"Yeah, yeah, I'm on my way, Mani. Leaving my apartment as we speak," Lauren said as she went through her purse for her keys.
"You better be. We're two blocks away," Normani replied and hung up before Lauren could say anything else.
Lauren had planned to go out to lunch with her best friends, Ally and Normani. She'd woken up from her nap late and they were supposed to pick her up in 5 minutes.
Lauren found her keys and made her way out the door. She slowed down when she got to the stairwell, wondering if she should go that way. She remembered how creepy it was though and decided against it. Lauren would rather be late than possibly die in a creepy stairwell.
When Lauren finally got to the elevator, she pressed the button which opened the doors and stepped inside.
Just as the doors were closing, an arm shot through the gap, stopping it. A shorter brunette girl walked in, looking slightly anxious. She flashed Lauren a quick and awkward smile, and pressed the button that would bring them down to the lobby.
The doors closed and the elevator began slowly going down. Lauren watched the small screen that stated which floor they were on.
10... 9... 8...
Lauren looked at the girl. She was really pretty. She had big brown eyes, long and shiny light brown hair, a really nice jawline... Lauren looked away before she could be caught staring.
7... 6...
She noticed the girl seemed to be nervous about something. She was biting her lip and drumming her fingers on her thigh. She kept glancing down at her watch, silently wishing the elevator would move faster. She obviously had somewhere to be.
5... 4... 3...
A loud noise was heard and the elevator started shaking.
"W-what's happening?" The girl asked, panic clear in her voice.
"I don't know..." Lauren answered, grabbing on to the railing.
The elevator stopped shaking after about 30 seconds and it was silent again. Lauren looked at the screen. They seemed to be stuck on the third floor.
'Well fuck,' Lauren thought.
"Are we stuck?" The girl asked.
"It seems like we are."
"Oh, no... I have somewhere I need to be!" She complained.
"Me too," Lauren said.
Lauren looked around and then realized there was a button that they could press if something like this happened. Lauren pressed it, and waited to see what happened.
It didn't seem to do anything.
"Fuck," Lauren mumbled.
"Crap, I don't have any signal!" The girl cried as she stared down at her phone.
Lauren checked her phone. No bars.
"It'll be okay. Someone will find us. Someone is gonna realize what happened and they're gonna send help," Lauren said and the girl sighed and sat down.
"But how long will that take?" She asked.
"I'm not sure, but it'll happen soon. I know it."
The girl sighed and looked up at Lauren. "Guess while we're stuck here we might as well get to know each other, huh?"
Lauren smiled. "Yeah." She sat down beside the girl. "My name is Lauren."
"I'm Camila. Nice to meet you, Lauren."
"Nice to meet you too. So..." she trailed off, trying to think of what to say. "How old are you?"
"19. What about you?"
"I just turned 21 last week," Lauren said with a smile.
"Well happy late birthday, then."
"Thank you."
"So uh... any reason as to why you're looking like you're going to pass out? Other than the fact that we're stuck in an elevator, I mean."
Camila looked down and frowned. "I was supposed to meet my boyfriend for lunch."
"What's he like?" Lauren asked.
Camila opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it again. She sighed. "In all honesty, he used to be the sweetest guy I knew. But lately, he's been... kind of a..."
"Douche?" Lauren finished, and Camila nodded.
"How? What happened? If you don't mind me asking."
"Well, he just recently got fired from his job. He worked with his dad at some family company or whatever, and he apparently wasn't 'fit for the job', so his dad had to let him go. After that, he just stayed home and started drinking. I told him he needed to get another job. He shouldn't just stay home and drink all day," Camila explained.
"Did he get another job?"
Camila shrugged. "He told me he did. He told me he got a job at an insurance company. A month or so ago, I called in to see what his hours were and when his lunch break was so I could go visit him. They said they had no record of an 'Austin Mahone' ever working there."
"What'd you do then?" Lauren asked, tilting her head.
"I got my best friend, Dinah, to track his phone since she's so good with that kind of thing. She tracked his phone right to this other girl's house. I knocked, and that's when I heard his voice from inside. I barged in past the girl and found him on the couch. He tried explaining to me what was happening but I knew. "
"He cheated?" Lauren asked, feeling something in her stomach. She didn't know what the feeling was, but she didn't like it.
"Yeah. We talked it out. He said he'd never do it again. He said he shut her out from his life. But I caught him at least three more times," Camila said sadly. "We were gonna meet today to talk it out once more. I caught him last night again. I haven't left him because he's the only guy I've actually had a relationship with. I don't wanna ruin it."
