Chapter Twenty-Five
| warning |
| cussing/swearing, slight violence |
Looking amongst the now sheathed day-skies, he thought to himself and asked the luminous of how will he resolve all of these shards he caused himself. The bloodstains just further reverberates his faults and pulses all his flaws.
He knows himself it was just a mistake — something that was out of his control, it never was his fault to begin with. He should've known that now after countless times it had been proved to him so. But somehow, the voices within just tells him otherwise and chains him more to his past the more he resists. Only, could he think of himself no better than an appendix that could never learn from his mistakes and grow from it.
He promises, but never keeps them. He cares, but to an extent that it ends up hurting someone. He thinks but too much and ends up scaring himself with the possibilities rushing in him. He covers it all by setting himself to a better light and height, but he's too high up that he blinds himself and slips and cause a great impact that would hurt himself but even more to those who surround him.
It was so suffocating that he would often find himself counting the stars to a hundred and by then wished that everything would descend into serenity and come turn into his favor, but he never came to be as before he could even reach the end, he had fallen asleep and his chance to wish for that had slipped away until nightfall again. Time and time again would he attempt to count "11. 12. 13.." but everyday is just a clone of itself. He'd end on a 73, or when had more willpower would he end with 84.
Though it was hard and an arduous fight against himself, he knew he had to help himself up and try. He may have not seen the value of Sweetie's lesson, or not had he applied it anyway, but he knew himself of what the right thing is, even if it means to swallow his pride.
As he looked back, he found her and thought that perhaps this was his chance. A chance he'll take than counting stars.
"Good night Zuma," the Cockapoo says as the Labrador panned away from her view to take his slumber with a grin. She smiled to herself then looked at the skies as they twinkled softly. It was.. One of a hectic day. She and Rubble were called on a mission today, then Rocky took her out for ice cream, and she and Zuma had a pleasant conversation about their lives so far.
It was such a nice experience to ground herself back, reminding that there's much more to just problems and sorrows on Earth. Sure, the leaves that lay on the grass bed continues to decay and prompt them of what is to come someday, but too, the flowers remind of how beautiful life could be.
Truly, it was easy to divert one's mind when having fun, but a pang of pain suddenly enveloped her heart to sour as soon as she realised that the spell is broken. There no longer is an illusory for her to be distracted with but her bare vision — and that she's now alone with her thoughts.
She wished that she had insisted the rest of her friends to sleep in the Look-Out instead, but that hadn't crossed her mind as she had initially thought that she'd be stronger when twilight comes.
"Hey," calls of someone amidst her lone. A rapid set of blinks came as she, herself, was surprised that someone else is sleepless like her. Despite the shadow casting over their figure, she knew right away who it was. It wasn't just their sweet vanilla scent, but so we're their warm hazel eyes looking intently at her — it stood out more in the dark that she was half-glad that she's not alone, but half-crestfallen that it was someone she least expected.
She looked away and pretended not to hear anything. Right now, she wished that she had fallen asleep earlier than to face this.
"Hey," Chase calls, trying to meet her gaze, to which she averts yet again.
"Hey." He calls once more, more firm this time as he grew somewhat impatient as it felt like his efforts were just becoming a waste.
"Hey!" This both startled her and the speaker himself. They both looked at each other in obvious surprise, to which caused Skye to slam her door shut.
A loud grunt escaped him as he slumped himself to the ground as he found himself back to square one.
Cold sweat broke through his foreheads as he realized he created the monster he feared most come to reality. Although that may be the case, he was reminded of Skye's previous actions when they were in grief danger when most of their teams were under Sweetie's command — even though her bones were breaking and her muscles were shredding, she pushed through and fought back no matter how much she was hurting.
If her life was on the line and had managed to make a rebound, he can do that too with effort. Now knocking softly on her door, he listened in and waited if she were to answer the door. Nothing.
"Hey, can we talk.. Properly? It's not easy to hold a conversation when we're separated by door."
Rummaging sounds were heard on the other side of the door, Chase took a step back to ensure his safety once she flings it open. Soon, a muffled reply "I'll be out in a sec" was heard.
Creaking open, a Cockapoo stepped outside with despondent eyes. The Shepherd observed every bit of her and his heart could only break at the sight of it. Though looking healthy and void of ill, her vibrancy was nowhere to be felt nor seen.
"Come, let's talk inside where it's warmer." As he tugs her to follow. Skye was dreading the conversation, not because she had began to detest Chase, but rather, fear that this might severe ties — afraid that they might disagree in the first place and leave everything unsolved and grow apart — she doesn't want any of those to occur.
Now in the Look-Out Tower with a singular warm white light on and tushies on bean bags, silence only ensues while the night wildlife continues. Neither knew where to begin or what the right words were, that they could only sit dumb-founded on their seats.
"So.. What did you want to talk about?" Asks the Cockapoo amidst the fatigue beginning to take over her mind. The situation she currently was in was enough to deplete her energy as all the possible consequences just flashed before her, and thinking about how open-ended it is just exhausts her.
"I.. Want to talk about us. I don't want us to grow into this argument and be torn apart from this."
A sigh escaped her lips as she tossed back her head to look at the mildly lit ceiling and assessed her words carefully and the issues she wanted to tackle about.
"..Why did you yell hurtful things to me?" Was the first thing she mustered to ask, eyes still glued on ceiling.
