Camping Part 4
Izuku's P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of some laughter and Kacchan yelling. I smile and realize I'm not in Todoroki's car anymore. I am in a tent and I know that Kacchan and I were sharing a tent because I see his stuff and it smells like him in here. I like the way he smells. It sounds weirder than it is. It's nostalgic and I miss being able to hangout with him like we used to when we were kids. I change into something comfy and put on my shoes. I walk out of the tent closing it with the zipper and walk over to where I saw most of my peers. "DEKU! HII!" Uraraka yells waving her hand. I wave my hand and walk over to her. I sit down next to her and Todoroki lights a fire with his quirk. I smile at him and we both burst into laughter remembering what I said to him at the sports festival. Everyone didn't understand but they didn't need to. This became a sort of inside joke me and Todoroki share and I think they give any relationship a good chance for staying strong.
I see Kacchan with Kirishima and they walk up and sit down across from me and Uraraka. We had fish for breakfast and it was actually pretty good. "What are we doing today?" Kaminari ask's.
"We will be staying in our camp sight for this day getting everyone set up. After that we can all do something fun. Maybe a game or two." Yaoyorozu states. Everyone cheers and smiles and I do the same. I didn't feel like smiling so I forced it. I don't know why but I've been bothered ever since the villain attack. I guess I've been depressed and I didn't want to bother anyone with my problems and make them theirs. After everyone finished eating we all started to fix some of the tents because they were bending oddly. We also cleaned the inside of them. Then everyone turns their attention to Tsuyu. She explains that we will be playing one of the games. Finally. I think because I really want to be happy for myself and everyone around me, so maybe this would help.
"Okay everyone! We will be playing a game after we eat lunch! The game we will play is capture the flag. OKAY LUNCH TIME!" ever-yone rushes to lunch so they could play the game. I decided to skip lunch and walk into the woods a bit. I grab my sketch book and walk into the woods finding a nice big boulder. I sit on top of it and start to finish my hero costume along with my most recent picture with all my peers.
Katsuki's P.O.V
Me and dumb hair walk over to eat breakfast I see Deku and he looked so cute in his outfit. I blush at this because all I really want to do is hug and kiss him. I wish I wasn't such an ass sometimes. Then frog girl explains a game of capture the flag. I get a little hyped ready to play this game. I look over to Deku and he looks off. He didn't seem like his happy self. I then watch him walk off into the woods. After thirty minutes everyone starts to chat about the game and I notice Deku still isn't here. I see him walk back and put his sketch book in our tent. He walks over and sits next to round face and raccoon eyes. I make a 'tch' sound and look over at the frog. "Okay everyone. The teams. Red team: Uraraka, Todoroki, Me, Midoriya, Kirishima. Yellow team: Bakugou, Sero, Jiro, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, and Ashido. Iida will be a referee or something because he doesn't want anyone to get severely hurt during the game."
We all start the game and run into the woods. Everyone was separated and I was excited to beat the loser's team. Obviously my team would win with me on it. I was at a competition given how smart that Deku was. The game went on until I met up with calamari and tape guy. We saw the teams flag and walk to get it. We saw frog girl pass it to the girl who makes things. Then round face ran with it and the other two started to attack us and I hated the fact that I ran away form a fight. I see Half n' Half and Deku and then I see Deku grab his right side as if he was in pain. I remembered the pain killers and I remember how they were prescriptions. I felt like I was watching a movie about Deku and Half n' Half. They continue walking. I decide I shouldn't do anything to them but then I hear a gasp. I turn my head see Deku fall to his knees placing one hand on the ground and the other grabbing his side. Half n' Half kneels down quickly placing one hand on Deku's back and looks around his surroundings. I rush over and he looks so relived, I was surprised.
"What the hell happened?!" I ask knowing half of what happened. The half n' half started talking.
"I don't know he mentioned at the start of the game that his side started to hurt and I said we should take things slow. I didn't want him to be alone just in case something like this happened. He started to move slower and slower and now we are here." we both look at Deku who was gasping for air and almost screaming in pain.
"We need to get everyone to stop the game." I say but then Deku starts to speak but he was straining to do so.
"No! Don't, I told you I don't need people worrying about me. Continue the game. This is my fault I forgot to take my medication this morning. I'm such and idiot." We both hear him whisper the last part but we don't comment on it. Half n' Half nods his head and says,
"Okay, We wont stop the game but you should stop the game. You are in pain and it will only get worse if you don't stop and rest. We need to get you back. And I wont tell anyone about your problem but If it starts to get out of hand I wont hesitate to say something to everyone." Half n' Half looks at me and I get the message.
"Come on nerd, I'm taking you back to camp and you will rest. If you don't I'm going to kick your ass." Half n' Half glares at me and then shakes his head laughing. He tells me too text him once we are at camp and to let him know if anything else happens. I agreed to his parenting terms and I carry Deku bridal style back to the camp site. I keep my phone close just in case because I was starting to worry even more. I look down and see his eyes are shut but he is breathing heavily trying to control the pain he is going through. I hate seeing him like this. "You are not an Idiot Deku..." I say. He opens his eyes and stares at me.
"You don't have to say that to make me feel better." I look at him and I was pissed.
"Tch' really? I'm not saying it to make you feel better I'm SAYING it because its the TRUTH." he looks at me and smiles slightly looking down.
"Sorry for causing you trouble Kacchan..." I look at him and I swear he almost broke my heart with those words.
"Don't apologize nerd. This is not your fault. Just hang in there for me okay?" I started to blush and he looked up at me right when I did. Great this is just great.
