Chapter 21: Hero Killer: Stain vs U.A. Students!
Todoroki stepped out of his room, wearing his new hero costume, being he had to make slight adjustments for use of his left side. He now has a darker blue jacket with elbow-length sleeves, collar high and a gray neck piece. His pants were now a matching dark blue, slightly baggy and a metal-plated combat vest. Lastly he had white knee-high boots.
He walks over to your room, lightly knocking on the door to see if you were done yet. They were supposed to meet up with his father soon, and he didn't want to hear about it if they were late. "Y/n. Are you ready?"
You walk out, and the minute he sees you in your hero costume, Todoroki has to back up and clear his throat slightly. You notice this and frown. "Do I look bad...?" you ask, wondering if you should change your costume now.
"No." he blurts quickly, surprising himself, as he closes his eyes, taking a small breath before looking up at you. "You look nice. Better than when you were dressed as a villain."
Hearing those words, your eyes widen slightly in surprise, but, seeing it was a compliment, you couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Thanks...Todoroki." you say before noticing he had a new hero costume as well. "I like your new outfit too. Blue suits you better than white."
Todoroki cracked a small smile at this. The assistant from earlier came back up and saw the two of you ready. "If you two are ready, I'll take you to Endeavor." Todoroki's smile instantly falls and he nods, facing the assistant. "Please do so." he replies curtly.
She lead the two of you down to the first floor, the large double doors at the end of the hall. She goes to open the door but Todoroki is quick to stop her. "Thank you, we have it from here." The assistant flinches slightly, seeing Todoroki's irritated expression, but nods, bowing to the male and walking off.
You look at the male, who was trying to calm himself down. Biting your lip, you place your right hand on top if his left, lacing your fingers with his. His eyes widen in surprise seeing this, as he looks up to you for some sort of explanation. You merely give his hand a small squeeze, for comfort.
Todoroki didn't know what it was. But, just that small gesture seemed to make his worries melt away instantly. He gives you a small nod, squeezing your hand back slightly before opening the door. "Father, we're here." He announced.
"Enter." he replies gruffly from the other side of the door, before Todoroki opens it, letting you inside first. Endeavor is sat at his desk, looking at his son and then you. "I see you both chose to intern at my agency," he says walking up to them
"Well you did draft us." he replies in his usual monotone voice, and still holding your hand. Endeavor narrows his eyes at the two of you. "We're going on patrol in Hosu City." You flinch slightly at his tone, but hearing the name of the city, you can't help but speak up. "Um, Endeavor-san!" you say, your voice slightly shaky and surprising Todoroki.
The pro hero narrows his eyes at you, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yes?" You stand a bit straighter, for some reason. "What's going on in Hosu City?" you ask. He raises an eyebrow slightly before walking past the two of you and replying, "The Hero Killer is said to be there. Now follow me. We'll be driving there." And he said no more, closing the door behind him as he left the two of you in his office.
You look to Todoroki. "Hero Killer? Is that why Iida's there?" you mutter to the male who merely remains stone faced. "I don't know. We'll find out I guess...." he looks down at his hand, holding yours and you couldn't help but follow his gaze down. Slowly you start to let go. "Sorry....I don't know what overcame me in that-"
"I like it." He slightly tightens his grip, successfully stopping you in pulling away. You blush slightly, looking away for a moment before walking out, still holding his hand. "C-come on...Your father is waiting for us."
'He likes it....' you thought, smiling slightly as your cheeks tinted a light rosy pink.
Once arriving in Hosu City, everything did seem to be quiet. The three of you were walking in silence, with Endeavor in the front and leading the patrol. You and Todoroki were walking in silence, but content with the hand holding.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and you take it out, seeing it was a message from an unknown number. "Eyes up front, L/n." Endeavor says, not even looking back at you. You nod, putting your phone back in your pocket. And it wasn't even a few minutes of walking, when a loud crash could be heard from the main street and screams of civilians could be heard.
"What was that?!" Endeavor looked ahead. "Nomus." There was one with wings now as with a few other that were running around, terrifying the citizens. "Shoto. L/n. Come with me to help the citizens." he breaks into a small jog. You let go of Todoroki's hand and gasp at the sight in front of you. Buildings were on fire, damage was everywhere, and pro heroes were doing their best to fight against the Nomus that tried to attack the civilians.
There were so many Nomus...More than you had known about-Wait. Your phone. The strange number. You looked over and saw Todoroki going to help a few citizens escape. Taking the chance you redial the number, hearing it ring twice before a clicking sound was heard on the opposite end. "Hello?"
"Y/n. Why didn't you answer?" It was Shigaraki. Unbeknownst to you, Shigaraki was standing on a rooftop with Kurogiri and another Nomu, watching you from below. "I..I was on patrol with Endeavor. What's going on?"
He narrows his eyes at you from above, disgusted in seeing how you were holding hands with Endeavor's son earlier. "We are having Nomus invade while the Hero Killer is here." he says, making you gasp in surprise. "But..What about the citizens?"
"Huh?" Shigaraki lets out a dry laugh. "They're all part of this corrupt society we're trying to destroy. Let them suffer." you flinch at his words remembering at the Sports Festival what's supposed to happen when the two of you meet next time.