The German Shepherd re-shuffled his position whilst sitting on the beanbag, weighing whether she would understand it or not "They weren't meant for you. As I slowly began to remember some of my memories, at that moment, I saw the wolves who attacked my sister. I was too immersed into the pain that I thought they were real and was happening to me."
Her faced slowly softened with understanding and realization as he explained his side. Never had it once crossed her mind that that was the case; instead, had thought of the worst and concluded that those words were meant for her.
"So.. It never was me who you think badly of?" There was a hint of relief in the way she executed this query.
"Never was," he scoffs with a grin "Though I owe you an apology for hurting you. I shouldn't have done that, and I promise I'll have better control of myself."
"I'm sorry too, for quickly jumping into conclusions despite knowing full well of your situation. I'll keep an open mind next time." Was her response as she flashed him a smile too; Chase then spread his arms open and invited her for a hug, to which she immediately accepted.
For what it seemed years, they were now back in each other's arms with slowed down breaths and synchronised heartbeats. She could feel his warm breath on her head; something she missed for the past few days — her in his strong embrace and his big paw on her head placed so delicately — and it was a big relief to her, knowing that he's very alive and kicking.
As for Chase, he felt the same way she did — relieved that they were able to conquer a misunderstanding and that they may grow old together with no complications and hidden corrupting words. Days ago, he felt like it was an end of an era and that everything was irreversible — perhaps it was, but they were able to mend it and find a fit substitute for their mistakes and live a day that it felt like it never happened, but its presence very well present as a reminder of the past. He never knew that what they needed was a simple talk on things.
"Promise me we'll talk things over first before anything?" He whispers, the Cockapoo still in between his arms. Underneath, he could feel her motioning to a nod as her embrace had only gone deeper and tighter "I promise."
Letting go, he planted a kiss on her forehead with a toothy-grin that the Cockapoo, herself, felt like a teenager crossing paths with their crush "Then it's official. From this day on, we're doing that."
With two paws, Skye cupped his cheeks and showered him small kisses — one on his nose, a few on his forehead and finally, his lips "Just had to make sure it was official" she simpers.
"Hm.. I think I have a better idea. Do you trust me?"
A yawn escaped from the Dally. It was still early in the morning, and he cherished nothing more than sleeping in late — the setting was nothing but dewy and frigid as the sun had yet to wake up himself too. But knowing that he still has unfinished businesses to do, he has to half-heartedly crawl out of bed and begin the day already if he wants to be paid extra.
Everest is supposed to join him as usual, but he decided to wake her later instead, and take one for the team and prep their items and breakfast. Quietly sneaking into the lookout tower, he sighed with relief that Ryder was nowhere in sight. Typically, the boy isn't awake at this time as he's usually awake by a quarter to seven, but because he's sneaking off somewhere without his consent is feeding his fire of guilt, hence, his paranoia is born.
Today though, he knew both of them can't slip away unnoticed. It's Monday, and accidents are bound to happen, which means they are to be called into missions more often. But because they'll be busy toiling their time away on a restaurant, they can't attend when they are needed nor can they be in action to help the people. So he knew he had to leave Ryder a convincing excuse of why their presence is not to be seen today.
Flicking the light switch on, his fur rose from its flesh when he realised someone was at the lobby already. Quickly escaping as soon as he heard a grumble, his name was called and pinned him to place. He knew that he was caught conscious in this crisp morning, and running away would make things more suspicious. So now, he must prepare to lie through his teeth.
"..Marshall? What are you doing here early in the morning?" Gruffed the half-awake Chase, as he rubbed his lids to wake. Right there and then, the Dally realized he screwed up. Would this be the downfall of their curtains and give way to their assumptions? It's not like he minded that they'd be an item but that'd be treason to their smooth start of a friendship and he can't ruin that! ShehasaboyfriendforPete'ssakeandattemptingtowinheroverisunjustespeciallyafterallthethingsI'vedonetoher—
"Ah! That.. Um, well.. What are you doing here as well—" Instead of being showered with embarrassment, he instead was snickering to himself. Chase was unable to comprehend why in the world is his best friend so amused this early into the day, perhaps it hadn't sunken to him yet.
"Forget it. I don't need an answer. I'll see you around Chase" he tells him as he slipped away along with the thought of needing to come up with an excuse.
"I'm sorry I didn't prep us some breakfast, it slipped my mind," the Dally rubbed his nape in apology. They were now driving to work without notice yet again — but now in Marshall's vehicle. From behind, Everest only smiled at him understandingly "It's alright, I'm not too hungry anyway." as the wind softly brushed past her lavender fur.
Though Marshall hoped that the restaurant owner would spare them at least a bread during their break, but that meant it would be charged from their salary.
Weaving through endless strings of asphalt roads and trees, it was decided that the two of them aren't alone to peg away the day as each establishment and home luminescence of sentient and tumult amidst coffee mists.
Right now, he felt like stopping at any moment and luxuriate himself in morning's grace. It has been a while since he genuinely had a peaceful and slow breakfast to enjoy. Last time he did was when he was in the mountain — camping with Ryder and Chase — they were sitting on a damp self-made log bench with their food in styrofoam boxes and stainless thermos bottles nestled on the shoe-lengthed grass blades, as they looked out onto the horizon as the skies slowly transitioned into the well-known sky-blue hue.
Back then, it was slow and beautiful, that every moment felt like it wasn't just another brief and insignificant screening of his life, and rather, emphasized youth and its carelessness and freedom. Nowadays though, he wasn't as privileged when he was young to be able to do that on demand. Perhaps now is a great time?
