The Angelic Bond
Rachel's P-O-V
(Few days later)
As if to insult my injury, Hunter called me this morning. He wants me to attend a conference session with the fans and the press today. Few others are gonna attend this too. It was pre-scheduled and Hunter asked me to do it as my last favour to wwe.
That's right! The reports came and my career in wwe has come to its end. I hated to attend these things. I know what questions would the media ask me about my impending retirement and how bad I'll feel about this. I got three job interviews to attend next week. I need advances urgently.
I dressed in a blue crop top and a pair of jeans to go for the conference. I did my hair in a fish tail braid and kept the make up simple. I sighed as the cab stopped in front of me. I looked down at my purse and sighed. Every penny is worth it. I got inside for a half an hour ride.
The securities guided me to the hall with hundreds of people chanting and cheering our names. My eyes fell on the desk and I saw Roman Reigns, Sami Zayn, Xavier, Big E and Kofi Kingston. In fact, all the champions from raw were present including me.
Sami smiled as he saw me. He is one of the friendliest guys I have ever known. I returned the smile and walked to my seat beside him.
'Hey Rache! Good to see you.' Sami said.
'Same here Sami. But weren't you heading to Japan with Seth and others?' I inquired.
'Well I was supposed too... but Kevin replaced me at the very last moment. Not a problem though.' He said shrugging. I nodded in understanding.
'But Rache..uhh..are the rumours true?' Sami asked suddenly almost stopping my breathe. I stared down. My truth is getting exposed and I must not escape that, as much as I feel like.
'It's true Sami.' I said. 'The docs said my career is over and Hunter said this right here...' I motioned around. ' my last wwe conference.' I sighed saying. Sami gave me a sympathetic look and wrapped his arm around me. 'I'm so sorry Rache.' He said.
'It's okay. Guess I have to accept my life as it is...' I smiled sadly.
We signed a number of autographs. Signing for little children were the best part of these sessions. I've always loved them. But then, it was the dooms day. The media came up throwing questions. Most of them were thrown to Roman, he being the biggest star amongst us; I patiently waited for my turn.
And so it came...
'So, Rachel! First of all congratulations on your winning the wwe women's championship.' A lady said.
'Thank you.' I said forcing a smile.
'But is it true that the docs declared your knee injury as career ending and you will be relinquishing your title next week on raw?' She asked.
The whole place looked at me, some knew it already, while some were very much surprised. A strange numbness filled my veins as if it were an inanimate stagnant piece of plastic.
'And...we also heard that t next week would be your last wwe appearance and you are retiring from the world of professional wrestling forever?' A young guy asked.
I felt thousand nails strucking my delicate heart at a time.
'It mustn't feel good, right Rachel?' Someone else asked. 'I mean your career barely started and your merchandise were just put on into the big league by the company! That must be really sad!'
My head throbbed as I saw the impending fear. I clutched onto the microphone tight.
'What do you plan next? We've seen people like Trish opening her own fitness institution and Lita retaining the spot light as a pro-wrestling tutor. Will your current fitness allow you any of those?' A middle aged man asked.
I looked down knowing I didn't have the courage to answer.
'Or you see yourself going the Sunny and Nicole Bass way? Derailment for drugs, stealing from the mall and other unwanted things that have got our attention?' Someone asked in a pretty harsh tone.
My heart jumped.
Drugs! Stealing! What do they think of me?
'I...I...' My voice quivered and I couldn't say anything. Tears were slowly gathering in my eyes and I hated to maje them visible.
'That's right Rachel!' A girl shoved herself to the front. 'In the world of Pro-wrestling, we have a large number of names who either dimished in the thin air or went on to alternate business or even embraced being into the filed of prostitu..'
'Stop this guys!' I heard a deep voice cut her off. 'Can't you see she's not comfortable answering you? And she hasn't even officially retired yet. What sort of quesions are you asking? Are these the ethics of your profession? Shame on you!' Roman burst on the media.
'But Roman! We want to know about Rachel's status in wwe.' A guy said.
'You all will know it next week on raw.' Sami spoke now. 'Now, you time's already up. Lets's end this. Thank you.' He said in equally unpleased tone. I saw the media backing away slowly.
'Yes, let's end it guys.' Kofi said and motioned to me that it was okay. I had no idea what to do. All I knew was Roman saved me from breaking down in front of thousands of people today. I was grateful to him.
