Camping Part 9
It wasn't long before Katsuki and Todoroki found Izuku gripping his chest fighting for breath. The two rush over as Izuku continued to sob loudly almost screaming as if he was in physical pain. Izuku clenches his eyes shut and gives up. He lets his body fall to the hard ground. He feels like his oxygen was being ripped away from his lungs that desperately craved for air. His chest felt heavy and no matter how hard he breathed in the same amount of hair would fill his lungs as if he didn't get enough. "Try and breathe okay? You will be okay." Todoroki says drooping his knees to get to Izuku's level. Todoroki put a hand on Izuku's back and rubbed it. Katsuki leans down on one knee and grabs Izuku's scared hand. Izuku squeezes his hand as if it could slip away any second. Izuku's screaming sobs soon turned into quiet tears and painful staggered breaths.
"I am going to text Yaoyorozu that we found him, we should leave soon and get back its still morning. We might leave sooner than planned depending on Uraraka's condition." Todoroki says and stands up walking about five feet away texting then making a phone call to Yaoyorozu. Katsuki watches and he looks over at Izuku who has stopped crying and has calmed down a little more. Katsuki brings Izuku's body up and hugs in tightly.
"Please don't cry, it pains me to see that look on you face." Katsuki says bringing him closer to him.
"Are you *sniff* going to leave me behind?" Katsuki furrows his brows and looks at Izuku confused for a minute. At this point Todoroki was walking back to them to tell them the situation. "Are you going to be like.... him..." Todoroki stops in his tracks and Katsuki freezes. Katsuki looks over at Todoroki and they both knew he was talking about his dad.
"No." Katsuki says a little harshly but he meant it. Now that he has Izuku he didn't want to let him go. He wanted him. Only him. "Did you take your pill today?" Izuku shoots up and stares into Katsuki's eye's horrified. He touches the head and winces at the pain from the cut he received previously. "It's okay, you can take it when we get back." Katsuki comes closer to Izuku and grabs his cheeks in his hands and kisses his forehead.
Todoroki explains that Uraraka is fine now and she feels horrible about what happened. Everything she said was half true though. She did like Izuku. Katsuki and Izuku held hands the rest of the way and they made it back to be greeted by everyone and Uraraka hugging Izuku. She apologies and Izuku accepts her apologize. They all start to pack up their stuff because they were leaving soon. Izuku and Katsuki were in their tent laughing and talking about their childhood times until it was around lunch time. Katsuki gets a text from Kirishima.
12:18 - Shitty hair: Hey Bakubro! Ashido gave me all the materials for your first date with Midoriya!
12:18 - Bakubro: What...?
12: 18 - Shitty hair: Remember? I agreed to help you with a date with Midoriya. You are having a lunch date! There is some good food out here, just ask him if he would like to have a date right now.
12: 20 - Shitty hair: Come on, everything is already set up.
12:20 - Bakubro: FINE!
Katsuki was about to ask Izuku out and he was nervous for once in his life. "Hey... Deku?" Izuku looks up from his phone and his cute is completely adorable. His cute emerald eyes filling Katsuki's soul. his cute freckles at dance across the bridge of his nose right to his round cheeks. "Would you like.... Wo-would you like to go on a date with me l-like right now?"
"Did you just stutter??" Izuku asks.
"JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION ADORABLE NERD!" Izuku giggles and says, "Yes. But, now? Do you have something set up already?"
"Kirishima and a bunch of his other buddies agreed to help me. So now they set it up and there is something waiting for us so I haven't seen it yet." Katsuki's words became a soft whisper as his face is close to Izuku's. As he talks he twirls the green curls that belonged to his precious.... Crush...
"So we can see it together..." Izuku says moving closer to Katsuki's lips.
"Yeah." Katsuki says then softly crashing their lips together. Their lips move in unison as they kiss. The kiss was gentle once again and it was sweet and nice. Katsuki bit slightly on Izuku's lip asking for entrance. Izuku was hesitant but complied and Katsuki slipped his tongue into Izuku's mouth. They were french kissing as some would say. Their tongue's were dancing with each others both Katsuki and Izuku satisfied and whole with each other. A loud yell from outside the orange tent made them jump apart and look at the entrance to see a shadow lingering in front of the entrance.