"Woah! What happened? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" her words and thoughts came sloshing out her like liquid as she felt the vehicle halt forcibly. Trying to look ahead, she only found Marshall looking at her.
"It's still early, and there's still an hour before the resto actually opens. What do you think of having breakfast first?" he smiles at her. With her feathers (or fur) still ruffled, she attempted to recompose herself once more, but along the way, she couldn't help but burst into laughter "You're crazy.. But sure! Why not?"
And now they were in a modest canteen. It was open-aired, quaint and quite small, that it could only cater up until ten people.
"Here's your order," smiles an old lady whilst placing the dishes on their table. The duo smiled and thanked her for her service. It seemed it was only her and her husband present, and despite the noticeable low number of staff operating the canteen, their customers of five were equally given attention and care.
As she breathed in the savory of home-made food, she couldn't help but simper at everything that's happening right now. Never had she been in a situation like this before as all her life were there rarely any vibrant sunrises back in Ashmont, yet somehow, it felt like she had.
It's as if in her past life, she'd been in this setting all her life.
"It's so pretty," breathes Everest in spontaneity, though Marshall couldn't deny that as he flashed back a grin forth her.
"People can agree that sunsets are lonely, but in my opinion, I think sunrises are. Isn't it weird?" He humorously remarks as he blew away the steam off of his food.
Genuinely, she was surprised at this and was intrigued. Looking back at the eastern skies that shone over them, the sun had only begun to rise and she wondered why that's his belief.
For her, despite icy mornings over a raw meat for a breakfast, a sunrise is a sunrise and it would always cheer her up no matter the situation.
Perhaps because sunrises mark the beginning of the day — it is new and the colors are hopeful, and the cold breeze ensures you so. But unlike sunsets, the oranges and reds emit a forlorn aura as it casts a shadow onto every building it touches, and somehow, it is the ruler of epiphanies and of yore.
"Yeah, it's quite weird. Though I don't think that makes you any different," she says "But why do you think sunrises are like that?"
It was now his turn to look out to the sun, he looked forth it as if it had all the answers he'd need despite knowing full well it is only capable to glow brighter as the day progresses.
"Most of the best and worst moments in my life occurred during mornings. The breakfasts I shared with family happened during mornings, so does vacation trips. But there were painful moments too where Turbot turned us over at Adventure Bay, or waking up to a really high fever, or mornings where we had to wake up really early due to missions.. " he lowered his gaze and his breathing slowed in attempt to stop something from happening as he continued to speak.
"..I remembered always tripping on my feet and crashing to the elevator because I wasn't fully conscious enough. It became a routine to me and thought that it was normal, and it made everyone better and laugh during obscure times to be working, that it made me better and forget the pain. From then on, I continued the gag and made jokes and unnecessary puns and comments for everyone's sake, but looking at it now, ninety percent of the time truly was because I hadn't gotten enough rest and was a diversion from the reality I'm escaping from. So truly, dawns like these equally hurt me as people do with sunsets.."
"..But now, I guess it isn't so bad after all." He was now looking at her with his koi blue irises, and so was she. The period of time he used to detest most because of its psychological and emotional power, is now wrapping the Dally in a soft golden glow — who is smiling now with his heart — and made him as if he's always been a part of the morning scenery.
There's something about him right now that made Everest linger her gazes on him, it definitely wasn't the way how radiant he is against the sunlight, or the fact that he shared something so personal with her at ease again. She didn't know why, but it was something she can't woof it out herself.
If it weren't for Marshall laughing away to look back at the sunrise, they might have remained that way for eternity. Flustered and wide-eyed, the husky pawed over a glass of water and chugged it straight to cool her overheating face.
As for Marshall, his mind began to freak out as words began to stack and chain themselves to create a sensible garble of sentences. "Oh my Lord.. I think my heart might've bursted if I kept looking at her—"
Now at the parking lot, the duo hopped off again with all the needed materials. Like a command that's been wired to them, they directly made a beeline forth the "backyard" of the restaurant to assemble themselves accordingly.
Everest was combing her fur while Marshall was plucking out the items from the bag "The owner said we're only half-day since he'll be going somewhere."
"Ugh," grunts the Husky "This will probably subtract it from my paycheck. This is the worst. I just hope Peter doesn't consider an interest."
"I can give you some when it's payday," suggests the Dally, but the Husky easily declined it and reasoned that she didn't need to ride on his blood-and-sweat-produced salary, plus, she's aware that Horatio needed it more than she would. And not to mention, she only needed a few bucks to pay off her debt since at the end of this month, they'll be paid and she'll be receiving more than enough allowance.
From the other side, the owner had called everyone in for a meeting in a few minutes, so they should probably quicken their paces. Both the Dally and the Husky looked at each other with wide eyes and panicked their way into assembling themselves properly.
. . .
"Alright everyone," began the store owner as he looked at each and every staff he had "We're closing the restaurant early after lunch as me and Jared have to do something," he says as he motions his head to the chef "So, have a great afternoon by then."
As that concluded of the short conversation, everyone dispersed into their own stations and prepared themselves for the morning rush. Actually, there already were a few customers who had a mug of steaming coffee and newspaper clasped around their fingertips, and syrup-flooded waffles.
A moment not too long, one had requested their cup to be refilled "On it," calls the Husky back, as she dashed to the kitchen to grab the thermos containing the requested hot beverage.
