(S.1) Chapt.11 - His Birthday Party
The pups found Chase standing right behind them. With a nervous Marshall, who waved a paw behind him.
All the pups laughed nervously "AHAHAHAHA! UHM. WE MEANT WE CAN'T EASILY FOOL RYDER! YEAH!" Rocky says nervously, as he sweats like crazy hell.
As much as he hated getting wet, he couldn't keep the tensing sweat within him. Chase gave them that same familiar look when he isn't convinced. Or at least, he's still processing the said sentence.
"Mmm.. Okay!" He simply said, then Marshall says "Okay Chase! Let's uh... Go find more squirrels!" He encouraged, as he pushed Chase away from the four pups.
When the German Shepherd, and the Dalmatian do was out of sight, and no longer near their spot. They all had sighed in relief in chorus "That... Was close. Nice save dude" Zuma smiled, as he and Rocky did a high-five.
"So guys. Early in the morning, we buy party decorations with Ryder, while Marshall will be with Chase when he wakes up to see no pets but Marshall."
Then all pups yipped gladly.
The next day, the sun was still low. Yet, it was illuminating the sky that used to be covered hy a black cloak.
Chase usually wakes up early. From what he thought at least... Today was a very special day, and the moment he had opened his eyes, he felt very light and happy.
He did a few stretches before he went out of his doghouse. But then, something had caught her eye... "S-skye?" He whispered to nothing, as he approaches her.
As the German Shepherd drew closer to her, the Cockapoo noticed it and tried to hide a bag of confetti behind her.
"H-hi Chase!" She greeted cheerily. This made Chase very suspicious "Um.. Hi?" He replied back, unsure "Where are you going this early of the morning?"
Skye became nervous. She couldn't possibly tell Chase what she's up to... As much as the Cockapoo hated to lie, she had to. But it would sting her heart so much, because the thing is... She's lying to her best friend! And, moreover... It's her first pup friend.
"Well... I'm going to the beach with Zuma to grab some seashells!" She thought of an excuse immediately. Chase's face somewhat lit up "Can I come?" As his tail wagged rapidly.
Skye gulped. How could she wiggle out of this situation. She doesn't want to destroy his happiness, but... If it takes to make him happier in the end... I guess I'll have to decline for now. She thought to herself.
"Sorry Chase. But you have to stay here, we'll be back soon! I promise!" She replies, as she kicked the decorations quickly to the bush.
Which made a quick rustle, and Chase tried to look but saw nothing "But... You guys might get hurt! You'll never know when a high tide comes! Or what if you, er I mean... Both of you guys get hurt?"
Chase continued to ramble about things, then Skye shushed her "We'll be fine. I promise" she smiled, as she ran somewhere.
The German Shepherd sighs and went into his doghouse. Chase was completely fine with his best friend going with his friends. He wasn't jealous. The thing is...
The scenario felt familiar...
"Wait!" A German Shepherd pup called out as he ran to a poodle. "Please don't leave" he pleaded, as his poodle friend, and foster sister, which is Solar. Nods her head sideways and sighed.
She petted Chase and said "I have to. They've been stealing our food" then the pup protested "Can I come?" He asks, as he thought it was some kind of game of which pup successfully retrieves a meal.
A concerned face grew on her "Sorry Chase. But you have to stay here, I'll be back soon. I promise!" Then petted him.
And with that said, she left him there. Chase was left there in shock, and... Scared. It will be the very first time her sister, or... Foster sister at least, left him. Usually, when she leaves, he's with him.
The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night.
As the stars continue to burn in the vast space, indicating hope to Chase. He grew tired of waiting, although, there was still that burning hope in his heart "M-maybe they're still playing" he said to himself "Yeah! I'll just go to sleep and wait for her until tomorrow morning" he tries to convince himself. Even most of him was denying it.
He went to slumber under a tree stump and let the night pass. The cold, moonless, jet-black light, with its numerous stars plastered to it, slowly passes by Chase like a daydream. It felt like he's just been dreaming for quite awhile.
Dreaming of himself in a better place. Somewhere out of the woods, with his foster sibling, Solar. Them living happily, as they bathe in the sweet glorious light of the magnificent sun. Not needing to always hide themselves away from any creatures.
