Emergency Alert.
"A CAT! A CAT!" Screamed Jungkook.
"No no no it's definitely a cow!!" Jimin insisted.
Taehyung couldn't hold back his laughter as he tried to stay in character playing charades. The members were gathered outside around the campfire at night, enjoying the third night of their five night camping trip. It was late August, and the weather had gotten pretty cold. The boys liked to take an annual camping trip every fall, but their hectic schedule made them push this years trip back a bit later than they originally wanted. On the bright side, having the trip pushed back meant the new RV camper they had bought was ready just in time. It was equipped with all of life's basic necessities, and had a newly upgraded locking system on the door and all the windows. The windows were also shatter proof. All this new technology was something their manager had ordered, mainly to keep the members as safe as possible while on their trips. The chances of saesang fans following them and trying to break in were slim, but never zero.
"A pigeon?" Hobi asked confused as Taehyung was still charadeing. Taehyung lost it completely and fell to the ground in a fit of laughter he could no longer contain.
"We forfeit . What the hell are you supposed to be?" Yoongi laughed.
"Haa! Ahahahah!!! I was being a..a...ahahhaha!!" Taehyung couldn't stop.
"Aish!!!! Out with it !!!" Jin got up and pretended to kick Taehyung while the younger rolled around the ground in stitches.
"I was being Namjoonie-hyung that time he broke the screen door and was trying to fix it!!!" Taehyung finally told them. The members all started laughing, and now it was Namjoon's turn to get up and pretend to kick his dongsaeng.
"I remember when that happened!!" Jungkook also had a hard time holding in his laughter, "He was crawling around trying to find the screws but we all stole them! Haha!" Namjoon ran over and started pretending to punch Jungkook, causing Jimin to get up and start role playing, pretending to be Jungkook's body guard.
Everyone sat back down in their chairs around the fire, exhausted from all the laughter. Jin opened the cooler next to him and offered drinks to everyone. "There's only one banana milk left, who wants it?" Jin asked, although his gaze was already right at Jungkook, as he knew it was his maknae's favorite.
"Me!" Jungkook and Taehyung both shot their hands up at the same time. The two started bickering over who got the milk.
"It's like having two toddlers, I swear to God. Can you two just share it? It's not like you don't share literally everything already anyway," Yoongi asked the two youngest lightheartedly.
"Can the three of us share it?" Jimin smirked at the two youngest.
"Hyuuunggg!!" Jungkook complained.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Jimin laughed as he got up and patted Jungkook's head. Jin threw the milk at Jungkook and told him the two of them can work it out themselves. Him and Taehyung shared. The members all scooted closer to the fire as it had noticeably gotten quite colder out, it was now 11 PM. In the midst of conversation, everyone was startled by their phones going off at the same time. It started with buzzing and then an ear piercing screech and alert sound coming from everyone's phone, they all jumped at the initial sound and pulled their phones out.
Hobi raised his hand to his chest, "I think I'm actually having a heart attack," Hobi complained as he let out a deep breath.
"Do you need medical assistance? Jimin is good at CPR," Namjoon joked with his hyung. They both looked at Jimin who shot them a smile and a wink, causing them all to laugh. Everyone finally read the message all their phones had gotten.
[Emergency Alert]
:[[ An emergency has been reported in your area: Convicted serial killer Nim Huik has managed to escape prison. There have already been reports of murders following his escape. Please remain indoors in a safe and locked location until alert of safety is given. Alert: Please remain indoors in a locked location]]:
Jungkook gulped and silently looked around at all his hyungs to see their reactions, he was completely freaked out. Hobi looked back at him, giving him an equally scared expression.
"Holy shit, no fuckin way," Yoongi was the first to speak.
"Who the hell is Nim Huik?" Namjoon asked.
"How have you not heard of him? He has a million documentaries. He killed like 30 people in the 90's and he's been awaiting death row. How the hell did he escape a maximum security prison?" Jin pondered how such a thing was even possible.
"Yeah, seriously. And he's already killed more people while out? How the hell? I watched some of those documentaries on him before. He's scary as hell. Apparently his trademark is he always walks around whistling some weird song. He's murdered groups of people on his own before too, he's like scary strong. Actually now that I think about it he could definitely just overtake guards in a prison, maximum security or not. Surprised he hasn't escaped sooner," Yoongi seemed to know all the details of this man.
