Father's Love
Roman's P-O-V
I paced around my room. What was taking them so long? It's not that I don't trust Rachel but still...every time Jojo is out of my sight..it gets me crazy. Today, I allowed her to go with Rachel because Jojo seems to like Rachel a lot despite the fact that they haven't been acquianted for that long. Ever since that evening on raw, Jojo had been talking about Rachel a lot. Also, Rachel's unfortunate retirement would definitely mean her lack of acquiantance with me or any other wwe superstar; so, Jojo seeing her often would be a far-fetched thing.
I actually feel bad for Rachel. The girl just won her wwe raw women's championship title but now she has to give everything up. I've seen one of two of her matches and she was a good in-ring performer. It's sad that she has to retire so soon. While the whole paparazzi went harsh on her, I felt like pity on her. I felt she was about to cry. She seemed so helpless at that moment and as a responsible co-worker, it was my duty to intervene. So did Sami and Kofi.
'Joe!' my mother calling my name brought me to present.
'Yeah tina!' I said looking at the anxious face of my mother.
'When are they going to be back?' mom asked.
'Should be back any moment now.. as Rachel said.' I answered recallibg the location she mentioned last. Mom's forehead clenched for some reason. I understand her worrying about Jojo.
'Uh...that blonde girl…Rachel, right?' she asked suddenly out of nowhere. 'How's the girl?' she enquired suddenly. 'I mean.. how's she like as a person?'
'Well.. I don't know her much.' I said honestly. She's pretty good friends with Renee and that made her friends with Dean and Seth too. She wrestled well for all I know but too bad, her career's at the verge of it's end.' I said with a sigh sitting on the couch.
'Oh dear! she just seems like 20 or something!' Mom frowned seemingly concerned.
'Yeah, I guess so.' I said.
'Is her wwe career really ending?' mom asked.
I nodded. 'That's what I heard, a knee injury, perhaps.' I said the apparent.
'But our Jojo seems to be fond of her.' Mom said. 'If she retires, there'll be a slim chance of Jojo seeing her. Our Jojo seems to be so fond of her already!'
'Hmm.. a lot actually.' I agreed.
'Yeah, She took her to the restaurant and said Jojo actually like the fish and chips; it was the first time Jojo actually ate full plate after Galina's death.' Mom said.
The very mention of Galina always hammered my heart, the one the only love of my life, my wife who left us two years ago. And it's so true. Jojo never wanted to go out after Galina's death abd confined herself within the fourwalls. Also, she has been too atatched to me ever since and it is very much the same for me. She often pleass me to stay by her at home, but my profession doesn't allow that. She even hates to see me wrestle and take the blows. She gets scared.
She, perhaps, remembers her mother's last day when the three of us went When she heard the last of her mother, she was silent, only a little drop of tear rolled out of her eyes. She never mentioned her or cried for her after that. But, I know how much she misses her. Jojo is still in a state of shock. Docs asked me to give her sometime, but I'm impatient now. I can't see my princess this way. She hates schools and doesn't like to have meals either.
It was the first time on Monday that she wanted to go out with someone she met only hours ago and also, she had her full plate. And today too, she wanted to go to the park with Rachel. I must say Rachel definitely has a strange effect on her.
I heard the creek sound and my eyes fell on the door before me.
The door opened as Jojo stood their with two candy sticks in her hands. She had the sweetest smile on her face. Rachel stood behind her.
'Daddy…' Jojo came and hugged me. I stood up greeting my child. Man! I missed my princess too much for a day. I picked her up and held her very close too me. My most precious possession placed very near my heart.
Rachel chuckled happily, so did tina.
'So, it seems you guys enjoyed a lot?' My mom asked looking at Rachel. Rachel smiled and bit her lip. I guess she is nervous while talking to my mom, as I also noticed the other day.
'Well...yes, green parks, water parks, snacks, lunch and beaches..we had them all.' Rachel said seemingly happy.
'Wow!' Mom said with a smile. A shock evident on her face. Jojo had never been that comfortable staying out of the house ever since the incident with her mother. Neither did she move without me before.
'Hey..lovey!' My father said. He arrived at Tampa just a couple of hours ago.
Jojo's mouth opened wide in happiness as she saw him. I smiled placing her on her feet watching her run to her grandfather.
'Grandpa!' she cheered. I smiled and let her down. She went to hug tama.
'When did you come?' she asked him surprised.
'Just a while ago lovey, and Grandpa's got a lot of gifts for you.' Dad said.
'Really!' she said.
'Yes. They are in your room.' I said.
Wow! I'll show them to Rachel.' She said getting excited and threw Rachel a big smile while rushing to her room. Dad chuckled and folllowed her. I looked at Rachel who was clearly uncomfortable being around our family affairs.
'Hey! Why don't you have a seat?' I said to her motioning towards the sofa. She smiled and took the seat nervously.
'My grand daughter seems to be really fond of you, Rachel!' my mom commented.
'Well, the feeling is mutual I guess.' Rachel said. 'She is a little angel to me..uhh... Mrs. Anoai'.' She added the address with a hesitation. Me and mom exchanged looks and we smiled at her words.
