Camping Part 8
The sun seeps through the orange tent giving it a nice luminescent orange glow on both of the two sleeping boys faces. Katsuki was the first to wake up before Izuku. He looks down to see a peaceful boy next to him. He smiles and runs a hand through the green boys hair. Katsuki sits up bringing Izuku to his chest. Izuku stirs awake and looks up at Katsuki. They exchange a small smile and part from each others grasp. Izuku changed into a nice green hoodie with a t-shirt under it. He was about to put on some shoes but was stopped when Katsuki reaches over and kisses his forehead suddenly. Izuku bewildered looks at a smirking ash blond haired boy walking out of the big orange tent with a wide smirk on his face.
As Katsuki walks outside he is greeted by Todoroki smiling at him. Katsuki rolls his eyes and makes a 'tch' sound with mouth. He sits down next to Todoroki. "So.... Did you have fun last night?" Katsuki's attention was darted toward Todoroki.
"If you are implying that something happened nothing did." Katsuki says huffing in irritation.
"Who said I was implying something?" Todoroki says with a bit of amusement. Katsuki galres at Todoroki and breaks a long stick in two before setting it in the fire bit that wasn't burning yet. Katsuki notices that some tents are gone and question's Todoroki. "Iida left with his group that he had in the begging. Apparently that had an urgent matter to attend to. Some of the girls left as well, so now it's only Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jiro." Katsuki grunted for a reply. "So now there is only You, me, Midoriya, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, Kirishima, and Kaminari."
Katsuki looks at Todoroki annoyed and says, "Really...? You couldn't have said there are only six people? You HAD to say a whole long ass EXPLANATION?!" Todoroki rolls his eyes and ignites the flames on his left hand and starts a fire. "DEKU" a high pitched scream yells and both boys turn around seeing Uraraka run over to Izuku.
"Are you okay? You seemed to have gotten lost and then you barely talked to anyone yesterday." Uraraka says obviously worried.
"Yeah, I'm okay sorry for worrying you." Uraraka and Izuku walk over to the flames and Izuku makes eye contact with Katsuki. They haven't discussed their relationship yet. Izuku grabs his phone and it looked like he was texting someone. He then sets his phone face down on his lap and Katsuki feels a vibration in his pants pocket. Katsuki obviously watched Izuku type so when he feels the phone vibrate he looks at Izuku who was talking to Uraraka but left her gaze to glance at Katsuki. He opens his phone with his thump not bothering to type in his password just in case someone decides to snoop and watch him. Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Kirishima walk out of their tents at about the same time.
"So.... What is for breakfast this morning?" Kirshima ask's eager to eat something.
"Eggs with baked potatoes." Todoroki says in monotone. Everyone get's closer to the fire watching the food cook and at this time Izuku and Katsuki were the only ones sitting on the logs that surrounded the flame.
7:03 - Deku: What are we?
7: 03 - Kacchan: What do you mean?
Katsuki knew exactly what he meant its just a part of him was scared of this new 'thing' that they have started to morph into.
7:04 - Deku: Do you still hate me?
Katsuki froze staring at the message for a good solid two minutes until the screen turns darker and shuts off. Katsuki rose his head but he saw Izuku looked down obviously upset. Katsuki glared at him knowing Izuku could feel his temper. Izuku finally rose his head and met Katsuki's glare. No. Never again. Is what Katsuki mouth to Izuku and Izukus mouth dropped most certainly surprised by his words. Katsuki was handed a plate by none other than Izuku. He didn't notice how fast he got up and gave him food. Izuku smiled at him and turning around walking back to his previous sitting spot. Izuku stops suddenly when he feels a hand grab his wrist. He turns around and Katsuki pats the seat next to him.
"Are you sure?" Izuku ask's just above a whisper a little worried because of the friends around them. Katsuki nods his head and Izuku sits down next to him. Todoroki sits next to Izuku and they give a polite nod greeting each other.
"Wow.... When did you guys become friends?" Todoroki, Izuku, and Katsuki look up entirely with different expressions. Todoroki looked plainly chewing on his eggs. Izuku looks up anxiety already setting in making his hands a little clammy. Lastly Katsuki looking up pisses but that was never abnormal for him. Uraraka asked them curiously and Izuku honestly didn't know what to say.
"I guess after that dumb dare. We also have to share a damn tent so we were forced to like each other." Katsuki says a little harshly. He didn't like what he said and Izuku didn't either. None of the other knew about their relationship. Everyone except Todoroki and Kirishima. Kaminari and Yaoyorozu had a suspicion though. Uraraka was oblivious. "Why so curious round face?" Uraraka pouts and sighs before speaking.
"It's just that I don't understand why a kiss would make up for the way you have treated him. Unless this is just some kiss-and-make-up situation and it apparently worked." Katsuki glares and stand up.
"Maybe it was one of those situation's but that doesn't meant it meant nothing. I am allowed to be friends with Izuku you don't own him." Jiro's eyebrows go up and she looks at Yaoyorozu and she Jiro almost bursts out laughing but hold it in. Todoroki watches concerned.
"Obviously! That still doesn't give you the excuse. He just forgives you on the spot? That sounds like crap to me honestly. I just don't understand why you two are even friends or were for that matter. You are a complete asshole." Yaoyorozu chimes in, "Guys settle down, we shouldn't be fighting like this. We were supposed to work on our relationship-"
"Well we worked on it and we came to this point. Nobody said this was going to be a makeup and done with deal." Katsuki says snarling. "It's almost as if you are jealous or something. You complained about us kissing was that it?" Katsuki says watching Uraraka get up and huff in anger.
