Let's do a few challenges
Okay little a/n I saw a video on Mark's channel that was him Tyler and Ethan doing a blindfolded tie dye challenge and I was like 'Why not have the characters in the book do a few challenges?' So here it is. I thought you guys deserved it since you guys had to read the abuse and the trial. Enjoy! P.S. play the song when you see this 🇸🇪
3rd Person's POV
Everyone was at Shane's house for a sleepover and finding ways to spend the night and trying to forget what happened a few days ago. Alex, and Daniel went to work and left the twins home with the teens for the whole weekend. "I'm bored." Riley tossed a ball in the air and caught it. "Do you guys wanna do some challenges?" Felix asked "Like the ones on the internet?" Mark asked "Yeah we could do the new ones and the old ones like the cinnamon challenge." Felix said "Or the Chubby bunny challenge." Steph added "Exactly let's have some fun tonight." Felix said pulling out his phone. Everyone else did the same. "I found one," Shane said "How about the bubble gum challenge?" "What's that?" Jack asked "It where you try to eat as many sticks of gum as you can the more packs the funnier." Riley said. "I got a bunch of packs of gum." Nate said pulling them out. Everyone took a pack and started stuffing their mouth "Wait," Shane walked out of the living room and came back with different colored buckets and gave one to everyone. "If we do a food challenge we need somewhere to get rid of the food. Not everyone can run to the trashcan at the same time." Everyone continued to stuff their face. Andy and Skylar couldn't have gum so Shane and Riley gave them gummy bears, Cameron stopped at 9, Jack stopped at 10, Mark stopped at 15, Shane and Riley stopped at 20, Stephanie and Matt stopped at 25, Felix stopped at 30, Nate won with 40 sticks of gum. "Jesus christ." Mark said "What are you using that mouth for?" Shane asked Riley laughed at the joke. "Alright next challenge is the dizzy challenge," Jack said pulling Mark to his feet. "Someone help me get him dizzy." "There's a swivel chair in the office Nate can you help me?" Shane and Nate walked out the room and came back with the swivel chair, and a rope. "What's with the rope?" Steph asked "Rope's to keep him in place." Mark was seated on the chair and tied up. Jack started to turn the chair faster and faster. Matt stopped the chair and untied Mark ask fast as he can. Mark got up from the chair and was swaying like crazy Jack stood a few feet in front of Mark and held his arms out. "Gimme a hug you big goof." He said. Mark started to walk like a drunk to Jack, he then tripped and fell to the ground everyone laughed. Jack walked over and helped Mark up they both sat down, Jack gave Mark a kiss. Everyone else tried the challenge, Shane ran into a wall, Nate ended up in the kitchen with the twins following him, Riley almost fell down the stairs, Matt hit a window luckily it didn't break, Stephanie tripped, Felix couldn't even get up from the chair, Cameron stepped on Riley's foot, Jack missed Mark by a long shot and the twins fell on a pile of pillows.
The next challenge was What's in my hand/mouth challenge where one person was blindfolded and has to guess what another person placed in their hand or mouth. Matt was up first "Wait where is it going?" He asked "Your hand." Nate said as he places a fresh slice of cucumber in Matt's hand "Its wet, Its wet, Its wet, Its wet, Its wet, Its wet, why's it wet?" Matt was freaking out "Is it a tomato?" He asked "Try again." Mark said "Zucchini?" "Close." Nate chimed "Cucumber?" "Right." Riley said taking Matt's blindfold off. Matt eat the slice, Shane was the next victim. "Open up." Riley held a spoonful of jello to her mouth and instead of being a normal human being Shane inhaled the jello and started to choke on it. "Shane you asshole," Riley laughed "You were suppose to hold it in your mouth not inhale it like an idiot." "Was it jello?" Shane choked out, all she got was a small slap to the face followed by laughing "Your such an ass." Shane took of her blindfold and handed off to the next person. (Okay small a/n one time my dad and I were sharing a jello cause he had the last red one. So when he gave me a spoonful I inhaled it and choked on it, my older brother and my dad laughed at me while my mom yelled at me which just made my dad and brother laugh harder. Anyway back to the story.) Cameron was up next and the object was a baby wipe. "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why is it moist?" He asked touching it "Guess." Matt said "Wet napkin?" "Nope." Riley said "Wet toilet paper." "Not even close." Jack said "I give up." Cameron said taking off the blindfold "A baby wipe?!?" He yelled "How did you guys get this?" "You literally came over to my house two days ago do you not remember two 3 year olds running around?" Shane asked "Okay you got me there." Cameron said handing the blindfold to another person. Riley got a melted bar of Hersey with almonds, Steph got a chip, Jack got a pin, Mark got some headphones, Nate got a key, Andy and Skylar got candy.
