Blaze's POV:
The nurse had left my home a few hours ago but, I've been up all night. He's such an idiot! Why couldn't he keep his stubborn mouth shut? Why couldn't I beat those guards to get to him quicker? I'm so conflicted. Now, it's eight in the morning and I haven't gotten any sleep. I'm mentally and physically drained but, I had to be there when he woke up. I needed to know if he was okay.
Just as I was about to check on him for the hundredth time, there was a knock on my door. I sluggishly walked over to the door and opened it. I saw my frantic mother there as well as Lucinda, Melissa, Aphmau, and Aaron.
"Why, hello everyone," I grumbled. I let them all in. "What do I owe the pleasure of?"
"Is Garroth okay?" Aphmau asked.
"Yes," I sighed, crossing my arms. "He just needed stitches thankfully. The nurse said he should be up as soon as...well right now since it is the morning."
"You look exhausted," Aaron said, noticing my state. "The bags under your eyes and that your jacket, tie and vest from your suit is missing says it all. Also, you might want to button up your shirt all the way."
I looked down to see that a few buttons were open. I combed my hair back, wishing I something to tie it back right now.
"Is there anything else that you all need?"
They all looked at each other and then, back at me.
"Blazey," My mother spoke sweetly. "Let's sit down, shall we?"
Concerned, I did. I didn't really want to question is though. I sat on the couch with my Mother and Aphmau on either side of me. Melissa and Lucinda sat in the chairs across from the couch. Aaron stood.
"What do we need to discuss?" I asked.
"Blaze, have you talked to Garroth at all about the mating process?" Melissa asked me. "You know how dangerous it is if mates wait, especially around winter."
"I know but, no, I haven't," I admitted. "I just...he's not ready. He's too focus on other things. Just last night he was thinking about his family when Dante left. I can't just hit him with-"
"But you have to," Aaron said, getting serious. "Remember. It's not just you who can get hurt from this but, Garroth as well. Marking is not only the first step but, the most important. From what Ein said, I guess you haven't done that."
I looked down at my hands, not wanting to make eye contact with him. Not only was he my alpha but, my oldest friend. Seeing him disappointed or worried for me pained me because I know I'm strong enough to make him proud.
"Blaze," Aphmau said, placing a hand softly on my shoulder. "If I know Garroth, he will do anything to keep his friends safe. I know it's been rough on both of you and I know it's confusing as well but, I can see a connection between you two. Not just anyone would stay up all night worrying about him. Just try. Please."
"Blazey, Garroth is truly made for you. I knew from the moment I met him," My mother smiled, taking my hand. "You just got to give him a chance."
"Cosette is right Blaze," Lucinda said. "I was definitely doubtful with Melissa but, once her and I bonded, I never felt more in love. Garroth may be stubborn and you might be aggressive but, you're made for each other."
"Now with Ein a threat," Aaron added. "I don't need my best warrior distracted or in pain when something dire comes along. Also," He pulled something out from his pocket of his jacket. Garroth's journal. He tossed it to me. "He might be a bit more friendlier once he gets this back."
I bit my lip and looked at the journal. I didn't want to talk to Garroth about this. At all. My mother gently turned my head towards her's.
"You can do it. You're my strong little pup."
I smiled and hugged her tightly. I loved her so much and growing up with her and only her made me a better person. A stronger person. With her believing in me, I knew I could do it.
"I'll try," I say, looking to her.
"Good," She said, standing up and wiping off her apron. "Now, you know I like him. So don't ruin it." She looked at everyone else and motioned for them all to leave. "I love you sweetie."
"You too Mom."
With that they all left. I took a deep breath and stood up. I put my hands in my pockets and started to walk up the stairs. Once I reached my bedroom door, I slowly but surely opened it. I saw the blonde asleep still in bed. I walked in and closed the door behind me. I needed to talk to him while I still had the courage. I walked over to him and kneeled down so my face was in front of his. His freckles littered his face so beautifully...
I stood up again and shook him gently, not to hurt his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open and once he saw me, he smiled.
"Hey Blaze," He mumbled.
"H-Hey," I say, sitting on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm in pain, for sure," He grumbled. He tried to push himself up but, failed, clutching his shoulder.
"Hold on!" I say. I help him up gently while putting a pillow behind him. I sat back and blushed. The nurse didn't put a freaking shirt back on him. All he had was bandages wrapped around his shoulder. She must've teamed up with my mom or something. I looked away, trying to not get distracted.
