In Responsibility
Roman's P-O-V
I kept on reading the text I received from Seth a number of times. Finally, he decided to reply me back. But, what kind of reply is this:
I'm fine bro. Don't worry about me. Enjoy your married life.
He knows that Dean, me and him are supposed to treat each other like brothers from other mothers! How could the idiot tell me not to worry about him? And...why the hell did he ask me to enjoy my married life? It has nothing to do with our topic of conversation at all.
I sighed closing my phone. Sonething is definitely up with him.
I looked around myself at the green lawn across JoJo's school. It's almost two hours that brought her to her school. I really can't believe that JoJo didn't cry or even resisted getting up early like before. Rachel made her some pasta before I could know and there I saw my daughter all ready and smiling to start for school.
JoJo was so happy to know that her Daddy was taking her to school today. But, I could also say that JoJo was not quite happy with Rachel not accompanying her today. I could see it in my child's eyes. But, she didn't say anything. She just looked at Rachel, who probably had words with her before, with an inquiring look. Rachel smiled at her and kissed her forehead told her that she was gonna have her best day of school with her father taking her.
As much as I feel I should be happy about this, I'm not. I know my daughter is always happy and has her best times when I'm around. She doesn't need to be told about that by someone else! ...especially when that someone else is the one she knows for just some time.
I pulled on my hoodie again to hide my face from the paparazzi and fans. Often and on, the thought of leaving and back around the time of break up hit my mind. But, the fact that Rachel stays back here for my daughter every day challenged my ideas. I can stay anywhere, any time for my JoJo.
I saw few more people sitting on the benches of the lawn. There was a couple, laughing in glee, chasing after their little toddler. I saw another older couple, who seemed to be resting here after a couple of jogging rounds. The lady had her head on her man's shoulder while the man kissed her wrinkled forehead affectionately.
I was mesmerized. In love, having a family, playing with our kids, growing old together...these were all me and Galina planned together. We thought we'd have that picture perfect life but then....
The sound of the year old crash echoed in my ears, followed by the loud scream of my wife.
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
Why Lina? Why did you leave me so soon?
My memories were interrupted by the vibration of my phone in my pocket.
I composed myself to the present and picked the phone up.
Why is she calling me, anyway?
Roman: Hello!
Rachel: Hello Roman! Sorry to disturb you but...uh...I just wanted to remind you to meet the Sports Teachers of JoJo's school, Mr. Barton. I told you about the contest next month, remember?
Roman: (recalling the conversation) Hmm...I remember (indifferently)
Rachel: Ye..ah.. I..I thought you might forget. So...
Roman: (in annoyance) Rachel, you must know I forget nothing concerned to my daughter. Thanks for reminding me but I always have her in my mind. I don't need reminders for that.
Rachel: Roman...I...I really didn't mean it this way..I just...
Roman: It's okay. I'll talk to her sports teacher.
I disconnected the call and a strange wave of anger rushed through my blood...may be on Rachel..may be on myself.
How dare she try to remind me of something concerned with JoJo? How could she think I'd probably forget...? Ugh! But, the fact that was burning me to the core was that I would actually miss out on this thing if Rachel didn't remind me..
Why? How could I? No. Rachel can't be more responsible to my daughter than I am. I should remember that she just came into JoJo's life a couple of months ago. Before that, it was me. It was always me and it will be always me.
I tried to calm myself down distracting myself with the people jogging in the lawn. I closed my eyes and thought of the reason I married Rachel.
I'm definitely overreacting on this. Rachel's responsibility towards JoJo is the biggest part of my deal in this marriage. I should be happy about her caring for JoJo. But, the possessive father within me is being intolerant to everything Rachel ever does for my family. After all, I can accept us as a part of my family and that's what triggers me every time I see or listen to her.
'Of course, JoJo can participate in as many contests as she likes in this tournament. You just need to register her name in the portal, Mr. Reigns...' the enthusiastic Sports teacher spoke as I went for a talk in his chamber with JoJo beside me.
''s Mr. Anoa'i, Mr. Barton.' I corrected feeling the guy was obsessed with my ring name even after correcting at least five times in last ten minutes.
