(S.2) Chapt.28
"SKYE?" Someone calls her name. The Cockapoo immediately shuts her eye and ushers Zuma to pick up the pace and leave the area immediately. "But Skye, I think someone's twying to get youw attention" he protests, not wanting her to be rude, because that is unlikely to be her and usually she's so cheery to anyone and would turn her head to greet anyone who calls her name. "Skye!" The voice became louder and clearer and the Cockapoo shrieked when something warm had landed on her, she finally looked back with an obvious expression stating she's not happy with their presence. It was Flicker who stood in front of her "Skye! You're okay!!" Then he hugs her tightly but Zuma interfered and tried to get Skye out of his clasp once he noticed she was uncomfortable. "Woah, what're you doing?" Flicker questions, flabbergasted at the sight of Skye being pulled by Zuma "I think you shouldn't do that. . ." He says sternly "Couldn't you see she's uncomfowtable with you wight now?"
The Border Collie tilted his head in confusion "But she's my sister! Skye, you know that right?" He tried to approach her but Zuma growled at him and stood in front of her. Skye just remained silent and looked at no one "Zuma, let's go" she whispered quietly, he nodded at her as they both started running to the Look-Out, guessing that Ryder and the rest are probably finished with the mission. "I'm sorry our stroll was disrupted" she apologizes, her head hung low "I don't mind about that but awe you okay? You two seem to know each othew well. . . What happened?" Zuma bent low to meet her sorrow-filled eyes, which she refused to open "A lot has happened. . ." She sighs. "Then, maybe it's time to come clean" Skye looks at Zuma, then to the ground. "Sigh. . . Okay"
"Skye! Zuma! Where have you two been?" Rocky calls their name as he rushes forth them, he has doesn't have his uniform on, so that means the mission probably finished earlier than expected "Oh, me and Skye just had a little stwoll" Zuma fills him in "Oh, then. . . Hurry up, Ryder's gonna give us a bath" as Rocky began to run in their opposite direction. Both the Cockapoo and the Lab looked at each other "Wocky, not this again!" The Lab whined as he approaches the bush he hid in "Zuma let me go!! You know I won't get in that wet tub!!" Skye silently laughs to herself as Rocky stubbornly stuck half of his body in the bush, and half of it being pulled by Zuma already "Are you sure about that Rocky? Y'know, Zuma can make you again" she rolls her eyes "Like he usually does?" A loud groaned escaped Rocky and had let go of whatever he's holding in the bush and caused him and the Lab to tumble down to the ground. Then, the distant voice of Ryder rang around the area calling Rocky back, of course, he walked back to the Look-Out forcefully with a heavy heart.
As Rocky walked sulkily back to the out-door bath Ryder prepared (which is a portable tub) Skye walked side-by-side with Zuma and watched the grey Mongrel stomp his way to the one thing he's been dreading "I'm really surprised that only you can convince Rocky to go and get his bath" she laughs "I am too, honestly. But I'm glad though" he admits then puffs his chest out "I feel powewful if I get to do that" then began to laugh along with Skye. Then, not long enough, they've reached their destination and found Rocky hesitating to jump in "Come on Rocky, you'll stink if you don't get in" Ryder says, his arms crossed and has a small smile plastered on him "I'll join you Wocky! Like I always do" Zuma butts in "But you already got your bath this morning!" Marshall adds, popping out of his towel "I don't mind, as long Wocky gets his bath" he says as he shook his head not really in a disappointed way as he was still clearly grinning. Soon, Rocky slowly hopped in the bath tub with Zuma, they had a chat debating whether bath times were fun and the "pros" and "cons" of bath times. As they "argue" on that, Ryder continues to scrub Rocky.
As Skye waits for her turn, she walked over to Marshall who seems to be struggling to escape the towel's clasp "Let me help you with that" she offers as she tugs an end and had let Marshall completely loose from the towel "Thanks Skye!" Her spotted-friend flashes her a warm smile "No problem" she grins back. Then Skye sense something odd "Hey, have you seen Chase and Rubble?" She questions, looking around the area to see if they're anywhere to be found "Oh! Rubble's with Katie for his extra-bubbly bath and Chase is just by his pup-house, why?" Skye immediately rushes her words that it was for no reason at all. But honestly? She may have just missed his presence. "I'll be back" Skye says, trying to smoothly cover her intentions, which was to check Chase. Marshall, obviously not convinced with her act, just simply nodded and watched her run off to Chase's puphouse "Very secretive Skye" he thought as he rolls his eyes and laughs to himself.
"Chase?" She calls out, as she found him laying on his back. The German Shepherd wasn't quite expecting for someone like her to show up – causing him to bang his head onto the ceiling of his puphouse, he grunted at the pain and rubbed it – trying to soothe it away "Chase! A-are you okay?" She tried to place a paw on him but he skillfully distanced himself from her "Yeah. I'm fine." He replies, clearly irritated, and once Skye found his face, she got the message loud and clear "O-oh. . . Okay" she smiles and walks away. Skye hurriedly ran back to where everyone else was. "Skye?" Marshall says to himself, as he found Skye running forth to where the crowd was. He was about to ready himself to initiate a conversation with her but she cleverly stopped somewhere far away from him – making him unable to communicate with her in a private way. Nobody can convince Marshall that Skye didn't read his mind right away. Skipping the 'step-by-step interrogation' part, he decided to interrogate directly, whereas Chase is the target.
Excusing himself unnoticed, he slipped off to his best friend's house to check on him since the last time he checked, he wasn't wearing a pleasant expression after they've arrived back home from their mission. "Hey buddy" Marshall calls out, slowly taking a peek inside and had found Chase staring at the ceiling of his puphouse. From the looks of it, the only thing left to do is that spot to burn into oblivion "How're you doing?" He speaks again, trying to catch his attention as he sits outside by his puphouse. "Marshall. . ." Chase trails off, his eyes still glued to the ceiling, the spotted pup's ears raised and were suddenly attentive and eager to hear what he has to say.
"Do you. . . Follow your heart or mind?"
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