"Miss, excuse me! I'd like to order," one called, she dashed to them and began to jot down their orders, and time and time again, more customers had filled in the area and called their assistance.
They barely had any time to catch their breaths as their names were constantly being brought up. In this very moment of the day, there were two accidents where both children had knocked over a glass of water and either her or Marshall would take care of it. It actually was a little bit annoying, but breaking this passive out-front would only scare the customers away and nail a bad reputation in the restaurant that only accepted them.
But as the day progresses through, people came by like fine grain of sand. Now that they've given everyone attention and the morning rush is ending, less and less people entered the establishment, and soon, had only one or two entering.
"Sir. Sir? Sir!" Someone called over and over again. Everest, who's in the kitchen helping with the dishes, took a quick peek outside and found a new customer. They seemed to be calling for Marshall but he seemed to be be unmoving from it.
Whistling to get his attention, once he looked, she gestured her eyes to the customer, to which Marshall embarrassingly attended it. She shrugged this off, but more "happenstances" occurred as time progresses.
Marshall grew detached from reality often and would doze off and stare at nothing. A few whistles or shakes would usually do the trick, but it bothered Everest to an extent since he seemed to be out of it lately. She tried to question him about this but then someone would be calling him or he'd be busy in the kitchen or off to the bathroom he goes.
She was anxious that he might see her differently again and lash out at her at any moment. She took her chances anyway.
fshh.. creaaaak..
"Gah!" Exclaims the Dally who thought that his heart was done for good upon seeing Everest waiting for him outside the bathroom "Oh, it's just you," he laughs nervously with the knowledge of nothing at all on why she was there at all.
She was looking at her surroundings from left to right, to which made him conscious and worried that there was something wrong. Gestures like these usually occur when one is meant to pass a message covertly to refrain any outsiders from hearing it — common scenario : him and Chase exchanging locations that might harm civilians and be advantageous to culprits.
"Uhm. Yes?"
"Are you okay?" Asks of her to him. Flabbergasted, he could only grin at her as response before his ability to speak was rendered properly.
Slowly, he responded with a "..Yes? Are you? Are you feeling funny?"
"Yeah, feeling funny cause you're acting funny."
"But I'm not acting funny?"
"Yes you are, and you know what kind of funny I'm talking about."
"Okay, okay, drop the funny, because that's a lot of funny in a sentence."
"Okay, I will," she snickered eventually at the realization that he was right, the two of them managed to use one word in different sentences in a conversation "But I'm just concerned since you keep drifting off from reality. Is something bothering you?"
"Oh, that, uh.. I.. Ugh. Everest.. Listen," he began while sighing "I.."
Before he could finish his sentence, his eyes managed to gravitate his irises to her's, and instantly, he lost the words he needed to speak right. She was intently listening to him with genuine interest and concern, that he somehow witnessed these doe-eyes that probably weren't meant for him, that he couldn't help but flush his cheeks and shake these thoughts away.
"..Didn't manage to sleep. Someone was making a ruckus last night." Was what he ended up saying, though he hoped that she wouldn't detect the deceit, otherwise, this might puncture a hole in plans. But he wasn't entirely lying. Someone was causing a ruckus.
Her expression twisted into evaluation — her eyes slightly squinting and wandering around the ceiling, and her sudden silence. But it seemed that she decided that she needn't to push him and just had to trust him. What concluded of this conversation was a reassuring pat on the back. This made Marshall alleviated that everything will be alright. Though he couldn't help the stinging inside.
As the setting transitioned from a bustling city into cool forestry, the Husky began to wonder why they were taking this road instead of the usual one. Perhaps Marshall needed to pick something up? Check on the penguin? No.. They were delivered back. Horatio? But that's on the other road.
Giving up, she eventually asked him where they were headed off to. Marshall only replied "You'll see," to which itched her curiosity even more. Maybe he's taking me to some spot so we could hang out? She thought to herself, though she thinks that it was unlikely, she most definitely wasn't against the idea though.
While she waited, she looked to the side and enjoyed the scenery that panned her view. There were small crevasses in between the trees that when closely looked upon , in the distance, you can see the ever bright bay and the ships rolling in. But she would rather focus on what's in front of her, and that is the forest.
The spruce-filled greenwood reminded her of Ashmont — the whiteness, the frigidness, the sites and the cuisine. It was where half of her was left, and probably where it always would be. She wished to come again back someday and weave through poles of trees, eat liver, ride on trams and gaze at the Northern Lights. Oh, that'd be a perfect vacation.
But now coming back the the present, she could feel the engine slowly quieting itself, and soon enough, he vehicle halted in the midst of the idle road.
"What are we doing in the middle of nowhere?" She asks, but she turns to Marshall who was smiling at her and gestured his head to his right. Confused on what he meant, she followed his direction.
To her surprise, Eirwen was there, on the ground, patiently waiting for her with, smiling all so smittenly. Her eyes ping-ponged from Eirwen to Marshall, and could only look at the Dally with utter surprise.
With a smile, he said "Surprise!" As he flung his two fore-paws when he said the word.
"I— W-what? You knew all along?" She stammered, completely baffled. Marshall only nodded "I was acting funny because I was thinking of ways on how I'll bring you here. So.. Here we are!"
Tears welled up on her eyes as she then hugged him really tight and thanked him a dozen times. Feeling conscious all of a sudden, she pushed her away by grabbing her shoulders and putting a distance between them "Alright, alright! Now go on your date! You don't want him waiting for too long, wouldn't you?"