"We're camping near a maximum security prison?" Taehyung gulped, eyes wide with concern.
"There's one a few miles away, yes," Yoongi told Taehyung.
"Why would we camp here hyung?!" Taehyung stood up as he felt anxious.
"It's a maximum security prison miles away Taehyung how was I supposed to know someone would actually escape it!?!" Yoongi shot back.
"Guys," Hobi spoke up. His voice was drowned out by the sounds of Taehyung and Yoongi bickering with eachother.
"GUYS!" Hobi yelled louder. Everyone stopped and turned to Hobi, who was rubbing Jungkook's back, "Jungkookie.." was all Hobi said. Everyone looked at their maknae, who was sitting there with silent tears running down his face, everyone ran and surrounded him.
Jin knelt down and cupped his maknae's face in his hands, wiping his tears with his thumbs, "What's wrong bunny?" Jin asked gently.
"What if ... what if comes here..that killer guy I mean ?" Jungkook sucked in an anxious breath and shot all his hyungs a scared look.
"You think we'd ever let someone hurt you?" Jin began, " You have six hyungs here to protect you. When have any of us ever let somebody harm you? There is nothing to be afraid of," Jin gently rubbed Jungkook's cheeks.
"Besides kook-ah, we're in the middle of the woods at night, no way would he come here. If he's out there murdering people it means he's out in a neighborhood somewhere, the cops will get him quickly, no worries," Namjoon said reassuringly.
"But hyung what if.." Jimin gulped, " I mean what if he decides to come hide in the woods and finds us?"
"Then maybe we'll luck out and he'll be a big BTS fan," Yoongi chuckled. He seemed to be the least freaked out.
"He's been in prison since we were born, I highly doubt he knows who we are," Namjoon replied.
Taehyung grabbed onto the back of Namjoon's shirt, " Hyung what if he comes ? He could kill us.."
"If he comes it's seven of us against one, we have the advantage Taehyung-ah" Namjoon pulled his dongsaeng into a hug after seeing him be visibly scared.
"Nobody is killing anybody!" Jin yelled, "If he comes, then as the oldest I'll just sacrifice myself while you all run away. There, you're all safe."
"None of us would want you doing that," Jimin told Jin, " And even if you did that, he's killed groups of people before! He'd just take you out, and then the rest of us!"
"Imagine if he took Jungkook out first? He's the strongest one here, if Jungkook was taken out first the rest of us would definitely be fucked," Yoongi chimed in. Jin turned and punched him in the leg, " WHY WOULD YOU-"
" I was kidding!! Bunny no serial killer is coming here to kill us and nobody is getting hurt or murdered!" He looked at Jungkook, who was noticeably a lot more scared after Yoongi's oh so bright comment, he walked over and ran his fingers through the maknae's hair, "Bad joke. I'm sorry bun."
"You sure do have a way with words," Hobi told Yoongi. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders without reply.
Everyone jumped when they heard their phones going off again.
[Emergency Alert]
:[[ An emergency has been reported in your area: Convicted serial killer Nim Huik has managed to escape in your area. There have already been reports of murders following his escape. Please remain indoors in a safe and locked location until alert of safety is given. Alert: Please remain indoors in a locked location]]:
"Why would we get the same alert twice?" Hobi asked as he looked at his other members, he still had Jungkook cradled up in his arms.
"I don't mean to alarm anyone, but usually if you get the alert the second time it means one of two things. One being the situation has just gotten more dangerous, or two being that the person is even closer to the area, or both," Yoongi informed everyone. Now Taehyung also started crying while Jimin embraced him in a hug.
"Can we leave?" Taehyung asked through tears. Jungkook also shot his hyungs a hopeful look.
"Why? Nothing is going to happen to you," Yoongi told him.
"What if we just take the camper somewhere else for a while and come back when the guy is caught? We could just drive around or something. He can't get us if he's on foot and we're driving around," Hobi figured that was a good idea. Hobi was completely freaked out too but tried his hardest not to show it, he didn't want to scare Jungkook or Taehyung any more than they were.
"Our babies are scared," Hobi also added.
"Okay," Jin agreed with Hobi. He figured it was a decent idea, then their youngest members would have a chance to calm down, and they'd be safe. Everyone else was also on board with the idea. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin let out a sigh of relief as they packed up their chairs and put them into the bottom storage underneath the camper.
