Face Off
Rachel's P-O-V
'... And do you accept the conditions applied by the legislation of Florida that you would correspond to your present status of marriage?'
'Yes Sir.' I answered with a shivering voice. It was 11: 30 am and we had been sitting for the legal procedures since 8. They said these formalities ought be submitted at least a week prior to the consequent date of marriage, but since Roman knew few people, we went through things in mere hours.
'And you also said that you'd like to add Anoa'i as your last name and Morris as your middle name from now on?' the lawyer asked looking at the registry form submitted by me.
My heart pounded and I was feeling cold all of a sudden. I felt a nudge on my shoulder. 'You're sure about it?' Roman asked in a low voice.
This is the first time today that I actually looked straight at him. I just couldn't. Every time I think of this weird relationship we're entering into, it churns my stomach and reminds me of my ill plight. It makes me realize what a failure I am by myself and how I had to compromise my whole life because of it.
I nodded to Roman. 'Yes.' I said.
I always wanted to carry my husband's last name and I still remember my childhood crush on Tom Cruise and my desire for the name Rachel Morris Cruise. I even shared it with Colby once. He corrected it and said Rachel Morris López would sound better.
Tears were forming in my eyes as I saw the lawyer talking to Roman about something while I reminisced the moments that were lost so far that I couldn't even perceive a sight of it.
'So, you guys didn't have sex before marriage?' the head asked examining our forms.
I flushed on the fact.
'I guess we already wrote about that and there's nothing more to discuss.' Roman says slightly pissed off.
I know it isn't easy for him either. From the morning itsrlf, he has sat so calmly cooperating the department with the legal formalities. But, I knew the silence had a dormant storm within it that must be killing him from inside.
'Okay then.. Let's sign the license and then you can call upon your witness after whose signature you'll be lawfully wedded man and wife.
My heart paced as I picked the pen. I saw Roman halting his fingers just before the paper. I knew his mental situation was no different from me. Jojo was as important for him as Dad was for me.
I took a deep breath and signed the papers. Both of us submitted and they asked for the witnesses. I gave a call to Renee who had mom with her. Roman messaged his witnesses to come in too.
We sat in silence for a minute. In an instance, Roman and I looked at each other recognizing both our faces with the gloom surrounding the marriage. We looked away without a word. His face said he didn't have a good sleep last night too...just like me and it's totally understandable.
There was a court attendant who offered us coffees but both 9f us rejected. I couldn't have anything this morning and I know neither could Roman. I looked down at my hands clutched with each other trying to distract the muscles towards a different sensation.
The cold air pricked my skin. I hugged myself tight when suddenly, I had goosebumps all over my body as the door opened letting some alien air gush in.
'Hey! I heard Roman who turned his head behind. I did the same to see Dean flashing a smile which I returned but then my eyes fell behind him and I froze instantly as my eyes fell on a pair of brown betrayed eyes with lots of wrath and complaints.
What is he doing here? Wasn't he in Japan? But...
My heart pounded and my skin pricked with unease as his eyes fixated on me with a frown as he walked nearer.
'Told you it was the same Rachel Morris..' Dean chuckled elbowing Seth who had a look of disbelief in his eyes.
My heart paced and I wanted to throw up. I saw Renee walking in holding my mom's hand.
'Here... Let's do away with the formalities Mrs. Morris..' she said coming to my corner.
'And you know Rachel, Colby wasn't ready to believe a word about Joe getting married to you.' she giggled looking at Seth. 'He kept on saying no it can't be. You're joking no matter how hard me and Jon explained.' she said playfully.
What? How could he not believe this? Wasn't he the one to push me towards my fate all along? Wasn't he the one who ckearly indicated he has got nothing to do with me? Wasn't he the one who turned me away when I needed him the most? Why act so bothered now, Colby?
Tears formed in my eyes as I quickly looked away from Seth.
'Yeah, now see for yourself buddy boy.' Dean said nudging Seth whose eyes were fixated on me all the while. I gulped hiding my tears.
Why Colby? Why did you have to come now? ...after you made me do something I never thought in my worst nightmare. Did you really want to make things this hard for me?
'It's really her.' Seth barely muttered as I felt the burning gaze behind my head that was set to burn my whole being. I couldn't help it. I looked around again towards those fiery eyes that I once saw my whole world in.
I didn't know if it was my illusion but Seth's eyes were glossy and I didn't know why I just wanted to jump into his arms no matter how ignorant he has been to me. My heart paced as our eyelock intensified with lots of unasked questions. Why? Why? Why?
'Now, you know, right?' Roman said smiling at Seth.
Seth nodded slowly moving his gaze from me to Roman.
'Now, I know everything bro. Congratulations.' he said very softly. I looked down at my tightened hands again.
'That can wait bro. First let's sign the papers. We can't just let Joe and Rachel wait, right.?' Dean reminded Seth.
My heart stopped as I realized Seth was called to be a witness to my marriage.
After all these things, how could he evsn agree to this? It might have been over from his side but doesn't he know how I'll feel of being lawfully wedded to his best friend in front of him.
The lawyer handed them the papers. I looked down hugging myself as I started sweating amidst the cold. It felt suffocating.
I couldn't help but look at Seth through my teary eyes. No matter what he did to me, I still love him. But, what I saw was him still staring at me with the pen in his hand.
What's wrong with him now? Why is he acting like he had no idea about this marriage? From his conversations with Dean and Roman, it was clear that Dean and Roman were in touch with him while he was in Japan and he knew all abput the wedding and must've consented to be a witness in his whole sense! Then, why perturbing me now, Colby? I looked away immediately.
'Come on Seth! We all finished already.' Renee said.
