Chapter 30: A Betrayal Gone Wrong
After another day of grueling training, you were cooking once more. This time, you managed to hold your quirk's concentration on Aizawa for a total of ten minutes, and held off Midoriya. You found yourself grinning like a dork, slicing carrots with your knife before seeing how skilled Bakugo was.
"Whoa...! Your skills are amazing! It's so unexpected!" you exclaim. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?! HOW CAN YOU BE BAD WITH A KNIFE?!" he yells making you sweat drop. "Man everyone's too energetic...." Kirishima mutters.
You finish cutting up your vegetables before Midoriya runs up to you, "A-ah Y/n-chan!" he calls. "Yeah?" you reply, "What's up?"
"Well....I'm sorry it's a bit of rude question to ask....but, what do you think of that boy, Kota?" You blink in surprise. "You mean about his loathing for heroes?" you question and the male nods. You smirk, "So you mean when I still hated heroes."
'Correction; hate heroes' you thought smugly to yourself.
"Well," you say in a faking sweet voice, not that he could tell the difference. "For me; heroes were never there for me. Telling from that boy's expression, something tells me he had something similar happen. Actions are stronger than words though. We're all strangers, so of course he won't believe our words." you say and Midoriya's eyes lit up. "Thanks for the advice Y/n!" he smiles happily.
"Of course!" You smile back, mentally grinning menacingly, 'Not like you or this Kota will get to live anyways.....'
Todoroki, watched the two of you from afar. Seeing your expression made him grimace. What he said yesterday.......Heck, what happened even.....he had felt guilty. All day the two of you had been avoiding one another. He could tell you were upset. But then,
Why were you so happy?
"THE TEST OF COURAAGEEE!!" Mina squeals, along with the rest of the class who was enthused to be doing the test of courage now. "Sorry to break it to you now, but you'll be doing your remedial lessons now." Aizawa says causing Mina to scream in shock. "NO WAYYY!!!"
"Sorry but you were slacking in your training so it's gonna cut into your test of courage time." he says dragging her, Kaminari, Sato, Kirishima and Sero away.
Rag Doll explained the rules of the test of courage, with Class B already setting up since they were the first scaring group. A lottery was drawn, with eight pairs. You look down at your number and see the number eight scribbled on. "Eight....?"
Todoroki looks down and sees he has the number two and a small part of him dies seeing his partner is Bakugo. Bakugo, notices this as well and growls. "Oh fuck this..."
Todoroki sighs, "Maybe you should switch with Y/n," he begins. "SHUT UP! Don't tell me what to fucking do!" he yells.
You look around and see it's none other than Midoriya who holds the number eight. "Oi Y/n! Switch with me!" Bakugo yells showing his paper with the number two. You look and see Todoroki has one as well.
"Sure." you go to switch until Bakugo sees your partner, "Tch. Never mind. You can stay with that fucking nerd." you roll your eyes but nod, staying back with the male.
Twelve minutes later, you watch Uraraka and Froppy go into the forest, the rest of the groups waiting to join. You couldn't help but get a strange feeling in your chest. You felt the communication device vibrate suddenly and you knew that was your cue.
"Oh, Midoriya-kun, I'll be right back!" you say with a smile. "O-okay!" the male stutters and you run off, pretending to stop at a small clearing but only to run deeper into the forest. You stop however when a wall of blue flames rise on the trees in front of you making you gasp.
A man with charred black hair, and burns all over his body, including his face appear. He has a long black jacket, seared at the bottom and a menacing grin that sent shivers down your spine. "Oh~? Aren't you that Y/n girl?"
You nod slowly, "Y-yeah....I was the one who gave you the location to this place." you look around, "Where's Shigaraki-nii?"
"Shigaraki-nii'?" the male repeats. He pauses for a moment before laughing. You instantly feel your heart drop at your feet, knowing something was wrong. "W-what?! Where is he?!"
"You really think he waited for you to spoil the location?" he tilts his head, an evil grin plastered on his expression. "You don't mean anything to him.....And now, I can kill you too...."
You gasp, watching as he went to throw his flames at you, when a large ice pillar forms under you and you slide back to safety. "Y/n, run!!" you see it was none other than Todoroki, who was carrying a Class B student on his back. "Y-yeah!" you run back, seeing Bakugo was also there.
Todoroki wastes no time as he runs back with the two of you, unable to fight. "Y/n listen! We don't have permission to fight, so all we can do is run for now!" he shouts, and you nod. "I don't know what's going on..." he says, "but don't worry! If we stick together we can make it through this!"
