_ 2 _
I was playing Candy crush when my room door opened and Sarah stepped inside. I sat up immediately.
"Hey" she called out as she sat down on my bed.
I didn't reply her as I plugged my phone.
"Nervous much?" Sarah asked.
"Yeah" I replied nodding my head.
"You are gonna do great" Sarah replied.
"Adeola said that too" I added.
"See?" Sarah said smiling.
"Things are not going to be easy for me as it was for you" I said looking at Sarah.
Sarah laughed as she shook her head. She probably already knew I was going to start comparing us together again.
"Of course things are not going to be the same, they are
different schools" Sarah said as I raised an eyebrow at her.
"You'll be fine, no qualms" Sarah added laughing.
"You think so?" I asked my nervousness creeping back into place.
"Why not? Your are my younger sister, I don't expect less" Sarah replied.
I smiled at her.
"Chat me up and send me pictures okay?" Sarah said and I nodded.
Did I tell you guys,she posts numerous of my pictures on her IG page? All thanks to her,I have about 3,000 followers on my IG page.
"And get a boyfriend" she whispered as I glared at her.
"I don't need it" I replied.
"Why not?" Sarah asked.
"I don't just need it" I replied shrugging my shoulders.
Sarah smiled as she lied down on the bed "Is there something you want? I'll buy it for you" she said.
I looked up at the ceiling trying to figure out something that I wanted "For now,nothing" I replied.
"Okay" she replied.
And so we sat in the comfortable silience before I spoke up.
"Sarah" I called out.
"Huh?" Sarah said.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked.
Sarah turned to face me with a huge grin on her face. "Why asking?" Sarah asked.
I rolled my eyes at her "I'm just asking" I said.
"Used to" Sarah replied.
"Used to?" I asked puzzled.
"We broke up February" Sarah replied.
"7 months ago?" I asked again.
"Yeah" Sarah replied.
"Why?" I asked.
"You don't wanna hear it" Sarah said laughing.
"I want to" I replied.
"Anjola" Sarah called.
"Huh?" I asked.
"If you get to uni and there's someone you like,do tell the person. Go for it" Sarah said.
I raised an eyebrow at her "Okay. Now answer my question"
She chuckled at me and walked out of the room.
I held my head as she walked out.
So much for sisters before secrets.
I lied down on the bed as I tried to think. I don't remember liking anyone before;as I turn to remove my phone, I remember someone and I scoffed.
Emmanuel Essiet
Everyone knew Emma liked me. He didn't try to hide it either. He always posted my pictures and gave me a lots of gifts but let's say I just didn't get the vibe and a lot of people hated me for not trying to recipocrate his feelings.
Emma would definitely fall under 10 most handsome guys on SS1 block if one was made. He had this bright smile and a cute face,till now I wonder why I didn't feel anything whenever he flashed me that smile.
Just when I decided to start liking him back, he moved. Just like that! Without a word to anyone. I had practised what I wanted to tell him the night before.
Hey Emma, I feel like you've done much for me and I really owe you.
I like you.
Two statements. Well that was the best I could come up with,blame my social skills. Only for me to get to school on Monday and hear that Emma already moved.
I went mad. He couldn't even tell me!
I was angry throughout that week and I kept falling in and out of mood and even my friends were surprised.
Thinking back now,I don't even know why exactly I was angry. Maybe because I didn't get to repay him but I definitely didn't like him.
I pulled my covers over my body and looked at the ceiling.
By this time tomorrow I would be lying in my bed in school.
Dad had a meeting in Lag that day and yet he wanted to follow me to school. So we left as early as 4am. I remembered Sarah holding my hands and pulling me into a hug. I remembered James sleepy eyes looking at me with all his cuteness.
"Give me the headset, will you?" He asked sleepily.
"I dropped it on the dining table" I replied him.
He nodded and I turned to enter the car before his hands grabbed me and I turned to him.
"Call often okay?" He asked and I nodded.
I winked at him and got into the car.
I slept off the moment we go on the express. I hadn't slept a wink throughout the night, special thanks to my nervousness. Mom also pressed her chair backwards and slept while I streched at the back of the car.
By the time I opened my eyes the first words I saw were "FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AKURE (FUTA) "
"We are here already?" I asked.
"You slept for quite a long while" my mom replied "Didn't you sleep at home?" My mom asked.
