Chapter 2: Meeting
Hero's p.o.v:
Once me, Teddy, Spike and...
.. Crupter got to our cabin, we chose our beds. Two other beds were already taken so I was guessing that 3 out of 3 of our cabin mates were already there. We talked for a bit and crupter was put on a top bunk, like Spike, away from me. He was lucky that we made a deal with Nightlara. Lately when Nightlara got made her yellow eyes kinda glow red. We all sat around and talked. Around 1:30 the door opened to reveal to other boys. Crupter rolls his eyes and goes to his bed and going on his phone. I really hated him and I wish I didn't make the promise. It was really hard to NOT try and kill him. We started to talk to the two who came in and after about half an hour someone came into the cabin and I really wanted to kill him as much as I do with crupter. I also knew Nightlara wont mind me doing it either but John would be mad. No matter what the ass called Francis did to him. We just sat there silently just glaring at him. He rolled his eyes, put his stuff down, and went outside after saying hi to Burr and James and saying
" Hey Hero, Crupter, Spike, and Teddy." He said that harshly but I understood why. Everyone except for john really hates him. John Is afriad of him and acts brave, but is afraid of what Francis would do to him. Honestly, Both me and Nightlara could care less what crupter does to Francis. But ONLY Francis. I heard a scuff and a sarcastic
" Hi, ass F!" From Crupter. All of us tried not to laugh and Francis walked out. Crupter said He was texting nightlara and telling her about Francis. Minutes later Crupter said that Nightlara wants us to meet near the pond. We got up and went out after saying see ya to Burr and James.
Adam's p.o.v:
John and I were talking when Nightlara came over and told me in a wisper so john didn't freak out that The ass was here. (Btw, They refer to Francis as an ass, So, ya) I nodded and we talked while everyone else was coming. Hero, Teddy, Spike and Crupter were cabin mates with them. After a while we decided to go to the mess hall. On our way, we bumped into Mr. Washington, The one who leads the camp, we said hi and I continued to the mess hall. When we got halfway there john said, " It smells like its Bugars or Lasagna." Just as he said, It was Bugars or Lasagna. Most of us had burgers while the rest didn't. We were pretty much the only ones in the mess hall when a couple of other Peps came in. They came in, Got their food, and sat down. Emily, Inky, Frisk, and Dream went over and said hi to them. That's when Spike's eyes lit up.
"HI BURR AND JAMES!" He yelled after standing up. By this time Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had already went over too.
" SPIKE! Sit down please" Twilight said. I caught a glimpse of Frisk pointing to us and a tell person with his hair up in a high bun came over dragging someone else with a bandana around his head came over. The tall one looked excited and started to speak french. After he was done introducing himself and his friends Nightlara spoke french back to him. I forgot Lara could do that and I think the others did too. Next thing we know we are heading to our cabins. Now that I saw john chatting with Alex and Thomas, I noticed that He was blushing. So were the other two. Nightlara and the girls were still with us and I think nightlara also took notice. She made sure john, Moonlight, or frisk were listening before she pulled Laf, Herc and the sisters over. She had already talked to burr, James, Maria, and Theo earlier. I quickly intervened and reminded her Not to scare them too much. Not to soon after wards we had to split. Me and john already found out that Laf, Herc, Alex and Thomas were our cabin mates. After we got to our cabin we just sat around and chat until dinner came.
John's p.o.v:
I think that I starting to fall for Alexander and Thomas. Thing is I don't know if I can trust them. They seem so sweet just like Francis ( Yes, We bring up Francis again! Cuz ya!)). But yet anything could happen. I went along like nothing is wrong. Even if I felt like I forgot something and I knew Francis and the Lee gang. I saw Lee and his gang come when we headed back to the cabins and I saw Francis while Adam and I were at the pond. I caught a glimpse of Alex and Thomas looking at me then blushing. Wait, They were BLUSHING!? They probably weren't and it was my imagination. Dinner came around and I was too focused on what I was forgetting that I wasn't eating. I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE WHEN MY OWN SISTER SAT INFRONT IF ME AFTER DOING HER THING FOR HER DIABETES! When Nightlara started to sing a certain song that my mom and dad sang to me, it's a miracle that I still remember, which is call stand outside the fire. Once she was done Emily asked me if I was ok.
" ya. Just... Umm. Thinking."
"about what?" Frisk asked
" *CUTTING*. About stuff." Wait a second. Why am I thinking about cu- uh buck. After a while when we went back to go to bed I just kinda sat on my phone for a bit till I fell asleep. I made sure to put my reminder on. I know if I didn't then I would forget to take my meds.
Nightlara's p.o.v:
I had talked to Thomas and Alex and asked them if they had feelings for my cousin. They amitted it and I told them about a sercet that John probably would have wanted to tell them. They didn't mind it and I also told them that when they get together and they better treat him right. They nodded in agreement and we went off. Unlike John, I can tell if its right to tell someone or not. I could also tell that John was thinking of something during dinner and I knew that he forgot his meds today. I already had a plan to pretty much spam him tomarrow asking if he had taken his deppression meds.
There ya'll go! Im too lazy to do the chapter question but, Heres something I want you all to do. Can you all say all the cabin mates so far? Also again, If you have an oc and you want them to be in here then just pm me with infomation. See yall next time/ Later!
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