Hearing those words felt like a stab in the chest. You had to tell him the truth....But could you...?
Your thoughts were interrupted, when you heard Mandalay's voice. "Class A and B! By the Pro Hero Eraserhead, you have been granted permission to fight! And, we have learned one of the villain's targets! A student named 'Kacchan!' Got it, Kacchan? Avoid combat and refrain from solo movements!"
"Shut up..." Bakugo grins, "That fucking nerd must've done something....But I don't care! I'm going to fight!" It's then you notice the villain, wearing an all black suit, with his arms restrained to his body, and his teeth grow, sending him up above ground.
Todoroki creates a large wall of ice, blocking the attack. "Bakugo! Stop, you're one of their targets!" he shouts. "No......This is my fault......"
Bakugo and Todoroki look back at you, seeing you shaking in both fear and anger. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" Bakugo yells. "I.....I did this..." you say shakily, "They had the location.....And...I-I told them to attack......"
Todoroki's face paled as he looked to you. "Y-y/n......"
"You fucking villain!" Bakugo spat, grabbing your collar and slamming you against one of the trees. "I knew it! You were working for them all this time! You fucking traitor!"
"Stop it!" you shout, shoving him off. "I know it was wrong! But, I'm going to fix it! Right now!" Bakugo went to grab you again. "Oh no you don't!"
You dodge Bakugo's hand and look to Todoroki. He stares at you with worry before it turns into an expression of anger. He was about to say something when the villain breaks through the ice wall. "Move!" he shouts and the three of you break up your temporary fight to dodge the sharp teeth.
You take the chance to run off, ignoring Bakugo's yelling and cursing. Tears stung your eyes as you continued to run, desperate to fix this. This was your fault. You needed to fix this, and that meant, finding the leader of this operation.
'Clearly Shigaraki isn't showing up.....So my best guess is that Kurogiri is here.....I don't know who those other guys are.....But if I take down Kurogiri it's all over!'
And sure enough, there stood Kurogiri in the center of the madness. You crouched behind a small gathering of bushes, seeing no other villains in sight. Slowly you draw your pistol, and take a deep breath.
You run out of the bushes, letting out a cry as you ram into the warp man and he falls to the ground with a grunt and you point the pistol at his body. "KUROGIRI!" You scream. "CALL IT OFF! NOW!"
Kurogiri's glowing eyes were wide in panic, but only for a moment recognizing you. "Oh, Y/n." he says with a chuckle. "For a second you had me worried. You can stop playing-"
"Shut up! I'm not playing anymore! I'm done with the League! I'm-I'm going to be a hero now!" you cock the gun, "And I'm going to take you all down!" The warp man laughs loudly, pissing you off further seeing he wasn't even fazed by your threats. "What's so funny?!"
"I guess, because you didn't really check your surroundings well." he says. "What?!" Before you can even turn around, you are slammed down onto the ground and gasp in pain, watching Kurogiri stand. You try to look from the corner of your eye and see it's a Nomu. It pins down your arms at your sides while you squirm around desperately.
"Let go of me!"
Kurogiri doesn't respond, pulling out a syringe with a strange liquid inside. You gasp, frantically trying to get away. "Stop it! Get away from me!" The male puts his hand on your head, forcing you down as he inserts the needle to the back of your neck.
The cold liquid enters your body and you scream in pain feeling all of your nerves burning, like they were on fire. The pain floods over every single part of your body and that's the last thing you remember before your vision is consumed by the darkness and you black out.
Dark Shadow let out a monstrous screech, charging at Moonfish who was quite angered to see his flesh being taken away. "No good..........No good!!" he yells as Dark Shadow attacks, sending him flying into a nearby tree. Bakugo got ready to set off a large explosion to shrink Dark Shadow and hopefully keep him at bay.
Todoroki gently sets down the student on his back and charged at Tokoyami with his flames brightly lit, and with Bakugo they were able to calm Dark Shadow down. Tokoyami collapsed on his knees, panting as he thanked them for saving him.
Shoji's tentacle was bleeding, where one of his hands were cut off, with Midoriya on his back. Midoriya was in the worst condition, with his arms both broken, bruises littered all over his body and barely conscious on Shoji's back. The five boys stand for a moment, trying to collect their thoughts from the fight.
"I'm sorry Shoji.....Just seeing you attacked by the villain.....And that fear....Dark Shadow took over..." Tokoyami mutters. "It's alright, right now we need to focus on getting Bakugo safely out of here."
