(S.1) Chapt.15 - All's Fair
It was another day. Skye woke up and found herself in a different room. The look-out tower she thought. She then yawned, but before she could stretch her body, a weight was pinning her down.
Now this scene's familiar...
She looked over to him, and found his head, placed on her back. Involuntarily, she smiled to herself. Then decided to carefully wriggle away from him carefully.
Fortunately, Ryder had entered in to wake up the two. The boy then laughs "Having trouble I see?" He whispers, then helped her get out.
When Skye was cradled in Ryder's arms, he looked over to his first ever pup. Chase "Y'know, he never lost his sweetness in his life, even if he had a tragic past" he said, giving Skye a belly rub.
This had sort of shocked the Cockapoo "Wait. Tragic past?" She repeated, then Ryder nodded "Wait. Hadn't Chase told you a thing?"
Her face shadowed, Ryder noticed this, so he immediately asked "He... Never told you?". Ryder was quite surprised at this, since he knew that back then, Chase and Skye are very close. They'd usually fall asleep at the yard by playing all day.
Resulting of him, always bringing them to their beds. He could see how they usually talked and laughed with each other than the other pups.
He wouldn't say the two separated themselves from the others. It's just that... There's something between them, and he could tell both of them knew each other more than the other pups could.
So finding out Chase never mentioned his past to Skye, was shocking. When she had told her story to Chase. Well... Everyone including him. But, you get the point.
"Well. Maybe he'll tell it to you one day. For now, let's eat breakfast" he winked, then placed her down then had woken Chase up.
The tall pup woken up groggily "Mh... Morning already?" He groaned. "Yes you silly pup, now, get up" Ryder requested softly, then had gotten in the elevator.
Skye followed next, while Chase sleepily followed behind. The ride down was quiet. Skye was still deep in thoughts, and even if she had the urge to ask Chase. It'd be awkward since Ryder was with them in this sardine of an elevator.
Plus... I don't think Chase would respond to her properly. If she dares to ask a decent question to him at a spacey state... He might just answer "Case is on the Chase..."
After that ride down, which felt like eternity. The elevator door swung open just like what it's supposed to.
Ryder went somewhere to grab some food that's edible for humans. While Chase and Skye walked themselves to their house, where their filled bowls are. They went the same direction, as their doghouses were right beside each other after all.
The morning went smoothly. The noise faded in slowly, as one by one, pups of all variety began to come out and play, and Chase was one of them.
As every pup, except Rocky and Skye, played tag. While the mixed breed and Cockapoo decided to watch some shows inside. They decided to catch up on the missed episodes from their favorite tv show superhero, Apollo.
While Apollo was in the middle of saving a female dog in distress. Skye, out if the blue, says "Has Chase told you... Anything?"
Of course, this took Rocky by surprise "Uh... I-it depends!..." he faltered, as he started to sweat crazily. He heard him sigh "What does Chase think of me for the reason why he didn't tell me his backstory..."
Now, Rocky was placed in a hot seat. It wasn't his job to tell Chase's story, even if he knew. Plus, maybe Chase wasn't just ready yet. Although, he felt bad for her.
But, for now, he's trying to quiver out of this sweat-drenched situation. It was sort of suffocating him... "I... D-don't know Skye... Why don't you ask him?" He suggested, as he slowly eases him self.
Another sigh from Skye was followed "He's busy... I mean, if he's not comfortable, it'll be fine if doesn't tell me" she then smiled at him.
Rocky just stared at her, and somehow, Skye answered his inaudible thought "And no, don't give me pity Rocky" she smiles once more, then looked at the tv.
A smirk slowly crept on his mouth. He slowly stood up. But Skye, for being an alert pup, heard his beanbag ruffle. Swiftly, her head turns to him. She found nesr the exit.
"Rocky. Don't you dare..." she threatened, giving him a death glare. Rocky just laughs "What? Isn't this what friends do?" He teased then ran outside yelling Chase's name like a crazy little kid, who's running away from the squabble they created between their sibling/s.