Seth didn't respond and signed the papers as roughly as he could. I closed my eyes briefly not wanting to see.
He threw the papers on the table and turned towards me and Roman furiously.
My heart paced fearing those vengeful brown eyes as he walked towards us breathing fast.
Our eyes locked again.
'Congratulation guys.' he said eyeing us. 'I hope you stay happy with each other.' he said with a smile which I knew for sure, wasn't his genuine ones. I know he must be mad about me getting martied to his best friend since him and Roman do share a bro-code but I hope he's totally aware of the financial condition of my family. If he didn't hold my hands in need, why does he expect me not to hold someone else?
I saw Seth turning away fast towards the door. I heard the door slam at his wrath.
'What's wrong with him?' Roman asked.
'Who knows?' Dean said shrugging. 'T8red, may be..'
Our papers were signed and I saw the seal slowly fall on the papers.
'Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Anoa'i.' they announced making a drop of tear slip off my eyes.
I was married to Roman Reigns a.k.a Leati Joseph Anoa'i.
'Congratulations Mrs. Rachel Morris Anoai'..' I heard Renee giggle.
I didn't know what to say. It seemed like my life came to a standstill the moment I saw Seth signing my marriage papers.
He looked pained, he looked betrayed and he looked like he was about to cry.
But why? Wasn't it him who wanted to end everything with me? Wasn't it him who kept ignoring my calls for a month insinuating that he wanted nothing to do with me? Why now? Why does he feel like the one who's betrayed now?
Me and Roman stood up for the photos, our first picture as man and wife and our first picture ever.
I forced a smile on my face and I knew so did Roman. After we did, Dean, Renee, Trinity, Jon, Joshua, Roman's sister Venessa, my mom, Dad, Rena, Patricia and Sika entered the room. Finally, I spotted little JoJo with sparkling eyes and wide smile running to our direction.
'Are you my mom now?' she asked looking at me with sheer hope.
Tears gathered in my eyes. But, I was happy. I wanted to be happy. I wanted to be JoJo's mother, a good one.
My eyes traveled to my Dad who was smiling wide as he spoke to Sika Anoai'. He seemed happy because he thought I was happy. And his smile and happiness is everything I wanted to hold on to. And that's why I was here today.
I gulped and smiled at JoJo. 'Yes angel. I am your new mom.' I said bending down to her level.
Jojo's smile widened and he looked at Roman who had a smile on his lips and if nobody, at least I could detect the force invested in it.
'Now, are you happy my princess?' he asked his daughter.
'I am the happiest gorl in the world now Dad.' she said giggling and hugging Roman till his midsection.
Roman smiled running a hand on her head. I smiled at the adorable scene too.
'Now, Roman, Rachel, JoJo .. ' I heard Patricia's voice who must've been watching us for a while now. 'Why don't you three take a family pic?' she asked not able to hide her excitement.
The term family pic seemed to hammer my heart but I had no option but to nod. I guess I should get used to my identity now.
'Yaayy...' JoJo squealed in excitement.
The photographer measured us. 'Okay then, Mr. and Mrs. Anoa'i.. Why don't you two get down on your knees and kiss the child on both her cheeks from either sides?' the photographer suggested.
To be honest, I was still pretty purplexed by him addressing me as Mrs. Anoa'i but I guess it was my decision and I should try and get used to it now.
'Woah! That's a really good pose!' Patricia said with a big smile.
'Mhmm.. Not bad. Try this Rachie.' my Dad said smiling at me.
'And I can't wait to upload it in my instagram feed with a Happy little family tag.' Renee said giggling.
I forced a smile again and looked at Roman who, perhaps, was dealing with the same emotional trauma as me. He gave me a small nod and I complied. I sat down on my knees beside a smiling JoJo and I saw Roman do the same.
We both plastered our biggest fake smiles and leaned to place a soft kiss on her cheeks as the photographer's fingers prepared to press the click. My lips were about to touch JoJo's cheek but at the last moment, JoJo moved her head drastically behind causing both me and Roman to miss the catch and lean in more than intended almost into each other's lips.
I gasped innerly but, thankfully, both of us realized it sooner and stopped right away.
I heard the camera click and everyone bursting into laughter. I heard JoJo giggle and clap.
'Our little JoJo knows what'sbest for a memory.' I heard Dean joke and they all chuckled. My face flushed with embarrassment and I couldn't even look up.
'What was that JoJo?' Roman burst angrily on his daughter taking everyone aback. 'What kind of an impudent act was that?' He said visibly annoyed.
'Uhh.. I learnt it from my friend Lauren. She said she does that to her parents all the time.' Jojo said half fearfully amd hald being excited over the applauds she recieved from others.
I bit my lips looking up while still carrying the heat on my cheeks.
'No problem JoJo. Just make it happen the next time...' Renee said throwing a wink at my direction. 'I just hope to see your parents look redder.'
There were people who snickered and both our parents were smiling and discussing among themselves.
My eyes brimmed as I realized the illusion set on my parents' eyes.
'I'm out of here.' I heard Roman mutter before walking out through the door.
Everyone was surprised by his reaction except me. I saw Patricia walk behind him, perhaps trying to console.
'Somebody's got a little too shy.' Trinity teased and they all laughed again.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw my sister Rena looking at me nonchalantly. Her look was filled with sympathy.
I felt JoJo grab my hand with a big smile. 'Click one for just me and my new mom.' she said to the photographer who obliged.
Here you go...another update!
So, finally Rachel and Roman are legally husband and wife?
But, what do you think will happen with the Rachel-Seth situation now?
Can Roman ever cope up with the new journey he just entered?
How do you like the new cover?
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