'Oh! My bad!' Mr. Barton scratched the back of his neck with a smile. 'Actually, I still can't believe Roman Reigns is talking to me for!' He said.
I smiled and JoJo chuckled at the demeanor of her teacher. 'I appreciate your admiration Mr. Barton. But, outside the ring, we all are normal people with regular lives. We are no superman, neither anyone superior to anyone else in the society. We just do our work like you do yours. We are all the same.' I explained my views.
Mr. Barton smiled. 'Mr. Anoa'i, you're indeed the down-to-earth human being I heard of and trust me that's what makes you so special.'
I was feeling quite embarrassed now. I don't know why I feel it every time somebody praises me for something I didn't even do.
'Please, don't say that. You yourself are equally special Mr. Barton. And thanks a lot for guiding Joelle with the rules and regulations of the tournament.' I said.
'Oh! Not a problem.' He waved his hand with a smile. 'I'm glad your daughter will be participating in the tournament. Good luck little one.' He said smiling at JoJo.
'Thank you Sir.' JoJo said returning the smile. I was too pleased to see my daughter socialize with ease. That's really new. For the past one year, JoJo had almost stayed in social seclusion and barely interacted with anyone outside home.
'Yeah...thanks from me too. I'll see you around.' I said holding JoJo's hand and attempting to leave. But..
'Uh..Mr. Rei...I mean Mr. Anoai'!' I heard the young Sports teacher call, making our steps halt.
'Yes..' I turned around to see Mr. Barton looking at me with a nervous smile. 'Can I have a selfie with with you?' He asked.
I chuckled. 'My pleasure, Mr. Barton.' I said walking over to him.
'Not today JoJo. You see, Daddy's got to go to the gym. May be we can go there tomorrow? What say?' I tried to convince my daughter who wanted to go either to the Streetbus park or the beach.
But, I was already off my gym schedule and I was asked to be in the desired shape before the rumble. I hate saying no to JoJo but I guess.
JoJo looked away towards the window showing her cute annoyance. 'Newmie never does that Daddy. She takes me wherever I want and we have so much fun. She loves me so much!' JoJo said.
I hand tightened on the steering wheel upon listening to her. There was no way JoJo could compare my affections for her with Rachel. May be Rachel and her do share a good bond but she cannot love JoJo like me. After all, blood relation matters.
'Listen JoJo...Daddy's so sorry for today. I'll definitely take you tomorrow, I promise and we'll have more fun than you and Rachel ever had..' I proposed enthusiastically.
JoJo looked at me blank, as if in a cloud of confusion and then smiled. 'Fine then. We'll take Newmie with us too. Three of us are gonna have so much fun!' She squealed with a big smile of expectation.
I frowned. Never did I expect this coming out from JoJo's mouth, especially when I was here. I thought my presence at home would be those days my daughter won't need anyone else around old times but..
'JoJo actually...' I was about to say but then my phone rang. I turned the bluetooth on, keeping my focus on the road.
'Hello! Who is this?' I asked sensing a new contact.
'Hello Mr. Anoa'i! It's Inspector Roy from Pensacola Police Department.' the voice said. 'We have got an important lead regarding hit and run incident involving your wife's death.'
My heart stopped. What? I've been strongly seeking to find the person behind the decimation of my life, behind the death of my wife, behind everything that I've and I'm put through after that incident. I strongly lodged the case. The cops tried to catch the criminal but they failed every time. Following that, I forgot when I last went to the station and almost lost hope to get justice for Lina.
'Mr. Anoa'i, you're there?'
'Uh...yes, yes...Inspector..I'm listening.' I said barely gaining my voice.
'Mr. Anoa'i, could you please pay us a visit any time today? We just need to discuss few things.' He said.
I didn't realize when my whole body had gone numb and yet blood rushed through my veins in an accelerating speed.
'Sure, I'll be there in an hour. Thank you Inspector. ' I said disconnecting the call. I took off the device from my ears and tried to sit calm, ignoring my pounding heart while driving my daughter.