It was no surprise that it got Chase's attention. What's more, is it even attracted Marshall, Zuma and Rubble's attention. "Zuma, dude. What wwong?" He asked with confused face.
"Yeah, you seem happy to see... Chase?" Rubble said it in a confused way, then looked at his confused Dalmatian friend.
Back to the mixed breed pup, he kept yelling his name "Chase! Chase! Skye wants to ask--" before he could finish his sentence unabridged.
Skye had tackled him to the ground. "Rocky. I. Swear." She muttered lowly as she looked at him directly in the eyes. Then again, Rocky laughed "I don't care Skye. My job's done anyways. Wanna know why? Cause he's facing right in front of you already" then he smirked victoriously.
Her cherry eyes then had opened its widest. She dramatically lifted her head up, to see a confused German Shepherd standing before them.
"Skye?" Was all he could say. The Cockapoo looked at Rocky one last time, before she ran inside the look-out.
"What did you do Rocky?" Marshall asked, approaching along with the other pups. "It's what did I do to help Skye" he corrected. Now this made everyone wondering what possibly this mixed breed could have done to Skye that made her run away.
"Come Zuma, let's talk to her" Chase says, as he points him to the door, Rocky then coughed "I think you're the only one who's going to check on her" then wraps an arm around Zuma to refrain him from moving.
Chase tilted his head in confusion. Rocky rolls his eyes "In simplicity. She want to talk to you" and with that said. Chase knew right away she's trying to talk to her.
But what could it be about, making her drop it? He wonder why. "Are you sure you won't... Think anything as jusy plain friends"
Marshall choked when he heard upon this "Friends?" Then the four male pups started to snicker "Guys. I swear." Chase started.
"Okay! Okay! Just go ahead and talk to Skye--" Rubble pushed him. Chase looked at them ince more then proceeded.
Rubble laughed to himself and said "--your soon to be girlfriend" then the four shared a high-five and continues to play. "Get ready and hide! If I see you. I splash you!! Weady, set, go hide ow be splashed!!" Zuma yelled as he carried a bucket filled with water.
With no hesitation, Rocky disappeared within a blink of an eye. In the distance, they could hear Rocky scream "NOOOOOO NOT THIS GAMEEEEE". "ROCKY STOP SCREAMING! ZUMA WILL DETECT YOU WITH IT!!" Marshall yelled to the running Rocky he can't see.
After that was said, the scream disappeared.
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"Skye?" He called out, only ro be answered by his echo bouncing back to him. He kept calling her name. But nothing.
The tv was still on and set to the unpaused Apollo episode. He gave up calling on her, so he sniffed her scent. He ended up to see a pile of pillow shaped into a mini mountain.
"Found ya..." he whispered in a husky voice, then leaped and landed there. But to his surprise, she wasn't there.
He was bewildered with what he found... No Skye. "Where could she be?" He thought, as he looked around. Fortunately, at the right corner of his eye, he had caught a glimpse of certain Cockapoo.
As soon as they made eye contact, Skye began to run faster to the exit. But Chase, for being a bigger and faster breed than her, had blocked her exit.
This had caused Skye to whimper "Gah!! Did I hurt you?" He asked nervous and shocked. "N-no... I'm okay" she reassured, but couldn't keep the herself from spluttering.
"W-what are you doing here?" As she tries to force a smile for him. Although, it was too shaky and forced looking, so right away, he wasn't persuaded by her fake beam.
He had a skeptical look on him "Uhm... You tried to get my attention?" He asked. "N-no! I d-didn't! R-rocky's just messing a-around..." Skye says, attempting to stay cool and enthusiastic, yet her quivering failed her.
"You can tell me anything. Right? We're best friends aren't we? We tell everything with each other" He cooed. Then Skye murmured a reply "Yeah right... You didn't tell me your past"
Then, Chase heard this and stepped back "AH! I'M SO SORRY! I JUST-UGH. I shouldn't really make this of a huge deal really" then walks away from him.
