Episode 16
It was almost comical- ironic, even- how quickly the time that had just seemed so far away was nearing now that Cori no longer wanted it to arrive. However, despite her deepest wishes to remain happily stranded with Nicky, the night was approaching fast- and that meant the morning too- and her ride back.
"Well, goodnight," Nicky gave Cori a smile when he had walked her to her room.
"Goodnight," Cori replied, but Nicky still loitered tentatively in the hall, looking at her unsurely.
"Goodnight," he repeated awkwardly. Then, after a long pause, he finally sat down his flashlight and moved in for a hug.
It was gentle and caring, and Nicky did not pull back until he had planted a soft kiss on the top of her head.
"So, I'll see you in the morning," Nicky gave his real farewell. "The chopper won't be here 'til evening, so we still have another whole day," he added, giving Cori another sweet smile before heading back down the steps to his waiting couch.
"Another whole day?" Cori closed the door and found herself leaning against it just as she had done her first night there. It may be the last day on the island, but it would be the first day Cori and Nicky would be... "A couple?" Cori squealed to herself as she fell onto the bed. "This is the best!" she sighed deeply, so absorbed by Nicky's sweet goodnight kiss, that she completely failed to realize that it was Tanner, whose pillow she was now leaning against.
"Another whole day," Cori repeated again dreamily.
In a total twist from her past bedtimes in Tanner's room, this night she was unable to think about its owner, and only able to fantasize about the boy downstairs- the one who had asked her out.
"Ahhh," she blissfully buried her face into Tanner's pillow, but this time, it didn't feel like anything special. It wasn't Tanner Lee's pillow. It was just a pillow. It wasn't Tanner Lee's room. It was just a floor separating her from her boyfriend who was sleeping on the couch below.
"I'm so glad we still have another day to spend together," she thought, but her happiness suddenly faded. "Is that really all I have left with Nicky? One more day? But what happens after ?"
Cori rolled over sleeplessly. It surely hadn't taken long for the residual feeling of jubilation from Nicky's goodnight kiss to surrender to the depressing reality that was now rising in her gut.
"I know he said he wanted to date... but he also said we have another day- like it's the last one ever." Any of the remaining ecstasy Cori had been reeling in was now completely drowned in the wave of worry splashing over her. "So when he said he wanted to date... did he just mean while we were here?" Cori laughed wryly. "Of course he did, stupid. What would the most popular guy on the planet want to do with you when he leaves this rinky dink island and goes back to the real world- the one where he's famous? You were the only girl here. Like Tanner, he was probably just looking for a way to pass the time. I can't believe I actually let myself think otherwise for a minute."
Cori smacked her forehead and tried to accept her newly discovered fact, but even when she finally fell asleep, the sinking feeling continued to bore at her stomach, making her usually delightfully Nicky-filled dreams a deep, depressing place too.
"See ya, Tori," Dream Nicky brushed off her hug as if she were a stranger, shuffling down the dock and leaving her in the dust.
"Tori?" Cori woke up after the seemingly endless night, feeling even more low than she had when she went to sleep- and even lower when she finally made her way downstairs.
"Hey!" Nicky called from the kitchen. "I was wondering when you were gonna get up!"
"Huh?" Cori frowned around the room as the others watched her arrival.
"We thought you were gonna sleep away the whole day!" laughed Kole, pointing to the clock. It read a quarter after noon.
"Yeah, you really slept in!" agreed JM. "I think you even beat Tanner's record!" he joined in with Kole's sniggering.
"Oh no!" Cori gasped, still staring at the clock in disbelief. "I missed half the day! You should have woken me up!"
"Sorry," Nicky frowned. "I didn't want to bother you..."
"But it's our last day and I slept through most of it," Cori pouted.
"It's okay," Nicky crossed the kitchen and gently touched her arm. "We still have the afternoon."
Cori nodded, though she was less than consoled. She had wasted a great deal of her last moments with Nicky U- the only moments she had left.
