Love Her Better
I stared at Lauren as she sat there, texting her boyfriend. It hurt so badly.
I would love her better. Better than he ever would.
I had been hopelessly in love with her for five years. She was the absolute most amazing girl in the world. She was beautiful, smart, funny, kind, and an overall just wonderful person. She had the softest hair I've ever touched and the most beautiful pair of emerald green eyes that I've ever had the privilege of looking in to. Her skin was so smooth and her voice would send shivers down my spine. Every touch from her ignited a fire within me that would be nearly impossible to extinguish. She always knew exactly what to say to lift my mood. She always said the right things to make me laugh. She knew how to make me happy.
But he made her happy.
I wish she'd see that he wasn't as great as she believed him to be. She saw him as this perfect man who wouldn't ever do wrong. She was incorrect.
Dinah and I walked out of the store, finally done with our Christmas shopping. We'd spent four hours getting stuff for the rest of the girls. Normani and Ally were somewhat easy to shop for, but Lauren was the real challenge. Normani would be happy with a copy of Beyonce's new album, and Ally had been very fond of scented candles lately. But Lauren... it's hard to tell what she'd want. Sure, I knew what stuff the green-eyed girl liked, but nothing seemed good enough. I believed Lauren deserved the best, so that's what I wanted to give her.
"Think she'd want tickets to see The 1975 in concert?" I asked the tall Polynesian girl beside me.
Dinah shrugged. "Concert tickets sound like a lot of money, Mila."
"They're not that much money. I bet tickets are around $50," I giggled.
We stopped in our tracks the moment we saw them. It was Ty, Lauren's boyfriend, and some redheaded girl who looked to be in her late twenties. They were getting awfully... close.
"Is that..." Dinah trailed off, her hands forming fists.
"I'm going to kill that bastard," I growled, dropping the bags and quickly making my way towards the cheating asshole and his side hoe.
"Wait, don't cause a... scene..." Dinah sighed, knowing it was too late to hold me back.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked angrily, sending a cold glare to the woman. She raised an eyebrow and stood up.
"Um, excuse me, can we help you?" She asked in a snobby tone of voice.
'Oh, HELL no,' I thought. "Yeah, you can help by getting your skinny ass out of here," I muttered.
"Who do you think you are, you bitch?"
"The best friend of this cheating dickhead's girlfriend."
The girl tilts her head and looks at Ty. He just shrugged and stood up. "I'll be on my way now, ladies." He then looked at the girl and winked. "Call me," he said with a smirk.
"Stop right there, you two-timing pig," I demanded.
Ty rolled his eyes. "I have a girlfriend to get home to. I don't think she'd appreciate her 'friends' assaulting me while I'm shopping for her Christmas present."
I furrowed my eyebrows. "Since when the fuck does 'shopping for Christmas presents' mean cheating on your girlfriend?"
"Listen here, you little bitch. She's not going to listen to you. She's so in love with me that she won't believe it if someone as insignificant as you tells her that I'm disloyal or whatever. So either back the fuck off or I'm telling her about how you not only assaulted me, but you tried to blackmail me into sleeping with you."
"Why you little-" I tried to lunge for him but Dinah held me back.
Ty smirked. "Have a nice day, ladies." He then turned and walked off in the other direction.
Dinah turned to me. "Mila, you really need to chill. He's right. You heard him. She won't believe you if you tell her. She needs to find out another way if we're gonna expose him."
I sighed. I would be so much better to her than him. I'd shower her with gifts and love and everything she could possibly want and I would never ever cheat on her. I wish she'd see how much of an absolute dickhead Ty is.
I can love her better. Way better than he can.
"Yeah... I guess. I just don't want her to get hurt," I mumbled, looking down at my feet.
"Don't worry, chancho. Everything will be okay," Dinah smiled reassuringly.
"I hope so."
---End of flashback---
"... and I told him- Wait, are you even listening to me?"
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at Lauren. "Huh?"
Lauren groaned and fell backwards onto the bed. "C'mon, Camz... As my best friend, you're supposed to listen to my drama and my issues and stuff!"
I nervously giggled at her use of the word "friend" and said, "Yeah... Sorry, go on?"
"He was telling me how he was so excited to see me. He told me he has a surprise for me!" Lauren squealed excitedly. "What do you think it is?"
I shrugged. "Probably another necklace or something."
"Are you alright?" She asked, looking me deep in the eyes.
I didn't expect that so I stuttered. "U-Um, yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"
Lauren raised an eyebrow. "Something's definitely up. Tell me, or I'm going to tickle you mercilessly."
I sighed. "It's nothing, Lo. Really. I'm fine." I faked a smile, but Lauren saw right through me.
"Tell me what's going on, Camila. I'm serious, you're clearly not fine. Do you not trust me?"
I frowned. "What? Of course I trust you. I just..." I tried thinking up a lie. "... there's this person that I have... really strong feelings for and they don't see what a douchebag her boyfriend is and it is so frustrating and I caught him cheating and he threatened me and I don't know what to do."
"It's a girl? I didn't know you were gay. But you should tell her he cheated."
I shook my head. "I can't do that. She loves him so much that she would take his side instead of her own best friend's and he said he'd tell her I tried to blackmail him into sleeping with me, which by the way is extremely disgusting. I hate him so much. I don't understand what she sees in him."
Lauren tilted her head. "You don't know what could happen. She might believe you. Who is this girl, anyway?"
I broke out into a sweat. I obviously wasn't about to tell her how I felt about her. That would be stupid of me. "Uh.... a girl."
"Can you at least describe her to me?"
