Ritual of Pretence II
Rachel's P-O-V
I watched Roman go. People were gasping and discussing various things. But, I could guess what was going on inside him. I understand his emotions and trust me, I didn't know what would happen if he didn't take the straight decision to leave.
We were to be declared to kiss in front of all. I didn't want to kiss him. It was neither comfortable not righteous for me to do that. My heart ached as the priest declared us as the husband and wife.
I have always loved those words of pronouncement. Like every girl, It has always been my dream to get married, to hold my special guy's hands forever and speak my heart out about our love. We'd exchange rings and priest would announce us as man and wife. He'd look at my blue eyes and I'd look into his dark brown ones. He'd then lean in and my eyes would close..
In the emotional trance, I didn't know when my eyes closed for real and his face came to my vision. Anger, complain and rage evident in them.
'Colby!' I gasped as I opened my eyes in shock.
He was gone. ..nowhere to be found. I looked around with a pounding heart and saw people talking things which my ears couldn't register. I felt the world getting blurred.
'Rachel !' I felt a tap on my shoulders and winced turning around to see Renee.
Her eyes frowned as she looked at me. 'Rachel, what's wrong? You seem so disturbed? Look, I know what Roman did was..'
'No.' I stopped her for getting any wrong idea. 'It's not that Renee. I understand Roman. It's just that I.. I'm slightly tired. Can you get me home?' I pleaded to her desperatelym I was getting tired with the ceremonial surroundings and I really needed some time alone.
Renee nodded sympathetically. 'I'll just call Jon.' she said.
'Thanks.' I muttered.
'Mommy!' I heard a third voice and soon felt my little finger being grabbed.
Few minutes later
After telling Patricia that I wasn't feeling good, I took a ride in Dean's car with Renee and Jojo beside me.
We reached Roman's house soon and Renee and Jojo walked me to the room I stayed last night. I was feeling devastated. My body lost all the energy.
'Mommy, you're okay?' Jojo asked me with concerned eyes as Renee sat me on the bed.
'I'm fine. Just a little tired little angel.' I said running a tired hand through her hairs and forcing a small smile.
Renee took out a comfy trackie and a tank top from the wardrobe containing my clothes.
'Here..Change to this.' she said helping me up.
I nodded walking to the bathroom. No matter how I felt, I wasn't comfortable changing in front of others, especially with little Jojo watching.
I changed quickly and Renee helped to get the makeup off my face. I splashed some water over my face and sat on the bed.
'You're feeling better now mommy?' Rachel asked holding my hand. I nodded with a smile. Renee, however, gave me an unsure look.
'Uhm.. Jojo, I think your Daddy isn't feeling well either. You think you wanna go check on him?' Renee said to Jojo. The way she said, I felt she has other plans and was doing that to get Jojo out of the room for a while.
'Daddy! Oh yeah, he ran away..!' Jojo said as if remembering what happened out there. 'Yeah, I want to see him.' she said.
'Yes, see if he's alright and I'll see Rachel okay.' Renee said making me frown in confusion.
Jojo nodded. 'Okay Rache...sorry mommy..' she blushed with a smile. 'I'll come back after seeing Dad.' she said looking at me.
'Sure angel.' I said with a smile. Jojo ran out of the room towards where Roman's room was.
What made me surprised was Renee closed the door almost immediately and now I'm sure she sent Jojo away on purpose.
'Renee..!' I asked surprised.
'Yes. You're right. I sent Jojo away on purpose because I have something very important to ask you.' she said bossily sitting beside me.
I gulped innerly sensing my vulnerabilities. 'What.. What do you want to ask Renee?' I asked.
Renee gave me a suspicious look. 'What's wrong with you and Roman?' she asked raising an eyebrow.
'Wrong!' I asked surprised.
'Yes. The way he ran away from the ceremony and the way you two didn't even lock eyes even once during the ceremony says it all. Everyone could see the truth no matter how hard you teo try to hide it. It felt so fishy!' she said confidently.
My heart thumped in fear. 'What are you talking about Renee?' I asked nervously.
'Did you have a fight or something?' she asked something which I didn't know could be asked.
I felt slightly relaxed. So, she didn't suspect anything else..!
I forced a smile on my lips. 'F.. Fight?' I chuckled. 'You're kidding me? No way.' I said.
'Then what was that coldness out there and why do both of you look like you've just lost the biggest match of your lives?' Renee asked raising her brows.
I clutched onto the bedsheet. Little did she knew I already lost it the day I won my last ever wrestling match.
'Rachel, I'm talking to you.' Renee said holding my arms and turning me to look at her.
'Look we're friends and so are Jon and Joe and I really want both of you to be happy but right now from what I feel.. I just wanna ask one thing... Are you really happy from this marriage?' she asked looking into my eyes making my heart sink.
Selfishly speaking, I wasn't. But, it's also that I've always seen my happiness in my closed ones. And all I knew was that, my father would be good and healthy from this marriage. My family would be happy. Jojo would be happy and yes their happiness would make me happy too.
I forced a smile on my lips and placed my hands on Renee's shoulder.