Yeah Blaze. Garroth isn't your type at all.
"You're an idiot," I said to him. He frowned and looked away towards the window and said; "If you are going to lecture me, go ahead."
"W-What?" I asked looking at him. "You're not going to shoot something snarky at me?"
"Why would I?" He said, looking down, his arms crossed. "I did something dumb last night and now, I'm hurt. You're not because you did the smart thing and kept quiet. You're gonna say that what I did could've gotten me killed, just like Ein. I won't blame you."
"Why would I say that?"
"Because you always say that," He told me, looking at me. "I'm sorry that your mate can't keep his mouth shut."
I sighed and rubbed my face. I rested my face against my hand and looked at him, frowning.
"I'm sorry that you're mate is aggressive and won't tell you anything."
He looked at me confused. He asked;
"What do you mean not telling me anything?"
I decided to hand him his journal at this moment. His eyes widened with his journal back in his hands.
"I told you I would explain everything to you," I say, turning fully towards him, resting my back against one of the posts that held the frame above the bed. "Now, I'm just being a jerk by not telling you." He looked at me, fully drawn in. "Do you remember Ein talking about marking?"
"Well, that's the first step of the mating process," I started. "It's really the most important part too. It's what makes humans like you a werewolf and symbolizes that you're a mate to the werewolf that made that mark on you."
"One question before we get further," He interrupted me. "Why were we paired?"
I smacked my forehead for being so stupid. How could I forget about that?
"So, we go by astrology," I explain. "I'm a Sagittarius and I'm either suppose to go with either an Aquarius, Aries, or a Leo like yourself."
"But why me? I know for a fact that there were other signs that matched you."
"That's when it gets tricky," I say. "The alpha, which is Aaron, has a special eye. He sees not only your sign with his eyes but, he knows your perfect match. I don't really know the details about that though. Moving on, after you're paired, you need to be marked."
"What happens if you don't mark me?" He asked.
I felt my heart race more. I hated talking about this because, I know he doesn't want to hear it.
"Maybe we can talk about this-" I started to get up but, he reached forward and pulled me back down.
"Blaze, tell me," He says, sternly. "I want to know."
I sat back down, frightened by his sudden change in tone. I gulped and started again;
"W-What happens is that by winter if you're not marked with the mate you are paired with, the human will not be connected to the werewolf while the werewolf is still connected to the human," I explain. I could tell he was still confused so, I continued. "Basically, I will go through a very painful winter while you'll stay the same."
This seemed to get Garroth's attention. He sat up straighter and said;
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He demanded.
"I wanted you to feel more comfortable around me first!" I shouted.
"Well, how about you mark me right now? That way we can get it done and over with!" He shouted back at me.
"Why not?" He shouted again.
"Because! Marking is suppose to be intimate and loving! Garroth we are not at that stage yet!" I shouted back. "I wish we could but we're not!"
"But Blaze I-"
I bolted up from the bed and looked down at him from where I was standing next to him.
"No, Garroth. I want to do this right. Not only for me but, for you."
I started to walk away but, Garroth got up from the bed and tried to walk to me. "Blaze! Wait! We need to-"
He started to fall but, I quickly caught him. I held him up in my arms and looked down at him. We we're both blushing red. He still wore his dress pants from last night but, he looked exhausted himself. I took a deep sigh and helped him back to the bed. He went back to his original position while I sat next to him, looking at him.
"I'm happy that you're concern for me," I say softly. "But, we need to do this right or it won't work. Got it?"
He frowned at me and said;
"What do we need to do first?"
"We need to get closer," I say. "Let's keeping working on our friendship, okay? It shouldn't be that hard, right?"
He smiled and nodded. He wrapped his arms around me in a hugged. I was frozen at first but, hugged him back after a moment. It was nice and I felt at peace holding him for some odd reason.
"Well, you should get your rest," I say getting up again. "The nurse said you'll have the stitches in there for at least two weeks. She said also that you should stay in bed for a few days though."
"Okay," He said and pulled the covers over him again. "Blaze, thank you for telling me."
I smiled down at him and said;
"Of course. Now, get some sleep. I'll be back to check on you in a few hours."
"Got it," He says, lying fully down. "You should get some sleep too. You look exhausted..."
I chuckled and agreed. I went to the door and opened it. I closed it fully behind me and found myself still smiling. I did it finally.
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