Chapter Two
In the midst of the early dawn's land, the PAW Patrol — savior of Adventure Bay, was up and about — causing clamor among their mountain tops. The city was still fast asleep from the dulcet tunes of its native wildlife that envelopes the city around its arms, whilst the sky continues to radiate an ombre of tropical reds and pastel indigos.
"Ryder, where do you want me to place these?" asked the Dally, which probably was the first thing he have ever spoken first thing in the morning.
Turning, the boy, given the feature of having brown locks and pale skin, he intently looked at Marshall with his darker shade of hazel irises. Placing his hands akimbo, replied with pearly white smiles "Those are Zuma's oxygen tanks. You can roll them to him." Before parting ways, he gave him a reassuring rub before they went on with what they're doing.
Making a beeline towards the Chocolate Lab, Marshall arrived with the said tanks that Zuma might need later on.
"Thanks dude," he smiles as he stuffs it somewhere he knows and easily access it. Although, the Dally leaving right now was a little too early, he thought. Plus, there's something he wanted to discuss about.
As he taps his fellow canine, he opened his mouth to divulge Ryder's way of surfacing his emotions, to how it is very filtered and forced from the usual one he does.
Creasing brows together, Zuma agreed with disappointment in his voice "He's been weally mute lately. Don't tell this to anyone, but he doubted giving Evewest the slot."
"I won't lie. After that event, it's no shocker that no one would end up having trust issues or any complications."
"I am honestly stawting to believe that we awe the only ones who seem to be alwight."
"How so?"
"Well. . . I am suwe you know the Wydew one. But then, Wocky seems to be distancing himself fwom us. And Wubble, it may not seem much at fiwst, but he's been eating a lot lately. And Chase. . ?" There was a short pause between them. Both quite unsure what to say next.
But in the end, Marshall simply nodded and understood his idea clearly. No one has shook off the past, unfortunately. Everyone thought that after saving their friends and foiling Sweetie's plans would revert them quicker than a blink of an eye back to their normal lives.
Regrettably, it was not what they have concluded or hoped for. It shocked everyone, mainly those mentioned before. Maybe if the situation involved more of the fighting, maybe. . . Their healing process would be easier and faster.
Groundbreaking truths from the pasts were unexpectedly aforementioned, causing the slice to dig deeper than skin-deep and embark a scar within — eternally.
It was emotions that deployed all that; it was never mainly physically. Who would've thought that a device used to articulate such and such would cut deeper than a normal dagger?
"I do hope they'll bounce back to normal quicker than expected. The Look-Out's awfully quiet, that I could almost become deaf."
One last smile then flashed before they went on with the rest of the crisp morning. The two mentioned canine cannot do anything with their current power they hold, despite it them all being close as a family, all everyone could conclude was.. They're still cemented to the past.
They may seem fine, but within them, the feeling cannot be shaken. All smiles are just powdered with lies of fruity-gaieties, and what lies within are bitter and wounded hearts.
Before everyone began to head for South and drown within their own loneliness and monsters that mercilessly gobble them up, the sound of snow crunching came to everyone's senses. Quicker than light, they began to put on their best smiles.
"Hey dudes!!" Jake as lief greeted, his smile running boundary to boundary; as a response to this, everyone gritted a smile through their true shades of dull color embodying them. Marshall and Zuma had only darted uncomfortable looks at each other.
Everyone must've been busy with their own thoughts, that nobody spoke after that. To everyone's respite, Skye had popped in just in time to accommodate the visitors.
"Jake, Everest, you can come and follow me to store your belongings for the mean while." The Cockapoo beamed, skipping from paw-to-paw to reach the visitors quickly.
A faint snicker formed between the two canids and had pointed out that Skye seems to be genuinely smiling ear-to-ear upon the realization that the PAW Patrol will be hosting a new member, and that most especially means that she finally has a fellow female.
"Uh, yeah.. Right—" The boy that is much younger than Jake, trailed off. Scratching the nape of his neck away in hope to brush off the agitating feeling that's infesting in the roots of his mind.
"Come follow us." And there blossoms another of his fabricated smiles — done just to slice off the brumal tension that is beginning to downfall on them.
And they began to walk.
That was a fired bullet at them and had began to sprint into action. Pieces of rock flung away from their paws rapidly, and before you knew it, debris of the marl have been dislocated and had been sent off to new places.
Like what the pups are.
"I'm hungry again," The bulldog trumpets "I'll be back." Then rushes forth the Look-Out to fetch himself something to munch on, and satisfy the eager beasts that continuously growl in his digesting organ.
Marshall looked above the skies to observe how they were doing, though looking upon the skies had somehow oddly offended him. Maybe it was because that it was doing better than they were.
Sighing, he panned his vision away from them to refrain himself from brewing a thunderstorm within him; having four people/pups that were not themselves is enough than having everyone in an absolute bad mood, rspecially when there are guests here.
Speaking of guests, the said people have emerged out from the Look-Out along with Ryder and Skye themselves, they were found animately conversing with each other, though he couldn't muster up a single word from their faint voices.
He wonders what's gotten them to laugh like that — Ryder at the very least.
"Okay pups, are you all ready?" The brunet questions as he threads his fingers through his brown locks; right away, Marshall saw right through his false act.
"We can take it from here, Ryder." The Dally quietly insists with a coherent worry look on his face. Shaking his head, the boy politely declines the offer and signalled that everyone should ought to be ready.
Beginning the try-outs with Marshall first, Everest was expected to either do well or horribly in this field. She's tasked to perform a simple throttling when firing water out of the house, operate ladders, estimate the possible outcomes of a fire, and when all goes well, she may test out the Med part.
Everest hopped on the fire truck before the Dally did, and in that short amount of time, she looked intensely at the various buttons that were painted from a to z.
He clearly had no idea what the female canine was thinking of at that moment, all he could conclude at that time was amusement and excitement.
Truth be told though, he hoped that she'd fail on his field. Her failing miserably, pushing all the wrong buttons, and having a horrible aim.. Yes, that's what he liked to happen when this all starts.
"Are you ready?" Marshall hesitantly interrogated. Upon lifting his eyes as he met with her's, he regretted it. What he saw next were eagerness in her eyes, and he's afraid that she just might pass.
"W-wow.." Was all the boy could say — he was lost for words at the amazing footwork the Husky has showcased them.
First, she performed all of Marshall's duty well; managed to quickly track and identify who the culprit was in Chase's side and was able to decently get terms related to aviation correctly on Skye's.
"Wow, she's.. She's quite something.." Trailed Zuma, looking at the Dalmatian beside him. He could only nod to his surprise as he watches it unfold before him.
"I'm gonna test hew now. I'm suwe though she'll succeed anyway." The Chocolate Lab whispered to his buddy as he proceeds to make a beeline forth his area, where Everest patiently awaits for him.
Although, after the Lab left, the wind speed picked up from there and had become more chilly.
Shivering from this frigid sensation, he looked up to the skies and found that they were starting to form a thick sheet of grey cloth — blanketing the clear facade of the outer space.
Raindrops threatened to fall down too, as it shades itself darker than it previously was. In the distance, he took note that there were lightnings that are about to enter the humble town of Adventure Bay's terra firma.
For this reason, he kept on high alert.
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