A trip to Shane's house
Hey! Here's the next chapter also play when you see this 🎧
Nate's POV
After a while we made it to the bus we stay seated until Shane's stop came. We all got off and started making our way to Shane's house. So she lived in a three story house. When we walked in I closed the door behind us and then these two little kids came running
"AUNT SHANE!!" They yelled as they jumped on Shane "Hey cool it I have friends here." Shame said carefully pushing them off
"Is Riley here?" The boy asked
"Hey who are the other guys." The girl asked "Are they your boyfriends?" The boy asked "Boyfriends?" She said confusingly "No buddy they're my friends this is just the first time I brought them over, yes Riley is here and these are Felix, Stephanie, Jack, Mark, Nate, and Matt." She said "Andy how bout you go play with your toys and Skylar you can play with your toy kitchen and remember no fighting got it." Shane told them "Understood." They said as they ran to the living room. Then a new sound came it sounded like two things were scraping the floor, and something was flapping its wings. Out of the living room came a bird it was orange with black wings, then came a dog it was a German Shepherd with a green collar, and finally came a cat it had white color fur on the stomach and legs and gray fur on its back it also had a blue collar. The bird landed on Shane's shoulder, she looked at the bird "Phoenix," she starts "You let them out of their cages again didn't you?" She asked. The bird chirps once signaling a yes "Well guess who lost their treat privileges." Shane asked the bird looks down in shame. "It's okay buddy you can earn them back by being a good bird. Xander," the dog looks up "C'mon back to living room you too Spencer." The dog Xander and the cat Spencer started to walk to the living room Phoenix just stays on Shane's shoulder. "You know you guys can just head to the basement I'll be there soon. Riley you know the way right?" Shane asked "Yeah." "Great Head down there I'll be there soon." Riley started to lead us into the basement. The basement was huge on the left there were couches, a table, and a tv, and on the right there were guitar stands with different guitars, a door that lead to a different room, a dumbwaiter, speakers. "Shocking isn't it?" Riley said pulling me out of my thoughts. "Who's room is this?" Jack asked "Its Shane's. Well her new room she gave her old one to her niece and nephew." Riley explained. "Wish I had a place like this" I heard Matt whisper. I hugged him from behind "What's with the hug?" He asked "I wanted to." I told him. We heard footsteps coming down. Shane came though the doorway which lead to the stairs. "Hey sorry I'm late I just went to go get snacks." She walked to the dumbwaiter and opened the door there was a plate of snacks and a lunchbox full of juice. She took out the snack and the drinks. "Can someone help me with NSL?" She asked. After we did our homework we started to relax and play some video games. Shane still locked a little jumpy. I tapped her shoulder catching her attention. "You okay?" I asked "Kinda I'm still nervous for the concert I don't know why I mean it's next month and that's only 2 weeks away and-" "you want extra practice." I said finishing her sentence. "Yeah." "Hey do you guys wanna hear It's my life again?" I asked the other I heard them say yeah before I looked at Shane to see she wasn't there she was getting her guitar. "Ready?" She asked "Ready!" We all looked at the dumbwaiter to see Andy and Skylar sitting there with the pets. "Okay." Felix said "3...2...1" Shane counted down. 🎧
This ain't a song for the broken-hearted
No silent prayer for the faith departed
I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd
You're gonna hear my voice
When I shout it out loud
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
This is for the ones who stood their ground
It's for Tommy and Gina who never backed down
Tomorrow's getting harder, make no mistake
Luck ain't enough
You've got to make your own breaks
It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
You better stand tall when they're calling you out
Don't bend, don't break, baby, don't back down
It's my life
And it's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
My heart is like an open highway
Like Frankie said
I did it my way
I just want to live while I'm alive
(It's my life)
As the song ended Phoenix flew to Matt's shoulder. "Hey birdie." Matt said as he pats the bird's head "Hey he like you." Andy said "That's a first." Skylar said "Phoenix bites everyone who tries to pet him except for Aunt Shane." Andy said "Hey isn't it time for your naps?" Shane asked "No." They said
"Skylar, Andy where are you guys!" A voice called upstairs "Your mom's calling you better go now before she's mad." Shane said closing the door to the dumbwaiter "Can you sing us to sleep like when we were younger?" Andy asked "What song?" Shane asked "Freaks By Jordan Clarke." Skylar answered "We'll see about that." Shane said as she closed the door and sent them upstairs. "Sorry about that, kids am I right." "How do you deal with them?" Mark asked "Rule number one don't give them any sugar why do you think I eat sour candy?" "Hey what time is it?" I asked Matt looked at his phone "About 6 o'clock." "Wanna play another round?" Jack asked.
We played till it was 9:30 after that we all went home. As I laid in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about Matt's wrists. I saw scars I don't want to think about the worst thing but what if it is. What if he's depressed? Or what if it was the cat. Matt did have a cat Skip if I remember his name correctly. I don't know what to think. I just laid in my bed with my dog Rylo* petting him on the head while I let my thoughts flow.
Matt's POV
When I got home the first thing I started doing was cutting myself. I didn't realize I was crying till my tears mixed with blood in the sink. It was the same routine everyday. Wake up, go to school, hang out with some friends, come home, cut my wrists while crying, wrap my wrists, and go to bed only to repeat it again. Will it ever end?
Okay so I looked EVERYWHERE for Rylo's Bree's but I couldn't find it but here's a picture for you if you don't know Rylo either.
This is Rylo he's cute as fuck I mean when I saw this picture I fell in love. Enough about me I hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be next Sunday. 👋👋
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