Capture the Flag
A/N: Basically teams compete for the flag, which is guarded by one group. When a member is tagged by on of the "guard" teammates, they are escorted to 'jail' where they can only be freed by being tagged by a free teammate. The game is won once everyone is tagged, save for the guarding team. Whenever the flag is captured, the capturing group becomes the "guards".
Capture the flag, commonly abbreviated as CTF, is a traditional outdoor game where two teams each have a (or other marker) and the objective is to capture the other team's flag, located at the team's "base," and bring it safely back to their own base. Enemy players can be "tagged" by players in their home territory; these players are then, depending on the agreed rules, out of the game, members of the opposite team, sent back to their own territory, frozen in place until freed by a member of their own team, or "in jail."
At 9, breakfast was served in the dining hall. The color packs sat together with their shirts on, Lance's team began drying, but he, himself was still wet.
Allura said nothing when she saw the state of the blue shirts. In fact, she almost seemed to smirk and shook her head. As she had discussed with Shiro the night before, there was nothing more entertaining than the discomfort and anger the junior counselors harbored for each other. It was the best shit-show the pair had set up yet. Rivaling even the pair years ago that ended up plastic wrapping each other to the flag poles.
Matt on the other hand didn't know how much more he could take. It was his first year as a Senior Counselor and he was responsible for Keith and Lance, but it was apparent that there was no stopping those two. Matt pushed himself away from the table and approached Allura and Shiro. He stood with them, watching Keith and Lance glancing at each other every minute or so.
"They're perfect for each other." Matt stated.
Allura nodded fervently. "Oh, I wish they would just get together already and stop fighting!" She commented.
Shiro turned away from the others. "Something is bound to bring them together." he announced, walking away to grab the flag and plant it in the middle of the challenge course.
The shape pack was dismissed first from the dining hall. Their weekend activity was backpacking and camping out and they would return Monday. The number packs were headed out to the river to go tubing for the day. Finally, the color packs were dismissed and given their assignments. The campers were a mixture of anxious and giddy- hellbent on winning.
Blue pack was the guarding team of the flag. Lance ordered his kids to be on the lookout for any red or green shirts and to be sure to tag them and keep an eye on the jail so that no one could tag them free.
The flag had to be in an open area and so it had been planted right in front of the helmet shed a couple of yards from the challenge course entrance. A single camper guarded the flag, the rest of the kids out on patrol of the paths.
Green pack was nowhere to be found. Keith figured they must be lost, trying to figure a plan out, whereas thanks to Pidge, him and Lance had known for a full day to prepare. Keith read the map that his campers had laid out on the floor. According to the key, Blue pack's territory was the challenge course, Green pack's territory was on the main games field, leaving Red pack to defend the common green in front of the cabins.
Keith's kids were ready to roll out. Their plan was a simple ambush, coming in to the challenge course through the back paths on the lakeside. Hopefully, no one in blue would be ready for the onslaught of red shirts.
The kids crouched low to hide in the underbrush on the sides of the paths. A few blue shirts wandered around the obstacles and talked, completely unaware of the red pack creeping in. The flag was kept on the other side of the challenge course. Pretty soon, they would need to flood in and grab the flag and post it out in their base.
A shout was heard for warning, breaking Keith's team's concentration. Green shirts ran out on the course, distracting the blue pack. Everyone was confused. Lance hadn't anticipated Matt's team being on the move. Suddenly the blue shirts were running to the front, away from the hidden red shirts.
Keith distinctly heard Lance cursing "Shit! Matt's got the flag! Go get 'em!"
The red pack prepared to chase the flag when they heard a snap behind them, half of the green shirts tagging them. They were escorted across the camp to the games field, where a few blue shirts were being chased and trying to tag their teammates in "jail" and set them free. There was no clear plan.
Keith followed the walk-of-shame and sat in the "jail" between the supplies sheds. Lance sat, pouting. Keith took a seat next to him. It hadn't even been ten minutes and Green pack had stolen the flag and tagged all of Keith's team.
Finally the last blue shirt was tagged. Shiro stood with Allura and sounded an air horn.
"Well, that settles it- Green Pack wins. Not much of a struggle, was there?" Shiro laughed.
Matt grinned, rustling the hair of the camper who stood guard of the flag. "I tried to get Pidge to hint the game to them, but they just weren't cut out to go against the champion."
Lance spoke out. "Wait?! So you knew about the game and set Pidge up to tell us about it?!"
Matt beamed. "Well yeah. Of course I knew. I've been going to camp all my life. Pidge and I figured that you should have a fighting chance. They just didn't want their older brother to squash you guys in two minutes."
Keith looked up from where he had been passive aggressively digging in the grass. "You and Pidge are siblings?" He asked.
Matt laughed. "Yep!"
Shiro announced Green pack the winner and congratulated them, saying that his team was up for ice cream at free time. Matt smiled again.
Lance was still pouting, but grabbed his clipboard regardless. "Hey blue pack. It looks like we're going to the pool." His campers talked excitedly, already over their defeat, much faster than Lance, himself. He continued. "With Red pack." They groaned.
Keith wanted to laugh at the disgust his campers portrayed as to the idea of spending time with Lance's pack. A week ago he may have felt the same way, but Lance had gone from a thorn in his side to an annoying headache. "Alright! Let's go get our swim trunks!" Keith yelled, hopping up and marching his kids off towards the cabins.
Lance followed, putting his clipboard in his backpack and fixing his metal bracelet. Unfortunately, Lance had left his jacket back on the field.
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