{ My CHB Oc / Naegi Haruhiko }
Name: Naegi (neigh-ah-gi) Haruhiko
Age: Seventeen
Birthday: December 25
Gender: Male
Face claim: Watanabe Haruto
Personality: He is very posh in how he acts, with such high authority, much like he feels he is better than everyone else. Which to a certain extent is correct, he does feel like he is better, since he is rich and his family owns a very wealthy stock market empire. He carries himself in such a fashion that no words anyone says or anything anyone does bothers him. He may call you out or disagree, but it doesn't put a dent into his personality. Even in times of disaster and despair he seems to have himself together. He never freaks out because he knows that is never going to help anyone. He is often cold, blunt and taciturn, but has a deviously manipulative tendency. He always takes logic over anything else, if something isn't logical he doesn't believe or would follow it. He often gets mistaken for being judgmental and having a resting B face, which isn't his fault it is just how he is. He may not be judging you, but he surely gives off that vibe. He sometimes has been known to backstab people in order to get the best outcome for himself. He isn't bothered by it, it is just how the real world words. The survival of the fittest is what he always says to justify his actions.
Talents: You could say his devious manipulative tendency, it does come in handy whenever he needs or wants something. He figured out by a person on how he needs to approach the situation and person on what he needs to do. | Accessing a situation and figuring out what needs to happen to get good results. Careful planning always wins in the end. He knows that not every idea will work for certain circumstances so you need to make sure to cover your bases. |
Weapon: Two celestial bronze daggers with a two celestial bronze gauntlets, which he only wears if it is absolutely nessecary. Otherwise they stay in his messenger bag that is in his cabin. The daggers he does always keep on him even though he never uses them.
Powers: He can make a person feel as if they have lost all beauty, splendor, and glory in their life for a short time, causing them to feel too depressed to fight. However it only lasts a 30 seconds and he can use it up to five times per day. | He also has the ability to mesmerize anyone nearby with their physical appearance or of someone they truly love, stunning them for a short period of time which once again lasts for only 30 seconds, which he can do only three times away since both take up extreme amounts of energy. |
Fatal Flaw: Selfishness - at times he can be very selfish. 'Everyman for himself' is sometimes what happens when he is in a group. He isn't dependable at all, since no one knows if he will have your back or only his own. No one likes being paired with him for that very fact, he can't be trusted to have your back. | Being unable to admit when he is wrong - that is yet another one of his flaws that can end up being fatal. He is to proud and stubborn to give in and admit that he doesn't know everything, that he was wrong in what he did or said. It is something he has been unable to do since he believes he is always right. |
Likes: Money - he can't help but see that money makes him happy. He can buy whatever his heart desires. He of course knows not to blow his money on frivolous things that won't last. He prefers investing into things that will last a long time. | Being alone - He isn't quite fond of being around other people. He is a lone wolf, doing things by himself is what he does best. That includes any camp activities. |
Dislikes: Violence - he lives by the motto "violence never solves anything" which to a certain extent he is correct. However if someone is trying to kill you, you need to defend yourself. He will only draw his weapon if it is a last resort. | Girls throwing themselves at him or pawning over him because of how handsome he is. He never understood why girls liked him so much, yes he is handsome and have money but couldn't they see he had no interest in them. | Clingy people - people who are clingy have issues and he wants nothing to do with them. It is quite annoying and he sees it as a weight that needs to be severed. |
Fears: Losing everything - since he grew up in a world where money was flourishing and he had need for nothing, the thought of losing everything and being normal or even poor is a fear. That can also be counted for those he cares about which isn't very many he actually likes. Losing them would be the sam equivalent of losing his wealth or stature in society.
Mortal Parent: Kyoto Haruhiko
( Hiroyuki Sanada)
Mortal Family: Step-Mother - Viviana Haruhiko
( Miki Maya )
Godly Parent: Algaea
Year Round Camper
Background: His father had always known his son was a demigod. He figured it out after he was born, having had the baby show up on his doorstep. His father knew the woman he loves and slept with wasn't just a normal person, but one of godly parentage. When Naegi was around seven, his father got remarried to this rich lady. She was nice and thank goodness since all the perfume she wore and how many air fresheners that were around the mansion monsters were never able to capture his scent which made his life much easier. However, his father knew that when he graduated school, instead of going to college he needed to be somewhere safe. Naegi did happen to graduate at sixteen and his father wasn't going to let him go off to college and get killed. So, he dropped him off at Camp Half-Blood knowing he would be safe and get all the training he needed. His stepmother still doesn't know he is a demigod, but she does have an idea since her own mother was infact a demigod. She loves him and sends him letters and makes it know that if he never needs anything she will help him. Naegi had a loving stepmother who would have done anything for him although he doesn't quite see that he does know she is nice.
Other: He is rich, so if he ever were to go on a quest his team would never have to worry about a place to stay, travel transportation, he will even bribe a person if it helps because how can turn down money? | Just outside the camp in an abounded lot with many cars, he has a limousine and a fancy jaguar just waiting for him to use. Of course both are well hidden so no one can steal them and even if they did, they wouldn't get away with it since both need a special key and passcode to start it. | He can't wait to get out of this place and start a life. Of course that won't be happening anytime soon since, after all, he is a major hot spot to attract monsters. He has got a strong sent which he covers using cologne. | He can speak japanese |
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