Skye doesn't want to start any drama. She had watched a few drama shows and when someone starts a dramatic war and keep insisting something. It just becomes very messy.
"Wait, Skye" he said, stopping her. The Cockapoo sighs "Chase. Don't make this into a cliché drama scene. Please. Let's just forget that I ever said that." she insisted.
Chase nodded sideways sorrowfully "I'm sorry I hadn't told you. I... Uhm. It's kind of embarrassing and you may change of you look at me as another fellow pup"
The Cockapoo sighs and attempts to place a paw on his back, which failed, resulting of her, just ending up placing her paw on the side of his back, or waist.
"I told you my story. You could actually have thought of me as a gullible and weak pup back then. But you didn't think of anything else, right?"
Chase, the police pup who's found red-handed, nodded in agreement "So, why would a backstory change the way I look at you? It's just a mechanism that helps a human or animal to know each other more. With sharing a backstory... This will familiarize each other what background they had" then smiles.
"Then again, if you're not comfortable, I won't push you" Skye says, removing the paw. As she beams at him one last time, she proceeds walking out.
There was silence in the room. A Cockapoo, walking out, and a German Shepherd who's looking to who knows where.
"Wait... I'll tell you"
"You don't have to--"
"But I want to. I'm ready" then he puts up his warm smile once more. Once more, Skye's heart melted, which she had no idea what this feeling was.
Chase found her eyes twinkle as she gets lost in his eyes, he giggles at her adorableness "Come here" he says, patting a beanbag"
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
"B-ben?" The pup whimpered, as he watches the house burn down into flames. "Ben!! Are you okay?!" He yelled.
But there was no answer. After what seems hours, he found three silhouettes. Ben and his parents, slowly appearing at the entrance.
He barked happily and his tail wagged vigorously. Happy that they were safe. As the couple brought their son, Ben. They slowly became weak.
They started to cough, and their lungs were filled with carbon dioxide and monoxide. Both
unwanted and dangerous elements had entered their system, making them weak by every step.
Young Chase noticed at how they waddled to the outside world. Chase knew they needed help. So he ran as fast to them, to save them.
When he reached them, the parents tossed their son to him, and luckily, caught him. He pulled Ben aside, or farther away from the burning house.
He left his human best friend at the sidewalk, then he ran back to the house. As he was, the dad had kneeled down to the floor, coughing.
The mom kneeled beside him to help him up. But before he could help another one. The ceiling from above burned down to them. Crashing them, and burning them to death.
The ceiling collapsed on them. Leaving its burning debris, pinning them to the now burning floor, and suffocating them in smoke.
Obviously, there was no way of saving them. It was really the end of their lives. He looked over to Ben. "Atleast their generation can carry on" he thought to himself.
Then he barked for help. Soon, this alerted the neighbors. At first they were groaning. It all happened in the middle of the night. But realizing there was an injured child, they began to panic and feel bad.
One of the neighbors called for an ambulance. It arrived in less than a minute, fortunately. As Ben was placed inside the emergency vehicle.
Chase hopped on. One of the nurses noticed him and said "You must be his pet" he says. He just nodded in response. He couldn't even form words right now.
He had been thinking lots of scenarios in his head. "What if he doesn't make it?" He thought. Then shook his head "Stay positive Chase..."
• • • • •
Chase waited outside the ICU. Everything was so quiet... It was only the hospital music playing. Some babies crying. Some were actually adults crying, and some were in a difficult situation.
They were in the middle of financial problem. "What are we going to do? We still have a fine!" He heard. He then lowered his head and settled it on his front paws.
It was such a depressing setting. Everything. White. You could see wheel-chaired people. He wished the reason why he was here, was there was someone born, instead of being hurt awhile ago.
As he stayed there like a statue. He heard commotion coming from the ICU. He stood up and placed his ear on the door.
"1:34 PM." It said.