"Should we put the fire out before we go? Or keep it burning?" Jimin asked Yoongi.
"Uh... I'm not sure. I guess if we're leaving we should put it out."
Jimin grabbed some water bottles and poured them over the fire, the campsite turned pitch black within seconds. Everyone hopped into the camper, Jin went around and made sure all the windows were securely locked and covered, along with the door, per the maknae lines request.
Yoongi offered to drive, and Jin joined him in the passenger seat. The rest of the members had gathered around in the back lounge area. Thankfully, the camper was rather large. It had a full kitchen and bedroom in the back, with a bed that could fit four people quite comfortably. There was also an overhead bed above the drivers seat which could also fit a few people. It had a TV too. The remaining five members all sat around the lounge table on the benches. Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung had curled up together on one bench while Hobi had 'unintentionally' curled up to Namjoon on the opposite bench.
Yoongi went to start the camper, but it stalled.
"What's wrong?" Jin asked when he noticed Yoongi give him a concerned look.
"I don't know...it won't start.." Yoongi tried to turn the key multiple times but it would not turn on.
"What do you mean it won't start?!" Jin asked panicked.
" I mean it won't start, hyung! We have plenty of gas, but it sounds like the battery is d-" Yoongi's words were cut short as the entire camper died. No more engine noises, no more lights, no more anything. Yoongi and Jin both looked at eachother in silence, but shot their heads back when they heard screaming. They both jumped out of their seats and ran back towards the rest of their members, struggling through the pitch blackness.
"What?!" Jin screamed as he turned the flashlight on his phone on. Hobi was flipping the light switch frantically up and down, " What happened?! Where'd the lights go?! And why aren't we moving?!?!" Inside the camper was now as dark as night. Yoongi walked over and pulled the curtains to all the windows open, moonlight was better than no light. The moonlight outside filled the camper.
"About that...bad news. So...the camper is dead," Yoongi told them as he looked at the three maknae's. He truly did feel bad seeing them look so scared. Jungkook had his head buried into Taehyung's chest, and Taehyung was leaning back into Jimin's chest who had them both wrapped protectively in his arms. All three of them were crying, the tears running down their faces all shining in the stream of moonlight coming in the windows.
"Ah stop with the tears you three! You're killing me. We'll be fine. We'll just have to call someone in the morning. We'll stay in here. We all know it's safe in here, nobody can get in with these locks and the windows are indestructible. Just try to relax before you all give yourselves a heart attack," Yoongi told the maknae's. He walked over and patted Jungkook on the head.
Jin looked at Hobi, " Are you okay?" he asked when he realized Hobi looked just as terrified as the other three.
"What? Me? I'm fine, hyung. It's just...it's just....," Hobi couldn't stop his eyes from finally welling with tears, "What if he does show up? What do we do?"
Jimin reached over and grabbed Hobi's hand, he hated seeing his hyung also be so scared, "Then we fight until the break of dawn, just like our ancestors did in the war." This got a laugh out of everybody.
"Dramatic. All of you," Yoongi chuckled as he scooted into the bench with the three youngest. Jin scooted into the bench with Hobi and Namjoon, and had grabbed Hobi's hand and began gently caressing it to comfort him.
"So now what?" Namjoon asked.
"I want to go home," Taehyung whimpered causing Jimin to pull him closer into his arms. Yoongi reached over Jungkook and gently grabbed Taehyungs chin in his hand, "I know. I don't know how the camper died, I'm sorry. But Taehyungie I PROMISE you are safe. Like Jin said, hyung's would never let anything bad happen to any of you."
Taehyung quickly turned his head and planted a giant kiss on Yoongi's hand. Yoongi pulled his hand back immediately, " AISH!!!!! WHY?!?!!" All of the members busted out laughing at the gesture.
"We could play UNO," Jin suggested.
"You expect us to read UNO cards in the dark?" Jungkook asked, his tears finally subsiding. His hyungs were doing a good job at keeping him distracted from all the scary thoughts.
"The moon is bright enough, we can read them," Jin said as he pulled a deck of UNO cards out of a drawer and started passing them out.
"UNO in the dark, that sounds naughty, " Jimin chuckled. Namjoon gave Jimin a judgemental stare, but Jimin winked back at him, causing the rapper to laugh. "I sure do know some strange people," Namjoon chuckled.