'I know you're worried for me Renee but trust me, I'm happier than ever for this marriage.' I said with an assuring smile.
Renee looked at me blank and sighed. 'If you say so.. I'll take it. But, hey! Remember, if you ever need to talk to someone...I'm there for you sis.' she said patting my arms lightly with her charming smile.
I nodded with a smile.
Roman's P-O-V
I laid on my bed looking at the blue ceiling. I didn't know what life has got for me.
I was Roman Reigns, the people's hero, the strong man so many people across the world idolize. There are people all over the globe that loves me and praises my 'heroic' strength. But, who knows what I really am! I was Joe, a simple guy who's world lies on his six years old daughter. I was weak when it came to her and I didn't mind hurting and weakening me further if that'd ensure her being happy.
'Daddy!' I heard a knock from outside. I immediately contained myself and and got up from the bed faking a normal face and opened the door.
'Daddy!' Jojo said looking up at me.
'Hey there princess, when did you come?' I asked forcing a smile and opening the door for her to enter.
'Few time after you did.' Jojo said showing her smartness as she went to crawl up on my bed.
I chuckled. 'And...?'
'And I'm mad that you left the place that way.' she said showing sine annoyance in her tone.
I became a little alarmed. I didn't even look back after I decided to run out of that place but I knew things weren't smooth out there and Jojo knows that too.
'Daddy!' she grabbed my hand jumping off the bed. 'Why did you leave like that? People were talking bad things about you. They will think you are a bad man.' she said with a sad face.
My heart thumped knowing how my daughter felt about my acts but I had my excuses already.
I sighed sitting on my knees beside her and cupped her cheeks. 'I'm sorry princess but Daddy had his reasons too and he wasn't at all feeling like he wanted stay there.' I explained.
To my surprise, Jojo frowned. 'You aren't feeling well?' she asked showing a concern making me smile instantly but what she said next jolted me completely.
'Mommy wasn't feeling well either.' she said.
I frowned in shock and confusion. 'Mommy?!' I asked.
Jojo's face flushed slightly and she smiled shyly. 'Yeah, my new mommy..Rachel.' she giggled.
'Grandma told me Rachel was my new mother and I'll call her mommy from now.'
Blood rushed through my veins and my fists clutched in anger.
'You know Daddy, I always missed calling mommy and I felt so bad when of my friends used to shout mommy and their mothers used to come smiling to them. I had no one to call my mommy.' she said sadly. 'But, now I have my mommy too. She'll take me to school and take me to parks. I'll also call her when my swing goes higher and she'll come smiling to me too.' Jojo said excited.. But, I wasn't capable of bearing it anymore.
NO. That's what she called Galina! She can't call Rachel the same! Not while I'm living, at least.
I remembered our good times, the three of us. Galina was so happy when Jojo called her mommy for the first time. And now.. She can't just agree to call that to any random person! No, that isn't how it should work! Yes, the purpose of my marriage to Rachel was for her to be Jojo's mother but... She just can't call her mommy already. She can't replace Galina just like that! I stood up impatiently.
A part of me said I was going crazy over my patience but the other said it was becoming unbearable for me to see the place to Galina going to someone else.
'...and you know Daddy, mommy also said she wants to see my friends and...'
'Enough Jojo!' I growled with frustration, much to the surprise of the six years old.
'You can't call her mommy.' I declared.
Jojo's eyes widened. 'Daddy, but..'
'That's final Jojo. You already have your mommy and that's her.' I pointed to the picture on my bed stand. No one can replace her, you understand that?' I shouted.
Jojo was visible scared and I didn't know why was I reacting this way.
'But, Daddy you married her and that makes her my mom..' Jojo said pleading in a low voice.
'No, it doesn't because she didn't give birth to you and she isn't your real mother. Galina is. So, in every possibility, I don't want you to call her by that name, you get it?' I asked pointing finger at her.
'But.. But, Daddy I want to call her mommy.' Jojo said holding my wrist and trying to convince me with all she had.
Her urge made me feel pathetic and I had no option but to use my last weapon.
'Jojo, you either call me Daddy or call her mommy..' I stated throwing her a glare.
Jojo's hold immediately loosened on my wrist and she looked at me with disbelief.
'D..Daddy..!' she asked looking at me not believing my cruel proposition but I was helpless too. I just can't see Rachel replace Galina so soon..
'You heard it, Jojo. Me Daddy or she mommy.' I stated.
I could see Jojo's eyes brimming with tears. My heart jumped instantly.
'I.. I can call her Rachel. But, I cannot call you Joe.' Jojo said as the tears rolled down her eyes. 'You are my father.'
My heart stung. I knew my love for Galina was now battling with my love for Joelle. But, Jojo's tears are the last thing I want to see in this world.
I immediately sat on my knees. 'Jojo I..'
'I..I won't call her mommy. I won't.' she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and ran out of the room.
My heart pained. Was I being too mean to her?
Another quick update!
So, Rachel's feeling disturbed too, especially with her memories of Seth
And what do you think about JoJo calling Rachel 'mommy'?
Do you think Roman overreacted?
What do you think is coming next with the planned reception?
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