The next challenge was actually a kids game. "Shane can we play the muffin man?" Andy asked Shane looked at everyone else "Sure why not?" Mark said "How do you play?" Matt asked "Its easy," Skylar said "We'll show you!" Everyone got in a circle Andy started the game he turned to Skylar "Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man. Do you know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane?" He sang Skylar nodded and sang "Yes I know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man. Yes I know the muffin man who lives on Drury lane." Both Skylar and Andy then looked at everyone else "Then two of us know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man. The two of us know the muffin man who lives on Drury lane." They sang the Skylar looked at Riley and sang the same question Andy sang to her. They all kept singing until it was Matt's turn, Matt was the last one "Do you know the muffin man? The muffin man, the muffin man. Do you know the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane?" Nate sang "Yes I know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man. Yes I know the muffin man who lives on Drury lane." Matt sang "We all know the muffin man. The muffin man, the muffin man. We all know the muffin man who lives on Drury lane." They all sang Andy and Skylar started to laugh causing everyone to join in. After the laughter died down they were all looking for a new challenge to do. Matt found a challenge on his phone "How bout the lemon challenge?" He asked "I don't have lemons, and I running low on limes," Shane said "But I do have lemon and lime juice." They all walked to the kitchen Shane was looking in the cupboards "What are you looking for?" Jack asked "Those plastic shot cups Daniel and I use." Shane said "What do you use shot cups for?" Cameron asked "Some time Daniel and I would have a competition and we would fill the shot cups with soda and- found them." Shane pulled out a bag filled with different colored shot cups. She opens the bag "Alright pick your color." She said Nate, Matt, and Jack got green, Stephanie and Riley got orange, Mark and Cameron got Red, Andy and Skylar got blue, and Felix and Shane got pink. Shane pulled out the lemon and lime juices "Pick your poison." She started to pour lemon and lime juice in her shot cup. Some people like Matt, Nate, and Mark just got lemon, others like Stephanie, Andy, Skylar, Jack and Cameron got lime, and the rest, Shane, Felix, and Riley got a mix of lemon and lime. "Ready?" Riley asked "No." Mark said "Too bad! 3 2 1 go!" Everyone drank the juices they all had sour faces Mark and Felix slammed their fists on the table, Matt and Shane started coughing, Nate and Riley had tears coming out, the twins and Jack stuck their tongues out, and Stephanie with Cameron shook their heads. "Never doing that again bro." Felix said as they all walked back to the living room "I would." "Of course you would Shane you love sour things." Riley said.
The next challenge they did is a try not to laugh challenge which they did outside. Two of them would sit in chairs with water in their mouths while the others will try to make them laugh the first one to spit the water out loses and the winner would move on to the next round.
Round 1 Riley vs Nate
"Ready?" Matt asked both teens nodded Shane walked up "Okay this might make Riley laugh but I'm sure about Nate so here goes," She said "One day two guys were walking in the wood hunting bears suddenly one of the guys collapsed the other guy called 9-1-1 he told the operator 'He's not breathing.' The operator says 'Okay let's make sure he's dead first.' A gunshot was heard over the line, the guy asked 'Now what?' Eh?" Shane asked Riley snorted as a bit of water fell out Nate tried not look amused. Mark walked up "A woman walks into a library and asked if they had any books about paranoia. The librarian says "They're right behind you!"" He said a bit of water came out of Nate's mouth but both teens held strong. Jack walked up "I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me." Both teens just sat there trying not to laugh but the twins were giggling. After attempts from the others didn't work Matt walked up "Thotbots." He said and Riley lost her water first then Nate and started laughing like crazy the other teens joined in as well. (I just want to give credit to Meowmeow_ImaBird for letting me use the word Thotbots. I'm not gonna lie but it was a funny comment.)
Many rounds later and the crowned winner was Jack. Most of the teens were eliminated when Skylar and Andy tickled them which was against the rules but the others let it slide.
After many and many games later it was past 11 and the twins started to fall asleep "I think it's time for bed." Riley said picking up Andy while Matt picked up Skylar "I'm not tired." Andy said rubbing his eye. After changing the twins they all got ready for bed. They all slept in the basement the twins slept on Shane's bed while the rest slept in sleeping bags "Alexa play Sweden by C418." 🇸🇪 Shane said as she turned off the lights. A blue ring glowed "Playing Sweden by C418." It said as it started playing the song. "This was the best summer I had." Riley said laying in her sleeping bag "Yeah," Matt said "I'm glad I met you guys." "I'm glad I fell in love with you." Nate said planting a kiss on Matt's forehead "I love you ya big goof." Jack said hugging Mark "I love you to you little Irish potato." Mark said returning the hug. "Summer's almost over," Shane said looking up at the glow in the dark stars "Are we still gonna be friends?" "Of course we are after what happened," Cameron said "I mean I always felt like something was missing and here it is the missing piece. I'm just glad I moved here." "I'm glad Aunt Shane's happy." Matt shined his flashlight towards the voice and everyone looked over to see the twins holding a pillow each and a blanket. The twins walked over to Shane and Riley it only took a second for both teens to realize that the twins had dry tears streaks "Baby what's wrong?" Shane asked "We had a nightmare." Skylar said "That you and the others went away forever." Andy said "You all had red on your clothes!" They both cried Matt walked over to them "Hey," he whispered pointing the flashlight up "That's never going to happen and if we do leave I promise you we will come back." Both twins hugged Matt "I think they should sleep with you." Shane said Matt nodded and walked back to his sleeping bag with the twins.
"Mussing through memories, losing my grip in the grey, numbing the senses I feel you slipping away." Mark sang "Fighting to hold on, clinging to just one more day, love turns to ashes, with all I wish I could say." Jack sang along "I died to be where you are." Matt sang "I tried to be where you are." Nate sang "Every night I dream you're still here, the ghost by my side, so perfectly clear." Cameron sang "When I awake, you'll disappear back to the shadows." Felix sang "With all I hold dear, with all I hold dear." Stephanie sang "I dream your still here." Shane sang. They all kept singing till they fell asleep. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Well I got nothing to say here.
I really hope you enjoyed the chapter!! 👋👋
Words- 2322
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