"Where are his parents?" One asked, which sounded like a female. Someone grunted, which sounded like a male "They died. The pup was all he had"
"Nurses. Stop fighting" one said. It was a male voice. He sounded so professional, Chase guessed it was Ben's doctor.
As they began to murmur. A moment later, the
door flung open. All the nurses scampered out the room. They had very serious faces. Their brows were creased with almost pouted lips.
Some had a little tear hanging, waiting for it to flow like a river. After the nurses had disappeared, the doctor came out last.
The German Shepherd chased for him and asked "I-is Ben going to be alright?" He asked. The doctor looked at him. He knelt down and sighs "I'm sorry... Your owner died from third degree burns and respiratory complications. We tried everything. But it was too much for a seven year-old like him to handle all those carbons"
His face shaded. "It can't be..." he muttered. "I'll just be sending you to an Animal Shelter" he spoke. When he was about to grab him, Chase backed away with fearful eyes.
"No. I'm not coming with you. I was there before. I'M NOT GOING BACK. I WILL FIND SOMEONE WHO CAN LOVE ME" he barked, then ran.
The doctor called some nurse and the nearest guard to catch him. But for him, for being such a fast runner. He had out-run them.
This lead him to the forest. It is where he found Solar. Someone who he considered as his older sister. He thought his life would be like this.
It may not be perfect. But at least he had someone who he can love, and someone who can love him back.
"Sorry Chase. But you have to stay here, I'll be back soon. I promise!"
"After your sister was killed last night"
Last night...
Last night...
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"Ever since then... I became my own provider of food. I tried to make decisions my own" then he laughs humorlessly "One of the reasons why I matured so early than you guys. But luckily, Ryder helped me remember how it's okay to have fun ever once in a while." He says, smiling.
This brought Skye into tears "C-chase. I'm so... Sorry you went through that" she says, then whimpers.
"It's no biggie. It's in the past now, isn't it?" Chase replies, brightening up a bit. But Skye was still crying.
Chase cooed her to stop crying "Shh... You can stop crying now. You don't have to feel bad for me"he whispers, wiping the salty tears away with his right paw.
After the tears were wiped away, Skye nodded and sniffed. "Hey Skye, I've been meaning to tell you something..." he trailed off.
This had completely stopped her from crying. She then, became curious. "Skye... I lo--"
"Chase! I need you to the Air Patroller"
"I-it's Ryder. He needs me. So... Talk to you later?" Chase asks, standing up. Skye stood up as well, then nodded.
As the two stared at each other, not longing, Skye had hugged him. "Thanks for sharing Chase..." then they both walked outside.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
"Chase, thank you for coming here immediately" Ryder says "Here, wear this". Chase looked down to the black fabric.
He sniffed it, and when he was unfamiliar with it, he asks "What is this?" He started. "It's a black tuxedo and a black bow tie. The bow tie is like your normal pup-tag. Only more classy"
Chase nodded, as Ryder dresses him up. "So where are we going?" Chase asks once more. "Well Chase. I have a new task for you. You'll be guarding The Princess of Barkingburg's crown, while she's off in a meeting" Ryder replies.
The German Shepherd nods, and sat quietly as the air patroller slowly brings them to the palace.
✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧
"Oh Chase from the PAW Patrol! I've heard so much about you!" The princess says, as she pets him. "Ryder, thank you so much for sending your pup to guard my crown while I'm out for a meeting" the brunette princess thanked.
Ryder laughs "It's our pleasure". As they all shared smiles, it was broken by the princess "Oh! Here is my sweet little pooch. Sweetie" she introduced.
Then, a West Highland White Terrier appeared behind the princess. "Hello. My name is Sweetie" she greeted in a british way, then curtsied.
Ryder and Chase bowed in return "Hello Sweetie" Chase greeted. "Okay you two, I'll be going now! Ta-tah! And Ryder, thank you again" then the three human walked out of the palace.
As Chase positions himself into a guarding pose. Sweetie watched him from a distance.
"What a handsome pooch he is..."
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