The aftermath
Last time-
Matt's body started to fall as Mark caught him "Matt?" He asked shaking him a little "Matt!" Nate yelled going over to him everyone else followed Daniel checked his pulse.
"I got a pulse," Daniel said causing everyone to sigh in relief "He's okay just tired. Let's get him back home." Daniel said lifting Matt in his arms in a position where Matt's head is leaning on his shoulder. They started to walk home "Is Matt gonna be okay?" Mark asked "With the proper care yeah Matt's gonna be just fine," Daniel said "Shane can you unlock the door?" "On it." Shane unlocked the door
"AUNT SHANE!" The twins yelled "Shhh!" Shane said "Matt fell asleep don't wake him up." She whispered they both nodded covering their mouths "Go play outside with mommy." The twins nodded and left "We can bring him up to the guest room near your room." Shane pointed upstairs "Jack can you help me get some clothes for Matt. He's got to be uncomfortable in that tux." Jack nodded and went with Shane to the walk in closet.
Daniel and the others walked upstairs to a guest room with a full size bed in the middle Daniel laid Matt on the bed. Matt's head rolled to the side, Nate grabbed Matt's hand "Riley in the hallway closet there's a bunch of rags we used to use for the twins can you get one?" "Sure." Riley left the room and came back with a dark blue rag that had a 95 over a lighting bolt in the bottom left corner. "Thanks." Daniel went to the bathroom and came back with the rag and a small pail. Mark took the pail "Let me help." Daniel nodded "Can you put that on the nightstand." Mark placed to the pail on the night. Shane and Jack came into the room holding a pair of clothes "Alright let's change him. Laddies can you please give us privacy?" Daniel asked
"Sure." Stephanie said as they walked out the room Shane was the last one, closing the door when she left. As the boys proceeded to change Matt's clothes the girls waited outside a few minutes later Felix came out and told them they were done. When the girls came back Matt was wearing one of Daniel's old t-shirts from university of Maryland police department and some light grey shorts there was also a damp rag on his forehead. Matt's tux was on a hanger in the closet "How is he?" Steph asked "Running a small fever but he'll be okay," Daniel said "Shane can you-" "On it." Shane left the room with Riley they came back later with medicine, water and a close container of soup in case Matt wakes up hungry. "Someone's got to watch him." Mark said
"I'll watch him." Nate said "Nate your already emotionally drained from watching him suffer through trial don't push yourself," Daniel tried to reason "I don't care," Nate looked at Daniel dead in the eye "I love him I have to make sure he's okay." "Remember he's under my care but I'll let you take the first shift." "Sure." "I'll take the second one." Jack said "Dibs on the third one." Mark said "Fourth." Stephanie said "Fifth." Cameron said everyone looked at him "What I wanna help." He said, they shrugged "Sixth." Felix said "Seventh." Daniel said "Shane and I will take the night shift." Riley said everyone went down stair leaving Nate and Matt in the room "If you want some food just send me a text and I'll get you something." Shane said Nate nodded Shane left the room closing the door.
Back in the living room they were all sitting on the couches "Still a better love story then twilight," Shane said earning a pillow to the face "Why are you booing at me I'm right." She said the back door opened and the twins came in with Alex in tow "What happened?" Alex asked "Matt passed out in front of the court house." Daniel said "Is he okay?" "Yeah his doing good but he's running a small fever. Don't worry we got some medicine for him when he wakes up." Alex nodded and looked at the twins "Alright you two know the sick rule," "No playing with loud toys." Andy said "And?" "No yelling or screaming or running around the house." Skylar added "Good now watch some tv and I'll get you guys a snack." Alex walked to the kitchen as the twins sat in front of the tv "Those are some well behaved kids." Cameron said "That's What the belt does." Shane said "The belt?" "It's a leather belt that we got beat with when we were young. Alex doesn't use but she threatens with it, occasionally she would show the belt making them scared." Daniel said Shane turned on the tv only for it to show the reaping in The hunger games. Prim was getting taking from the other kids until Katniss yelled "I volunteer as tribute!" At that moment Shane's phone went off "Who is it?" Jack asked "I told Nate to text me if he's getting hungry so I'm getting him something to eat." Shane walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few fruits and walked upstairs. She knocked on the door "Hey I brought some fruits." She said "Come on in." Nate said Shane walked in the room "Any changes?" She asked "Sometimes he would turn his head. But no not really," Nate said "Here," Shane have Nate and orange "You did asked for food." "Thanks," Nate started to peel the orange "It's kinda awkward downstairs." She said "Really?" Nate asked "Yeah everyone's worried about Matt I mean he just found out that his parents aren't his parents but his kidnappers what's worse is that they beaten him a child that's not even theirs." Shane said they both sat in silence occasionally Shane would had Nate another fruit. "For some reason I felt like I was gonna crack on the stand," Shane spoke breaking the silence "Why?" Nate asked "Sometimes defense attorneys would go so far as to asking a person about their sexuality." "So what's your's?" "Nice try but your not getting that out of me." "Or maybe I did get it out of you but I need you to tell me I'm right." "What do you mean?" "I know the way you look at them." Nate hinted Shane started to blush "Stop it. Besides it's not like they're gonna like me back." "Why not?" "I'm just a stepping stone for a lot of people." "No your not." "Oh really. If I wasn't friends with them then you would have never met Matt meaning you would have never fallen in love with him meaning we wouldn't be here." Nate had no words "See I'm a stepping stone for other people." Shane said "I got a plan. Let's have a sleepover at you place then we can just play some games and you can confess to them." Nate said smiling at the idea "I don't know." There was a knock at the door.