'Who was it Daddy?' My daughter asked looking at me curiously.
I looked at her innocent eyes. I know it isn't wise to tell these things to JoJo and trigger her old trauma that she had somehow just got over with.
'Nobody important. It was just from the work. I guess I need to attend a meeting today.' I lied.
'Here?' JoJo questioned knowing I usually don't associate myself with any form of work when I'm home.
'Yes. With some business organization.' I said.
JoJo's expressions said she was pretty confused with the business organization thing. I hate lying to people I love but sometimes, it's just a lie for the better.
I drove fast towards home. I have to drop JoJo fast and start for the station. I can't take JoJo there. I don't want anything related to crime and cops around my princess.
'Daddy, why are you driving so fast?' JoJo asked in surprise.
'I have to princess..'
Rachel's P-O-V
I had relatively no work today. I FaceTimed Dad and spoke to my family for over an hour. After that I tried some cooking. Cooking has been my passion since childhood and after retiring from wwe, I have started focusing more on it to get a good distraction.
In these few days, I've become well acquainted with JoJo's favorite foods. But, I had no idea about Roman's. I knew asking Patricia about that would be too awkward. I asked Poly and Henry but both of them gave the same answer....his choice depends on his mood.... I decided to make some pot roast alongside Cobb salads. I hope everyone will like these.
But, amidst all..sonething was still bothering me. It was the text I saw in Roman's phone last night from Seth.
Why was he telling Roman he was fine? Does it mean, there is something to worry about? Did something happen at raw? Did he attend raw? I remembered his period of absence for a month. He was supposed to make his comeback. Did he make it? Did something happen between him and Roman? Did he tell Roman about...?
I gasped as my heart thumped while thinking of the scary probability.
No. Seth won't say anything. After all, it was he himself that decided to end things with me.
I realized my eyes were getting moist. Why? Why am I still so concerned about the person who left me alone when I needed him the most? Why am I even worried about him?
The doorbell rang and Poly, who stood near the window said Roman and JoJo were here.
I wiped my eyes and went to receive JoJo. Who knows if the girl missed me? The truth is that, all these hours, I really missed being in JoJo's close vicinity. It's like everything is so perfect when she is around. Everything seems so fine.
I went to the door that Henry opened and a delightful JoJo ran in with a huge smile on her face as she saw me.
'Hey JoJo!' I said bending down and hugging her. 'So, how was school today?' I asked.
'It was so cool Newmie! You know, Mr. Barton told...'
'Poly!' Roman's voice emerged from behind JoJo and the emergency in his tone made both of us take halt if the conversation and spare a look at him. 'Please, hand me another bottle of water. The one in the car is drunk empty.' He said motioning to Poly who had followed me from the kitchen.
'Sure Mr. Anoa'i.' Poly said without another word and walked towards the kitchen.
'Quick..' Roman added.
I was pretty confused.
' need a bottle for the car! You're going somewhere?' I couldn't help asking noting the restlessness in his body language.
'Yes. Daddy has a meeting.' JoJo answered before Roman.
My confusion rose. Meeting! Today! In this city!
''s an important sponsorship meet for few of us.' Roman said clarifying immediately.
'Oh..but..uh..aren't you gonna stay for lunch?' I asked knowing how long these meetings take. Sometimes they even arrange for the lunch as well.
'No. I'm already running late. Lunch can wait.' He said quite sharply in response. Meanwhile, Poly came back with a bottle of water and Roman took it from her.
He opened the bottle and had few gulps immediately. I don't know why I feel either he's physically unwell or something is bothering him a little too much.
My mind drifted to his texts with Seth. Could that be...? Or is it anything else.
'Thanks Poly.' Roman said. 'Bye JoJo! I'll see you. Have your lunch with Rachel.' He said softly patting JoJo's cheeks with a smile.
'Bye Daddy!' JoJo said and with that Roman started walking fast towards his car. Something must be up! May be he's already late for the meeting with his responsibility of driving JoJo home.
I didn't talk much and neither was I in a position to think much as well.
'And what were you saying about Mr. Barton?' I said sitting on my knees near JoJo with an interested look.