"Oh well," Cori thought with an inaudible sigh. "Time's still going to run out no matter how much of it I had. Being down here for breakfast wouldn't have changed anything. Just enjoy it while it lasts," she ordered herself.
"Here, Cori," said Nicky, grabbing a bowl of dry cereal from the counter. "I saved you some breakfast."
"Well," Cori thought wryly. "At least he remembered my name."
"Enjoy it while it lasts," Cori reminded herself through her late brunch and into the following activities of the day, but as the time rapidly blew by, the words almost seemed to mock her- for one event quickly transitioned into another, leaving her barely enough time to enjoy anything at all. "While it lasts?" Cori frowned as the afternoon swim turned into the late afternoon attempt of a BBQ. "While what lasts?" Cori sat sadly on one of the log benches and stared up at the lowering sun as Kole threw some questionable items onto the grill.
"You can't grill that!" Axel complained as he examined the crackers and mushy banana he had loaded onto the barbecue.
"I'm sorry, but we can't leave without using this thing even once!" Kole crossed his arms determinedly.
"Fine," said Axel. "But you can't grill anything without lighting the charcoal."
"Yeah, were you hoping the sun would bake it?" JM laughed, bringing over a lighter.
"No, I just knew you like to light it," Kole lied.
"Oh, how thoughtful," JM chuckled as he lit the grill.
"You guys better quit messing around. The chopper'll be here soon," Tanner watched his band mates cringingly, before heading off to the cabin.
"Yeah, did you get everything packed?" asked Nicky, taking a seat next to Cori.
"Are you kidding?" Axel scoffed. "I've been packed. I'm dying to get out of here and get some real food! Our ride can't come soon enough!"
Nicky shook his head and turned to Cori.
"The day really went by fast, didn't it?" he looked at her apologetically. "I hope you had fun," he added with a smile.
Cori nodded, but Nicky's sincere expression was too much for her.
"I should probably get my things together too," she said quickly, jumping up.
"I'll help," offered Nicky, standing up as well.
"No, it's okay," Cori instantly declined, unable to bear his sweet face any longer. "I don't really have that much," she chuckled awkwardly. "I'm just gonna fold the clothes you loaned me and I'll be right back. It's fine, really," she added when Nicky gave her a curious frown.
"Well, you better hurry," Nicky said at last. "The chopper really will be here soon."
Cori nodded once again, and with her sinking feeling now feeling as though she were at the utmost bottom of the lake, she hurried into the cabin.
It didn't take long for Cori to organize her things, considering all she had was the clothes on her back and her dead cell phone, but it was at least a private break from the concept of her inevitable parting with wonderful Nicky.
"It's almost time," she tried to prepare herself as she folded his clothes. "Oops. This isn't Nicky's," she caught herself as she mindlessly added Tanner's tee to the pile. "Guess I should give this back."
Cori stepped into the hall in perfect timing- Tanner had just exited his temporary bedroom and was heading down the corridor.
"Hey," Cori said tentatively, holding out the top. "Here's your shirt. Thanks for letting me borrow it."
"I told you to keep it," Tanner shrugged as he passed.
"But I don't need it anymore," Cori frowned.
"Then sell it on the internet or something," Tanner shot her a chuckling smirk before disappearing down the steps.
Cori smiled and, with one last sentimental look on the cabin room in which she had been staying, made her way downstairs too.
"Hey! You get everything already?" Nicky was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "I felt bad you wouldn't let me help."
"Yeah. There wasn't much to get," Cori told him, giving her feet an uncomfortable glance. "Your clothes are on Tanner's bed."
"Thanks," he said, now darting his eyes around awkwardly, too. "Oh! Hey!" he suddenly exclaimed, sights landing on the little table near the steps.
Cori watched him curiously as he picked up the Miracle 10 magazine that was still lying there.
"I almost forgot!" he grinned, now opening the drawer on the end table and extracting a pen. "I was supposed to sign this for you!" he finished, uncapping the pen and opening the book. "Hmm... Let's see..." he flipped through the pages, finally landing on the page with the picture of him hugging the bear.
