There were a series of
'Guys calm down" I said calmly
"How can you stay calm when your padawan was a slave?!" Hera yelled
' I honestly don't know" I thought guys we need to get Ezra back now I'm goin to my room to contact Ezra you guys take off from lothal I don't want to run into "mr.bridger" again. I said cooly. 'How the heck am I staying calm?!' I thought. OK Zeb said filling the long silence. I went to my room to meditate/ talk to Ezra.
'Hey Ezra you there?'
There was a long time pause before
"Yeah I'm here "the raspy voice said
"Ezra you don't sound good update me."
I think I have three broken ribs nails in my side litterly umm broken arm and leg both right which sucks because I'm a righty umm good sized concussion lack of sleep he food poisoned me do all I can do is puke well more like dry heave cause I haven't at anything or drank anything this whole Time kanan I'm scared" he whispered the lat part
"Hey chin up well be there before you can sing your abcs'
I dunno my abcs "
Well then perfect time to learn you start with a b c d efghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz simple
Not simple what was after d?
Kid I'll just teach you later
Fine by me there too hard
I had to chuckle at that remark
Kanan he's coming" Ezra yelled
Kid slow down who's coming agent kallas or inquisitor.
Ok simple what's your home address
626865 lothcat drive
Seriously losthcat drive isn't that place where all the gangs and stuff are
Yeah I had a rough child hood
(Inquisitor enters)
"Hello apprentice are you ready to come willingly or do I have to make you... Again?"
"Ezra what does he mean again?!"
"I sort of ticked him off when I um called him a homesick ugly bald headed baby "
"You called him what then he did what to you?"
He uh put a light saber through my
Oh when I see him I'll make him wish he never touched you
Kanan don't get angry you'll fall to the dark side
Who's the master again
I don't know honestly
Find out where your at
"You say I'm your apprentice well If I truly am I need two things" Ezra said
"And what might that be?"
" where am I "
"Your on tatooine just west of a town called Rico village "
" huh second I keep my light saber"
After a long pause
"Kanan you get that"
Loud and clear
Good be here soon
We'll be there in 24 hrs
Not a minute more I'm counting
Alright kid don't die I got to go make the plan see you in 23hrs 59mins and 20 seconds
With that I told the crew what to do an we rode off dang it I forgot to ask Ezra about the slave owner oh well he has enough on his mind don't worry Ezra we'll be there soon hold on padawan
Hey guys it's an update I'll try to update tomorrow but I don't know if I can so no promises plz comment lovers will love and haters will hate
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