Nodding her head, she thanked him one last time and hopped off of his truck. She then ran to the fox and tackled him to a hug. This was his cue to leave, so without a word, he reversed his gears, backed up, and drove back to the city. The last thing he saw in his rear-view mirror was Everest waving good bye before being engulfed by the pine trees along with Eirwen. To himself, he mouthed "Hope you enjoy your date."
Arriving at the Look-Out, the frontyard seemed to be decently active. He saw four of his friends playing frisbee — Chase, who is about to toss the disc, and Skye, Rubble and Zuma on the field, ready to catch it. Rocky was nowhere to be found, but Ryder was found by his garage..
..Again. No idea dude. That thing always seem to break.
Parking his truck near Rubble's, he then hopped off as it detransformed into his home. Everyone felt his presence and invited him to join in. He called back that he soon will and just needed to take care of something real quick, and that something needed Ryder.
Walking over to his garage, he found the boy busying himself in the toolbox. He weighed whether now is a good time to have a talk, he shot his chances anyway and called his name.
"Ryder?" He began, and without any delay, he looked immediately to the caller and hummed a response "Can we talk? It's something important."
The boy searched for a cloth to wipe his oily hands and replied of course. Making a beeline outside where Marshall stood, he sat beside him as he waited for Marshall to speak.
"So.. Everest."
"Mhm, what about her?"
"We had a rocky start, and had a lot of arguments here and there. We may have made up now, but during that, I've said.. A lot of horrible words to her that have affected her in some way. So as her fellow colleague and family, I ask you to punish me discreetly and accordingly."
Ryder was too stunned to speak. In all honesty, he hadn't been spending his times with his pups lately as he had a lot to deal with, so truly, he had no idea that this was an actual issue until now.
Part of him felt ashamed that he hadn't supervised Marshall as a foster parent to act correctly, but he couldn't blame him as they might've had their own reasons — reasons that he doesn't know of and probably a reason that both of them refuse to talk about. Despite that though, he was proud of him for coming clean and accepting his mistakes.
He placed his palm on top of his head a
"You did good bud," he then pats him with a smile "I'm really proud of how mature you took this and come to accept terms. But to be fair with Everest, we do have to punish you."
"It's alright, I'll accept whatever fate I'll have." Marshall smiles earnestly in response.
Standing up with his palms on his knees, he then dusted his behind off of dust, soot and fine gravel "The punishment that would suit you best would be to strip you off of the Fireman role temporarily until further notice."
Marshall was disheartened at this. For the next missions, he'll be actively rescuing in a Medic role, aside from it meaning he'll be deployed less, he's temporarily stripped from the profession he loved most where he poured his heart and soul in it. Ever since he was young, right after witnessing the demise of her mother, he wished he could've done that for her.
But then Ryder offered him the position of being a fireman, he was given an opportunity to dedicate his life for her who passed due to the lack of firemen. Here in Adventure bay, he would like to be that someone who'd rescue anyone from inferno and stop them from having a similar ill fate.
Unfortunately, that job is out of the question indefinitely, and he fears that without his help, people would suffer, and because only their team would soon know of this decision, if he doesn't arrive and the mission fails, he might get the blame for not arriving — not knowing he isn't to take that role transiently "No no.. Everything will be alright. I can trust my teammates." He tells himself as he looked back to his friends who were now playing tag.
"I got it Ryder, thanks for having this conversation with me."
"And thank you for being a good sport." He gave him one last rub behind his ear before the Dally left off to play with his friends.
Crunch of crisp dry leaves were evidently heard as the couple walked deeper into woods. The area was serene and cool; it had birds chirping, the faint rustling of leaves and the air having a hint of something lemony and woody. It was a surreal place that it made her shiver out of wonder and excitement.
"I can't really believe that you're here.." she breathes out, still in shock. The winter fox flashed her a grin, clearly giddy that they're now together "I can't believe it too. But you've got to hand it to Marshall for keeping it a surprise."
rustle.. rustle..
"Psst, Marshall..? Are you there?" Whispers someone from the bush. Clearly irked, the Dalmatian looked around to detect where the noise was coming from to stop the constant murmur.
To his "surprise", it was the white fox who was in charge of disrupting his sleep.
"Why had you arrived so late? It's legit ten in the evening and I've got a day ahead of me." The Dalmatian yawns.
Eirwen could only laugh nervously as sweat beads down on his face. Coming out of the bush, he explained he had complications to board on the ship and struggled to find where they lived.
"Barely anyone knew Everest, but luckily, a kind store owner knew where she was and pointed me here."
Scratching his nape in slight frustration, the Dally could only sigh and decided to give Eirwen some slack as it seemed he had a fair share of struggle too.
"Fine then. Come on, the night won't last longer." He tells as he made a beeline forth his kenn and transformed it into his vehicle. He made sure though that its engines did not rumble too loudly that it would wake everyone else.
"Thanks Marshall, this means a lot. Won't you feel groggy the next day though?" The fox questions him, but he could only smile at him in return and rolled his eyes "Alright Romeo, I get it. Hop in. I'll be fine; I've skipped one too many bedtimes, so I'm used to it."
Saluting, Eirwen hopped on the vehicle just behind the Dalmatian, they then drove off to the city, hoping there still were shops that are open at this ungodly hour, and after gathering all the materials, they are to drive into the woods to set it all up.
The place was really far away from civilization, and only a few takes the road as it usually only leads to the Vet, and it is the longer way to the other towns.