"But you love us," Jungkook chimed in. The members played UNO for what seemed like quite a while, Taehyung had been the first one out rather early in the game, and had fallen asleep in Jimin's arms. Earlier when he had gotten out he leaned back against Jimin's chest and the sound and feeling of his heart beating and him laughing had somehow rocked Taehyung straight to sleep. Jungkook and Jimin also began yawning.
"I think maybe we should call it a night. It's way past their bedtime," Hobi joked as he pointed to the three youngest.
Jimin went to gently shake Taehyung awake, but everyone, including Taehyung, practically jumped out of their skin when they heard it.
[Emergency Alert]
:[[ An emergency has been reported in your area: Convicted serial killer Nim Huik has managed to escape in your area. There have already been reports of murders following his escape. Please remain indoors in a safe and locked location until alert of safety is given. Alert: Please remain indoors in a locked location]]:
"ANOTHER ONE?!" Namjoon screamed, "It's been hours! How have they not caught him yet?!"
The three youngest were clinging to eachother again like their lives depended on it. Yoongi decided to look up details of the situation on his phone and was somehow able to keep a complete poker face when reading that Nim Huik had last been seen.....entering the woods. He gulped and looked around at his members, " Maybe we should....maybe we should just call the police and ask them to bring us to a hotel or something?"
"Why hyung?" Jungkook asked concerned. Yoongi had spent the entire night telling them how they'd all be safe in the woods and in the camper, why was he suddenly changing his mind?
"I don't know, we should just...uh..go somewhere warm you know? It's cold now," Yoongi pretended to shiver. Everyone looked at him confused.
"Sounds good enough to me," Taehyung spoke up. He didn't hesitate to call the police station, however as the night would have it, his phone had no service and couldn't connect the call. Nobody's calls would go through. And to make matters worse, one by one everyone's phones had died.
"Great plan, hyung," Jungkook crossed his arms and gave Yoongi an angry look. Yoongi gave him an apologetic smile. He got up and walked to the front of the camper, seeing if they had happened to bring a portable charger. Jin followed him, and tugged at his sleeve, " What's going on? I know you well enough to know something is wrong. You haven't cared to leave all night, and now you seem scared. What happened?" Jin whispered. He didn't want any of the younger ones to overhear their conversation.
"Hyung..." Yoongi glanced back at the other members who were talking about something, he leaned in closer to Jin, "He's in the woods."
"Excuse me?" Jin couldn't have possibly heard him correctly. Yoongi took in a shaky breath.
"He's in the woods."
"How would you know that?"
Yoongi told him about the article he saw. They both stared at eachother in silence. Jin looked back at the others then back at Yoongi, "Should we tell them?"
"No," Yoongi said sternly, "I can tell you right now that one can't handle that news," Yoongi pointed at Jungkook, " We just lay low in here and stay quiet. It's best we all just go to bed."
"What if he shows up Yoongi?!" Jin said, louder than he meant to, causing the members to all look in their direction.
"Shhh!" Yoongi whispered at him.
"Sorry, what if he shows up? We don't even have phones now, we're literally on our own!" Jin whispered.
"I don't know hyung let's just hope he doesn't! I don't see any way he could possibly get in here! All I know is we need to send the maknae's to bed, the sooner they all fall asleep the better and then if he shows up we will figure something out."Jin nodded in response and the two turned back to the members.
"Alright children, bed time," Jin pointed to the youngest three. They didn't protest, they were exhausted. " I want the three of you up there," Jin pointed to the overhead bed, which also had a curtain attachment that closed for privacy. Jungkook clung to Jin's arm, " Hyung I want to stay with you," he pouted.
"No Jungkook-ah, the three of you up there."
"But hyung-"
"Not tonight Kookie," Jin was sounding stern. He never denied cuddles from his maknae, but tonight was not the night. He wanted all three of the youngest ones in the safest spot of the camper.
"Why?" Jungkook cried.
"Jungkook I said not tonight!" Jin scolded, causing the younger to back away. Everyone looked at Jin a bit confused. Jin never scolded Jungkook, literally ever. So..what the hell?
"I'm sorry, I'm just tired," He pulled Jungkook back into a hug and kissed his head, "Just please be up there tonight okay? You'll have Taehyungie and Jimin with you." Jungkook nodded in agreement.
Namjoon helped the three of them make their way up onto the bed, offering extra pillows and blankets. All of the older members went over and gave them hugs and goodnight forehead kisses with a round of "I love you's." Even Yoongi participated in the group affection. Yoongi gave Jin one more concerned look before pulling the curtain closed to the bed, their three youngest disappearing behind it.