"Guy's you have to get ready for your date! Come out!" Kaminari says. Both boys smile and walk out hand in hand. They sit down on a table and two chairs that Yaoyorozu made for both of them. They had their date while the others were hiking talking about how cute they were together. It had been two hours and they were talking until Katsuki asked the big question that was lingering on his mouth.
"Izuku.... Will you be my boyfriend?" Izuku looked at his soft ruby red eyes and was memorized almost in a trance.
"Yes.. YES!" Izuku hugs Katsuki and they hug for awhile.
"Finally!" They both shoot their eyes towards the voice and it was Kirishima and the others walking back to camp some with firewood.
"Shut up shitty hair!" Katsuki kissed Izuku's forehead and the girls aww while the guys smile. Kirishima kisses Kaminari's forehead and they walk to the fire and have a nice chat with their friends. It was now nighttime and everyone ate their dinner.
"I feel like I have to say this because earlier today it got... heated. Midoriya you don't have to feel ashamed or anything. We fully support you both. Our other classmates don't know yet but we will be by your side if any of them decide to make fun of you both or act differently. I say this knowing that everyone still doesn't know me and Jiro are dating." Yaoyorozu stated and everyone looks at the two girls. Jiro was a blushing mess while Yaoyorozu was proud and smiling brightly. "Okay everyone off to sleep! We have to pack everything up tomorrow because it is our last day. Be ready for a long drive.
Everyone stands up and Todoroki puts out the fire with his ice. Now everyone was at their tents and it was really quiet. Izuku and Katsuki lay down next to each other just doing nothing. They breath and and relax in each others silent. "Hey nerd..."
"Hmmm?" Izuku replies.
"My old hag and your mom are having a dinner night together and I am being forced to go. Which means you will probably be going. They haven't seen each other in a long time or something. Would you... Maybe want to tell them we are dating or keep it a secret?" Izuku looks down thinking for a minute before answering Katsuki.
"Are you ready to come out to them?" Izuku ask's waiting for Katsuki to answer.
"Honestly, I am a little nervous. Dammit Deku you have no idea what you do to me..." Izuku looks at Katsuki and and crawls over to him. crawling on top of him and looking down at him.
"I'm glad that I affect you." Katsuki smirks and lets out a small chuckle. He grabs Izuku's lower back and tilts him to the side so they were spooning each other. "I will come out with you with them." Katsuki smiles knowing that his boyfriend will be there. Boyfriend. The words feels weird to them - foreign - they didn't mind though. It was nice and comforting knowing that they had someone to call their own.
"How is your side and your head?" Izuku smiles as he feels Katsuki's worry and concern. It makes him feel good and the self-hated thoughts disappear with the help of Katsuki.
"My forehead still hurts. My head hurts its throbbing a little but I can handle it. My side feels much better." Katsuki smiles and kissed his head.
"If my kisses help you heal then that's a good thing. I bet my kisses are better than recovery girl." Katsuki says grinning in the process.
"Yes, Kacchan's kisses are way better. I Love your kisses." Izuku's face turns beat red using the word love. Its not like he said the famous three words but he was close to saying it. Its not like he didn't not love Katsuki its just he loved him a little differently than he expected. Katsuki knew Izuku must have been blushing but he wouldn't press him about it. The already dim light burns out with a pop and Izuku flinches at the sound while Katsuki chuckles almost into a full out laugh.
"You're fine. As long as your with me I will protect you." Izuku smiles and turns his body to the other side. He brings his head right up between Katsuki's shoulder and neck. He inhales deeply while melting into completeness feeling Katsuki's sent fill his nose. The nice smell of vanilla and sandalwood warming his body like a fire in a fireplace.
"Goodnight" Izuku says drifting into a deep sleep.
"Goodnight Deku"
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