Garroth's POV:
I looked back to Blaze who had a frown on his face. I felt bad that I left him there alone but, I was excited to be back with my friends after a while. They pulled me through the crowd over to where a female and male werewolf were standing and talking. I started to grow nervous but, I didn't say anything. Once we reached them, the female saw me and smiled.
"You must be Garroth! Blaze's mate, right?" She asked. I nodded. "Melissa. I'm that beautiful woman's mate."
She was pointing to Lucinda, who was blushing.
"Nice to meet you," I say. I shook her hand to which she let out. She didn't look that much like Aaron. If I didn't know she was his sister, I would've never guessed. Her brown hair and yellow eyes really through me off. My attention though was brought to the man, who looked about my age, who stood next to Melissa.
"Hi, I'm Laurance," He said. "I've heard a lot about you. Mainly you're personality."
He laughed a bit. He had light brown hair, tan skin, and baby blue eyes. They reminded me and of Zane's to be honest. His ears, like every other werewolf's, matched his hair. Except, he must've dyed them green at the tips.
"Did you really stand up to Alpha?" He asked.
"I-I guess but-"
"Wow! That takes some serious guts! I've known the guy since puphood and he's always been that intimidating type," He says, smiling at me. "I mean, you look like guy that can handle him though to be honest. You're a Leo right?"
"Yes, I am."
"Man, first, that explains why you can stand up to Aaron, second, we're gonna be the best of friends," He smiled wide, patting me on the back. Remembering what the book that Cosette gave me told me Leo signs, which I don't know why it mentioned yet, are best matched to be friends with Aries or Taurus. "I'm a Taurus, if you were wondering."
"Kim!" Laurance called out.
I looked over to see the same Kimberly that I saw on the train yet, I was shocked to see that a pair of eyes were on top of her head. She smiled brightly as she came over.
"Garroth! Oh my Irene! It's so good to see you again," She said. "I see you met Laurance."
"Are you two mates?" I asked, a little surprised that Kimberly was so comfortable so quickly.
"That's nice to hear," I say. All in all both Melissa and Laurance seemed very kind. I was about to ask Kim about how Laurance and her were so comfortable around each other so quickly before a booming voice said;
"Ladies and gentlemen!" I turned my head to see Aphmau and Aaron on the same platform they were at when they announced our mates. Aaron spoke out; "Welcome! I'm so glad that you all can make it! Tonight is the first night where we as a pack can truly learn from each other. Many of you may have transitioned smoothly into our pack while others may need a little push. This might be the ice breaker for some of you. I invite you all to get to know each other and ask questions. Enjoy the party and feel free to come up to me or Aphmau if you need anything."
With that, they left the stage. I looked to my left and jumped, startled, to see Blaze had shown up next to me. He bit his lip to hold back a laugh and handed me a cup of punch.
"I hope you don't mind but, I think it's more then just juice," Blaze said, informing me that there was probably alcohol in the drink. I smile and shrugged taking a sip. Yep. There was alcohol alright. He noticed that there was a whole group and said; "What's everyone talking about?"
"Just stuff," Laurance smirked. "How are you Blaze?"
Blaze must've just noticed Laurance because, I heard him growl. I looked up at him confused. Did he not like him or something?
"I'm good," He said. I could tell he was faking a smile. "How about you?"
"I'm great," Laurance smirked, narrowing his eyes at Blaze. "I see we both got some amazing people as our mates, huh?"
"Oh, yes," Blaze agreed. Wait. Did he just say I was "amazing"?
Melissa noticed the tension and spoke rather sternly;
"Okay you two. How about you put aside your differences for one night and enjoy yourselves?"
Blaze huffed while Laurance said;
"I would love to! How about you Blaze?"
"Couldn't agree more," Blaze said in a monotone voice.
It was silent between the seven of us until Dante said;
"Well, Garroth, I pulled you aside to inform you that I'm heading back to Scaleswind," He said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"What!" I exclaimed. "Why! How!"
"Apparently they have an policy to not have married men or women to get mated with someone," He shrugged. "It "ruins" the process. I'm going back. Yet, there are going to brainwash me and use some sort of magic to make it seem I never disappeared in the first place."
"They can do that?"
"Garroth, we are surrounded by werewolves. It shouldn't come as a shock to you," He chuckled. "What I'm trying to say is, if you ever are in town and you see me, introduce yourself to me again. You're a very interesting and nice man that I'm happy I met."
I smiled and shook his hand;
"I share the same opinion of you Dante. I'm glad you get to return to your family."
"Agreed. I'm sure your wife is worried sick," Lucinda said.
"Not to mention your son too," Kim added. "They must've been heartbroken!"
"Well, I'm leaving tomorrow morning on the next train. I just wish you all the best of luck."
"Thank you Dante," I say.
As if on cue, that Dottie girl came up to Dante and said;
"Mr. Ocean, are you ready? You need to get your rest for tomorrow morning."
"Yes! I'll be right there," He said. Dottie smiled and went towards the door. "I'm being serious. If any of you are in Scaleswind, don't feel shy if you see me."
With that he waved and walked off, following Dottie. I sighed, smiling softly. Then, I thought of my own family. How they must be all worried about me. I frowned, looking down at my punch. Blaze saw and excused him and I from the conversation. He pulled us aside towards the corner of the ballroom. He set our drinks down and said;
"What's upsetting you?"
