Avery's POV
I sit on the curb of the Austin High School parking lot, my wavy brown hair blowing over my face. I slip my hands into my black sweatshirt pocket and pull out my phone, it was 4:00pm. I'd been sitting here since 3:30 when school got out. I scroll to my mom's last text.
Hey Ave I might be a little late picking you up today.
When she said a little late I didn't think she meant half a hour late. A few minutes later I heard a sound that isn't usually heard from a school parking lot.
"Help!" Someone screams from inside the school. I jump to my feet and spin around to face the school.
I could hear more screaming from in side the school. I was about to dial 911 and start screaming bloody murder my self when someone, possibly a young woman ran out of side door of the school wearing a dark hoodie with a large duffel bag in hand. I guess someone inside had called the police because I could hear police syringes getting closer and closer.
The woman glances behind her as she runs, seeing the group of police cars her eyes widen. I didn't know what to do at that point, I guess I thought the police would get here and arrest her, but that never happened. The woman who's obviously surprised by the sudden appearance of the police, she panics, throws the bag at my feet and jumps into the line of bushes.
I was just about to turn around and run toward the police to tell them where she went when Ms. Johnson stepped out of the school.
I always hated that woman and I was just about to hate her even more.
"That's her! Right there! See the bag, that's the money she took!" Ms. Johnson shots to the police.
I had no words at that moment.
Ms. Johnson knew me, how could she accuse me of stealing from my own high school.
"Your coming with us young lady." I could barely hear the words of the police over my own thoughts.
I didn't even resist when the police put handcuffs on me and say me in the back of one of police cars.
How could this be happening?
How could I be sitting in the back of a police car like a criminal?
A few hours later I sat in our local police station awaiting the arrival of my mom. If your wondering if they put me in one of those police cells you see in old tv shows they didn't. I'm just sitting on the wooden bench by the entrance, yeah real exciting.
"Avery!" I sigh as my mom rushes through the door and pulls me in to a hug.
"What happened Avery? How could you do this! You stole from your own school? Oh I'm so sorry! But why would you-"
"Mom it wasn't me, I didn't steal anything." I was crying as she releases me from the suffocating hug.
Her eyes soften as we sit down in the chairs opposite of the police chief's desk.
"Mrs. Blue, I'm sure you are aware of the crime committed by your daughter." The police asks softly. My mom nods holding back a sob.
"We have an opening in Lingston Court tomorrow morning around nine o'clock, will this time work out for you?" He asks understandingly.
"Yes, that will be fine." My mom says before taking a tissue out of her purse and blowing her nose loudly. The police chief hands her some papers and leads us out the door.
My mom and I walk through the parking lot to the car and began our drive home.
Our drive is silent until my mom decides she needs to talk.
"I just don't understand Avery you were doing great in school, you know you don't need the money. You've never done anything like this before." She says. I sigh before telling her my side of the story, which I had a feeling I would be repeating a lot.
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