By the time they finished setting everything up, it was already three in the morning, and both of them felt their lids becoming heavier every moment — that neither the cold morning breeze could keep them awake.
Taking one last look, it seemed that everything was decorated to perfection and was according to her tastes.
"That's the last of 'em. Thanks again Marshall."
"Here," the Dally says, as he skimmed his ash-like irises down to his paw, he was being handed seven dollars "Take this for your breakfast later. I won't be around since I'll be busy working and chaperoning her here. There should be a shed that sells soup around there" he then points to the right and towards the acute-angled uphill road.
Eirwen hesitated a bit and asked if he could really receive such thing and insisted that he'll just hunt for squirrels and chipmunks around the area. But Marshall insisted that he take it anyway and reasoned he should at least try the cuisine here once.
Before the day had ended and begun, the fox thanked him once more for his efforts and wished him well on his journey back home. Politely, he left with his truck and left the fox in the forest for the event tomorrow.
"This place looks pretty! I've never explored this once since we'd only pass this by." She breathes in awe as she scanned the towering pine trees that surrounded them.
Eirwen soon leaded them into a precipice that looked over to the fields of the neighboring town. There, not only were they greeted by the view, but an intimate dating place — it had a rose path that led them to a round wooden table and two tree-stump seats, there were several bamboo tiki torches that surrounded it and illuminated the area regardless of the daylight.
Like a fine gentleman, he gestured her to take a seat. Flattered, she went along with it curtsied and took her seat. Momentarily, he disappeared into the bush and back to the dining area with the meat he had.
She flinched when he served her with a mountain of different kinds of rodents. From the side of the gigantic course they can consume, the winter fox peeked out and smiled at her. Nervously, she returned the grin and looked back at the meal, gulping at the amount and outlandish choice of food.
It may only had been a few years, but she'd forgotten what foxes had to eat as ever since she's been kicked out, she depended on human wastes like uneaten food from homes and restaurants, and rotting food that no one would opt to eat — most of them were liver and spinach.
Trying to shake off her shock, she began to ask him why the sudden visit.
"I missed you too much, so I just had to see you." He tells her good-naturedly. The Husky smiled in return as she was touched by this and reverted her attention back to the meal in front of her.
Looking back at it, she still felt overwhelmed and unsettled at the sight of it all, so politely, she requested and told Eirwen to put most of them away so they could properly converse and see each other's faces.
Embarrassed, he nodded and helped her in the process of clearing it to a modest amount.
"..I missed this," she whispered quietly after that, now looking directly at him. She still was blown away by the fact that he's actually here by her side, here in Adventure Bay; a moment she wouldn't have thought of turning into reality.
Slowly, she moved her left paw and covered his' — it was a gesture to keep her grounded and confirm that all these events were true. Lately, it's been getting harder and harder to believe things were real anymore..
..A few days ago, she's in a wintry landscape, and now she's somewhere warmer. A few days ago, she and Marshall were on rough waters, and now, they're on the more calmer ones. And now..
"..It's as if it was yesterday.. You left me." Her voice cracked at the moment of reminiscing that point in her life again, though quickly, she wiped away the bitter feelings that began to blossom to keep the atmosphere from dampening "And now you're here."
Eirwen saw right through her as he overlaps his paws with his' and grasped it tightly. He stroked it in reassurance as his eyes were filled with guilt.
"I shouldn't have done that. I should've known better and have trust in us." It seemed she no longer needed to conceal her emotions from him as it looked like he understood her and minded nothing but her wellbeing right now.
"Do you have.. Any idea how hard life was? How.. How much I've missed you? I cried nights in hope that that would wash away all my pain.. I just—" almost like a bullet passing through, she suddenly found herself in his arms, hugging her tightly.
"That night we parted.. That same very night too that I thought I would be k*lled.. I kept asking myself why I made the choice. Why couldn't I just have ran away with you instead? I could never forgive myself that I wanted to punish myself so much and live with their abrasive words every day. But today.. I want to fix us—"
"—So come back with me to Ashmont."
Astonished, Everest could only look at him with wide eyes and her mouth agape. She asked herself if she heard him right, but the the physical touch that they're sharing now is too real to be classified as fictitious.
"Wait.. What do you mean come back with you to Ashmont?" Everest blurts in confused query, pushing away from the embrace in that instance.
"We can restart our lives there and return things how the way it was!"
"I can't. I can't just disappear all of a sudden! I have duties to fulfill here in Adventure Bay!"
"But I can't leave my duties there as well in Ashmont!"
"Why can't you give everything up for me, when I'd do the same for you?"
"Everest, I can't leave my dad's mission unaccomplished and unfulfilled. The fate of the foxes relies on us, and I can't just throw away that chance!"
"And neither can I throw away my chance at being a PAW Patrol! I've barely even started and got the chance to be one. Eirwen, I think I've found my calling, as equal as to your calling of fixing the foxes."
"Please, just trust me on this one. I promise I'll think things thoroughly."
"But you aren't even thinking rationally now!! You can't just drive me into your decisions and expect me to adapt so easily into them, when you, yourself, can't even adapt to mine!!"
"I am trying to adapt to your decisions as well!! But I just don't think it makes sense!! You can't just fall in love with it for a measly week!!"
"Then falling in love at first sight mustn't make sense then, huh?!"
"It's not that!! They're basically strangers!! You barely knew them your whole life!! It concerns me that you are so gullbile that you easily trusted them!!"
