Sharing and Caring
Rachels's P-O-V
(At McDonald's)
Here I was forcing laughs trying to enjoy the hamburgers in McDonald's in the worst moment of my life. The food refused to pass through my throat and I wanted to throw out but the appealing eyes of the angel beside me forced me not to.
For some reason, I just didn't want her to think weake of me. I didn't want to do anything that could make her mood fall. That might be because of her father's words or may be just...something else.
As we spoke for an hour, I alnost forgot I just met her today! I guess a broken heart and a tormented soul seeks a peaceful refuge in a cocoon of bliss and r8ght now..for me, Joelle was acting like one. May be I'm trying to forget what I learnt from hunter,may be I am just pretending everything was so fine or may be looking at Joelle, I only wished I could go back to her age where I was a happy, little girl with big dreams in my eyes.
Seth, on the other hand, had his eyes on me amidst his chatters with Joelle. I guess he knew something was wrong. Joelle has already had fish and chips sweeping her little fingers through the tartar sauce. I knew she would love this! I scoffed to myself.
'Rachel, I need to pee.' She said after finishing her plate. I giggled at the imprints of her food on her nose and lips and wiped them off with the napkin.
'Okay let's go.' I said getting up from the chair. 'We'll be right back.' I said turning to Seth who nodded.
While Joelle was doing her business inside the cubicle, I looked myself at the mirror. What am I going to do now? Am I really over? What will Dad say? And mom...they have vested a lot of hope in me and now...I've ruined them all. Why? Why? Why?
I sighed but soon felt a hand on my shoulder. I gasped as I saw the person in the mirror.
'What are you doing here Colby? It's a ladies washroom! Leave.' I said whispering in high pitch.
'I will but first tell me why were you crying when Jojo saw you earlier?' he demanded crossing his arms on his chest with a raised eyebrow.
I gulped fearing to look at his piercing brown eyes.
'..I already told everyone I wasn't sad. Joelle thought so and she is a kid.' I said in a low volume looking if people were around.
'And am I wrong too when I thought you were about to break down a while ago looking at the mirror?' he questioned. 'Am I kid too?'
I didn't know what to say and shook my head restlessly. Seth knew me too well.
Seth looked at me annoyed. 'Now, will you tell me what happened or...?'
'I'm done Rachel.' Joelle came out and looked confused when she saw Seth.
'He...He came looking for us. Let's go now.' I said taking Joelle's tiny arm and motioned Seth to get out of here quick. He sighed and we came out of the washroom.
Seth drove us in the car. Both me and Joelle sat at the back while she talked to me about how her friends were mean to her, how her teacher always misunderstands her, how she hates seeing her father getting beaten down, but again...she never mentioned her mother! Why? Don't they live together? Is Roman separated? I had little idea and my better sense said not to bother.
Seth was visibly miffed as seen perfectly in the tear view mirror. The car stopped near Roman's place. It was a three storeyed mansion. We got out of the car and Joelle guided me inside excited. I felt a bit weired though! While we knocked, Roman opened the door. He smiled as he saw us, especially his daughter.
She ran inside and hugged. There was an older lady beside Roman.
'Hey princess! So you had a nice time?' Roman asked Joelle. She blushed and hid her face with her hands, answering in affirmative.
Roman pulled her closer.
'She did.' Said the older lady and smiled.
'I'm glad you did.' He said. I really can't believe this was wwe's powerhouse, the big dog Roman Reigns! A soft, loving father!
'Yes and Rachel got me fish and chips. It was so yummy! I took the full plate and some from Uncle Seth too.' She said excited.
I chuckled too.
'Really!' Roman said frowning his eyes at his daghter and then looking at me, perhaps for a confirmation.
'Yes. She loved it. I love the thing, so I though she might too.' I said with an appreciating smile. The old lady looked at me keenly for some reason and then exchanged looks with Roman. Roman scoffed alone for some reason and then Seth came in parking the car and stood by me.
'Hey bro. There you go. Your princess back to you.' Seth said.
'Hey..Hello Mrs. Anoa'i.' he greeted the lady with a smile.
'Hey Seth! Long time son.' She said.
I assume she's Roman's mother.
'Yeah...just got busy with works lately..' Seth said scratching the back of his neck.
The lady smiled. 'I understand. Same goes for Joe.'
There was a second of silence and...
'I..I think I should leave now.' I said looking at Roman and then at Seth insisting if he would come with me.
'Yeah, we need to leave.' Seth said. 'Bye Ro…Bye Jojo.' He said.
'Yeah.. bye Roman and bye little angel.' I said smiling at the little girl. Her face fell but she ran to me and hugged my mid section.
'When are we meeting again?' she asked looking up. I really didn't know the answer considering my current status. But, I couldn't say her that.
'Very soon.' I said sitting on my knees and hugging her. She smiled.
'Bye Joelle!' I whispered.
'Call me Jojo.' She said and kissed my cheek. I ruffled her hairs and chuckled.
'Bye Jojo!' I said standing up and waving before getting out with Seth.
'Bye.' She said lightly.
Something told me she was sad. Besides, I saw her father, her grand mother but not her mother. Why? Where is Roman's wife or girlfriend? Doesn't she live with them?
I walked to the car where Seth already sat. I sat beside him the passenger seat.
I took a deep breath. There is no chance to hide things from him now.
'C'mon babe..! I'm sure something or the other's gonna turn up for good.' Seth said stroking my hairs as I laid crying in his arms for one hour after made me pour out my feelings to him.
'N..No Colby. I think I'm over.' I said trying to wipw my tears off. 'And my family needs my support. D..Dad's gonna die.'
'Ssshhh! Don't think think of it more. I'm heading for the tour of Japan tomorrow. I'll be back in two weeks. We'll sort things out together. And remember…' he said picking my head up and cupping my face, 'You aren't alone Rachel.' He said and leaning in, crashing lips to mine. His soft warm kiss was the oxygen I needed. I trust him. I kissed him back and the kiss deepened. Soon, he begged for entrance which I gave him gladly. This was the deepest kiss of my life. After few seconds, he withdrew and I could see the same flush of blood rushing to Seth's cheeks as mine.
Both of us smiled coyly.
'Try to remember this whenever you feel low.' He winked. I nodded within a shy smile.
So, this is another chapter again.
Seth is going to Japan and now Rachek is all alone to fight her battles.
Do you like the connection between Rachel and Jojo?
What are the predictions?
Shall I continue copy-pasting?
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