Midoriya proceeds to explain. "Through the clearing, that's where the pussy cats are currently fighting. If we follow the path back, the villains will definitely spot us, we can't afford another setback, we should cut straight through with the shortest route."
Todoroki nods, "We don't know how many of them there are... Even still, there's the possibility the could suddenly ambush us." He says looking around, "Still that's where Shoji's abilities come in handy! He can sense if there is a villain coming!" Midoriya adds. "Yeah we also have Todoroki's ice, and if you're okay with it Tokoyami, your dark shadow."
Bakugo looked back and forth at their discussion becoming more ticked off. "What the hell is this?!" he yells. Todoroki ignores this, "We need to get Y/n too. She blames herself for everything-"
"You fucker!" Bakugo punches the male, earning a gasp from the others as Todoroki winced, trying to ignore the stinging pain in his cheek. "Stop fighting Bak-" Tokoyami began.
"You really still believe she's good?! You heard her! She signaled for this attack!" Bakugo yells. Tokoyami, Shoji and Midoriya's eyes widen. "What?! When did this happen?!" Shoji exclaims.
"That's not good....If Y/n's on their side-" Todoroki cuts of Tokoyami. "No! She's not! I know it!"
"Todoroki....." Midoriya grimaces. "I agree! Y/n-chan wants to be a hero! If my word and Todoroki's isn't enough to convince you, we'll find her and confront her properly on the matter!" He honestly didn't believe you did this, but right now was a dangerous situation and they needed to keep going.
"You just walk in the middle." Todoroki says to the male, before the group continues their trek in the forest. Meanwhile, Uraraka and Tsuyu appear out of the clearing, looking back as they run from the girl that was chasing them."Be careful! We still don't know her quirk!"
Tsuyu stops, seeing the group. "What happened to you, Midoriya-kun?" she asks worried for her classmate. "We're escorting Bakugo right now back to the camp." Shoji says, making Uraraka and Tsuyu look at each other. "If you're escorting Bakugo, where is he?" Tsuyu asks worriedly.
Everyone looked back only to see Bakugo and Tokoyami are gone. "If you're talking about him... I just used my magic to take him." A man in a yellow coat appears, with a black top hat and black and white mask, with a cane stands in the trees. "Someone like that has no business being on the side of the heroes... Now when we have a stage where he can shine even brighter."
"Give them back!!" Midoriya shouts "'Give them back'? That's a strange choice of words. Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone," The villain scoffed.
"Give them back!!!" Midoriya yelled once again becoming furious at the villain. Uraraka caught the student as Todoroki dropped him and went to attack the villain. "Sorry but deception and running away are my only talents! So I bid you farewell!" He says before taking off. "I'll let you deal with this!"
"Move!" Todoroki shouts, getting ready to fire his ice, only for a bullet to be fired, as he narrowly dodges. Everyone's eyes turn to the direction of the bullet, seeing a faint shadow. "Who's that?!" Uraraka exclaims.
The figure shakily steps closer, and once they step into the light Todoroki feels his heart stop. Uraraka and Tsuyu looked to one another in fear. Shoji backs up slightly, getting into a battle stance. Midoriya gasps, looking up with his good eye.
"W-what are you doing....Y/n?!"
You stood there, pistols pointed at your classmates. "Is she really a traitor?!" Shoji shouts, unsure what to do. "Y/n! Answer us! What's going on with you?! We're your-"
Before Uraraka could finish her sentence you fire another bullet at her, as it grazes her cheek. "Uraraka!" Midoriya shouts in worry. Todoroki grit his teeth. "Y/n stop it! We need to get back Tokoyami and Bakugo!"
However, he stops when he looks into your eyes. They were the normal f/c when you activated your quirk, but they had a dead look to them. "Uraraka! Make us float!" Midoriya shouts through gritted teeth, "Asui, throw us with your tongue! As hard as you can! Like one of my punches!! Shoji you can use your arms to correct is in the air! Keep us in tow! We can't waste any more time!"
You charge at the group, watching as Tsuyu got ready to release them, you fire another bullet at her, this time hitting her shoulder, but the female manages to launch the group as they go flying through the air, hitting Mr. Compress as he falls to the ground in front of the rest of the League of Villains.
He grunted and the pinned him down quickly when they landed on the floor in front of Dabi, Toga and Twice. "These brats! I know them!! Who are they??"
End of Chapter 30
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