Jungkook was squished between Jimin and Taehyung, the three of them sharing all the blankets. They wanted to be cuddled up as closely as possible, the three of them were terrified. It was pitch black, and he couldn't see them, but Jimin could hear Taehyung and Jungkook both crying.
"You're going to break my heart if you keep that up, is that what you want?" Jimin whispered.
"..'m sorry," Jungkook sniffled.
"I want to go home," Taehyung cried. Jimin stretched out his arms and had them wrapped around both the younger two, "We will be fine, you're in the safest place in the world, you know."
"A camper?" Taehyung asked. This got a slight chuckle from Jungkook.
"My arms, you idiot," Jimin laughed, " You know I'd never let either of you two get hurt right? Neither would hyungies. You see how protective they all are, there's nothing to worry about."
Jungkook snuggled his face into Jimins chest and Taehyung curled up into Jungkook's side, Jimin took turns running his fingers gently over both their arms before the gesture put all three of them to sleep.
The hyung line had curled up on the bed at the other side of the camper, since it could comfortably fit four. Jin took the side closest to the windows, Hobi and Namjoon in the middle, and Yoongi on the outside. The four of them were also cuddled up under a mound of blankets. Yoongi didn't take his eyes off the curtain that was hiding his three sleeping maknae's. He wasn't one to vocalize many of his concerns or vocalize his love for his members, but damn was his heart exploding right now. He thought of every possible bad scenario that could happen and thought of how to protect those three any possible way he could. He'd give his life to protect them if he had to, he would for any of his members. But something about his maknae's, he'd give nine of his lives to protect them from getting hurt. Once they were all settled in, Yoongi spoke up, " Namjoon-ah, Hope-ah, I need to tell you something but you can't freak out, I don't want them waking up."
Jin sat up on his elbows and looked at the rapper, " Yoongi-"
"It's okay hyung," Yoongi told him. Namjoon and Hobi looked at the rapper with a scared expression.
"He's in the woods. Right now," Yoongi told them.
Jin immediately saw Hobi go to open his mouth, and before any noise came out he slammed his hand over the youngers mouth, keeping it there. Tears flooded Hobi's face, soaking Jin's hand. Namjoon sat up in shock, but he was confused.
"How do you know that? Did you see him?" Namjoon asked quietly.
"The last article posted before our phones died said that he was last seen entering the woods," Yoongi explained.
Jin gestured for Hobi to be quiet before slowly taking his hand off his mouth.
"Why didn't you....why didn't you tell us sooner? And why didn't you tell them?" Hobi cried, gesturing at the other sleeping three.
"What they don't know can't hurt them, right?" Yoongi asked.
"Unless what they don't know, ends up showing up and does hurt them," Namjoon was now also crying. He was tired of acting brave. He was scared. Part of him wished he could go cuddle up with the younger three and fall asleep too.
"We didn't tell them because one, Kookie would have probably dropped dead from a heart attack, and also we figured it's safest for them to go cuddle up there and sleep through it all. If he shows up , then we figure something out, but their best bet is up there, hidden, and quiet. I'm not going to let anybody hurt them. I won't let anybody hurt any of us," Yoongi replied.
Namjoon agreed that it did seem like the best option. Hobi was a mess. Jin was trying to calm him down before he woke the others up, he cradled Hobi to his chest and rubbed his back. They all decided to cuddle up underneath the blanket, and Jin had somehow miraculously sent Hobi to the dark abyss of sleep while rubbing his back. Not much later, everyone in the camper was fast asleep.
Namjoon, being a light sleeper, thought he heard noises outside. He wasn't sure if it was reality or if he was still in a dream state. Once he regained full consciousness, the sound outside became much clearer. He frantically shook Yoongi awake, " Tell me you don't hear that outside, and that I'm just having auditory hallucinations."
"What do you think you're hearing?" Yoongi asked. Namjoon stared at him, gesturing for him to concentrate on the noise outside.
"Holy. Fuckin.Shit," Yoongi shot Namjoon a panicked look. Namjoon was not hallucinating. They both heard it.
Yoongi shot out of the bed and went around drawing all the window blinds closed in the camper. This woke up both Jin and Hobi as well.