"N-Nothing," I lied.
"Is it Laurance? I swear I'm going to punch that smirking-"
"Laurance isn't the problem. What's up with you two?"
"It's just some rivalry that we have," He sighed. "What's important is that you're upset. Tell me why?"
"I'm...h-homesick is all."
His expression softened. Looked down and bit his lip while rubbing his neck. He didn't know what to say and I didn't blame him. What do you say when someone is upset and you can't do anything about it?
"L-Look, we can leave if you want," He says. "I can let Aaron know that-"
"N-No," I say. "I want you to enjoy y-yourself. Besides, I want to get to know some other people."
"You sure because we can go."
"I'm sure," I assured him. We may not be that good of friends yet but, it's nice that he would want to leave a party for me. "Let's go-"
The sound of glass shattering filled the room. The windows had been broken into. I covered my head as glass came falling down around us. Blaze, not satisfied with that protection strategy, pushed me into the corner and covered me. I would've told him that I could've protected myself but, he whispered;
"I know but, just go with it."
I heard the grand doors open with great force and that's when I thought it was okay to push Blaze away. We both looked up to see a whole other group of werewolves all in black in the room. They all growled and snapped at us and other werewolves to keep us back. A man entered the room, sending chills up my spine. The heals of his shoes made clicking sounds against the marble tile. When he reached the center of the large room, he chuckled.
"Well, well," He said. "We have a large group here, don't we."
His eyes were a piercing grey, his hair was her black with a blue stripe in the front. His ears and tail were black. He looked around with a devilish smile.
"For those of you who don't know me," He announced, raising what looked to be a sword. "I'm Ein. The man who will save you."
"Guards! Stop him!" Aaron shouted from across the room. About five different guards charged from different areas of the room. All of them were stopped by Ein's guards by holding them back.
"Oh, Aaron," Ein smiled to him. "Have you learned nothing?" His long black leather jacket that went down to his calfs was intimidating. You couldn't see anything under it besides the pants and grey shirt he wore under it. He just looked like one of those cheesy storybook villains. It didn't help either that he wore a black cowboy western hat. "Your father may have banished me but, I'll keep coming back. You see, people of the Phoenix pack, this man," He pointed his sword at Aaron. "may say that who you are paired with is your soulmate but, I couldn't disagree more. Isn't that right Aaron?"
"Ein. Stop," Aaron demanded, guard Aphmau behind him.
"Hold on," Ein said, raising a finger. "I heard from a little birder that you're trying something new. I want to meet the two new lucky couples." He looked around the room. He first saw Lucinda and Melissa. He pointed at them and two guards grabbed them against their will. They brought them to the center of the room. Ein inspected them both and laughed again; "Your sister? Really? Wow. I mean, it's okay since apparently she's very fond of this woman. I already sense her marking. Congratulations, Melissa."
"Back off you traitor," Melissa spat.
"Eh, you not important to me anymore so, why not?" He motioned for the guards to put them back. Once they did rather harshly, he looked around some more. Blaze was still hiding me behind him yet, Ein caught my eye and smirked. He pointed to us and two guards came rushing over. Blaze charged at them though and punched one, causing them to crash onto a table, making a werewolf couple scramble back in fear. Ein sent more. I tried fighting them off myself. I grabbed a flower vase and smashed one against one's head, causing them to fall cold. Unfortunately one came up behind me and grabbed me.
"Hey!" I shouted. "Let me go!"
I looked over to see Blaze had been tackled by eight different guards. The guard that grabbed me brought me forward to Ein. He pushed me down to the ground on my knees a few feet in front of the menacing werewolf. I looked down, terrified to look up. He did it for me for he used the tip of his sword to tilt my head up gently. He inspected me and chuckled deeply.
"Oh my," He smirked. "Out of everyone, I expected Blaze the least to not have his mate marked yet! My goodness! What's going on with that Blaze?"
"It's non of your business Ein!" Blaze shouted.
"I think it is," Ein said at him. "I mean, look at him. He's very handsome. Don't you think Zenix?"
The guard who held me said;
"Yes sir. I believe so."
"Hey jackass!" I shouted at him to get his attention. "I would really appreciate if you stop scanning me up and down. It's really uncomfortable."
"How dare-"
"Oh! I'm sorry that I called you that. What was it?" I thought to myself, smirking. "Oh right! A jackass. Rather known as a donkey if you don't like curse words. I just thought you already knew you were one."
Everyone gasped in the ballroom. I caught Aphmau's eye and she looked genuinely concern for me and mentally told me to stop. I looked up to Ein again. His eyes were glaring daggers at me. He gave a look to Zenix and he backed away.
"I wouldn't act so cocky," Ein said in a sinister voice. "It'll get you killed, you worthless human."
He raised his sword and before I knew it, he swung it down, slashing me sword. I cried out, clutching it and falling down on the marble title. I looked at my hand to see blood all over it.
"Let this be a lesson," Ein said. "I could've aimed at a much more cautious space." He made one more announcement, saying; "I'll be back and if I see any of you on my territory, consider it war Aaron Lycan."
With that, all the black werewolves scrambled out the windows. Once everything was quiet for a moment, I heard running footsteps come towards me. I looked up to see Blaze, Aphmau, and Aaron all looked down at me. Blaze leaned down and picked me up onto his lap.
"Where's the nurse?" He called out.
That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.
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