Camping Part 7
Before this starts: I should have said this in the beginning but this was supposed to be a oneshot book but I got carried away and made it into a story. I am pretty proud of it though. I don't regret not not making it oneshots. If anyone has Idea's or requests for other stories or one shots they would like to see I could try and do some of them with a oneshot book I will be making in the future. ENJOY!! (6/19/2019 11:04 p.m)
Izuku's P.O.V
I hear faint noises and I couldn't make out what they were saying. Everything sounded muffled at first. I then start to hear the voices grow louder. I open my eyes and was greeted by a blinding light. The lamp light was bright and I hadn't realize how it was already nighttime. I grunt after moving up with my arms supporting me. My side was soar and my head was throbbing. I hear the voices stop talking and two people staring at me. Todoroki and my crush...Kacchan. "Are you okay?!" They both say in unison. I look at them and their expressions soften and they look hurt. I was confused until I felt something hit my hand. Water? No... tears. The waterworks have arrived. I start to ball my eyes out. I felt like shit. Todoroki and Kacchan just sat there awkwardly and I felt really guilty for everything. "Midoriya... You don't have to blame yourself. We are here to help and support you even if you don't want it." I cry even more. Todoroki hugs me for a solid three minutes and he went to go tell everyone I woke up but that I needed time. So nobody came to bother me. It was just Kacchan and I left.
"Come here, nerd." Kacchan says with open arms. I fling myself into his arms arms and I cry. I was going to apologize and apparently Kacchan knew this before I said it. "Don't apologize again, nerd. You were scared and rightfully so. You are so strong and I hate seeing you cry." I stopped crying at this point but I lift my head up and the lamp was dimming out. I was greeted by a soft orange light and the beautiful ruby eye's of my crush Kacchan. I stare into his and he stares into mine. Our faces inch closer and closer together. Soon I feel his hot breath on my lips. My heart races and all the pain I had or felt wasn't there anymore. I close my eyes half way before Kirishima sees us.
Katsuki's P.O.V
I am talking with Half n' Half and we both look over to see Deku waking up. Half n' Half talks to him and gives him a hug for what seemed like forever. He then walks out and gives me a thumbs up. I blush and look over at Deku. He looked like he was about to cry even more tears if that was even possible. I think about how many times this small boy has cried. only like twice but that is already too many. I open my arms for him and he flung himself into me. He starts to cry even harder. This reminded me of the night he cried into my chest. I knew he was about to apologize so I told him not too. I had a WHOLE SPEECH that I didn't even prepare for. He pushes away from me and I thought I said something wrong but I was greeted with the most prettiest eyes ever. They were staring deep into my soul. I hadn't notice his stupidly cute face was closer and closer to mine. Then right before the magic moment DUMB HAIR RUINS IT.
"Hey guys I wa-.... Oh.. Sorry Sorry Ill leave!" He zips up the tent for us and my dumbass didn't notice that it wast even zipped so anyone could have seen. I don't think anyone did though. Damn that Half n' Half leaving it opened. I look over at Deku and He was blushing madly and smiling like his life was turned upside down. I pat his back, but not too hard. "Ill, be back. Change into some nightwear." I walk out of the tent unzipping it and zipping it a little back up. I walk over to Kirishima's tent and unzip it because I didn't give a damn. I see Kirishima making out with Dumb face. They both turn their flushed faces to me and they were panting for breath. "Damn, how long were you too sucking faces for it to get that heated, you were literally just at my tent" I state. He laughs and Kaminari was looking away from my gaze. Kirishima pecks his.. boyfriends...? Face and then he walks out of the tent with me.
"So.... Yeah I deserved that. I really didn't mean to walk on you and Midoriya." Kirishima says rubbing the back of his neck.
"We didn't kiss. We were about too but it didn't happen. SOMEONE interrupted it." I growl and he chuckles. I can't believe I am about to do this... "Kirishima..." He turns around and faces me. He sees me blushing. I already regret my decision.
"Yeah, what's up?" He says giving me a dumb curious look. I whisper something and he couldn't hear it. GOD this shit was embarrassing. I say it a little louder and eh still couldn't hear me. I almost yelled it and stopped myself because anyone and everyone would have heard it.
"Will you help me ask Deku out on a date...?" I say and I cross my arms and look to the side waiting for his answer.
"Hell yes!"
"Me too!"