"Kacchan are you blu-"
"NO NERD!" I yell and he seemed a little scared because he tensed up in my arms. He grabs his side and his exhale was a little staggered. I finally make it too the camp and horse power is there. He rushed over once he sees me carrying Deku.
"What happened? Did the game get violent?" he was annoying me so I just had to tell him the situation. I could tell Deku didn't want me to say anything but I couldn't not say anything.
"No. He got hurt during the recent Villain attack and he is still recovering. He's fine so stop your worrying." he looks at me and I look at him and I mouth, I'll tell you later. He got the message and I walk in the tent. I set Deku down as gently as possible and he squeezes his eyes shut. I grab his pain killers and read how many he's suppose to take. All he needed was one so I took one out and got my water bottle. I sit down and I lay Deku on my lap. He was in lots of pain and it was killing me on the inside.
"Open up nerd. Take this." I hand him the pill and my water bottle. He takes the pill and drinks the water. I take it out of his hands and set it too the side.
"Thank you, Kacchan." Deku says and smiles at me with that beautiful smile of his. I can see he was still tired.
"Anytime nerd... Anyway did you not eat Lunch?" I knew the answer I just wanted to see if Deku had the balls to lie to my face again. He looks down and I shake my head. I place him to the side and I tell him I will be back. I go back to the class rep. "Okay here is the short version. Deku was affected by that Villain as we all know. His dumbass was sent to the hospital stayed there for a week. He is taking painkillers because his side still hurts and he is apparently still healing. He forgot to take them this morning and we are here now." the guy just stares at me and nods his head.
"Okay, I'm guessing Midoriya doesn't want anyone to know for some reason?"
"He feels like people pity him so yes, you are right. Lets stop talking about this it's getting annoying." I walk over to some hotdogs that were already cooked. I get three and put them on a paper place. I knew Deku liked his hotdogs with Ketchup and relish. He wasn't the biggest mustard fan. I was though, so I brought some. I walk in and see Deku's emotionless face. He looks at me and it almost physically hurt me to see his face because he looked so hurt, physically and mentally.
"Here nerd, I got you food and if your ass doesn't eat it I'm forcing you too eat it." Deku chuckles a real laugh and I smile.
Izuku's P.O.V
As Kacchan walks out of the tent to do something I look over and notice I drank from his water bottle. HIS. I started to blush thinking about how we basically indirectly kissed. I text Todoroki that I made it back and I took my pain killer. He messages back immediately saying that the game will end soon and be safe. I smile. I stop smiling after thinking about everything that the villain put me through. I think about all the things he showed me before I passed out. Kacchan walks in and I look at him. I couldn't feel anything and I was about to burst into laughter or was it crying. I couldn't tell. He threatens me with hotdogs and I couldn't hold it in. I start laughing. I see Kacchan smile and I see this as a perfect opportunity to tease him. "Wow! The Katsuki Bakugou is smiling for the first time in a long time!" he looks at me and he blushes. I get nervous and start blushing as well. I couldn't help but love his cute face. Every time I saw him calm it made me calm and I felt safe with him around.
"S-shut up nerd!" Kacchan stuttered out. My mouth drops and I smile in the process. I burst out laughing and he yells. "STUPID NERD STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" this makes me laugh more but I stop because my side starts to hurt because of how hard I was laughing. He chuckles and hands me some hotdogs. I start to eat them and he eats one of them. We sit there in silence and I notice the sun started to set.
"Hey... Kacchan?" I ask and He grunts giving me the okay to keep going. "Why do you hate me so much? I mean I know some of why but I still don't under-" I was cut off by Kacchan and what he said surprised me a little.
"I don't.... I don't hate you." Kacchan says and I look at him and I look at the now empty paper place smeared with some ketchup and mustard. "Do you hate me?" He asks me suddenly and I turn to him and say one simple word.
"Never," I say matter of fact. He turns to me and we both just stare at each other. I could never get tired of those beautiful ruby red eyes of his. We both smile and laugh. We laughed even louder and we couldn't stop. It felt like I had my best friend back and I was loving every second of it. We heard our classmates come back and we stopped laughing. Kacchan gestured his hand for me to take it and walk out of the tent. I happily grab it and we walk out of the tent. He lets go suddenly, probably because our classmates where back and they were a little muddy with some scratches.
"I can't believe you pushed me into that disgusting puddle!" Kaminari says. Jiro was laughing along side Yaoyorozu and Uraraka.
"I had too! You were a perfect target. Yaoyorozu and I had a perfect trap and you perfectly executed it!" everyone laughs harder. It seemed like my team won and I smile. Todoroki walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder and whispers to me.
"Are you okay?" I look at him and nod my head and I whisper back, "Yeah, I took the painkillers and then ate some hotdogs Kacchan got for me." Todoroki gives me this look with his eyebrow going up. I tilt my head and look at him like 'Really'. He walks away and shrugs his shoulder. "Oh come on! Don't look at me like that." I say to Todoroki. I get a few stares and shake my head. He knew about my crush on Kacchan and I knew his crush as well. Every-one then starts to eat dinner and for once I also eat my dinner. I sit next to Todoroki and Uraraka. I look up at Kacchan and we make eye contact. At first it was awkward and I gave him a small smile. He returns it with a small one and my heart flutters. I smile wider and Todoroki whispers, "I saw that." I look at him and we both laugh.
"What's up with you two?" Uraraka ask's us. We both froze and some people seemed to notice our hesitation including Kacchan.
"We were just discussing how we should play more games during this week." Todoroki and I say in unison. We both look at each other like we are crazy because how on earth did we say the same long sentence at the same time? And then Kirishima says something that I wish I didn't hear.
"We should play truth or dare! Everyone cheers except Todoroki, Kacchan, Me, and Jiro. This is going to be so fun.
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