"What's going on?" Hobi whispered, confused as to why it was suddenly pitch black in the camper. Did someone turn the moon off?
Namjoon sucked in a shaky breath, "He's outside."
"In the woods?" Jin asked.
"Outside the camper. Listen." They all went silent, and heard the very audible approach of whistling.
Hobi clung to Namjoon, " How do you know that's him?" he cried.
Yoongi's voice came from. .somewhere.."Because in all his documentaries, his signature thing is whistling. Like before and after he kills someone he whistles a weird song. It's always the same one."
"Is this person whistling that same song?" Namjoon asked. Every part of him hoped it was not.
"..Yes," Yoongi gulped down his fear. Hobi started shaking badly , Namjoon hugged him. Jin peeked through the window blind to see if he could locate him.
"Um, guys...he's literally right outside," Jin shivered, " He's holding something too."
"Can you tell what it is?" Yoongi asked.
Jin stared for a bit longer trying to make out the object in the mans hand.
"It's...um..a.. machete.."
"What do we do?!" Hobi cried.
"Stay quiet. No matter what he says or tries to do, just stay quiet," Yoongi demanded. He was trying hard to stay calm, but his anxiety was through the roof. He would have gone and checked on the three still asleep, but he couldn't see anything anyway. He knew they were safe as long as the killer was outside the camper.
The whistling was now directly outside the window, and Hobi started to hyperventilate. Jin pulled him into his chest and gripped his hand back over the rappers mouth to keep him quiet, "I'm sorry to be doing this to you but you need to be quiet." He really did feel so mean doing this, but he knew it was to protect him. Namjoon also clung to Hobi.
Yoongi had quietly felt his way around to go stand next to the overhead bed. He was at least comforted in knowing he could hear three people letting out tiny snores and quiet breaths.
"Well what is this?" The whistling stopped and a mans voice could be heard, " Knock knock. Anyone home?"
They stayed silent. The only sound being Hobi struggling to breathe through his nose as Jin continued gripping his mouth shut.
"Open up, it's the police."
They still didn't move, thankfully none of the members were that stupid. The man took his machete and smacked the side of the camper with it, causing a loud thud that made all the hyungs jump. Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones that jumped. Yoongi's heart stopped when he realized he didn't hear snoring anymore. Instead, he heard the sound of the curtain being pulled open.
"Keep this closed," he whispered while trying to close it again. He didn't know which one of them he was talking to, he couldn't see in the darkness, but whoever it was was fighting to keep the curtain open.
"What was that? What's going on?" It was Taehyung.
"Nothing Tae just go back to bed," Yoongi demanded.
"Hyung?" Now it was Jungkook.
"It's okay Kookie, just go back to sleep."
More whistling outside.
"He's outside!!" Jimin panicked, thankfully he whispered it.
" I need you three to just stay up there and stay quiet!" Yoongi was in super overprotective hyung mode.
"I want to get down," Taehyung cried and reached for Yoongi, trying to wrap his arms around the olders neck. Yoongi pushed on Taehyungs shoulders, fighting him to stay in the bed, " No Tae, you have to stay up there."
"Why? Hyung I want to be with you guys I want to get down!" Taehyung cried, he was panicking. Yoongi also heard Jungkook crying, and Jimin was trying to console him. Namjoon got up and made his way over to them after hearing Taehyung's cries. His heart couldn't take it hearing him so scared, begging to be with his hyungs. Namjoon had too big of a soft spot for the singer. He grabbed Taehyung's arm and helped guide him down in the dark, " Sorry hyung, just let him stay with me. I've got him." Taehyung clung to Namjoon as he guided them back to the bed with Jin and Hobi.
Yoongi gave in, he also had a change of heart. Maybe they'd be safer with us? He helped Jungkook and Jimin down as well, leading them to the now packed bed. The seven of them clung to eachother as tightly as they could, staying silent, aside from the muffled sniffles coming from the maknae's who had seemingly all given themselves a designated hyung's chest to cry into. Taehyung clung to Namjoon, Jungkook clung to Jin, and Jimin clung to Hobi ( who had also clung himself to Yoongi).