"Yeah, like my whole *ss gullibleness is the whole issue! If only I wasn't so gullible to trust you, then we wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place!!"
"Why are you being so damn difficult?!"
"Why don't you trust and believe me? I f*cking scavenged alone in Ashmont without your help and managed to survive myself!! What made you think I can't handle myself here either?!"
"Sh*t, Everest. You're one to talk; you don't even have a grain of trust left in me either."
"Damn right you are!! So congrats on that one you f*cking Sherlock!!" She then began to feel light headed and her ears felt like imploding; her chest was screaming in agony as it was about to combust, so to ease this painful drumming, she went and said "You know what? F*ck this. It looks liike.. This won't work out. So let's end this here before we say anything more hurtful to each other."
Cold sweat ran through the fox's forehead as it seemed that common sense and reality had dawned upon him. He grabbed her paw as she was already turning her back to leave.
"Everest! Wait, please!! We can still fix this!! I'm sorry!!"
"Will you let me go?" piqued Everest with a high timbre, her eyes burning in fiery "You should begin fixing yourself first. We both do. Before we fix this.. Messy relationship we have." Without any more words following that, Eirwen could only remain there on his knees as Everest slipped away from his paws helplessly.
Beginnings are beautiful, and endings can be too. But theirs? Theirs always ended badly. Last time they departed from each other, they were already disagreeing, and now.. They're disagreeing in a worse way..
..They're spitting acids that left both of them marks and eventual burns that they can't ever take back.
In life, the skies rotate like a wheel — the daylight is given a chance to shine, and so does the night. Though vastly varying from each other, they have one thing in common, and that is they are part of the celestial cycle — an indispensable aspect of life that nourishes and destructs; hand-in-hand, neutralising the world as everything should be.
Marshall now knows himself that these ugly scars that he've created himself won't ever go away, just as his happy memories that's embarked on his mind — they serve as a reminder for him at how happiness should be celebrated and what its limits are, same goes to how deep he should delve into his negative emotions and listen to anything that opposes his beliefs; they are a part of him and that's what makes him him.
It was a hard pill to swallow — still is — and he may not completely change these ugly sides of him — it may get worse, but day by day, he can grow and live his life with awareness and knowledge of how to manage it when it dare crosses past his barriers.
Breathing out with his new found knowledge, he watched the moon to rise as he sat down on the grassy ground — reminding him of the good 'ol days he had with his brother and Ryder.
Whilst being enveloped in the sun's embers, rustling of grass and crunching leaves were heard in the distance. Instinctively, he looked to where the sound was coming from and found her.
Naturally, he'd be glad to see her as he did somewhat miss her presence, but he felt disheartened when he saw her plain sight. She looked heavily rained with dejection with tear-coated corneas; lips that drooped of bitter and her overall sunny aura has been washed away by the unknowing monsoon that decided to pay her a visit.
For once, he was drawn to Sherlock his way into this issue and get to the bottom of it. Attempting to catch her attention, it took a few "Everest"s for her to heed his call, and only then had she smiled, but her eyes denote otherwise.
Drawing near him, she sat by him and looked out to the horizon, completely avoiding to meet his gaze. Marshall took this as a sign that something indeed happen while she was gone with Eirwen; he didn't want to assume nor pry into their business as he came to conclude that she'll tell him everything when she's ready. Plus, he was convinced that they weren't as close to tell each other about their day or give secrets like it's a slice of cake.
As he shifted his position into something less stiff and something more comfortable, he thought of ways to break the ice.
"People say if there was a road to the moon, a car drive is faster than a space rocket. Would you believe that?" He began while grinning at her. This caught her interest and made her directly look at him; she was smiling now and even humorously scoffed as she looked back to the sunset.
"I don't know. Because it's so cool, I'd like to believe it's true; and maybe, that is the case.." But her expression changed immediately right after she finished her sentence.
The Dally sweated nervously as he had accidentally pushed a sensitive button on her that that wasn't meant for her to openly share yet.
"..It's kinda like when someone says they love you; you're skeptic if they meant it or what would happen after, but because it's cool or thrilling to hear it, you ended up believing it, not thinking of the aftermath." Her nose began to dampen as she began to uncontrollably sniff the mucous that's rapidly running down.
What came next now was that she's laughing without any reason. Her unusual behavior worried the Dally that he could only rub her back in reassurance, despite not being completely provided with any context. All he knows is she needed someone to be by her side.
"Hah.. I'm sorry that I'm really emotional right now. I just.. Can't believe what happened today."
Blood popped within him as factors of her experience slowly pieced themselves together, and the probable cause of her despondency was "..It Eirwen?"
"No! It's.. Not him. It's me. . . Things weren't working out anymore, and.. I thought it was best for us to end things as it is before it becomes any more ugly."
They.. Broke up? Was the initial question that crossed his mind. That's good news for him, right? Despite now having the chance to be with her, why does he not feel.. Happy with that news? He even felt guilty, even knowing full well he never majorly intervened or meddled in their relationship or had he a say in their every move.
He was just.. Too stunned to speak his thoughts and felt even more heartbroken for her. Without any second thoughts, he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight — his arms around her back and one of his paws directing her head to one of his shoulders to rest.
No longer could Everest hold back more of her feelings, at that moment, her emotions came rushing like a river that's been trapped behind dams. Her chest rose rapidly, her cheeks became salty and her rage were muddled into grunts that were attempts to stop herself from making an embarrassment of herself.