As the fans gathered for photographs with their favorite stars, I was to weak to stay among them. I walked out of the building to get some fresh air. I remembered what they said about Sunny and Nicole. Am I gonna end up like them too? Dusted to nothing! My head throbbed and I wanted to throw up. I saw a green tree on the other side of the road and walked near it. There was a SUV near. Perhaps, there were people inside too. I ignored the movements until the car opened and peeked out a pair of angelic eyes I never expected at this moment. Jojo!
What is she doing here? I guess that's Roman's car and she is staying with the driver while Roman's in the conference.
'Hey Rachel!' Jojo's face beamed to delight as she ran out of the car towards me. The driver wanted to catch hold of her but I motioned to him that it was okay.
'Jojo! Hey! How're you doing?' I asked cupping the side of her face. Strangely, I need not to force a smile. A smile developed on my lips just as I had a sight of the little angel. She ran towards me and hugged my waist. I bent down and hugged her too.
'I'm doing good Rachel. And you look so beautiful!' She said with a wide smile.
I chuckled. 'Well...thank you. So, is the little angel waiting for Daddy?' I asked her. She nodded.
'It has already been two hours, 12 minutes and seconds and Daddy hasn't returned yet.' She said with a disappointed face. I guess the father-daughter are really attached to each other.
'Don't worry. He's having the photograph session. He'll be back any minute little angel.' I said cupping Jojo's face.
Jojo frowned.
'What?' I asked with a smile.
'Why do you keep calling me that Rachel? Little angel?' She asked with quirked brows.
'Why? Didn't you like the name?' I asked putting on a sad look.
Jojo's face beamed to smile again.
'I love it. But, what does it mean?' she asked.
' know..angels are beautiful beings who has magical powers, who always protects us, makes us smile, helps us when we are stuck and you are the same to me. You made me smile when I was crying that day, remember?' I asked rufflibg her hair. Jojo nodded her head excited. 'And you are beautiful and little. So, you are a little angel.' I explained.
'Wow! But, I don't have magical powers, Rachel!' Jojo said pursing her lips. 'I can't do everything I want.'
'Aww! You can. Just try and see.' I said encouraging her. 'Tell me what you want to do.' I asked.
'I want to bring back…' she was about to say but..
'Rachel!' Roman's voice interrupted our conversation. I stood up and looked at him.
'Hey!' I said lightly. I wasn't excited because somehow I knew what he would say next.
'Well, I'm really sorry to hear about that.' He said lowering his face a bit. I knew he would say something about my retirement.
'Has the doctor said the last?' He asked.
I nodded. 'Yes, they did and it will be my last appearance in the world of pro- wrestling next Monday.' I said with a sigh. Roman gave me a sympathetic look.
'Uhh..don't worry you'll fare well in life, I know. Don't think about the crqo they said.' He said trying to console me.
I nodded with a smile. 'Thank you and thanks for defending me in the conference too.' I said.
'Not a problem Rachel.' Roman said. I smiled and looked down.
But, then my eyes met a confused face looking up.
'You're leaving wrestling Rachel? But, you are the champion.' She said innocently. 'Nobody has beaten you!'
'Well, I'll be no more from next week, little angel.' I said giving her a consoling smile. But, her face fell.
'Does that mean, I won't be seeing you anymore?' she asked. I don't know why or how, this small question formed a knot in my stomach. I leave wrestling, I won't see any of the wwe superstars including Roman; I won't see Roman means I won't see his daughter either. A certain confusing sensation numbed me. But, why does it bother me so much? I just met her thrice.
'''s not that Jojo. I know your house and I can visit you anytime and you can see me anytime too.' I said consoling her as well as myself with a smile.
'Yes Jojo. Rachel's still gonna visit us.' Roman said with a smile to his daughter.
'Really?' she asked doubtfully amidst her excitement.
'I Promise, little angel.' I said.
She smiled wide and hugged me. I bent down and hugged her back. She is so solacing!
'Now let's get to the Streetbus park Daddy.' Jojo said smiling and getting her attention from me to Roman. 'I'm gonna take Rachel too.' She said expectantly.
'I would love to, my princess but Daddy's got an ur interview with espn today. Some other day?' Roman proposed.
'No. I want to go today. You always do that.' Jojo's face fell. She looked betrayed on her expectations.
'You don't love me anymore.' She said turning off Roman. Roman was about to say something but I nodded to him, like let me handle this.