"Is there anyone home who would like to play?" The man's voice sent shivers down everyone's spine as they all held eachother tighter. They've all been through plenty of bonding experiences but man this one took the cake. The man smacked the camper with the machete again, sending in another loud thud. This made Taehyung begin to scream but Namjoon clamped his hand down on his dongsaengs mouth in time. He could feel how his face was drenched in tears and sweat, he leaned into Taehyung's ear, "TaeTae listen to me, he can't hurt you. I won't let him. He can't get in," he whispered. He could feel the singer hyperventilating in his arms, "Deep breaths Tae, you have to take deep breaths or you'll pass out."
Jimin reached out and found Taehyung's arm, gripping it protectively.
"I just want to play, I won't hurt you. I love to play. Just like a kid. Are there any kids in there who just want to come out and play?" The man let out an eerie laugh.
Being the youngest of the group, Jungkook tensed up, "Please don't sacrifice me. I don't want to die," He cried into Jin's chest. Everyone was confused by the statement.
"Why would you even think that?" Jin asked the youngest, holding him tighter. He placed his head on top of Jungkook's and rocked him gently, "Nobody is going to die."
The man began jiggling the door handle to the camper, causing everyone to silently panic.
"It's okay. He can't get in. This thing has that super lock thing the manager had put on it," Jin said reassuringly. Sometimes being the oldest was so hard. He had to pretend to be the bravest even though he very much wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. He had been crying too, but thankfully it was so dark nobody had noticed.
The man outside started whistling again, and suddenly began running around the camper continuously banging on it with his machete. Sending rattling echoes of loud pain shooting through the members ears.
" I swear to God I'm bout to go out there and take that damn machete from him myself!" Yoongi whispered in anger.
"Like hell you are! Nobody is going anywhere!" Jimin didn't miss the opportunity to scold his hyung. Jin felt Jungkook trying to crawl away, he gripped the youngests shirt, " Where do you think you're going?"
"Taehyungie," he pouted.
"I'm here," Taehyung whispered as he sat up from Namjoon's grip and reached his arm out. The two found eachother and embraced, both falling back into Namjoon who put his arms around them.
"If we don't make it," Hobi began, Jimin tried to shush him but Hobi ignored it, " If we don't make it I just want you all to know I love you all with every ounce of my heart." Hobi was crying, " And..and..there's nobody else I'd rather die with. I mean I'd rather not die, but if I do die at least I'm surrounded by my favorite people."
"Stop it hyung," Jungkook whimpered as he nudged him with his foot. At least he thinks it was Hobi he nudged with his foot.
However, Hobi continued, " I don't know who I'd be without you guys. Just know I can say I've lived a great lifetime with you all and..and.." he choked over his words as he cried harded. Yoongi held him tight, and the older rapper was now also noticeably crying. Something that nobody had expected.
"Even if it means I'd spend the rest of my life in jail, I'd kill him before he even had the chance to get close to any of you," Yoongi sounded confident, even through his crying.
"Well, the guy's on death row anyway, maybe you'd get a reward," Jin attempted to lighten the mood. He couldn't see it, but this did make everyone smirk a little bit.
The man outside kept taunting and banging on the camper with his machete. Everyone had covered their ears, but took their hands away when they noticed silence for quite some time.
"Do you think he's gone?" Jimin asked nobody in particular . Jin peeked out the window again, "He's still here. He's sitting on the ground near the fire pit."
Everyone let out a groan.
"What if he never leaves and we're trapped here forever? Then what? We'll run out of food and have to eat eachother," Taehyung asked. The members couldn't tell if he was joking or genuinly concerned. His ability to say literally anything with a serious tone made it hard to tell the difference.
"If that happens we'll make sure we eat you first," Yoongi joked. Taehyung went to give his hyung a playful slap on the arm, but because it was pitch black and he couldn't see he accidentally smacked Jimin in the face, "Ow you little jerk!" Jimin went to smack him back but accidenly hit Jungkook in the eye, causing the youngest to whimper.
"Stop it you three!" Jin scolded quietly.
"It's nice to see that even in a life or death sitatuation you three are still the definition of complete chaos. True brotherhood," Namjoon chimed in.
Jin peeked again, "He's standing back up." The panic that was slowly dissipating in everyone quickly returned in an instant. "But he's....leaving? He's going the other way.."
Suddenly, a helicopter appeared in the sky, as if just poofing into existance out of nowhere. None of them had heard it coming. It was a police helicopter, with search lights, pointed directly at Nim Huik.
" Oh my God! No way!" Hobi screamed. Everyone let collective sighs of relief.