'But, I would like to share something with you, if you don't mind.' Rachel said bending a little to the front while biting her lip. I raised an eyebrow. '..and it's about Jojo.' She said.
The name of Jojo made my heart skip.
'Oh! What is it?' mom asked.
'Well, I didn't know about her mother..' she said awkwardly looking at me. '..and I actually mentioned her which lead Jojo to break down. I..I'm sorry for that.' She said looking at me and my mom but our thoughts were beyond her imagination.
Jojo cried for her mother!
'I think she misses her and you,…' Rachel continued looking at me '..need to spend more time with her.' She said gulping nervously. I looked at her blank .
'Jojo cried for her mother!?' My mom asked her wide eyed not being able to believe Rachel's words.
'Yes, she thinks she is responsible for that accident as she knows that her mother tried to cross the road only to get her ice creams. She feels tormented and scared to go out, I guess. Probably, she'sbeing protective too..towards her father..' Rachel said eyeing me, '..and other dear ones.'
I was beyond surprised! Jojo shared so much with her in such a little time! Why couldn't she share these with me?
My poor little girl has been carrying a huge load in her heart for so long! How can she even think that it was her fault? No way! She is the little bud me and Galina nurtured together! She is everything I have.
'But, don't worry! I've counselled her and right now she thinks different. But, I would suggest you to talk to her. I mean just try to talk to her.' Rachel said without a break, her eye balls moving from me to mom and mom to me. Me and mom looked at each other, each knowing the other's thought.
'Well, I know I've got into your personal space a bit, and I'm sorry for that.' Rachel said nervously biting her lips again.
'N..No. Not at all and thank you for talking to Jojo.' I said to Rachel who had no idea what she actually did for us.
'Yes. Thank you dear.' My mom walked near where she sat and took her hands in hers that made Rachel stand up in surprise. I bet Rachel was confused as hell.
'No..not a problem. I'm glad I could help the sweet soul out a little. You don't have to thank me Mrs
Anoai'. Now, if you..excuse me, it's already past 7. I need to go.' Rachel said with a smile. 'Tell Jojo I said bye abd I'll talk to her over phone.'
'Okay, it's getting dark and I won't stop you.' I said. 'But, do you need a ride?' I offered. She gave me a confused look as if not expecting at all.
'No thanks, Roman.' She said as usual addressing me by my ring name. 'I can manage. Just stay by Jojo as long as you can.' She smiled and pushed the door open to leave.
I looked at the door blank for a while as her figure slowly faded.
'Joe! Did you hear that?' Mom asked immediately as she disappeared off our sights. I nodded. 'This girl has developed an amazing bond with our Jojo and she could do what none of us could!' she remarked.
'Yeah mom. Even I'm confused. Yet, I'm happy that Jojo at least spoke to someone.' I said honestly.
Mom's look was confusing. I knew she was exploring things her way and I had no idea about that.
'Hmm..Joe! Wouldn't that be good if Jojo sees her more often?' mom marked.
'I guess that's quite impossible since she's leaving wwe.' I mentioned correctly scoffing at the statement. Mom frowned her eyes clearly not happy.
'Daddy..Grandma..look Grandpa's got me a giant teddy bear and my first sewing kit.' Jojo said skipping her way to the leaving room, holding her teddy. She looked past me, perhaps for someone. My father held the sewing kit for her with a smile.
'..where's Rachel?' she asked suddenly. Oh no! She wanted to show her gifts to her. I guess Rachel forgot that too.
'Well..she had to go princess but you can show these to her the next time.' I said with a smile.
Jojo looked emotionless for sometime. 'Oh!' she said blank and carried herself back to her room nonchlantly.
She was definitely excited to show her gifts to Rachel.
'I guess she's upset and missing her friend already.' my Dad said.
I nodded. 'Hmm..' my mom said with an weird expression on her face that I could've decipher.
2 days later
'….O..kay..I got it.' I heard Jojo speak to someone from my phone. She had the sewing kit in her hands in certain knots. She had not left it for a second for last three days. Looking at her putting the thing on the table cloth simultaneously with the call, I feel someone is teaching her how to sew quite well.
I smiled at the smile of my princess.
'…Yes, I did it three times.' Jojo smiled wide screaming in joy.
'…thank you and I'll call you again after one hour.' She said hanging up the phone.
I sat down beside my daughter, stroking her soft hairs. She smiled up to me.
'Look Daddy.. I put it right three times. Rachel taught me how.' She said excited.
'Wow princess! You are amazing. So, you were speaking to Rachel, eh?' I asked smiling. She nodded.
I was so happy to see her happy. But, I've to leave her now. I've to fly for raw tomorrow.
'Okay princess. I'm sure you will be an expert in sewing by the time I return.' I said trying to cover up the emotional vacuum to occupy her soon. 'Now, bid Daddy with a nice good bye kiss before he starts for work.' I said pinching her cheeks softly. Her smile dropped. 'Good bye Daddy.' She said non-chalantly and kissed my cheek softly. I hugged her tight kissing her forehead. As I was about to go, Jojo grabbed my wrist, her lips pursed innocently.
'Daddy I..'
Hey friends!
Another update!
Thanks a lot to those who read and added the book in your reading lists.
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