He dreamt that. He dreamt everything would be fine. He dreamt his sister would no longer suffer for them to find food. He wished he could help her. It wasn't fair in his opinion. Why does she always get to do so much sacrifices.
Solar knew what he is capable of. She knows he's very strong, brave, intelligent... She even praises him about this. But why couldn't she allow him come to yesterday's situation? Many things ran in his puppy mind.
It wasn't even normal.
Usual pups shouldn't worry about things like this. Because joy enwraps their joyful heart, keeping them from witnessing the raucous reality, that could surely nauseate anyone, even a pup, for a second.
Before thoughts could eat his delicate mind, a dog had passed by him. He stood up happily thinking it was his sister, Solar. But to his surprise, it wasn't. It was a Dachshund with a horrified face "Chase!" it yelled.
He knew who he was, it was his sister's friend "YOU GOTTA RUN! THEY'RE ON A KILLING RAMPAGE!". This shook Chase "W-what?!" he stammered. He heard his sister's friend groan "After your sister was killed last night by confronting them. THEY RAGED! AND AS REVENGE FOR WASTING THEIR TIME AND A DISRESPECTFUL APPROACH, THEY'RE ON FOR A KILLING RAMPAGE!"
Then, they heard howls "RUN CHASE! RUN!!" He yelled, as he threw Chase to give him a head start, as he ran as well. But sadly, he tripped and became one of those things that make the savages slow down so they can't get to you.
Not this minute at the very least. As Chase ran so fast, as he carries himself, and his messed up mind, he had lost the wolves, and even himself in the woods.
But hearing upon cars beeping, trucks passing by as it rumbles the ground... He knew where he was. At the edge of the forest. Near the highways.
He sighed out of exhaustion, but glad he reached here. Because for he knows, wolves never dared to step out of the forest. "I guess I'll just live here" he says, as he gets in the bush.
Chase lived his life there for a few months. Going out of the bush to only hunt food in the garbage, then come back with his supply of foods.
This is why he never allowed anyone to go without him by their side. He got scared of the history repeating itself with a different pup.
He was tired of loosing someone that's close to him... As Chase was in pup house, a familiar Dalmatian had appeared "Hi Chase!" It greeted.
It was his clumsy and funny friend, Marshall "Hey Marshall..." he greeted, unable to keep his loneliness in his voice.
Marshall knew right away why, but continued to act oblivious "What's wrong?" He questioned as he sit by his Chase's doghouse.
The German Shepherd nodded and placed a smile instead. But, Marshall could see the pain in his smile, he tried to contain the truths so he won't ruin Chase's surprise birthday party.
"Then, if you're feeling okay, come on! Let's go play!" He says, pulling him by his black collar. Chase couldn't help but laugh "Okay, okay, I'm coming" he gave in. As Marshall cheered happily, hopping like a bunny.
While Marshall the bunny had hopped its way to the elevator, Chase murmured to himself "I just hope Skye will be okay..." as he proceeded.
After the dog had got in the elevator, along one of his best friends, the elevator door closed and brought the two pups up. As they were on the look-out already, the screen immediately turned on "PUPS!" Ryder yelled.
"What is it Ryder?!" Chase asks, worried, knowing Ryder never yells that way if he's neutral. Moreover, he doesn't usually call the PAW Patrol hotline and show up a horrified face. "Jake is in trouble! He's about to fall off a cliff!" he reported.
Chase and Marshall both said "Oh no!" then Ryder squinted "Hey, where's the other pups?" he asks, as Chase replies "I... Don't know... Should't you have called them by the pup tag?" as his ears raised in curiosity and suspicion.
"Ah! I forgot to press the button! Must be out of panic... But I guess I only need you and Marshall. Hurry pups!' as the call ended. Chase then sighed, nobody seemed to acknowledge his birthday, not even Ryder...
But then, he swept the thought away for now as Jake is in danger "Let's go Marshall! Ruff ruff!" then both had slid down. But, Chase had no idea this was a part of a distraction so he can't see the other pups prepare. He had no idea as well that Ryder was part of this.