I didn't see the harm in that. "Well, she's super intelligent and kind. She has the most gorgeous smile ever and her eyes are so beautiful. I swear, theres like... mini little galaxies in her eyes. I could stare into them forever and ever and never get bored. Her laugh is so adorable. And her voice is just... I love it so much. It's slightly raspy but I find that so.... AGH and her mind is beautiful. She's beautiful."
Lauren nodded. "Interesting. You really like this girl, huh?"
I nodded shyly. "I love her. So fucking much."
Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Lauren stood up, looking at the clock. "Who would be here at this hour?" She went and opened the door.
Standing there with a huge smile and a bouquet of red roses was Ty. The moment he saw me, his smile immediately was replaced with a cold glare. He stared at me for 5 seconds before Lauren asked if he was alright, which caused him to fake a smile. "Nah, babe. I'm fine. I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't expect you to have.... guests."
"You should've called first. I would have made an effort to look nicer."
I sighed. Lauren turned to look at me. "You okay, Camz?" Lauren asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. Her touch sent shivers through my body. "Are you cold?"
I laughed awkwardly and shook my head. "No, I'm fine. I'll just leave you two to do whatever. Bye, Lauren." I said, making my way to the door. She grabbed my wrist.
"You're not going anywhere. You were supposed to stay the night, remember?"
Ty looked at me with a glare so chilling that I backed away from him a bit. "Yeah, but clearly you're busy. You have him now."
Lauren shook her head. "Stay. I insist. I'm not letting you leave, Camz. Just accept it and stay."
I gulped and nodded. "Fine. Only for you, Lo."
Lauren smiled brightly and my heart melted. I love her smile so much. I smiled back, and Ty cleared his throat. "You should take a good look at the card on the roses, babe."
Lauren raised an eyebrow and looked at the card. Her eyes widened immediately. "Tickets to see The 1975?! Ty are you serious?!"
My eyes widened too. I was gonna get her that. God, I hate him.
Ty smirked at me and nodded. "Yup. It was only $50."
I frowned. I hate him so fucking much.
"Only $50??? That's... are you... oh my god thank you!!!!"
I sighed. "I'm gonna head to bed... good night." I say and I walk into the guest room, leaving them alone. I couldn't stand to be anywhere near either of them for any longer. It hurt to watch him lie and cheat.
I could love her better. Far better than he ever could.
I lay in bed, earbuds in, trying to drown out the thoughts. I laid there in the dark, wishing I could just get over it, get over her. I didn't see or hear the bedroom door creak open and Lauren slip into the room. I jolted up when I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Huh?"
Lauren sat beside me on the bed and I took an earbud out. "Don't scare me like that, Lo. I nearly shit myself."
"Shit yourself and you'll be the one washing the sheets."
I rolled my eyes, and then smiled at her. Despite how dark it was in the room, there was still moonlight creeping into the room through the window, just enough to let me see her breathtakingly beautiful face. She was smiling, but I could see it wasn't quite reaching her eyes.
"So... you wanna tell me something?" Lauren asked in a tone that worried me. Something in her voice just... didn't sit well with me.
"What do you mean?"
"Ty mentioned that he ran into you and Dinah at the mall today."
Oh shit.
"Did he?" I asked, my voice trembling.
"Yeah. He uh..." Lauren took a deep breath. "He told me you tried to get him to sleep with you."
I felt as though I was about to puke. Then I remembered what I told her earlier. "I didn't, I swear."
Lauren stared at me for a few seconds. "It's me, isn't it?"
"What's you?"
"The girl you were talking about earlier... it's me. You're in love with me, aren't you?" That was the answer I was dreading.
"What gives you that idea?" I nervously asked.
Lauren just stared at me, studying my face. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed silent. She finally spoke up after about 5 minutes. "Camz... please just admit it. You know I don't like being lied to."
I looked down, trying to figure out what to say. I decided to just be straightforward. "Yes, Lauren. You're the one that I'm in love with. You're the one I was talking about."
The green-eyed girl nodded and bit her lip. "I broke up with him."
"Wait, really? Why?"
She sighed. "Well when he told me, I remembered what you said, so I asked him rapid-fire questions and he slipped up. After that, he realized I caught him lying and then I broke up with him."
"Wow... I don't know what to say."
Lauren smiled. "Can I tell you something?"
I nodded, slightly confused. "Sure, Laur. What's up?"
She leaned forward and connected our lips, making my heart stop.
The kiss ended as quickly as it started, and I stared at her, frozen in place. Lauren then spoke up after 30 seconds. "I haven't told anyone this, but I was only with Ty because I thought you would never want to be with me. I tried to convince myself I was straight, but every time I saw you, I just... I wanted to be with you more and more each time."
"I... don't know what to say, Lauren. You don't have a single idea how long I have waited to hear that." I said, looking at my hands.
"Say you'll be with me. Say you'll be my girlfriend. Please." Lauren grabbed my hands and I looked up into her eyes.
I smiled and pulled her to me, pressing a kiss to her lips. "Of course I'm going to say yes, Lolo."
Lauren's eyes brightened and she wrapped her arms around my waist. My heart melted. I always loved her hugs, but something about this one made me want to cry literal tears of joy. It took every ounce of willpower to hold it in. The older girl grinned at me, and said, "So do you want to watch a movie?"
I chuckled. "Sure."
We got comfortable in the living room and put on some random Disney movie. I was too focused on looking at my gorgeous new girlfriend to notice what she put on. I smiled to myself.
I will love her better. So much better than he ever did.
A/n - Soooo I apologize for the shittiness of this one. Like my god it's so bad, I cringe every time I reread it. But I mean they're all pretty shitty... but yeah. Oof I've been so bored and I've had no motivation whatsoever to finish this up. Buuuuuut I did it finally. So um yeah lol I'm also sorry for the crappy title too lmao. It's been a while.
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