Blasphemies that she yelled could only be heard as murmurs to Marshall, though her display was very out of character for her; his view of her changed no less and just kept hugging her until she was ready to let go.
He didn't judge nor curse Eirwen's name in vain along with her, he did not side with any of them, he just remained there unchanged.
He wished to take her place instead and walk on the needle-filled path she is on now, but neither had he wanted her to be transferred into his already messed up life. Truly, he wished for something to ease everything.
Letting go, Marshall followed her request as they were now separated by air. She was still crying as she tried to wipe away the tears and mucous. Her head was down as she didn't want him to see her messy output. Marshall remained patient and waited for her to calm, but he understood the embarrassment she must be facing, so he politely looked away to recollect herself.
Once she had picked up some pieces that fell loose from her, her cries diluted into hiccups into sniffles and into nothing but steady breaths. Her eyes still remained bloodshot, but the storm has passed temporarily.
Feeling so tired and powerless, she could only collapse her head onto his shoulders as she watched the sunset along with him. He flinched at this and was unsure if he was crossing any borders, but for the time being, brushed it off and decided she perhaps still needed to be physically comforted in another way.
"..I hope you'll resolve whatever issue lies ahead of you. Just you know, as long as you think your decision brings peace and happiness to you in the long run, despite hurting at first, you're doing great."
There was no response from her, but rather, she attempted to fall in deeper into his shoulders. She was still in the midst of her emotions, and perhaps beginning to talk again would just disrupt her best efforts of not crying. He didn't mind not receiving an answer from her, but her body language says it all that — that she's thankful to have a shoulder to cry on.
It's crazy that a few days ago, he hated her presence more than anything, not knowing he sees himself within her and tried his very best to not open the wounds of the past. But now.. He's like a moth that can't help but fly closer to her with interest and genuine concern. Who would've thought that at the end of this mess they've created.. They are the ones who are lending their shoulders for emotional support?
"..Thank you, Marshall." Was all she could muster to say without breaking into tears again. The Dally could only smile at this and sighed "I should be thanking you for changing me into someone better."
A breath of relief escaped her as her tensed shoulders began to relax, and her worries waned out like the sun over the horizon. In lingering silence had both the duo sat at the last hour of sunlight; no words were spoken nor were there any suffocating aura that loomed over them. Just two canines cherishing the slither of moment amongst the crazy life they are in.
"Don't you think sunsets are pretty?" He asked out of spontaneity. She could only laugh quietly at this with remnants of her own emotional havoc "Not really, I prefer mornings."
It was his turn to chuckle at this "Guess I'm not convincing you anytime soon, huh?" he tells her. He didn't need a reply as he knew she was feeling better and was smiling to herself. Well, that's a relief, He thought to himself quietly.
As the sun began to dip more into the other side of the line, heavy footsteps and loud panting were heard from behind. Out of curiosity, they dared to look back and see it for themselves; to their surprise, it was Ryder.
His locks were disheveled, even with the help of hair gel, and his bags that were usually less evident seemed to push through his final a. He looked a complete mess — the total opposite of the Ryder they knew. No longer does he have his composed nature in play.
Clearly worried, the duo looked at each other with concern and back to him.
"Have you guys found my usb?!" He questions them breathlessly with a hint of frustration and tumult.
Unaware of its existence and the object's whereabouts, they nodded their heads sideways in decline. They knew that their response did not help in anyway as this stressed the boy more. In every step he takes was a muttered cursed that wasn't directly for anyone but most likely himself.
"W-what's so important about the usb anyway?" Marshall clarified, trying to put two in two and better understand the pressure he's going through.
Unfortunately, this query did not render properly into the boy's head as it seemed he continued to descend more into insanity — he began to ball himself into a ball and fell onto his knees with his fingers clasped around his hair, pulling it out of its roots. His lids remained wide open and his eyes felt like popping out from refraining his angered yells from escaping his system.
"RYDER!" He yells his name once more, this made the boy snap his head to look at them.
The world stood motionless, and the wind fell flat; all noise cancelled. All was there to it was the three of them thundered with such bad news, while the usb that contained sensitive data was still out there — probably in the hands of someone ill.
Who knew the most respected heroes of Adventure Bay is the one who'll open the gateway to corrupt?
He should've known the past yearns for more.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* AUTHOR'S NOTE *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Wahhh!! Another book finished!! I'm really happy and thankful that you joined me on this journey. It's been real difficult to write this as life was busy, the plot needed more care and attention to testify its complex plot, add the graphics to add more feel as well.. It's been crazy. There wasn't a supposed sequel to it actually, and I think a thought crossed my mind of leaving Marshall wondering "what would love feel like" (or something like that). But since some of y'all requested it, I decided to write it! Also, I wanted to further explain everyone else's cases and the other issues we have yet to solve in CWIO.1. I've already planned a CWIO.3 actually, though hesitated whom of the four remaining characters will experience the ""love" no longer means a mere inevitable vehemence" and I thought its going to be more complicated as I made things more complicated in CWIO.2 (so now, I have to wrap up all CWIO.1 and 2's issues in the final installment of the series). Anyway.. Thank you again so so much for joining with me in this journey. Please keep on a look out for the third book (that would come very late). You may join CWIO's discord server so we can chat more about the trilogy (link is prodived in my announcement board & profile bio); I may post updates and sneak peeks there as well. That's all! Thank you so much and have a great day/night ahead <3
ps. if you have any more questions, please leave them here, i'll try to answer them ^^
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