As doghouses had transformed into vehicles, Chase and Marshall sprung into action. While they were on their way to a mountain, they happen to pass by the beach, and hadn't seen Skye. Nor any pups "U-uh... Marshall, can we stop for awhile? I just wanna check is Skye is-- I-I MEAN IF THE PUPS ARE OKAY!" as he awkwardly smiles.
Marshall felt bad that he's been worrying quite too much, but he had to keep this charade going, so everything will go as planned "Stop worrying Chase! Nothing bad will happen!" the Dalmatian replies in a way that sounds so careless. As if it wasn't a huge deal.
"But Marshall--!" Chase protested, but was cut off by him "We gotta save Jake! Otherwise, he'll die! We don't want him badly injured! Don't we?"
Chase then became silent and looked down. Marshall then realized what he just had said "A-ah Chase! I-it's not like that! I'm s-sure h-he'll be--" suddenly the German Shepherd laughed in a monotone voice "Yeah. We should probably go. I don't want Jake to die from a high spot because of me..."
Then his police vehicle had started to move with its siren blowing. "Sigh... I hope this will; be over fast. I can't stand seeing him this upset" he said to himself, as he followed behind him. As the two pups race forth to where Ryder and the 'troubled' Jake was.
"Here we are, Ryder sir!" Chase said, as he immediately hops off in a flash from his vehicle. Marshall did the same a moment Chase was on ground.
Ryder then ran to his two pups "Glad you could come here quickly pups! Ryder's over there!" The boy says, pointing at the edge of the mountain.
Marshall and Chase took a peek to see Jake standing on a small platform, that looks like it could fall any minute.
"Hold on Jake!" The German Shepherd called out in worry as he ran to his vehicle "Ruff! Winch!" As his dog-styled winched was deployed then lowered it to him.
What he don't know, is if the platform fails, there's something that could catch him below. When Jake was pulled up, Ryder commanded Marshall to 'check' Jake if he's hurt or anything.
"Ruff! X-ray!" As an x-ray extended out from his pup pack. He swiftly moved the device from Jake's body, to reveal bones. Of course, it was perfectly fine and there were no fractures.
He also didn't have any sore or sprain. But since it isn't really detectable nor noticeable, Marshall just faked his diagnose "Jake, you're fine and all, but you kind of have a sore here" he says, pointing to his foot.
So he deployed a bandage and wrapped it. "Great job pups!" Ryder complimented, holding a thumbs up "Chase, Marshall, bring Jake to his mountain" as he dashes downhill.
"But what about you Ryder?" Chase questions "I'll be heading off to Katie! I need to grab something" as he waves as he runs, and disappears within seconds.
Chase sighs as he tells Marshall "Let's go" then he called for his megaphone as Marshall assists Jake into his ambulance.
"Ruff! Megaphone!" Then the two pups, with their 'patient' had went downhill, then took the highway "Attention citizen of Adventure Bay, please make way for the ambulance. We have an emergency" he says.
With his megaphone and voice, the trip to Jake's mountain was quite quick. Hopefully it bought the pups enough time.
"Thanks PAW Patrol!" Jake thanked, as he was assisted by Marshall and Chase to his cabin. Then, Marshall's pup tag had lit up "Marshall! You gotta help us! Were having some lighthouse trouble!" It was Skye.
"Skye!" Chase yelled, then he received a weird look from his dalmatian friend "I-i mean... Er... Are they okay?" As he blushed of embarrassment.
"Don't worry Skye, I'm on my way!" As he barked as he rode on his ambulance, then had transformed into a firetruck. Chase then ran near to Marshall and asks "Can I come? I could assure you're gonna need some back-up"
Marshall nods his head sideways "I'm sorry Chase, but I can take this. Just go back to the look-out" and before he could let Chase argue or protest, he dashed downhill from Jake's mountain.
Once more, he sighed in disappointment and drove back to the look-out. He took the long way to the look-out. Knowing nobody's there.
The sun slowly burned low, stars of all sorts began to appear in the dusk sky. It twinkled at Chase to cheer up, yet had failed him.
