Chapter 33: Her Truth, Revealed
"Are you serious?! These kids!!" All Might looked up at them and smiled. They really are turning out to be just like him... Especially Midoriya in a bad way.
"You know that Midoriya kid.... He's become more and more like you everyday!! In the worst way possible!!" Gran Torino chuckles weakly, slowly rising from the rubble after being thrown by All For One.
"Despite what happened at the camp, to still... Those youth!!" All Might coughed a little, wiping away the blood. "However I am sorry to inform you that, now without holding anything back. I can defeat you." He pointed to All for One.
"You've got me. You've single-handedly turned the tables." All For One then forces Magne's quirk, so that Toga, and the rest of the villains are being pulled to the portal.
"E-eh?! You're coming too fast to me!" she says in panic as the male villains crash into her and they go flying into the portal behind them.
Shigaraki was next, a portal opening behind him. "No! Not yet! I'm not ready!" Shigaraki cried seeing that he was leaving.
"You will continue this war." All For One says, watching as Shigaraki disappears in the portal behind him. "I detest you!" All For One said, anger in his voice. "There was a time when you went around and took down all of my allies, and they called you the Symbol of Peace because of it. You stood tall above all of our sacrifices. How was the view up there?" he asks as he went to punch All Might once more.
All Might grabbed his arm before he could punch and landed another punch to the face of villain, shattering his mask. "Shut up! That's exactly how you play with people like their toys you scum! Destruction! Theft! Exploitating! Manipulation! The people of the world, just trying to love day to day! Like Young Y/n! You took away her childhood! Those are the things that I cannot forgive!"
At the same time All Might and All For One's battle was raging on, with Midoriya, Bakugo, Kirishima, Iida and Yaoyorozu watching with the crowd of people on the screen. When Yaoyorozu returns, everyone was relived, until they noticed Todoroki missing.
"Where's Todoroki?!" Kirishima asks in worry.
"He...he's fighting Y/n-san!" Yaoyorozu replies, worry etched all over her expression.
"What?!" the rest of the guys exclaim, Kirishima being the first one to respond. "Let's go then! We need to help him-"
Bakugo throws his arm in front of Kirishima, stopping the male. "Just stay Shitty Hair." he mutters.
"Kacchan?!" Midoriya looks in surprise. He thought for sure the male would have been wanting to kick your ass and say a bunch of mean things about how you were a 'traitor'.
"Shut up!" he growls. "Just let fucking Icy Hot deal with her! He....He's the only one that can get through that fucking thick skull of hers!" he looks away, his blonde bangs shadowing his expression.
"Kacchan...." Kirishima sighs, backing off but still worried. "I hope those two are okay......" he mutters, trying to dismiss the thought. Everyone was saying a silent prayer, hoping Todoroki could save you. They couldn't stand the thought of losing their friend.
"Todoroki......Get away from me!" you shout, firing two more bullets. Todoroki manages to use his ice this time, blocking the bullets.
"Y/n listen to me! This isn't you!" he shouts, trying to come closer, but you fire again, forcing him to back up. Your hand was shaking as you held the gun, feeling your breath become shallow.
"What the hell do you know?!" you yell back. "This is me!"
No, it's not.
"I don't nee your pity! Just go back to being a stupid hero!"
Please, don't leave me... Not again
"It's not like you actually care about me! You said it yourself!"
So why should I care about myself?
Todoroki's eyes widen. "Y/n, stop it! You know that's not true!" he slams his foot on the ground, ice creeping up to your leg and encasing it, preventing you from moving. Todoroki runs up to you, grabbing your wrist. "Please! Just listen to me! Back at the summer training camp-"
"Oh, now you wanna talk about that!" you snap, pulling your wrist out of his grip and punching him in the gut. He grunts, hunching over from the pain. You fire down at the ice, using the last of your bullets as the ice shatters. You back away, trying to reload your gun.
Todoroki takes the chance to slap the gun from your hand, watching as it skids away from the two of you. You waste not a second more and go to punch the male, but he dodges easily, grabbing your wrist, and slamming you against the wall, keeping your arm pinned to your back.