"Of course," Cori sighed in her mind, her disbelief growing all the while. "Is he seriously going to do this?" Cori couldn't watch as Nicky began to scribble on the page. "So he really does think of this whole thing as a joke. To him I'm just another girl in a long line of girls. Just a fan."
When Nicky finally handed back her magazine, this time, Cori sighed out loud.
"Well..." she said slowly. "I guess this is it."
"Aren't you gonna read what I wrote?" asked Nicky, creasing his forehead.
Cori looked down at his autograph.
"Huh?" she gasped slightly. Not only had Nicky signed his name, but printed over the teddy bear was a string of numbers with the words 'Call me when you get your phone charged!'
"You didn't think I was gonna let you go just like that?" Nicky looked at her seriously.
"I-I-," Cori was at a loss for words, once again, only able to fling her arms around him in joy.
However, before they could even finish their hug, a low rumbling began to grow outside.
Cori looked at Nicky wonderingly, but he frowned.
"Our ride's here," he told her.
"He's here!" they could hear Kole shout from outside as the roar of the helicopter magnified.
"Finally!" was the last word Cori heard Axel mutter as she and Nicky ran outside, for the whir of the chopper was soon almost deafening.
Shooting Nicky a sad look, Cori held onto him tightly as the lowering helicopter created a powerful gust, and both staring at the approaching whirlybird, Nicky pulled her close.
"You boys all ready?" the pilot stepped out of the chopper when he had finally maneuvered his landing right over the old camp site.
"More than ready," said Axel.
"Yeah, and we picked up a hitchhiker," Kole laughed, pointing towards Cori.
The pilot momentarily looked at her in surprise, but soon nodded, no questions asked.
"Well, okay then! Who's first?" he gestured towards the helicopter. "You know the drill. Can fit two at a time."
"Could you drop Cori off first? She's from the other side of the lake," Nicky nodded towards the woods behind them.
"Sure thing," said the pilot, jumping back into his cockpit and waving Cori over.
"So..." Cori turned to look at the boys hesitantly. "Thanks for everything."
"Thanks for hanging with us!" JM grinned and Axel gave her an appreciative nod.
"Bye, Cori!" Kole rushed over and gave her a hyper hug.
"See ya," Tanner cracked a half-smile.
Cori smiled back at Miracle 10, at last turning to Nicky once again. However, expecting to make her final farewell, she was surprised when Nicky spoke.
"I'll ride over with you," he said, grabbing her hand and leading her towards the helicopter.
"Thanks," Cori beamed as Nicky climbed up into the backseat and turned to help hoist her up to the seat next to him.
"That all your stuff?" the pilot looked questioningly at the shirt, magazine and cell phone Cori was still clutching, but she nodded. "Okay, then. We're off!" he added, handing them each a headset before turning back to his controls.
As they began to hover, Cori surveyed the scene through the window, taking in her last view of Miracle 10 and their island. Kole and JM were waving wildly, and even Axel shot her a peace sign.
"Goodbye," she mouthed silently through the glass as they gained altitude, her last sight being of Tanner, who was now actually smiling at her legitimately.
Though always sad to experience a parting, Cori turned back to the person beside her, instantly filling up with more joy than sorrow. Nicky squeezed her hand and smiled as they flew higher and higher, over the trees, and across the lake.
Cori watched as the entire assembly of Camp Cobo campers ran out of their cabins as the helicopter touched down on the lawn. Their curious chatter was so thick that it still sounded like the chopper's wings were spinning even when they had stopped.
"Who is it?" she heard one of the younger kids say.
"What are they doing here?" wondered another.
"What in the-?!" Dezarae pushed her way to the front of the pack just as Cori stepped back onto the earth. "CORI?! Where have you been?!" her need-to-know expression had instantly transformed into one of pure rage.
"Oh, I, uh," Cori began, but before she could give any sort of explanation, the other members of Bunk Daffodil came rushing towards her past Dezarae.
"Cori?" Morgan wiped her glasses as though to make sure she was really seeing her.