The Skye what was once sky blue, has now turned into a reddish-orange color. Everything looks like a shadow play, every distant objects became silhouettes, making them very mysterious, yet mesmerizing with the sunset sky.
After that long drive back to the look-out, he had parked his doghouse, which eventual my turned back into his home. He removed his police outfit, then went in. Maybe tv could cheer me up.
When the entrance door flew open, just as what he had expected, nobody was there. No Ryder, no pups... No Skye. All him, his soul, his shadow, his conscience. Just plainly him.
It was such a depressing sight to see. It was his birthday, and nothing had went right, except for the Jake situation. But what he meant, nothing went right in his favor.
Nobody acknowledged his birthday, nobody was there to celebrate with him... What hurts more... His best friends, and his first best friend that he considered wasn't here to celebrate it with him.
"Happy birthday Chase!" Solar greeted him, as young Chase hopped happily around her "You remembered!!" As there was a feast in front of him.
Fresh meat, plenty water... It may seem nothing, but for poor pups, it was everything to them. "Come Chase, make a wish!" She encouraged.
Then, he closed his eyes and made a wish "I wish... No matter what happens. We'll be happy, and healthy, and we'll never be apart" as he then snuggled with his sister.
"Sis? If you were to wish... What would you wish?"
Solar chuckles "Well. My wish for you is that you'd grow up strong, brave, respectful, independent, kind... Chase, I wish you could stay like what you are today, okay my sweet pup brother?" As she pets him.
This made Chase very happy, and made his heart soar "Hehe, I will Solar!" Then his sister pulled the meat near them "Many more wishes to come?" She asks.
"As long as I celebrate it with you. I'm up" then the two shared the meal.
It was another year, and Chase had celebrated his birthday all by himself. Little food by his side, no water. Just him, and his little home.
"So... Birthday wishes aren't true... Huh?" He asks himself, as he looks at the stars. The name 'Solar' had popped in his mind.
"Sis used to explain me her name means sun in another language. She had once said as well that it is a star as well.." he murmured to himself.
He looked at the sky, and involuntarily smiled "Maybe... She is always with me. Probably... With her other siblings." He then laughs to himself "I guess she always watches me by day, and her friends by night..." then he ate a little bit of his meal then slept.
Chase didn't have the appetite to eat anything, so, he decided to just sleep upstairs and probably wait for everyone to arrive.
When the elevator had brought him upstairs, there were lights, food, and... There was his friends. Waiting for him with smiles.
"Happy Birthday Chase!" They all greeted. Chase almost teared up "Y-you remembered!" He cried as he ran to his friends and gave him a huge hug.
Zuma laughs "Why would we puppy dude?" Then Chase had let go and stepped back "I uhm... N-nothing" he lied with a smile.
"Then... If nothing's up, let's party!" Ryder announced, as Rubble started to play the music, er... Dj Rubble!
As the pups danced and ate and chattered. Chase was having the time of his life, when someone had poked him. He looked back to see Skye.
"Hey Skye! What's up?" He asks, then Skye gave him a teddy bear dressed up as a police "I just wanted to give you a gift... This serves as a birthday and thank you gift" she says with shy looks, looking down, and avoiding eye contact.
Chase slowly received it and tilted his head in confusion"Thank you? What for? I honestly should be thanking you for making my childhood special" he smiles.
"Well... Firstly, you saved me. Then, listened to my stories and rants, after that, became my first best pup friend in the PAW Patrol. You've been there for me as I became the aviator pup I am now. If it wasn't for you... I wouldn't be who I am now"
Then, he smiles at her little personal message, but then, had realized she's been looking down the entire time. He lifted her head with his paw, now... Their eyes were parallel.
"What's up? Ashamed what you gave me? Well, don't be. Cause, I love it very much" as he hugged her tightly with one paw. It took Skye for a moment to react, which later on, she hugged back.
"Thanks Chase" she replies with a smile "Thank you too, Skye..." then they stared at each other for awhile.
When Chase was brought to reality, he became a stuttering mess "O-oh!! I-i uh... L-let's go party?" As he laughed awkwardly.
Skye then laughs as well, although, mixed with nervousness "Y-yeah. Sure..."
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