"Please!" he pleaded, and you can hear the tone of worry in his voice. "I know this isn't you. You said that you wanted to be a hero, right?! To save people!" At these words, you visibly flinch, feeling the anger in you rise.
"A hero huh? A hero is supposed to be there, to save the day right? Well if they're so great, where are they when I need them? Huh? I've lived all alone for 15 years, and not one of those damn shitheads have come to help me! So, why should I care? I'm a villain! And that's all I ever will be!"
At this, the two of you fell silent. Todoroki didn't loosen his hold on you, and you didn't even bother in trying to struggle. The distant battle was becoming louder and louder, as Todoroki could practically feel the impact from the attacks, as they were caught by the wind blowing past the two of you.
Suddenly he felt your body shaking, and heard the sounds of crying as you were now sobbing, unable to look at the male. You deactivated your quirk, already telling that All Might must've won the battle as you could feel the control of All For One fading.
You fall to your knees, Todoroki's grip on you being released as you hug yourself, shaking even more and sobbing so hard your throat burned from the pain, barely able to form words.
"Please...Leave me alone.....I'm a monster.....I can't ever be a hero like you..."
Suddenly, Todoroki felt the world around him melt away, and he was sucked into your memories.
Todoroki watched you run through the playground, giggling and laughing. He then spots a small group of kids playing by the swings.
"Hi!!" you smiled brightly. The other kids turned to look at her, and gasped. He then saw your bright, f/c eyes. The girls screamed pointing to her. "What's wrong with your eyes?!" One girl says.
"They're so creepy!"
"Cover them up!"
One boy came over and started throwing fistful of sands at her. "Exorcise the demon! Exorcise the demon!" he chanted, the other girls joined in doing the same. "Please.... I'm not a demon!" you cry, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Hey! Stop that!" Todoroki shouts, but then remembers this wasn't real, only a witness.
Another girl shoves you so you fall over. Todoroki gasped as he instantly recognize the girl as the one who tried to confess to him. "Look at that! The demon is crying now!"
"I'M NOT A DEMON!!!!" Todoroki could instantly tell you'd used your quirk on her. "What did I do?!"
"What's wrong?!" a boy points to Y/n. "She did something to her!"
The woman glares at you and slaps you across the face. "You little freak! What's wrong with you?!" she tightly grabs your shoulders, shaking her before slapping her over and over.
You collapse on your knees, sobbing as you bury your face in your hands. Todorki's expression softens as he kneels down at your crying figure, reaching out to hug you, comfort you somehow, but the memory flashes forward.
"He just left me...... He sided with them......he doesn't even know the full story! He didn't see what happened!" you scream. Todoroki looked up and saw that Kamui Woods was walking away, leaving you.
Then he appeared. "I've been watching you for a while. That is some quirk isn't it?"
"W-When you ask for information about someone, it's only proper to give your name first!"
He chuckles, sitting down properly next to her. "You're right. My name is Shigaraki Tomura. I work for the League of Villains. And I understand your pain, Miss Y/n."
"H-how could you understand?! You're a villain! I am going to be a hero someday!" Shigaraki flinched at this, looking at the girl with a more harsh glare.
"Oh? A hero huh? Take a good look at this society. No, what Kamui Woods and that mother just did to you." he says. "He took the mother's side, not even coming over to scold you at the very least."
You flinch at this. "Do you really want to become a part of a society, with sorry excuses of heroes like that?" Shigaraki stands up, the warp gate still open as he goes to step in. Before he does though, he turns around to Y/n holding out his hand.
"Come with me, Y/n. Join the League of Villains, and fight with me to destroy this corrupt society!"
"No! Stop Y/N!" Todoroki yells, his voice echoing as he goes to grab you, but once again he merely passes through you, as if he isn't there.
And he knows it's too late once you take his hand and disappear in the warp gate.
Todoroki felt his heart shatter after seeing that. Once the world came back to him, he looked down at you. Hugging yourself, on the ground, crying. You were broken, lost, afraid in this awful world. Nobody had come to save you, and your savior had been Shigaraki, a villian.
