Girl in the Mirror
The beautiful country of America. Where politics fall and people rise. Truth and Justice. And pitiful crimes. Useless speeches. And warm beaches.
Our beautiful little Bubbles is residing in the small city of Townsville, sound asleep in her bed. In the most beautiful not to mention expensive hotel in the world. But of course she can afford it, she is a powerpuff girl after all.
Anyways, in the room of this little angel, the sun rays shine on her pretty face. Slowly but surely she opens her eyes and we see the most beautiful eyes that anyone has ever see. A perfect shade of baby blue.
She gracefully rolls out of her bed with not a single strand of her golden blonde locks out of place. She slips her feet into her fluffy white bunny slippers and heads into the bathroom. There she stops by the mirror and gazes at her reflection. She stares deep into her eyes for a while. Suddenly the mirror shows purple swirls and a replica of bubbles pops her head out of the swirls. She had a shade darker blue eyes, longer hair and skimpier clothing.
'It can't be', Bubbles thought alarmed.
"Hey Bubbles, missed me?" the girl snarled.
"You are make belief, your not here, your a figment of my imagination", Bubbles repeated aloud.
"Is that so?" the girl in the mirror challenged.
Suddenly limbs started climbing out of the mirror. Perfectly tanned legs followed by an hourglass shaped torso and perfectly tanned arms and finally... her face.
"Let's play a game, how about hmm.... let me see ", she pretended to think, "Oh I know, kill the blonde bimbo".
Out of nowhere the girl from the mirror pulled out a chainsaw.
Bubbles screamed and tried to run away but unfortunately mirror girl grabbed her legs and brought her down. She climbed on her and sat with all her weight, then she put the chainsaw by Bubbles' neck, inching it closer with each passing second. Bubbles twists and turns repeatedly.
"Now now Bubbles", mirror girl playfully scolded, "You don't want me to... I don't know......... CUT YOUR HEAD CLEAN OFF YOUR SHOULDERS!!" mirror girl cackled crazily, snorting a bit.
It was a really hideous laugh, even sweet little Bubbles wanted to push something down her throat so she wouldn't laugh anymore. A sock, a big bottle of ketchup even a poor defenseless guinea pig, Bubbles' didn't care as long as she stopped laughing.
The chainsaw inched closer and closer.
Red liquid sprayed everywhere and a bloodcurling scream rang in the air.
Hey guysss. How was it. That's really the first chapter. For those of you who read it before as " You in the Black Shirt", sorry but I updated and changed it and I think it came out better like this....more interesting, am I right? Oh and by the way, this isn't a horror story so don't worry about it. Some scenes might be scary but when you read the continuation, it won't be scary and you won't be as freaked out. Oh and I'm taking my time on this story.... CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT PEOPLE!! Hope you like it people. I have no idea when Boomer is coming in for you Boomubbles fans but everything in due time.
~A force as strong as life itself~
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