"Guys Nate's shift's over it my turn." Jack said the two occupants from room walked out "I left some fruits in there in case you get hungry if you want more just text me." Shane said walking down the stairs when they both reached the living room everyone was watching the movie that was on "Hey-" Nate started "Hold it." Mark said cutting Nate off. They watched the screen as it was showing Rue's death Daniel was crying, Riley whistled The Hunger game tune everyone but the twins did the same. The day went by normal Matt woke up during Cameron's shift "Hey how you feeling?" Cameron asked "Like I've been hit with a truck." Matt said still a bit drowsy "What happened?" He then asked "You passed out in front of the courthouse after the trial." Cameron answered "And my parents?"
"Going away for life," A new voice said both boy looked to the doorway and saw Daniel leaning on the doorframe "Just spoke with my partner about it and Cameron you parents are looking for you." "How do you know?" "Your parents called the cops when you didn't come home and my partner went over to investigate." "I forgot to tell them." "Well you better go now before you get reported missing." Cameron ran out the room "Tanks again for letting me come to the trial!" He called out "No problem!" Daniel yelled back.
Cameron ran down the street to his house at the end of cedar street.
(This is Cameron's house)
As Cameron reached the door it opened revealing a police officer and Cameron's parents
"CAMERON!!" His mom cried "Where have you been?!?" "I *gasp* was at *gasp* a friend's *gasp* place." Cameron said trying to catch his breath
"Why did you tell us where you were." His dad asked "I was going to call you but my friend passed out and I had to watch him." Cameron answered "Is your friend okay?" His mom asked "Yeah he woke up a few minutes ago."
"Alright ma'am since your son is back home there is no need to file a missing person's report." The officer left and Cameron went inside his mother was cooking in the kitchen while he and his dad went to the living room "So what were you doing with your friend?" His dad asked "I was giving moral support," "For what?" "For the trial." Cameron said "Trial?!?" His father cried "What did your friend do?!?" "My friend's parents were arrested for child abuse and a lot of other things," Cameron said "So what's your friend's name?" His mom asked as she was setting the table "His name's Matt." His mom dropped a glass both Cameron and his dad looked at her "Mom," Cameron started "Are you okay?" "Yes yes I'm fine I just misplaced it." She went back into the kitchen to get another glass "So how long was the abuse going on for?" She asked when she was in the kitchen "Several years." Cameron said "And how old is he?" His dad asked "16 he turns 17 in November." Cameron said "You said there were other charges what are they?" His dad asked again "If I remember correctly drug possessions, a few murders, attempted manslaughter, and kidnapping." Cameron said sitting at the table "Attempted manslaughter?" "Yeah while Matt was beaten up in his base with a gunshot wound, his friends were taking a walk and they heard the gun when they investigated they looked his parents on the deck and went looking around the house. They found Matt bleeding out in the basement after patching him up as best as they could one of his friends, Shane, went back upstairs to lure the parents out the house. When Shane ran out the house the others came upstairs and waited for the ambulance." "What about this Shane?" His mother asked setting the plates down "Shane was found in the park," "Is she okay?" His dad asked "Yeah she has a gunshot wound in her shoulder and a few scratches from when she was running away. Turns out Shane took pictures of the house to show the cops." Cameron said spooning some food on his plate. His parents did as well "Well as long as they're okay. You also said about kidnapping. Who did they kidnapped?" His mom asked "That was the big reveal in court today. Matt's parents aren't even his real parents. They kidnapped him when he was young." Both of Cameron's parents looked at each other "You don't think?" His dad asked "No it can't be possible." His mother asked "What? What can't be possible?" Cameron asked "Finish you dinner and we'll explain." His dad said. The family of three ate in silence, occasionally his parent would look at each other, after finishing his dinner and washing the dishes Cameron walked back into the living room. "So," He asked "What do you want to show me?" His parent looked at each other one final time "Alright let's go to the attic." His mom said walking to said attic both males followed her up to the attic, the attic was full of dust as if no one cleaned it in years "So what are we doing here?" Cameron coughs "For this." His dad pulled out one of the many baby books there were. "My baby book?" Cameron asked.
They left the attic and went back into the living room "Why do you need to show me my baby book?" Cameron asked "Because it's not just you in the pictures." His dad said opening the book Cameron looked closer at the first picture. It was a picture of his dad and mom at the hospital, his mom was holding one baby and his dad was holding another baby. "Why are there two babies?" He asked "You guys only had me right?" "Cameron," his mom started "I had twins you're the older twins your brother is the younger twin." "Did you get rid of him?" Cameron asked sitting down on a couch "We would never. We loved you both the moment you were born." His dad said "They why isn't he here with us?" Cameron was getting a bit angry "He was kidnapped by criminals." His mom cried "What do you mean?" "When you two were five months you got sick. So we called a friend to take care of your brother when we came home we found our friend dead in the kitchen and your brother gone along with his birth certificate." His dad said "What are they're names?" "Who's names?" His dad asked "The names of the people that took him." "Walter and Taylor Blair." The older male said "Oh shit." Cameron said out loud "What?" His mom asked "Matt's parents they're names were Walter and Taylor Pattrick during the court Walter said that they changed they're last name from Blair to Pattrick a few years back," Cameron said "Its that why we moved from Ohio? You guys couldn't live with the pain of losing him." Both of his parent nodded their heads "What's his name?" Cameron asked, his dad took a deep breath.
Tell me if I'm a prick. 👋👋
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