He couldn't even imagine the pain you must've felt, when you'd grown to trust him, and then that day at the summer camp....When he had sided with that girl instead of you....
He made a mistake. A huge mistake. Todoroki took a deep breath, before kneeling down next to you, ignoring the dizziness he was feeling from the bullet wound. And without another moment's hesitation, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.
You gasp, feeling his warmth surround your body, and when you begin to move away he only tightens his grip. "Y/n...I'm sorry. You were left alone in all that darkness....You felt as if the world abandoned you." he begins.
"But....I swear to you...I'll never leave you again. You.....You can be a hero Y/n."
Hearing those words, you felt as if the negative feelings, all that pain, that loneliness for so long come back, and before you could even process it yourself, you were hugging onto Todoroki tightly, sobbing as you cried into his shoulder.
You let out a wail, and Todoroki gently stroked the back of your head, whispering "It's okay" and "Let it all out" and "I'm here" into your ear.
After a few minutes, you stopped crying, and sniffle, trying to calm yourself down to form the right words. "Todoroki...I-I mean Shoto....Thank you..." you sniffle. "Than-"
You stop when you feel Todoroki's arms go limp in your grasp. "S...Shoto?" you whisper in fear. "Shoto?!" You pull away to look at him, and see his eyes closed, and his face rather pale. You look down and let out a scream in terror.
There was a pool of blood on the ground, along with your shirt stained from the large soaked stain on his shirt. "No! Shoto! Please wake up! Don't die on me please!!" you scream, holding the male's face in your hands, tears streaming down your cheeks again.
"Help! Someone please!" you yell, your voice echoing throughout the abandoned alleyway. You hug the male, his whole body limp and you can feel his natural heat slipping away.
"Over here!"
"There are two kids over there!"
You let out a sigh of relief when you see the familiar ambulance lights coming. "Shoto...I promise you'll be okay. It's alright."
You stand, trying to meet them half way but before you could even take a step forward, a gunshot rings through the air, and when you look at your shoulder, you see a tranquilizer dart. You gasp, trying to pull it out, but it's too late as the effects of the drug already do their work, and your eyelids feel heavy. You collapse on the ground, your vision blurring. The last thing you see is Todoroki being surrounded by nurses and you black out.
~~Two Days Later~~
Todoroki groaned as he slowly opened his eyes, only to shut them closed once again when the reflection of light from the hospital ceiling tiles blinded him.
"Todoroki-san! Thank goodness!"
"He's awake! You guys!"
The male turned to his right, seeing there was Yaoyorozu, Midoriya, Iida and Kirishima. "Are you alright man?! You were out for two days!!" Kirishima says.
"Two....days...?" he repeats, going to sit up, only to wince. He looked down and saw that his right side had been bandaged. "They said it was a gun wound." Midoriya explains.
"Where's Y/n?" he says without another thought, swinging his legs off the bed and standing, not even caring that his wound screamed in pain as he stood on his feet. He was dressed in hospital clothes. "A-ah! Todoroki you shouldn't stand!!" Iida exclaims.
"Where is she?" he repeats, looking back at the group. "What happened to Y/n?"
They fell silent, looking down in guilt. Midoriya was the first to speak up. "Todoroki...Do you really not remember anything...?"
Todoroki narrows his eyes at this. "What?" he repeats in a slightly irritated tone.
"The police took Y/n away....." he bit his lip slightly. "Right now, they're deciding what to do with her."
Back at the station, you were sat in the same interrogation room, handcuffs on your hands. You weren't surprised to see it was none other than Nagari interrogating you once again. Once he slides down into the cold metal seat across from you, he lets out a sigh.
"Y/n...Do you know what my quirk is?" he asks. You pause, recalling he never did mention what his quirk was. You shake your head, earning a chuckle from Nagari. "I figured..."
He then grabs your wrist, making you flinch at first, unable to move from the cuffs holding your wrists down to the table. "My quirk is called Liar." he says with a smirk, "So let's try this again. Y/n, why did you kidnap Todoroki Shoto during the USJ incident?"
End of Chapter 33
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