Garroth's POV:
"No!", My Mother screamer. "You aren't going on that train and that is final!"
"Zianna...", My Father sighed calmly, placing a hand on her shoulder to which she slapped off.
"Garroth, this whole thing is extremely dangerous!", She yelled again. "Why would I let my eldest son go on something like this?"
"Because no else will do it,", I shrugged.
My mother groaned and pinched the space between her eyes. My father was in the same boat but, he was at least trying to get to the bottom of my reasoning instead of just yelling at me. My brothers were sitting at the kitchen table, reading and writing, trying to ignore the issue going on in the same room. Vylad quietly sipped at his dark coffee, looking at me with concern. Before this, Vylad was the only one who knew about this until he convinced me to tell our parents...and Zane.
"I just don't understand why your boss in the first place would even allow this,", My Father, Garte, said, crossing his arms and looking down. "It's seems a bit...chilling to think that this what journalists do for a small article."
"Father, it's my choice,", I say, trying to get through to them. "I know it's dangerous but, I can handle it."
"It's not just that,", My Father said. "Garroth, we love you and seeing you even leave town scares us,", My Mother added. "You know what happened to your friend Aphmau."
Zane looked a little bothered by that name. Last year, our family friend, Aphmau, disappeared on last year's train. We were all very close to her since we've known each other since we were little....
"Mom, Dad...please,", I begged. "If I do this, people will finally understand the dangers of those mountains and we could figure out how to stop it..."
My parents looked at each other. You could tell that they really didn't want me to go. My father sighed once again and placed a hand on my shoulder.
"I know your passionate about this so...you can go."
"Garte!", My Mother screamed. "Are you crazy?!"
My mother sighed, and looked at me. I prepared for another half an hour lecture but, all that came out of her mouth was,
"Just know, I love you, okay?"
With that she stomped off. As she went up the steps and they creaked with every step. I heard her mumble words her breath. I looked over to my father, to which he said, "My boy, she supports you. Don't worry about it too much. By the tile you get on that train tomorrow, she'll see how safe it is." I nodded, still a little disappointed on how the conversation went. My father sighed and took a few steps to get to a crate in the kitchen. "I'm off to the offices. The bank needs me so, I can't do much here. Now be good, ya' hear?"
"Father, we're adults. Not children," Zane said, turning to the next page in the book. "I know," My Father said. "I just wish you were."
With that, he left through the front door. Like the stairs, it squeaked as it closed. I turned to my two brothers. Zane actually looked up from his book.
"Garroth, you're an idiot. You know that."
"I thought we established this Zane," I responded. "Besides. It's work."
This time he actually closed his book. Zane was always more calm than me. His whole presence just screamed it. His hair, though longer, was nicely kept. A white button up was always under his black vest while a a puffy neck tie rested in it with a turquoise tack. He always wore dress pants even though we live in the worst climate ever in this country and dress shoes to top it all off. He dressed like father. He wanted to be father. He got out of his chair to actually have a conversation in a up close manner.
"Work doesn't mean risking your life for a...paper. Trust me, Garroth. One day," He paused and looked down. His hand was on one of the wooden chairs. "...one day, it's going to catch up with ya."
"Zane, is this about-"
"It's not about Aphmau, Garroth. I'm talking about you," He interrupted, clutching the chair a little harder. "You and her were so much alike yet, she took risks more than you. Now, she's gone and I cannot bare to lose you."
I frowned a bit. Zane doesn't like to talk about his feelings. If he does, you know he's going through something that he can't even handle.
"I'll come back. You know I will."
"Trust me. I know you'll find a way," He chuckled, trying to find composer. "But, ya know. It takes you a while."
"What Zane is trying to say here," Vylad interrupted, joining us on our feet. "is don't stall, alright?"
"I'll try," I smiled.
Zane immediately went back to his old self because, without a word, he left the circle to grab his bag and jacket. He looked back to me and nodded. With that, he was off to work with father.
"Garroth, are you sure you want to go through with this?" Vylad asked, crossing his arms. "I don't think O'Khasis can stand you disappearing. Literally everyone knows you from when you were a sprout."
"Well, Vylad," I say, looking to him. "If I don't come back, just do this one thing for me."
"Which is?"
"Tell people to move on."
I looked out the window. A family with their daughter was walking down the dirt street. The girl was playing with her hoop, chasing it down the street.
"Look, I hate being this serious with you but, Vylad. After Aphmau, Zane was out for months. He wouldn't speak to anyone," I say, fiddling with my floppy tie. A turquoise tack also decorated the fabric. "I don't want that to people the people I care about."
He was silent for a moment.
"When should I tell them that?"
"It's September, right?"
He nodded.
"If by next September, I'm not back, forget the name Garroth Ro'Meave. Zane will be the eldest with you following. Pretend I won't exist and soon, people will be following suit."
"But, that's a long shot, right?"
I looked into his pine green eyes.
"Ya' kidding? I'm Garroth Ro'Meave. A steam engine won't knock me down."
Word Count
Geez...sorry guys. I've been so busy! Ugh! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
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