"Camila, I don't want to offend you or anything, but you seem to have a terrible taste in guys. Why do you settle for him if all he does now is cheat and lie to you?"
"I guess I'm too scared to move on," Camila said.
"Well, I think it's about time you try. If that asshole goes and does shit like that, then he doesn't deserve your patience and love. You deserve to be with someone who will constantly remind you of how beautiful you are. Someone who will always be there for you, despite what you do or say. Someone who will stay loyal and never hurt you in any way. And if he is the complete opposite of that, then you really need to find someone else," Lauren said, and Camila looked up at Lauren.
"How will I find someone like that?" She asked quietly.
"You have to look. It may take awhile because most people are very fucked up, but in the end, you will find someone."
Camila nodded. "You're right," she said, a small smile forming on her face. "Thank you, Lauren. I really needed to hear that."
Lauren shrugged. "Of course. I like helping people. It's what I do for fun," she replied with a grin.
"So... do you have a boyfriend or anything?" Camila asked casually.
"I did in high school. We broke up though. I uh... I kinda saw him more as a brother than a boyfriend."
Camila nodded. "I see." She bit her lip, trying to decide if she should ask her next question. "Have you ever kissed a girl?"
Lauren's eyes widened at the sudden question, and she was unsure if how to respond. "Well, uh... I..."
Camila looked down awkwardly. "Sorry, that was a really weird thing to ask. I'm sorry."
Lauren shook her head. "No, no. It's fine. You just caught me off guard. I have. I'm bisexual, actually."
Camila smiled slightly. "Me too. Although I've only ever kissed one person, my boyfriend."
Lauren nodded. "Yeah, my best friend at the time, she was my first kiss. I'd always had a crush on her and we were playing truth or dare and... well, I was dared to kiss her. So I did."
"What was it like?"
Lauren laughed. "It was a kiss. What do you think it was like?"
Camila shrugged. "I don't know."
"Well, anyway, she ended up moving away, which kinda sucked but I eventually got over it. That's when I met my ex boyfriend. He got me through it."
Camila nodded and tilted her head, watching as Lauren spoke. She had to admit, Lauren was probably one of the most attractive people she'd ever seen. She liked how expressive her emerald-green eyes were. She liked how she had to use her hands when she spoke to get her point across. She liked how raspy her voice was and how her laugh sounded so angelic and pure. She liked Lauren.
'I shouldn't be having these thoughts, I've got Austin,' Camila mentally scolded herself. 'But Austin is an asshole. He doesn't truly care. If he did he wouldn't have cheated multiple times. He would have put an effort into our relationship.'
Camila licked her lips, and smiled at Lauren when she looked her way.
Lauren raised an eyebrow and stopped talking. "You alright, Camila?"
Camila snapped out of her thoughts. "Huh? Yeah."
"Are you sure? You seem to be lost in your thoughts."
Camila looked at her hands and took a deep breath. "Would it be wrong to kiss someone else while I'm dating a guy who doesn't give a shit about me?"
"Uh... I mean, I guess not. After all, he cheated multiple times and it's just a kiss, right?"
Camila nodded. "Yeah... I was just wondering," she said, her voice barely audible.
Lauren followed the brown-eyed girl's gaze and realized she was staring at her lips.
Oh boy.
"Camila?" Lauren asked, whispering now.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not sure," she said, slowly moving closer.
Lauren realized what was about to happen and her heart rate increased dramatically. She wasn't sure if she should stop the girl or not, so she just sat there, eyes locked on her lips.
After what felt like an eternity, their lips met and Camila's arms were around her neck. Lauren didn't respond at first, but after a few seconds, she pulled Camila closer by the waist. She felt Camila's tongue brush against her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she gladly granted.
Camila gently backed Lauren into the corner, her lips moving down her jawline to her neck. She bit down softly, causing Lauren to let out a groan. She tangled her hands in the shorter girl's hair and tugged her head up, desperate to reconnect their lips.
Once air was needed, they pulled away slightly, breathing heavily. Lauren stared into Camila's eyes, trying to figure out what exactly she was thinking.
Suddenly a voice was heard from the speaker on the wall across from them. "We have some people trying to fix the elevator right now. It's going to take up to two hours, so please sit tight and wait patiently. We're sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you for understanding."
Camila and Lauren glanced at one another, smiling. "Looks like we're gonna be here for awhile."
"Guess we are," Lauren replied with a smirk.
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