"It's not over yet though, we need to stay in here until he's actually caught and police show up and tell us what to do," Jin instructed. He opened the blinds to the window and the lights from the helicopter lit up the inside of the camper. Jin quickly made sure he counted six other heads in the bed with him. He smiled seeing all his members there, although everyone looked terrible, at least they were there. Jungkook looked noticeably worse than everyone else, " Kookie what's going on? " he asked. Everyone turned a worried gaze to him. Taehyung was rubbing Jungkook's chest.
"I think I'm going to throw up," the youngest admitted. Jimin got up and grabbed the small trash can out of the bathroom, he was thankful that the helicopter light actually allowed him to see for the first time in hours. He gave it to Jungkook, who instantly threw up in it. Taehyung brushed hair away that was clinging to the youngests sweaty forehead. Once he was done, he placed the trash can back on the ground.
"Well, you look a little better now," Jin teased. Jungkook smirked as he leaned back against Taehyung and let the older run his fingers through his hair. The sounds of sirens now filled the forest completely .They could see more helicopters coming in and they saw police running up and surrounding the killer. He surrendered without a fight and they quickly took him into custody. Fear melted away as they saw him being dragged away by cops.
"Can we get out now?" Hobi asked. He felt like he was about to suffocate.
"No. Wait," Yoongi replied. A loud knock on the door startled everyone.
"Police." Was all they heard.
Hobi looked at Jin, who nodded in approval that it was safe for them to open the door as it was the actual police this time. Jin scooted to the door first and greeted the policeman once he opened it.
Everyone strolled out one by one. The police asked a ton of questions, and they had a ton of answers. They were all still quite nervous, and had formed a human chain of holding onto eachothers arms. The policeman told them they had done the right thing by staying hidden and not engaging with the man, as that would have just gotten them killed. Yoongi looked at all his members and smiled. Technically that was his plan. And he'd make sure they never heard the end of his boasting.
"We do still have one problem," Namjoon told the policeman.
"Do you need medical attention? Is someone hurt?" The policeman asked.
" No no, it's just our camper battery died. We're stuck here," Namjoon pouted.
"No worries, I can jump it for you." The policeman pulled his car up and jumped the camper, sending all the members into fits of joyful cheers as everything in the camper turned back on and it started. Everyone ran and hugged the policeman and gave him shouts of praise.
"How did that guy get out? What happened to the maximum security part of the prison?" Jungkook asked innocently.
"Some questions I just don't have the answers to, that will have to be investigated."
The cop told them they are free to stay at the campsite and to have a good night. The night fell silent as all the commotion dissipated and it was just the seven of them left alone again.
Everyone looked at eachother, reading eachother's minds without saying a word.
It's time to leave.
Yoongi hopped back in the drivers seat with Jin at his side again, thankfully this time the camper actually moved. The rest of the members were cuddled up in the back bed charging their phones. Yoongi drove them to a hotel, at least an hour away, he didn't want to be at one close to the prison, for obvious reasons. They booked a room togther that had three beds, and the three youngest claimed the biggest one. They truly were attached at the hip.
While unloading some of their stuff in the hotel room, Jungkook suddenly ran over to all of his oldest hyungs and embraced them all in a tearful hug.
"Kook-ah? What's wrong?" Yoongi asked.
"Nothing. I just love you all so much." Yoongi's heart melted. " We love you too bunny," Jin ruffled the youngests hair.
"May I make a suggestion?" Taehyung said from the bed him and Jimin were already cuddled up in.
"No, you may not," Jin gave him a stern look. Taehyung looked at him with a shocked face. "Ahhhaha! You're too easy TaeTae!" Jin laughed. Taehyung rolled his eyes, " Can I pick the next place we go camping?"
"Who said we're ever going camping again?" Hobi answered sarcastically. Everyone laughed.
"Although this night sucked, you know what the most memorable part was?" Jimin asked his group.
"What?" Everyone replied in unison.
"Seeing Yoongi-hyung be so protective! You love us hyung !" Jimin teased the rapper.
Yoongi blushed, and figured if there was ever a night to say it, it was tonight, " Of course I love you." Everyone let out shouts of laughter and and hugged their rapper. He started hitting them all with a pillow, "And that's the last time you'll hear it!" he teased.
Namjoon turned the lights off and everyone gathered into their beds. Although safe, there was still anxiety flowing through everyone. But they knew they had the only thing they needed to keep them safe throughout the night, no matter what.
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