have to find it out.
Avni and Agni went to the police station.
Seeing the female police officer Agni asked:ACP Neil?
She:ACP Neil is not working here anymore.I took charge after he resigned.
Avni was shocked:Neil resigned his job?
Avni:Can I meet Dakhal Dayal?
Avni and Agni went near Dakhal Dayal.He was shocked to see Avni.
Avni:You did'nt expect me here?Right?Even I had not thought of coming here.But I had to come here to ask you something.
Dakhal got tensed about what Avni wanted to ask him.
Dakhal:What do you want to ask me Avni?
Avni:Did Neil really get married?
Dakhal was shocked:Why are you asking like this Avni?
Avni:I just want to know it.Tell me.
Dakhal:I had sent you a picture.
Avni:Yes..but it was not a wedding picture.Show me their wedding picture.
Dakhal:I don't have it.
Avni:Why?Because Neil is not married.Right?
Dakhal lowered his eyelashes not being able to face Avni.
Avni:What are you hiding DD?Atleast now you please tell the truth.Otherwise I will find some other way to find the truth.
Dakhal:I will say.Neil is not married.
Avni smiled emotionally.
Avni:My heart was right.Neil has not cheated me.But then what happened?
Dakhal:Neil had got ready to come to the register office to marry you.But he was caught redhanded by his dad PK.But Neil put his foot down to marry you.But PK revealed that Neil is his adopted son.He blackmailed him emotionally.So to express his gratitude towards his father,Neil decided to sacrifice you.But he did'nt want you to have hopes.So he decided to make you feel that he cheated you.
Flash back...
Neil wept before Dakhal Dayal.
Dakhal was very upset seeing Neil's tears.
Dakhal:Why are you doing this Neil?I know that you can't forget Avni.Why are you marrying someone else for your dad?Why are you hurting yourself like this?
Neil:My dad gave me everything even though I am not his real son.If he was not there,I would have been a mere orphan.If I don't obey my dad,I will be ungrateful.I promised my dad that I will not marry Avni.But I can't cheat my conscience by cheating Avni.So I told my dad clearly that I will not marry any other girl.But he is hoping that one day I will change my mind and marry the girl of his choice.I can't face Avni.So I will not talk to her.But she needs to hate me.Otherwise she will ruin her life by waiting for me.So you should lie to Avni that I got married.
Dakhal was shocked:What nonsense are you saying?Will Avni believe it?
Neil:I have something with me that will make her believe your lie.I have taken a photograph with my childhood friend.You sent her that picture.
Avni cried.
Avni:I wish my brain had worked that time.If so,I would have gone to my Neil that time itself.
Agni:But Neil would not have accepted you against his dad.
Dakhal:Yes.Please don't go near Neil.He would'nt be able to control himself.He will break down.
Avni became upset.
Avni:Maybe reunion is not written in our destiny.But why did Neil resign his job?
Dakhal:He lost interest in everything.His friend too met with accident and slipped into coma.He left everything to look after her.For relief,he has become a radio jockey.
Avni was shocked.
Avni:Please take me there DD.I will not go near him.I will watch him without his own knowledge.
Omkara was surprised to see Gauri in his room.
Gauri looked at him emotionally.
Gauri:I missed you Omkara.So I came to see you.
Omkara smiled emotionally.
Omkara:I also missed you very much Gauri.Why did you hide from me?Why did'nt you come to me before?
Gauri:I am dead.Then how can I come to you whenever I want?
Omkara's heart pained.
Gauri:Now I need to leave Omkara.
Omkara held her hand and pulled her closer.
Omkara:I will not let you go.You will stay with me only.
Both looked at each other tearfully.
Suddenly Gauri disappeared.Omkara realized that he was imagining Gauri.
Omkara:I am a fool to think that a dead person can return to me.It will never happen.I lost my Gauri forever.Then why I am not able to accept the fact that Gauri can never return to me?
Omkara wept.
Neil was speaking with the mike in his hand:Hey..your dearest RJ Neil is here.Today's topic is love.Everyone says that love is beautiful ,pleasant and gives us happiness.But it is also painful.
Avni was watching Neil from a corner wearing a mask.Dakhal Dayal was near her.
Neil became emotional.He closed his eyes to control his tears.
Neil:Love gives us pain.