Few hours later
My mom wanted to see me. She had made my favorite pancakes today and she did all her emotional blackmail tricks to get me to visit her. Of course, I wouldn't leave JoJo alone.
I messaged Roman if I could take JoJo with me and he sent a thumbs up. So, it was me and JoJo at my parents' place.
'No. I don't hate my teachers anymore. Newmie said they aren't what they look like and they are beautiful inside.' JoJo said to my father who was really enjoying his time with the teasing banters with JoJo.
'Really! Does that mean, they are ugly from outside?' Dad asked pretending a shocked face.
'No. Some of them are really pretty. Others....are pretty from inside.' JoJo giggled.
I couldn't help but chuckle listening to their banters from the dining area adjacent to the hall.
'Your father has finally got a friend his age..' mom joked. 'I just hope he stays the same during the operation day after tomorrow.' Mom sighed.
'Mom! Relax! Dad's health has improved a lot in these days. I can tell that.' Rena consoled. 'And the doctor said it's just the matter of an hour. Dad might be released the next day as well.' She explained.
'Yes mom. Don't worry. He's going to be the same charming person we know. He's gonna pass through all obstacles in life. We are all with him, right.' I caught hold of mom's hand.
Mom looked at me emotionally. 'And it's all because of you Rachie. I don't know if I could ever pay my son-in-law for everything he's doing for us. You're really lucky Rachel. We all are lucky and trust me, your happiness with your husband is big factor in ensuring your father's happiness too.' She said somehow controlling her tears.
I bit the insides of my cheeks controlling my overflowing emotions...the emotions of the guilt, of providing my family the illusion that was too far from reality.
'Mom! Give these triangle shaped ones to JoJo. She'll love it.' Rena suggested suddenly changing the topic.
'Uh..yeah. That looks cute. I think JoJo will love them.' Mom said taking the best shaped pancakes on the plate meant for JoJo.
'She definitely will.' I encouraged as mom headed to the hall where Dad and JoJo sat.
I sighed closing my eyes.
'...and how long will you pretend to be happy and hold the painfultears in your eyes?' Rena questioned just as mom left us alone.
I immediately knew her reason to send mom with the pancakes. She knew how I was feeling.
'Rena...please..!' I whisper-yelled at her making sure nobody heard. 'You're still young. You don't have to think about those things. We should be happy that our Dad is going to be fine.' I explained.
Rena gave me a look of dissatisfaction. 'And what about you Rachie? I know you aren't fine..' she said in a sad voice. 'Your husband...he didn't even come at once to see our Dad and mom is praising him like anything! Does he even talk to you any time?' She cross-questioned.
The topic was sensitive to me. I knew she was right and it would be quite evident to every rational person that Roman didn't show any interest in my family post our wedding. Why would he anyway? He's doing what he's supposed to, right?
'Rena...shut up! Roman is being the best husband one could ever have. I...I'm lucky that I'm married to him.' I said looking anywhere but at Rena. '...and I don't think I need to give anyone any explanation about how our private life is transpiring.' I said the last part authoritatively.
Rena sighed. 'Alright. You know Rachie, I'll be the happiest person if that's so.' She said placing her hand on my shoulder.
'Rachel! Rena! Come here...' I heard mom call our names from the hall.
We looked at each other mutually deciding to put a halt to our ongoing conversatio and made our way towards the hall.
'...yes, all for you JoJo!' I heard Dad say as my eyes fell on a delightful JoJo fiddling with a number of thin books...which seemed like sketch books or some kind. My confusion cleared when I saw the color box on the table alongside brushes and a number of multicolored pencils.
I was surprised. 'Dad you.. !'
'Don't speak to your Dad about this. When he heard, JoJo was coming with you too, he immediately sent Rena to the stationary to get some painting and sketching stuffs for JoJo.' Mom explained.
My heart thumped. My Dad did all these for JoJo!
'But, did you like it?' My Dad asked JoJo playfully.
'No. I love it. Thank you old man...' JoJo kissed my father's cheek.
