Chapt. 13: Keep Your Students In Check, The Reason
The Chunin exams finally arrived and squad 7 was registered. I couldn't participate in the exams, but the old man allowed me to take the team to room 301.
The other night Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke were put under a test to see if they had what it takes to be in these exams.
Right now, I am waiting for them to arrive at the academy so I can take them to room 301. "Akina! Hey!" Naruto runs over to me while waving at me.
"Good. You're here."
"I am so ready for these exams! Believe it!"
"That's good. Make sure you keep that same energy, okay?" I smirk at him. They have no idea what they're getting themselves into. I can't believe Kakashi registered them in. "Follow me. I'll be taking you to room 301."
"You're not participating?" Sakura asks me.
"I can't. I'm not qualified to." I shrug my shoulders, not really caring. "I thought I already explained this to you." I sigh. "Well, come on. I got one job to do and apparently, I can't screw it up. Let's be off."
I lead the team to the 2nd floor, where there is a crowd and two chunin, disguised as genin, were blocking the wrong doors. Can't anybody see that it's a genjutsu? We're on the2nd floor here.
"Ignore them and keep moving. Our business isn't here." I tell the team, but Sasuke decides to stick around and make an appearance of himself.
"The chunin exams is a waste of your time. None of you are going to be able to survive anyway." One of the chunin disguised as genin say to those who are trying to enter into the wrong room.
"Great speech. Now let us through, and while you're at it, you can release the genjutsu. You're not fooling anybody. This is only the 2nd floor." Sasuke says, walking toward the two 'genin'.
"Ignore them, Sasuke. We gotta go." I grab his shoulder, but he shakes it off. What a cocky little runt.
"Go ahead. Tell them, Sakura. You have the sharpest eyes on the team, so you must have seen this coming a mile away."
"I...must have?" Sakura blinks with confusion. "Right. Of course! This is only the 2nd floor." Sakura smirks while crossing her arms.
"Right!" Naruto chimes in. The genjutsu on the door fades, returning to the original state it was in, being room 201.
"So, you saw through the genjutsu. Let's see you dodge this!" The 'genin' attacks by cartwheeling and kicking Sasuke, and Sasuke retaliates by kicking him. But, so fast, somebody interferes.
A young boy with weird hair cut, bushy eyebrows, and wearing a green jumpsuit with his headband around his waist. He appeared out of nowhere and stopped their kicks. He has some powerful chakra in his arms. But, now that is done with, time to get a move on.
"Now that you've had your fun, let's go." I grab Sasuke by his wrist and drag him along with the group.
"Wait a moment, please!" I hear someone call out to me, causing me to stop. I turn around to see the boy in the green jumpsuit approaching me.
"Can I help you with something?" I ask, crossing my arms.
"What is your name?"
"What's yours?" I ask back.
"My name is Rock Lee."
"I am Akina. What do you want? I'm kind of in a hurry here."
"Please be my girlfriend! I vow to protect you with my life!" He gives me a thumbs up while winking at me as there is a blush spreading across his cheeks.
"I'm not interested." I say back to him.
"But why?" He frowns.
"Because I already have a Darling. But it's sweet of you to ask. Bye now. Come on, you guys. We're wasting enough time as it is." I drag the team to the 3rd floor, but once again, we are stopped by the same guy, Rock Lee.
"You! With the attitude! Hold on!" He shouts to us, causing us all to turn around. He was following us? "You are Sasuke Uchiha, right? Rumor has it that you are the top rookie. I would like to see you prove it! I want to fight you!"
He wants to fight Sasuke? Now? Couldn't he wait until the exams? What's with humans these days? "Don't bother, Sasuke. We gotta get going. Ignore him." I try to convince Sasuke to walk away, but he just wanted to fight.
"I got him first." Naruto glares. Now he's in on it. But it doesn't take long since it took one swift move to take down Naruto. Now, it was Sasuke and Lee.
Sakura and I stood behind and watched the two boys fight, which didn't take long since it took a couple of minutes. Sasuke was kicked in the air and the moment Lee was about to use his bandages for something, a turtle had stopped him.
Sakura ran over and caught Sasuke before he could hit the ground. Naruto finally regained consciousness and another man, looking exactly like Lee appears. "Can we go now? You had your fun." I roll my eyes. I've wasted enough time here.
The man who looks like Lee looks my way and his eyes widen. I give him a glare because of the way he is looking at me. He already knows who I am.
"Hey, you're that kid's sensei, right?" I ask the jounin. "Keep a leash on him, will you? They're not suppose to be fighting each other. The exams haven't even started yet." I make a 'tch' sound and drag the team to room 301, finally.
"What took you so long?" Kakashi asks.
"They ran into a few amateurs. I brought them here like you asked. This was a waste of time." I cross my arms over my chest.
"Thank you, Akina." Kakashi nods his head.
"Hey, Kakashi-Sensei, how come Akina isn't going to participate in these exams? I don't get it. Isn't she apart of squad 7?" Naruto frowns.
"Don't worry about it, Darling." I give him a smile. "I'll be fine. I'll see you on the other side. As I said, I'm not qualified to take these exams. But, I'll be rooting for you. I know you can do it."
Naruto blinks at my words before smirking at me, then giving me a nod. "I got this! Believe it!"
~Kakashi's P.O.V.~
"Hey, Kakashi-Sensei, how come Akina isn't going to participate in these exams? I don't get it. Isn't she apart of squad 7?" Naruto asks me while frowning. I couldn't tell him about the reason for why Akina isn't allowed to take these exams. He already knows that she's a shinobi killer, but he doesn't know about the last time she took these exams.
"Don't worry about it, Darling." Akina forces a smile on her face. "I'll be fine. I'll see you on the other side. As I said, I'm not qualified to take these exams. But, I'll be rooting for you. I know you can do it." That forced smile...
"I got this! Believe it!" Naruto smirks while nodding. I look back at Akina to see that the forced smile is no longer there on her lips. Her expression is replaced with a deadpan one.
The reason why Akina is not allowed to take these exams is because Lord Hokage doesn't want a repeat of what happened the other times she took the exams... Akina took her entire team's chakra in order to pass, then ended up killing her team. She couldn't make it pass the 2d part of the exam without taking any chakra.
Akina has participated in these exams more than once and at a young age. She couldn't control herself and I don't think she can control herself now. It's for the best.
Sorry to make it short. Needed something to write. I'm sorry for not updating as quick as I wanted, but work is kicking my butt! But, gotta make that money, you know!? More to come in the next chapter! Stay tuned!
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