"That's right! You shouldn't have been the one to kiss him!" Uraraka says angrily. "Guys stop." Izuku says obviously getting concerned for the two.
"So you are jealous...? Why was it such a bad thing-" Katsuki was cut off.
"Its BAD because you don't deserve him! HE DOESN'T DESERVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU! HE WOULD NEVER LIKE YOU IN THA-" now she was cut off by someone no one expected to chime in.
"SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU! Seriously... What the hell is this? Fighting over me or some shit?" The two arguing shut up instantly. Todoroki and everyone there including Kaminari who walked out of his and Kirishima's tent hearing the whole situation looked shocked with Izuku's choice of words. "Why does it matter who I kiss and who I am friends with? I don't belong to either of you. I can like both of you. You don't have to like each other that's fine but don't drag me into an ultimatum." Everyone stares as Izuku starts to breath a little heavier.
"I'm sorry Deku its just that HE doesn't appreciate you the way I do." Uraraka says glaring at Katsuki during the middle of her claim.
"He might not but he got me. Why was it such a big deal to bring the kiss into this situa-"
"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU AND HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE KISSING YOU. You two making out in your tent and-" Uraraka was cut off by a very pissed of blond boy.
"MY GOD WILL YOU TWO SHUT THE HELL UP? Sorry Uraraka but I don't like you that way. I might have earlier in the year but I don't feel that way anymore. You are a dear friend but right now you aren't acting like it. And Kacchan.... I care for you deeply - maybe even more than myself but you need to calm the hell down." Everyone stares and doesnt say anything.
"Deku.... I just don't like the fact that you decide to date your bully. He really doesn't deserve someone as great as you. I apologize to both of you..." Uraraka says and she sits down pouting soft tears spilling from her face.
"Deku... round face.... I am also sorry I shouldn't have overreacted like that." Everyone was beyond shocked that Katsuki Bakugou actually apologized. Then Uraraka says something that made everyone gasp.
"Deku... I dont understand why you act so differently now. Is this because you are depressed? Do you really think I would believe something like that? It's just like that villain attack, you didn't have any caring dad help comfort you." Deku looked at her obvious taken back by what she just said which was very unlike her.
"First its Kacchan now its my dad and the villain attack what in the world does he have to do with this?" Izuku asks stepping closer to her. Katsuki was about to go off on her but she suddenly spoke again
"You need a male role in your life and I'm just guessing that you having not having a dad in your life made you weaker than you could be. Just like Todoroki I never thought you would be one to have daddy issues. He left you for a reason. He didn't want to deal with someone as pathetic as you. I'm not surprised though because he obviously didn't want someone who would fall so easily for an assho-"
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Yaoyorozu yells grabbing everyone's attention.
Izuku's P.O.V
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I hear Yoayorozu scream. I couldn't see her through my tear eyes. The tears threatened to fall. I hated myself for how sensitive I was. I am so weak. So pathetic. My throat was dry and I could feel my anxiety creeping up at me getting memories of what it was like to have my dad. I never thought I would remember them but here they are flashing before my eyes. They weren't really happy ones, he was barely there in the first place. He went over seas for work after having a big fight with my mom hitting her and shoving me to the ground. I remember him scolding me all the time and he was drunk a lot. There were happy ones where he would breath fire and make animals with his fire breath. He was loving and caring until he was monstrous and evil. I remember growing up waiting for him to return but he never did.
Todoroki's P.O.V
One Uraraka mentioned my father I was going to chew her out but I didn't want to make the situation worse. Midoriya told me everyhting he knew about his father along with Uraraka and Iida. I didn't understand why she was saying that but Yaoyorozu cuts everyone off. I look over too Midoriya and he was on the verge of crying. I understand why he is so sensitive. Dealing with having no father, dealing with his father when he was around but that would leave him with scars he wouldn't remember until now which surprised me because people don't usually have memories before they turn four. I watch as Midoriya was also on the verge of having a panic attack. I knew all too well what that felt like. I recently stopped having them but that didn't mean anything in this moment. Soon we look more closely at urarakas shoulder which was bruised. it was glowing purple and we all thought this had something to do with the villain attack.
"DEKU?!" I suddenly hear Bakugou yell. Once again Midoriya started to run but it was in a direction I wasn't familiar of. Everyone stood there as Yaoyorozu was telling us she knew a way to get the villains quirk off of her after watching the pro heroes come up with and antidote for the other students affected by the mind control or what ever it was. "Come on Bakugou!" We both start running toward the direction of where Midoriya ran. Bakugou seemed to know where he was going but I stopped him. "Did you know about-" He cut me off with a surprisingly calm tone.
"Yeah... I was there for a lot of it. He also told me about it a couple times. He talked about it in middle school one time. I think round face stepped a little too close to the villain's that were beating you and Yaoyorozu to a pulp. She was flung back and they cut her arm. She started acting weirder after that - not like I noticed." I smile shaking my head.
"Look.... I care about Midoriya a lot to tell you the truth. I don't like him in that way but I will always be there for him. I know you are an asshole and that you treated him the worst out of everyone in the world to be honest but.... It's obvious how much you both care for each other. The villain targeted him the most out of Yoayorozu and I. I'm guessing before he went to jail he still wanted to get to Midoriya. Which is why she was acting that way." I look at Bakugou and his face is.... sad? I never thought I would see this day. "What's wrong?" I ask and he starts to explain.
"I did hurt him, more than I would like to admit. I broke him countless times. I even said some things that nobody should hear but... He is still here. The villain made him remember all the torture I and other people put him through. If something happens to him it would be my fault. I really don't deserve him." I pat his arm and he actually doesn't push me off. I look at him and we both start looking for Midoriya.
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