"Cori! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Mindy told her. "Well, once Dezarae actually let us tell anyone you were missing," she added in an undertone.
"Yeah, she was afraid she was going to get into trouble for letting you go off alone," Lindsay looked worrisome.
"How dare you go disappearing like that?!" Dezarae had made her way back to the front. "Were you trying to get me fired or something?!" she shouted. "Where have you been?!" she demanded again.
"Yeah, the entire camp's been out looking through the woods," said Mindy. "We didn't think you could have gone any farther than that since all the boats are still here."
Cori glanced towards the lake, and with an amused chuckle, spotted her boat, which must have actually found its way back in the storm after all.
"We tried to get ahold of your mom, too, once we got our power back," Morgan added. "But we couldn't reach her."
"She's been in China," said Cori. "She's only just getting back tonight."
"Don't change the subject!" Dezarae was still looking furious. "Where were you?" she surveyed Cori intensely.
"Yeah, we thought you died," said Mindy, eyes wide.
"Nope, I was saved by a Miracle," laughed Cori.
Dezarae continued to look at her suspiciously.
"Well, you didn't get saved from a sunburn," she said at last, still angrily trying to criticize her.
"Oh, yeah," Cori scratched her nose. "I got this from swimming all day."
"Swimming?" Dezarae crossed her arms. "With who?"
"With me," Nicky had finally exited the chopper and stepped around the back to meet Cori.
"Nicky... U...???" Dezarae looked like she had just had a heart attack.
"Hey! It's that guy from Miracle 7!" said Morgan, still oblivious to any knowledge of the popular band.
"Nicky... U...???" Dezarae repeated again, completely dumbstruck.
"Hey," Nicky smiled, but Dezarae still remained in shock.
"You... You were with... Nicky U?" she managed at last, now utterly seething.
"Yeah," said Cori simply as Nicky grabbed her hand. "Because you were right," she went on, leaning close to Dezarae's ear. "Tanner Lee and I would never work," she whispered.
Dezarae nearly stumbled back, completely at a loss, as she continued to stare at her arch-enemy Cori, who was holding hands with her dream guy, Nicky U.
"Well, I should be going," Nicky turned to Cori sadly. "I need to get back so I can get my phone charged," he winked. "I'll be waiting for your call."
Cori nodded with a smile as Nicky bent down and gave her a soft kiss.
"Talk to you soon," he smiled, but before he could re-enter the helicopter, he paused and turned to Dezarae.
"Um, hey," he began, making Dezarae nearly choke. "Could you ask those kids over there if I could have one of their s'mores?" he asked, nodding towards a small campfire at the other end of the cabins.
"Oh." Dezarae looked appalled, but nevertheless, she disappointedly trudged across the camp and tore a s'more from one of the young campers.
"Thanks," said Nicky when she had returned with the toasted snack. "Axel's gonna be so happy," he grinned at Cori before finally climbing into the helicopter.
Cori couldn't help but laugh as the chopper rose into the air. Even though Nicky was now leaving, she knew that this was definitely not the end.
"A full refund? Of course you'll be giving me a full refund! And that won't be all!" Cori's mother shrieked into the kitchen phone before slamming it back onto the counter. "Oh, honey!" she threw her arms around her daughter. "I can't believe they didn't even go looking for you right away!" she moaned. "They should have at least called the police or something!"
"It's okay," said Cori, who was deeply engaged in her phone screen. "They didn't know I was gone until later, and the phone lines were down for awhile anyways," she reminded her frenzied mom.
"But that's no way to run a camp for kids!" Cori's mom continued to cry. "Oh, I don't want to even imagine what might have happened if you hadn't found another camp!"
"It's okay," Cori said again, still absorbed in the video on her phone.
"Well, that place is really in for it!" her mother went on. "I'm sooo sorry I made you go, Cori. I really am."
"I'm not," said Cori simply, a smile breaking out across her face.
Her cell phone was showing one of Miracle 10's live broadcasts, and Nicky U had just made his long-desired heart sign, which Cori knew was just for her.
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