Though love gives us pain.that pain gives us happiness.That's the speciality of love.However painful it is,we will keep on loving.Because nothing can satisfy us like love.Losing our love is painful than death.I hope no one loses their love.
Avni became so emotional that she ran towards Neil calling him:Neil..
Neil was stunned to see her.
Avni :You have not lost your love Neil.Your Avni is near you.
Neil became emotional:Avni!
She caressed his face.
He embraced her.
Suddenly Avni realized that it was her imagination.She ran out crying.
Dakhal could understand Avni's pain.
He thought:She was so close to her Neil.Still she could not be with him.What a fate!
Neil came out of his room during the break.He was surprised to see Dakhal.
Neil:DD!What a surprise!
Dakhal:I simply thought of visiting you.
Neil smiled.
Neil:Today I feel strange.While talking about love,I felt a strange feeling.I felt that my Avni was near me.
Dakhal was stunned.
He thought:What a strange connection between them!Without knowing that Avni was here,Neil felt her presence.
Avni rushed to see Omkara.She entered Omkara's room.
Avni:Omkara,you were right.My Neil is only mine.He is still single.
Avni told him everything.
Omkara smiled.
Omkara:Maybe Neil is not able to accept you.But still you have hope unlike me.Because my Gauri is no more,I can never get her back.But you may get your Neil back.
Avni said emotionally:I hope so.
Suddenly Avni's eyes fell on the wall.She was shocked to see Omkara-Gauri's wedding photograph on the wall.
Omkara:Yes.Why are you shocked to see her?
Avni opened her whatsapp and showed him the picture of Neil and his childhood friend.
Omkara was stunned as the girl with Neil in the photograph was Gauri.
Omkara:I knew that Neil and Gauri were childhood friends.While introducing Neil to me,Gauri had told me that Neil's father wanted him to marry her.But Neil refused it and Gauri's marriage was fixed in childhood itself.But even after realizing that your Neil was the same person,I never guessed that the supposed wedding of Neil was with my Gauri.
Suddenly Avni thought:DD said that Neil is looking after his friend who slipped into coma after an accident.Is that person Gauri?I can't tell it to Omkara now.If its not true,it will be like giving false hopes to Omkara and he will be broken again.But I have to find the truth.
Neil was looking at Avni's photograph and crying.His dad Prakash went near him.
Prakash:Because of me,you are living in pain.I feel guilty about spoiling your life Neil.If I had not given importance to my ego and allowed you to marry Avni,you would have been leading a happy life.Sorry for spoiling your life Neil.Please forgive me.
Neil became upset:Dad!Please don't...
Neil hugged him and cried.
Prakash:I realized my mistake.Please call back Avni.You both deserve to be happy with each other.
Neil:Now it's too late dad.I heard a rumour that Avni is the famous painter/business magnet Omkara Singh Oberoi's fiancee.
Prakash was shocked:What?
Neil:Yes dad.If you had changed your decision a little more earlier,I would have gone back to Avni.But now...
Neil wept.
Prakash became very upset:Oh no..
Prakash wiped his tears.
Prakash:Avni is only engaged,she is not married yet.There is time beta.Go speak to Avni.If this wedding takes place,it will bean injustice to many lives.
Neil:Thank you dad.
Avni met Ali and Agni and told them about her doubt of Gauri being alive.
They were shocked.
Ali:What?Are you sure that Gauri is alive?
Agni:Is Gauri alive?Then Omkara will be the most luckiest person.
Avni:It's only a doubt.Say Agni..did you see Gauri's body?
Agni:No.Omkara was in coma.When he recovered from coma,his dad Tej uncle said that Gauri had died.
Avni:What if he lied?
Agni:Why should Tej uncle lie?
Avni:I am not saying that he lied.But there is a possibility which we can't ignore.So let us enquire.DD may help us in finding the truth.
Ali:Right.DD can clear our doubt.He maybe knowing who that friend of Neil is.
Avni:Tomorrow we will meet DD.You both go.I want to relax here for some time.
They walked away.
It started raining.
Avni:It was our meeting place Neil.
Neil also came there.
Neil:We used to meet here Avni.Those beautiful memories are coming into my mind.Anyways,I will meet you soon and tell you the truth Avni.I hope you will understand me and forgive me.I hope we will reunite.
They walked in the rain without knowing each other's presence.Suddenly they bumped into each other.They looked at each other only to get shocked.
Neil and Avni became emotional.
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