Chapter Thirteen
"A broken vase?" Questions the flabbergasted husky. As she locks her eyes with his, it appears that the tapestry's been threaded with these cottoned amaranth lines into the mesh of these fibrous sheets, born from such tiny creatures that serve a great purpose, it was made seamlessly.
"Yes, he's.. A repair, but if you take your time helping him piece those broken shards together, you'd slowly see what he truly is."
"Is that what you did?" Chase nodded upon her query, and Everest pondered upon his words again.
Once the canvass had concluded naturally on its own, the Husky herself had decided to keep her mind off of the said Dalmatian for a while, and that it seems that she has nothing to worry she'll ever be kicked out of the clan.
It was on her own discovery to assimilate that Marshall had spitefully ululated in means to blow off steam from the sudden stressful event. She hadn't considered fully that the German Shepherd meant the Dally equally as oxygen to him, and he probably was the only one to fully understand him.
During that train of thought, she too admitted her mistakes that both he and she hadn't exactly been doing the exact right thing — Marshall refusing to make amends with her, and Everest refusing to apologize both to Marshall and Chase properly — so who was she to get furious at? And so, she leveled her temper towards the Dally who has freight on his shoulders.
"Oh?" Gasped Everest in surprise, as she had accidentally bumped into a certain Chocolate Lab. Upon collision, she managed to get a picture of him perfectly. He had soft brown locks stitched upon his healthy-looking flesh, a faulty yet perfect muzzle, and had warm olive green orbs that were sculpted in a way that looked like a lone island.
Quickly muttering an apology, the said canine quickly looked away from the awkward situation, to only end up for Everest to take a better close-up look of him. He was studiously looking at the vast expanse of the South, though the Husky couldn't exactly confirm what he was precisely looking at. She assumed foolishly it was a ghost anyway.
"What happened? You seem tense, and your nose too?" She points out, which made him flinch due to her straightforwardness, though his gaze persisted to look away from her, though it no longer looked to where Everest knew it was; rather, they were pinned to the grassy flooring that belonged to everyone.
As Zuma carefully tapped on his said fur that had a scar as if he hadn't known, he quickly stumbled on his words and said "It was nothing. It probably was an accident." Then he excused himself out of the scene.
Before she could further interrogate him of what ruffled his fur, he was no longer within her radar and that he'd travel farther away from where she stood. She assumed it was something confidentially personal, and that she decided not to bother him any longer.
Though her curiosity had gotten the best of her and decided to take a peek of where he was looking. To her dismay, there was nobody nor nothing there, which only fueled her confusion and desire to sate this ever-growing child of hers.
"Why in the world is everyone so secretive to me?" Is what rings within her conscience "So far, it's only been Ryder, Skye, and now Chase who's been quite welcoming."
She sighed exasperatingly and had collapsed herself purposefully onto the greenery, minding not a single soul to the obvious itch of its leafy tips brushing against her fur. It was a mere object that withholds no such emotion nor scheme intending to bother her, it was obviously nothing compared to actual livings that could natter such harsh outcomes from a to z.
Her eyes fell into the ground and found the little life occurring in the midst of it all. As the sun had slowly descended down and the city from below continued to be up and about, creatures like these ants and bugs were busily surviving for the night as well. Everest couldn't help but envy them for only ever worrying that.
"I don't think they even argue with each other. They seem to instinctively trust each other, knowing full well they're a family. Why can't I be like them? Despite the PAW Patrol being consisted of lost diamonds in the rough, why can't I be seen as one?"
She had only begun asking questions herself that she can't even answer by herself. She's been yearning for long days to obtain these answers, so she doesn't have to feel so foreign and disconnected from the team. But no matter what she does, she's always a thread together, and what happens after that snaps? It's her downfall.
Clatter clatter
The irking noise that plowed onto Everest's only peaceful moment occurred longer than expected, and it bothers her to a great degree that she wanted to see it for herself. Standing up from her spot of desire, she rose up on her idle state and marched to where the clamor's being created.
Along with the potpourri of pollution, din-wise came occasional mutters of the doer. Everything came out like garble, and that the Husky herself couldn't comprehend a single wit from it.