I chuckled. From the equation they formed in these few days, I've seen JoJo address Dad as 'oldman' a number of times and Dad seems to enjoy it too.
'But, Dad that wasn't needed. You know she has many...' I tried to explain but Dad cut me off.
'She might. But, JoJo didn't the special ones I brought for her..' Dad still continued in his playful mood motioning to JoJo.
'He's right Newmie. The old ones are all done. I feel bored with them now. I really needed these.' JoJo said pouting with a smile.
I smiled too. I knew Dad hadlove and onlylove fir JoJo throughthese gifts but I had no idea howRomanwas goingto react on this. Will he acceptanythingfor his daughterfrom my family..that is only a part of a deal for him?
'Fine. Then I want your best grades in painting this time, JoJo. You're to promise me that.' I said raising my brows.
JoJo looked at me defensively and then at Dad.
'Of course, she will get the best grades, won't you JoJo?' Dad encouraged.
JoJo smiled. 'Of course, I will.' She said putting on a confident look.
We all chuckled. I guided Dad with the medications he needed to take tomorrow while getting ready for the operation.
Dad caught hold of my hand. 'Rachel, I don't know what would have happened without you. I feel so indebted to your husband that..' his voice lowered and it seemed he had tears of embarrassment held in his throat.
'Dad, please, don't talk about that.. You should just think about getting healthier. That'll make all of us happy. ' I assured holding my tears back as well.
'Yes, don't worry oldman. You won't be hurt. I'll pray to God for you. Newmie says I'm an angel and I can make everything better...I'm telling you, you'll be fine..' JoJo said now.
I scoffed listening to her innocent words.
'Really! Then I know I'll be fine now. After all the angel already visited me..' he said cupping JoJo's face.
'Indeed Rachie! Your father is really happy to see JoJo come with you today. I only wished if Roman could know..' she hesitated to speak the rest.
I gulped. I knew mom knew Roman was here in the city and as my husband, I can't blame her for that either.
'Actually mom...he..he was about to come but you know the was suddenly decided and he had to go. But, he asked me to tell Dad not to worry. Everything's gonna be fine.' I said gulping.
'Not a problem Rachie! We know how busy your husband is. After all, the whole company relies on him. It's like he's carrying the biggest baggage after John Cena.' Dad said understanding the creative situation.
I smiled and nodded.
'So, I think I should send some pancakes for him too!' Mom said enthusiastically trying to get up.
'I don't think that's needed mom.' Rena interrupted. 'He's Roman Reigns. We could only dream of the places he dines at. I don't think he'd be interested in the homemade pancakes anyway.' She said.
'Rena...please...' I looked at Rena in annoyance eventhough I knew that her words cannot be warded off completely.
'Rena..he might be Roman Reigns for the world but Joe Anoa'i is Rachel's husband for us. And I know he will love the pancakes made by your mom.' Dad defended.
JoJo who was listening things minutely suddenly smiled. 'My Daddy loves pancakes made by grandma.' She said.
Dad chuckled. 'There you go Rena...'
Rena rolled her eyes. Rena was definitely not happy with my marriage. Whatever common sense she picked on, she somehow guessed the condition on my marriage and I know that was ticking her badly. But, the onlyreason, I hate her tantrums is because I know somewhere deep beneath she had her doubt of my relationship with Seth acting as a triggering point.
'Whatever you say mom..'
Ding Dong
The doorbell rang, getting all our attention.
Mom went to get the door and within few seconds she returned with a big smile on her face. I frowned in confusion till my eyes fell on Roman, following her inside the house.
What is he doing here?
'I..I somehow knew you'd come.' Mom said being over emotional. 'Come have a seat. We don't have the best arrangements but...' mom adjusted the cushions of the sofa beside me.
'Uh..Mrs. Morris, it's really fine. Please, don't bother about that. have your seat..' Roman said evidently feeling awkward.
Mom smiled awkwardly as well. I bit my lips and stood up from my sofa giving mom the space.
'So, Mr. Morris, you're due for the operation in two days...' Roman asked finally relieving me of a big burden my family had raised on me.
