Chapter 7: Let's spill some tea!
This chapter is brought to yours truly, sleep deprived Grain at the middle of the night. Because why not? No one's gonna stop me, it not like anyone can tell me to fall asleep.
What could I talk about? Oh- I know!
I have this perfect, funny, and probably-will-start-a-war-of-some-kind life goal!
There's no reason behind that.
Just lemons, nothing else.
I also want to cover my laptop in parrots! :D
This chapter is short...
When the last day of school..?
somewhere in May, I think, 'Cus my field trip is in May...
I used to have this English teacher who would call activities at my schools' break time area 'Field Trips'-
I don't know why she did that, but she does, and she's a, kinda, cool teacher.
On the topic of teachers, my math teacher this year was shit. And she left the school, so lets spill some tea about her while majorly disrespecting her!
This teacher had numerous issues: she couldn't count, spell, or teach effectively. She even spoke during tests, had a difficult-to-understand accent, and her handwriting was poor. She was allegedly supposed to teach English, not math, and I learned nothing from her. I dunno why my school hired her.
Let's refer to her as Disappointment, as she doesn't deserve the title of Mrs. Disappointment or Mrs. anything since she's no longer my teacher. I no longer have to address her as Mrs. anything.
I DON'T CARE IF SHE FINDS THIS BOOK, even if the chances are low.
Okay, story time.
Disappointment tells one of the kids in her class to leave the room for "DiStRuPtInG tHe ClAsS" so guess what????
Obviously! She told him to!
However, she later searched for the student, denying she had asked him to leave. Around 20 students witnessed her telling the student to leave, and I heard the student tell our main teacher that Disappointment had instructed him to leave.
She still denied this, even though there are multiple people could attest to her lie.
One day, we had went to the library, that's about a 5 minute walk to. Usually we're given this assignment to do, and after we get books to check out.
We were given an assignment to find books according to a specific number as we were learning about the Dewey Decimal system. This was the first and thankfully the last time we had Disappointment come with us to the library.
People formed groups of 3 to 4 of their choice. I was with my new friends Rhylan and Cami, my best friend Izzy, and my friend Serenity, whom I've known since 3rd grade.
The assignment required us to search the entire library for a book that matched the questions provided, making it feel like a book scavenger hunt.
Disappointment was frustrated with everyone moving up and down the stairs. She scolded the class on the second floor for not working, even though we were.
Unfortunately, my group was on the second floor, and so was my neighbor's group, who had already completed their assignment. They tried to explain this to Disappointment, but she insisted they were not finished.
She then explained to everyone, rather loudly for a library, that we would go row by row to do this assignment. Which is absolutely outrages. I so, so badly wanted to yell at her, but I didn't and instead went to the bathroom to curse her out there (quietly).
If the woman ever reads this, I stand by my words. I won't take this down. I majorly hate you. (And that say A LOT about you)
Well, I think that's a good place to end this chapter.
I might share more stories about her in the future. Love you all! <3
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