Taking a quick peek around the edges, she found a dally with a solemn look plastered onto those white muzzles of his. They were carved into a thin line, brows creased together, and his lips were parted in a mutter.
From her observations, he was digging through his home for something lost, most likely cherished, and that item seemed to be lost in the sea of pile and rubbish that belonged to him. His hole had turned into a rabbit hole, and that mere seconds stretched into an infuriating length of scavenger hunt.
Everest was about to take her leave, face back to the peaceful scene she had created for herself, when she heard murmurs from the Dalmatian. Something in her gut tells her that there's something truly up within how he acts — the way he seemed tense, brows creased, and his lips were pursed into a thin grim line, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the fellow canine who seems to be in distress.
"What are you talking about?" Shakes Everest's head in surprise "He had done nothing but make your life miserable."
"But Chase did mention he's.." As her two consciences battled for victory on whether which she should do, the Dalmatian had finished early enough to witness her dilemma and internal conflict. He only raised his brows in confusion, and the Husky sweated in embarrassment.
"What.. Are you doing here? Stalking.. Me?" Marshall spat these words out as if it were something new to him, choking on every bit of them and desiring for it not to linger any longer within his buds.
These words were a heat blast forth her face and turned her into a water sprinkler at his remark. "Me? Stalk you? Nahhh I was looking for something."
"Alright then..? I think it's time for dinner." Marshall then slipped off without any further afterword. To the husky's relief, she breathed those tense air out of her system, and a wave of relief had washed over her bay.
In the end, though, she had obeyed his contemplation upon sating one's hunger and waltz into the lookout tower.
Upon entrance, gazes, and faces that left a lugubrious slash of wound upon the atmosphere that's supposed to be bright. Everyone else seemed to have their heads buried down terra-wise, and the only ray that persists to be is that specific Bulldog.
Within the corners of her peripheral view, a glimpse of a glum boy who's named Jake, has his back pasted onto the back of the dyed cloth, with stuffings to make it soft, eyes we're glued intensely upon the white canvas that withholds no such plausible entertainment.
Truly, it emits the concluding outcome from the mysterious cause, and that she agreed to herself that everyone's not themselves today.
"Alright everyone, dinner, " Ryder began, and to everyone's surprise, they only topped the event with a mirthless grin.
As if nothing had happened, the bursting bubble of energy had restarted as if a broken-down car that's been stuck in the midst of some road — somewhere within the curbs of it — and miraculously had it given Everest the thing she wanted.
But despite that, there's still something that's yet to be unearthed for everyone, but most especially herself.
From left to right, everyone seemed to be conversing naturally, opening and closing these devices installed to them since birth, doing instinctively what it's supposed to perform. As of now though, the Husky herself had lost the capability to do so, and oddly had managed to put herself in a hushed spell that who knows when it will end.
Suddenly, a loud clank had been heard beside her, it was Marshall, who sat beside her and had settled his bowl onto the floor — next to a spongy pillow.
"H-hello!" Marshall had his eyes wider than distance upon her greetings, and that his flesh spiked up from its bed "Oh, uh.. Hi.." There were still embers of chills trailing behind his spine as he was attempting a pacific state of mind upon the lightning of what had previously concurred.
What followed next were mutters from the Dally himself, and by the looks of it, he had said so himself "How'd I get here?" Unfortunately for him — unknowingly — Everest clearly comprehended his nothing-whispers into something anyone, or at least her, that she could fathom with.
Her words came out spontaneous, and that she spoke what had first popped in her mind "What do you mean?"
"Nevermind.." Everest quickly noticed how he quickly looked away from her, his every muscle that's ever stitched into his veins and collagen-built framework worked in synchronicity to perform one thing he tempted to do — avoid her.
"Why have you been avoiding me? I know I'm not supposed to talk to you.. But I can't help it, you seem like an interesting fellow, y'know?"
Like magic, this had captivated his sky blue irises to meet with hers, and suddenly, all noise that drummed outside the two of them had vanished into the void of mute, though it hadn't contained anything but.. Warmth? It was as if time stopped, painfully slow, quiet, and suffocating simultaneously. It was morbidly unorthodox, yet.. The stare was pertinacious.