'Yes. Thanks for everything son. The doctor is really nice. I must say that made me a lot more confident.' Dad said with a smile.
'Yeah, he's usually nervous before his surgeries but after talking to the doctor...he's way chilled. And it's all because of you Jo...Joseph.' Mom said with her grateful smile.
I could sat Roman was slightly surprised by mom calling him by his real full name but he tried his best not to react.
'Please, don't embarrass me this way Mrs. Morris. I..I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do..' Roman's eyes then fell on me and then at JoJo. 'And what are these JoJo is dealing with?' He asked changing his tone to being rather playful.
'Nothing much. The other day, little JoJo told me she loved painting. So, when I heard she was coming, I had them purchased for her..' Dad said with a smile.
My heart was still thumping. Somehow, I feel Roman isn't gonna like the gesture and might also react unacceptably.
'That's really great. JoJo seems to love this already.' Roman said chuckling.
I smiled too but the confusion and fear in me was still eating me somehow. I know how unhappy Roman is with the baggage of me and my family? What if his inner thoughts gets expressed in front of my family? What if Roman demeans my family? What if...
As if to test my thoughts, mom instructed something to Rena who went and came back with a plate in her hand. My eyes widened.
'Here you go. Pancakes. Mom made them at the house.' Rena placed the plate in front of him rather casually. She gave me a look and I could say my little sister was thinking the same as me. I have little idea about Roman's eating preferences but I do know he might feel really awkward to have foods prepared by my family.
Roman looked at JoJo who smiled in return. 'They are delicious Daddy!' She said, making him smile in return.
'Did you all have yours?' He asked awkwardly turning around at Mom, Dad and Rena.
'They all had actually. But, as you health limits me to have such foods. So, I just had a bite. But, Rachel's mom makes the pancakes in the city, I assure you.' Dad said.
Roman chuckled. 'Then I must not wait to have a bite.' He said before picking up the fork and taking a piece of pancake near his mouth.
'Damn! I guess there is no point I can argue on that Mr. Morris. These are indeed the fluffiest ones I've had in years.' He said chewing on. 'I've become a fan, Mrs. Morris. Guess you should send some forme and JoJo some times.' He said smiling at mom and forking up a piece mingling it with the cheese and honey on his plate.
My heart paced at the moment before me. Is this for real? Roman really liked the pancakes.
'Oh please, don't embarrass me. I just try and you don't actually need me because your wife can make these pancakes equally good.' Mom said motioning to me.
My heart stopped pacing now. Through the corner of my eyes, I felt Roman's smile fading slowly. The piece of pancake slipped off his fork instantly and it seemed his fingers suddenly went to numb to feel that.
I knew it. Mom referring to me as his wife, blew him off in a moment because he believes no one apart from Galina has got the right to be called so, which I totally understand.
', I think we should get going now. JoJo has school and you all should take rest and prepare for Dad's operation as well.' I said trying to change the topic.
Mom protested immediately just as I expected. 'What are you talking about? Your husband just came and...'
I shook my head trying to say something and coverup the 'husband' thing but Roman was faster.
'Rachel's right actually, Mrs. Morris. We should get going. And Mr. Morris should get some relaxation too, you know. And uh..I guess I won't be there for the operation but I'll ask Henry to accompany Rachel in the hospital. He'll help with anything you need.' Roman said looking at mom with an assuring look.
My mom's face glowed with a smile and she nodded controlling her emotions as she spared a small glance at me. 'Thanks a lot Joseph. We have no idea what we'd have done if you weren't there in Rachel's life.' She said somehow holding her tears.
The illusion of her happiness made the tears brim into my eyes as well.
' problem.' Roman said looking away awkwardly, perhaps l, feeling something similar as me. 'And be strong Mr. Morris. You're gonna be fine.' He encouraged Dad with a smile.
Dad too gave him an emotional smile.
'Let's go now JoJo.' Roman said motioning to his daughter. I wiped my eyes before anyone could see. 'Yeah. Let's go.' I added.
Hey friends!
How are you?
How was the Halloween?
We have the Diwali season in India as well....😄
Wish all of you all the very best wishes in this festive season..
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