"Shigaraki-nii.....I'm sorry, but I'm against this!" you hang up quickly, before your phone vibrates once again. It was a text from Midoriya. It was a location, sent to everyone in the group chat and located in Hosu City, an alleyway. Not that far from where you are. "Are you in trouble....?" You look around to tell Todoroki but seeing he was helping the citizens, you didn't bother, "Sorry gonna borrow these!!!!" you shout, swiping up two pistols from local cops before breaking off into a sprint for the location.
Meanwhile Iida stood face to face with the Hero Killer, his eyes burning with hatred. He was the one he was out for revenge. He killed his brother. "I've been pursuing you....But I didn't expect us to meet so soon!" he says, taking off his hero helmet. This was it. This was his chance to take down this low criminal for good. He was not wasting this opportunity. He'd left Manual earlier but that was no matter now.
"I am Ingenium! The brother of the hero you killed! Remember my name!" Iida shouted. The Hero Killer narrows his eyes at the male. "Is that so? Die." Iida let out a yell of anger, swinging his left leg at the Hero Killer, who easily dodged, laughing. "Ingenium's brother....I see.. I let him live for the rumors."
Iida cried out in pain when the Hero Killer stepped on his shoulder, feeling something sharp pierce his right arm, and the Hero Killer slams him down onto the ground, stabbing his katana in his left arm. "You and your brother...are both weak. Because you're fakes."
"Shut up, you villain scum!" Iida yells. "My brother...He was a great hero! He gave me a dream to be like him!" He cried, tears burning in his eyes. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
"First save him." the villain replies, making Iida's eyes widen as he noticed the pro hero Native against the wall, unable to move. "Don't use your power for your sake. Go rescue others, before concerning yourself over those in need. Becoming seized by your hatred for the enemy before your eyes, to satisfy your own selfish desires, is the act furthest from the title 'Hero'."
He pulls out his katana from Iida's shoulder. "That is why you die here." he brings up the blade to his mouth, licking the blood off, and Iida gasped feeling his whole body become paralyzed. "Shut up..SHUT UP!" he yells.
Hero Killer suddenly tensed, just before he was going to finish off Iida, Midoriya came out of nowhere, punching the Hero Killer, sending the villain back as the green haired male stood in front of their beloved class representative.
"I came to save you Iida!" Midoriya said as he kept his eyes on the villain who glared at them. Iida's eyes widen. "M-Midoriya-kun?!" he looks up in shock. "I hit bingo." He says to himself and looks directly to the Hero Killer. "I saw that the tabloid on the TV show... That 60% of the Hero Killer's victims were... Were found dead on deserted corners... So from the center of the commotion, I scoured the town, looking for back alleyways near the normal hero offices and found you here!" Midoriya announced glaring at the villain who looked at him carefully. Hero Killer recalled that Shigaraki had a picture of him.
Iida struggled to get up, and found he couldn't use his quirk either. "Friends show up and say 'I'm here to save you.' A good line for sure. But it is my duty to kill these two. And if we're forced to fight, then naturally the weaker of us will be culled." Hero Killer says with such an intensity it sent shivers down his spine. Midoriya stiffened a little at the intensity in the Hero Killer's eyes.
Hero Killer looked and noticed that a bullet had grazed his right cheek. Midoriya's eyes widen as he looks back and sees you, pointing a gun at the Hero Killer. "Stay away from them!"
"Y/n-chan?" Midoriya says in surprise. You look at the male with a grin, now standing in front of Iida. "Let's protect them." Midoriya couldn't help but manage a shaky smile before he shouted All Might's wise words. "Butting in one's problem is one of the qualities of a hero!" charging in to attack the villain who smirked. "Not bad!"
The Hero Killer swings his katana at Midoriya, who slides under the blade of the hero killer with a growl. The villain looked behind him and gasped as to not see the green haired boy, he looked up to see him about to attack. In that instance, you fired two more bullets at the male, one from each gun
The villain uses his blade to deflect the bullets, before dodging Midoriya as he licked the katana's blade. The green haired male dropped to the floor, gasping as he couldn't move now. "Your power doesn't cut it. From the way I read your movements, you planned to slip out of my line of sight and use the girl's bullets to distract me. Then you'd bring me down with a surefire hit."
He walks past the now paralyzed Midoriya. "People that are all talk are a dime a dozen...But you, you're worth keeping alive. Not these three however." The villain turned to you with a sinister look in his eyes, "Right, Y/n?" he sneered. He recalled seeing a picture of you from Shigaraki, and with that he charged at you.
Iida watches in horror starting to regret all of this. Meanwhile Native was feeling just as furious as Iida was. He was a pro hero and yet, he couldn't do anything to help the kids. You gasp, your hand shaking as you tried to pull the trigger, and just before a wall of ice was heading towards Stain, who jumped back and out of the way. "It's one after another today... My work keeps getting blocked..." He grunted to himself as he jumped back.
"Midoriya, for some things like this, you should text me more information. Now I'm late."
You looked over, and there was Todoroki, now at your side.
End of Chapter 21
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