'Okay, if Daddy cannot go, will the little angel go with her new friend, with Daddy's permission? I said the last part looking at Roman.
Jojo frowned her eyes. 'Really Rachel? You're gonna take me there?' She said. 'You're my best friend!' She squealed.
I chuckled abd nodded.
'Okay then, Rachel's gonna take you to the park, but be a good girl and don't bother her much.' Roman instructed his daughter, who nodded. Then, Roman sat on his knees and pinched Jojo's cheeks.
'..and Daddy will always love you princess.' He said kissing her forehead. I smiled remembering how I too got mad when my father didn't take me out to the park. I too was more attached to my father, just the way Jojo is. But, look at me today... my father is struggling for life today! Cannot I do anything?
(Few hours later)
'Now let's go home Jojo.' I said panting as I lost to the little one again in a beach race. Today we've gone to two children's parks, an water park, had snacks, had a funny lunch and finally visited the beach in the afternoon. I know the travelling, fooding and charges amount a lot but someway, I did not care while spending it to make Jojo smile. Roman abd I exchanged phone numbers just few hours ago and he has been calling me in every half an hour to inquire about his daughter and I too kept on updating him. Seth called me once too. He was happy to know I was enjoying a bit. He reassured me his support. But, his network stopped working midway.
'No. I want another round.' She said.
'No little angel. You already won. And I'll get you a candy for that too.' I said.
'wow! Candy!' she said agaping her mouth.
'Yes, the best one.' I said walking to the candy bar near the beach.
Jojo seemed to love candies. She even complained Roman never lets her taste one. I laughed. But, strangely she never mentions her mother. But, why? I feel she doesn't stay with them but isn'tshe in touch with her daughter?
'So, Jojo.. Who do you love the most?' I asked.
'Hmmmm..Daddy.' he said simultaneously counting the number of candies in her hand.
'Owww and then?' I asked.
'Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Jimmy, Uncle Seth, Aunt Renee, Uncle Dean and….You.' she said pinching my cheeks all of a sudden. I chuckled. But, I was shocked why she didn't mention her mom.
'Uhm..Jojo! Don't you love your mom?' I asked curiously. Jojo looked at me surprised and threw her candy bars away.
'What..' I was about to say but she ran away towards the beach. Oh no!
'Jojo!' I shouted and followed her. I couldn't see her anywhere. I panicked. Why did she do that when asked about her mother? Ugh! I should have suppressed my curiosities.
' little angel, where are you?' I walked around. Tears gathered in my eyes as I sought after her. Suddenly, my eyes fell over the wooden log. Someone was sitting..or hiding there.
'Jojo!' I whispered and walked behind the log. There she was wrapping herself like a little ball, crying!
'Leave me alone!' she said as I sat beside her.
'Why? What happened little angel?' I asked wrapping my hand around her.
' lied...I'm not an angel.' She said within her sobs. 'I can't do magic. I..I can't bring back my mom.' She said. I had goosebumps all over my body.
'Bring back your mom?' I asked in surprise more to myself.
'I..can't bring her back. She left so far away. I don't love her..I don't love her at all. She left me on my birthday and became a star.' She said.
I froze after what I heard. Does that mean Jojo's mother was dead? Is that the reason for Roman being too attached to his daughter? Oh no! I should have thought of that before asking.
'I'm so sorry Jojo. Please don't cry.' I said hugging her tight. But, she burst out more.
'It was my fifth birthday. Mom and Dad brought me so many gifts and they took me out to the museum. I wanted ice creams but Dad didn't want to give me that. Mom agreed and tried to walk to the ice cream parlour on the other side of the road but…' Jojo burst again. I stroked her back. '…a bad man driving a car…hit her and she…..left us.' I held her tighter. Tears foamed my own eyes. 'She left because of me. I wanted the ice creams.' She said whining.
'N..No Jojo! Not your fault.' I said hugging her tight. For some reasons, her tears were pricking into my eyes too.
Jojo kept on tugging my top and cried her heart out.
'Your mom loved you so much and she is still watching you from somewhere as your angel.' I said.
Jojo looked up at me.
'Angel!' she said.
'Yes. The people who love you would protect you from wherever they are and your mom doesn't want to see you cry Jojo.' I said rubbing her tears off. 'She doesn't.'
Jojo looked at me blank for a while with whose glossy eyes and suddenly jumped to hug me tight.
'Never leave me Rachel.' She said in an emotional voice.
'I won't.' I said kissing her temple.
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