Date: 10/22
y/n POV
My doctor said that I should keep a diary to write down how I feel. I think it's stupid but I guess it's a good idea considering the condition I'm in.
My doctor told me that I'm not heathy in more ways than one. My heart works like shit, and my emotions are out of control.
Today I did nothing.. Like always. My mom says that I should try "going out more" but we both know that's not happening.
Besides with all the conditions I have I also have a very severe condition called ugliness. Though no ones called me that since 8th grade I doubt that any things changed.
Anyways when I said I did nothing I didn't really mean it. My nothing's different than other people's nothing. I went to the doctors they did some tests, I went home.
I don't have any friends to speak of so its not like I have anything better to do. I just... I know I shouldn't say this but... Screw it, I just can't wait till my time finally comes.. I'm such a waste of space.
The worlds cruel there's so many rules in this life. Reality just comes to catch up to you and when there's no one to talk to, it's only ten times worse.
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