Within that beat of the moment, yet again, Everest had unveiled more of the Dally through a worldless conversation; his eyes swim polarly to what happiness is, and his soulless thin line told much more of a complex background to it, something she both understood well, yet foreign nevertheless.
To herself "What is he hiding?"
Blinking away of the ashes of the hex bounded between them, Marshall replies "..Cant."
The lavender-coated husky repeated what she had understood from him, the word that came out of his system was merely a single word, barely even a phrase if it were the case.
"H-huh? Oh, sorry.. I'm not myself lately.."
"Care to talk about it?"
"I'd rather not.."
"Then why do you keep on ignoring me?"
"That's because I—"
The day witch had taken over the skies and had cast a profane, yet an irresistible incantation, as it cruelly adorned the cloaked heavens with precious gemstones that illuminate no more (less or so) brightly than of Helios himself.
Behind the clockwork stood Nyx herself as she orchestrated the peaceful opera for few to none to see. The owls intoned a diluted jingle as the crickets sleepily bowed a violin along with the rest of the symphonies of the night.
Everyone during this lapse had one undertaking to fulfill, and that is to lull the people that are underneath the power of this period to slumber; it was doing the job flawlessly, though humanly, it's still blemished with moments that they'd fail.
Right now, there are a few sleepless people who has something exciting or boring awaiting them tomorrow, either way, none of them wished to stay past longer without an excuse to party and shower themselves with alcoholic beverages.
None of them was necessarily an insomniac, to say the least for the majority of them, but there are simply some people who have a lot on their mind, a nod that can't be itched until the very next blink.
One of them was Everest, and her eyes seeped of a thousand invisible beliefs — built from long years of hard work; had she already thought of shutting these windows to close, though all came to a struggle and kept it like that; a tug of endless war that both covet for a contrasting output of both sides, truly, it was an invisible itch to deal with, and she had only left it to eat the rest of her.
Despite these resplendent heavenly bodies being suspended into space effulgently with all its whole glory among with its family, Everest's eyes shined no brighter than them and had only grown darker and deeper, yet full of sleeplessness.
A parasite had decided to live within the libraries that belong to her, and within those rows of books had it decided to squeeze itself between the already occupied shelves she lovingly established herself. Obviously, there's no space left for it, though for some reason, it managed to make a home within the crevasses of these leathery books.
"What was Marshall about to say?" A while ago, they were in the midst of a serious colloquy, and she had her ears and heart opened to take in and accept what he'll say, though that never came to be, as there was a short emergency down at the town hall amidst of a meal; everyone had to rush upstairs to change into their uniforms and hear what the boy has to say. In conclusion, the couple went to investigate it along with Ryder.
As time simply expands, and so does space, she had mentally made a reel to watch all over again for herself and revised and revised it along the way. She kept thinking to herself "What if there was no mission in the first place? Would it have been different?"
Nothing will piece together with this assumption of hers; the previous event seemed and felt like a violent thud of a book closing from its chapter. The end.
rustle rustle..
The noise became more evident and clear past through these rows of walls that's suddenly standing in front of her. It piqued her to stand up and walk there like a walking dead.
One, two, three, she began to question if she should take a peek or flee. Four, five, six, the anticipation irked her and made her yearn more for the answers — the time only ticks. Seven, eight, nine, if she drags this on too far, she'll never be fine. Then came ten, and she saw Marshall again.
He was back at it again, rummaging through the pile that is his home, though it appears he's about to finish. Something in her mind just appeared from her factory of thought, it was a monstrosity of uncanny intentions — to someone at the very least if they refuse to listen or take her perspective, but she halted upon her tracks when she found bits of kibble forming a trail into his home.
Now, this just made her question and wonder what he truly is up to. Behind the shadows, she plotted how she should show herself, should she appear out of nowhere in this instance? Or perhaps act so casually and pretend she's off to somewhere and had happened to pass by and see his mysterious stratagem?
Before she could decide, the taillights of his truck incandescent a blinding red hue, and before she could do anything, the shooting star took its leave.
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