We both look over and see Raccoon eyes. MY mouth drops and I start to light sparks in my hands. Kirishima holds me back and he almost had to activate his quirk. She explains that she wants to help and that she wont tell anyone. Even though she has a big mouth I didn't have much choice. They were making a plan and It was pretty outside for once. I go back in the tent to see Deku still in his clothes. "Nerd, why aren't you in any P.J's?" I ask.
"For some reason they were really muddy. I am blaming Kaminari for that one. So now I have no P.J's. I can just wear a nice comfy shirt and I-" he was about to ramble like he does and I grab one of my clean P.J shirts and toss it to him. It hit his adorable face and I laughed. He looks at me pissed and I raise an eyebrow because of how he thought he was testing me. "Its called a shirt. You wear it."
"Obviously, I'm not a complete dumb ass." I look at him shocked and he looks at me confused.
"Did the Izuku Midoryia just cuss/swear/curse?" We both start laughing. It felt a little weird saying his actual name. It was fine though because saying Midoriya was weirder than Izuku. He puts on my shirt. It wasn't too big on him but it was a little baggy. He was already wearing sweatpants. I look back at the night sky and I stretch my hand out to him waiting for him to take it. He takes it without hesitation and I lead him out of the tent. I let go of his hand and I tell him to follow me. I saw a map and when I was looking for Deku I saw this nice spot that I'm pretty sure no one knew about. I set a tent up here just in case if I didn't find Deku I will stay up.
I look over at Deku and his face lights up. It was still pink from his crying but it was so cute. We both sit down looking at the stars. We soon lay down and we talk for about an hour. I miss this. I can't believe I ever bullied him. "What was that dream about?" I ask and Deku freezes. I was afraid he might run again. I just sit up and He does too. He tells me about his dream and he takes a deep breath. I'm guessing so he doesn't cry. I just watched him as he talked and I didn't notice when he started to call my name.
Izuku looks at Katsuki and says his name a couple times but Katsuki doesn't seem to be paying attention. "Kacchan... Are you alive?" He chuckles and Katsuki rubs his eyes. "Maybe we should head back." The two boys stand up but right before Izuku turns around he feels soft lips against his. He was shocked but he certainly didn't hate this feeling. He loved it. He eased into the kiss and melts as their souls become one. The kiss was soft and gentle just like before but it was a little different. It was more passionate and it held a lot of love from both boys. Katsuki's hand found its way to Izuku's cheek and same with Izuku. They pulled away breathing a bit heavy but not by much. "What was that for?" Izuku asks a little in disbelief.
"Izuku.... I wanted to tell you this during a special moment. This is what I think is special. You. You are special and especially to me. I'm not good with sappy shit so I am getting straight to the point. I am so so sorry for bullying you back in the past. I know there are not enough apologies for you to forgive me. You are a good person and I had a problem with that. I know now that I have to accept my feelings and yours. I love you Izuku." Izuku looks at him and smiles. Izuku didn't say anything he just hugged him. Katsuki was confused and was about to ask but Izuku stopped him from doing so.
"No... Just enjoy this moment." Katsuki doesn't argue for once in his life and hugs back. They stand there for quiet awhile and break the hug. They were both tired. Izuku was still hurt so Katsuki gave him a piggie-back-ride back to base camp. During that time they talked about their relationship. They honestly don't know what to feel anymore. They now knew they liked each other and they had two more days left on the camping trip. Izuku fell asleep to the voice of Katsuki. When they finally made it back Todoroki was up. He looked over at Katsuki and smirked. Katsuki smiles and flips him off knowing he will get called out on it in the morning. Katsuki puts Izuku down and zips the tent this time. He sees the light was almost burnt out so he turns it off. He sees a restless green boy next to him and shakes him. He flings open his eyes and looks at Katsuki. It was the same look. Katsuki lays down and Izuku crawls over to him. Izuku faced his body toward Katsuki feeling the stronger - warmer body next to his.
"Are you in any pain?" Katsuki asks worried. Izuku closes his eyes and speaks softly drifting off to Katsuki's sent.
"Only a little. My side is soar but that's okay. My head is the real problem. You make everything feel better." Katsuki looks down at Izuku, smiles and kissing his head. He brings him closer and they were covered with the soft blanket. "Goodnight, Deku." Katsuki says very calmly and lovingly.
"Goodnight Kacchan."
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