I sat up on the chair and shook my head. My dad collected the parking card and drove into the school. The last time I was here; I came to write my postutme.
Dad parked and brought out his phone.
"Let me call Michael" my dad said.
I lookEd around at the students walking about. I'll be like them soon. I came out of the car the moment I saw Professor Micheal walking towards us.
"Good morning sir" I greeted with a smile.
"Anjola right?" Prof Micheal asked.
"Yes sir" I replied wearing a small smile.
"Ore mi bawo ni?". (trans- my friend how are you?).
"I'm fine sir" I said.
"You came early" Prof Micheal said.
"I have a meeting at 3pm sharp and I need to be back to Lagos by then" my dad said.
"Just take a flight" Prof Micheal snickered at him.
"Please.... " my dad said cutting him off.
"Mommy, e kaaro" Prof Micheal greeted my mom turning to her. (trans- mommy, good morning)
"Good morning" my mom replied.
"What does she have to do,am in an hurry?" My dad started.
"Farabale jare" Professor Micheal replied as he collected my file from me and waved his hands for us to follow him. (trans- Be patient)
We soon got to a large building with
SCHOOL OF COMPUTING boldly inscribed on the walls.
"This is your school right?" Professor Micheal asked.
"Yes sir" I replied nodding.
We walked inside and saw a very long line of students carrying files. We walled past them into the office and I could feel eyes boring into the back of my head. My mom went for my hands immediately and I turned to give her a small smile.
"Wait here for us" Professor Micheal said as he and daddy walked off.
"Dress well when you are here" My mom started.
I turned to my mom and sighed "Yes ma" I replied.
"Eat well too" My mom added as I rolled my eyes.
"Yes ma" I said again.
"Anjolaoluwa"my mom called.
"Ma?" I answered.
"Adding a new friend to your friend list also isn't a bad idea" My mom said winking.
Professor Micheal and my dad walked out after some minutes.
"Done?"my mom asked and my dad nodded.
"What else?" My dad asked.
"I already helped her submit her pending course form so she will go and print the approved one" Professor Micheal said.
"There are cyber cafes here right?" my dad asked.
"Of course" Professor Micheal said.
"I'll help her go and print it" my dad said.
"She has to print it tomorrow" Professor Micheal said.
"Ha" my mom said.
"Any problem?" Professor Micheal asked.
"Anjola has zero social skills" my mom replied but it sounded like she was complaining.
"Now is not the time,Paul will take care of that" my dad said.
"That's all?" My mom asked.
"She'll have to come back and pay her Faculty and departmental dues" Professor Micheal replied.
"How much is that?" My dad asked.
"Should be roughly about 10,000" Professor Micheal replied.
"Can we take her to her hostel now?" My dad asked.
"Sure, I have a lecture in three, so just ask around for the directions of your hostel" Professor Micheal said and I nodded.
My mom shook her head "I just told you she has zero social skills" My mom said.
"She has but you two don't" Professor Micheal said.
"Ohhh" my mom said letting out a snicker.
"I'll see you when I see you" Professor Micheal said as he offered me a small smile and walked away.
My eyes went to my watch.
They still had time. We walked out of the office back to the car.
"Call your friends"my mom said.
"Huh?"I asked.
"You said you made friends,call one of them"My mom said.
I looked nervous as I brought out my phone and dialed Fisayo's number. She picked after two rings.
"Hello" I said into the phone.
"Heyyyy, Jola, how are you?" A feminine voice asked.
"I'm fine" I replied.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Have you resumed?" I asked.
"Sure" She replied.
"I am in the school now but am finding it hard locating my hostel" I said.
"Where are you?" She asked.
"In front of some huge building" I replied.
"Some huge building?" Her laughter echoed in my ears somehow calming me down.
"I can't find a name" I replied looking around frantically.
"Is there is kisok in front?" She asked.
"Yeah" I quickly replied.
"I'll be there in a minute,am just around the corner" she replied and hung up.
"What did she say?" My dad asked.
"I should wait for her" I replied.
My daddy glanced at his wristwatch and I could see impatience in his eyes.
"Why don't you drop my things and get going, I'll find my hostel myself" I said.
"Do we know how far it is?" My dad asked "We'll just wait" he replied as I felt a tap on my shoulder.
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