13: Secret endeavors
Marco Pov
I rushed towards my cabin and was blushing so much I couldn't believe what just happened. I kissed star. We kissed! I never thought we would and here we are. I smiled as I held my chest feeling my heart race as I heard yelling. I look and see Tom walking away from star as she rolled her eyes and get inside her cabin. Wonder what she did to make him upset? It didn't matter now I just know I have Star. What could go wrong?
I woke up feeling more better than before. As I walked the campers to the mess hall I spot Star talking Eva. I smirk and make my way over but before I did I was pulled away by Tom. As we get outside I pulled my arm away "What the heck Tom?!" He groans "You! Why do all the girls go for You?! What makes you so special that everyone wants You?" I was slightly confused "I don't know?! I just be nice and not act like a creep!" He shoved me a bit "Its cause of you that I lost star. I hope you're happy." He moves away and walks down a path and I rolled my eyes and go back inside.
As I scan for Star she wasn't there? I guess I missed her? As I went to grab a drink from the back I felt warm hands run up my side's as I turn and see Star giggling. "Hello there did I scare you?" I sigh and nodded "You did. Also good morning" I leaned to kiss her but she stops me "No public display of affection. Your uncle is around and the campers" I forgot "Right..but can I at least get a quick smooch?" She smirks and pecks my lips and moves back "Tom is mad at me. Even though I told him I didn't want anything with him." I shrug "He's a complex guy. Don't worry about him" she nods as we start the day.
"Ouch! Easy star!" She giggles as she starts kissing down my face. I smirked as I pulled her closer and ran my hands over her waist. "I'm Sorry, it's just you're really hard to stay away from." I chuckled as I felt her hand go lower and I pulled her away. "Marco? What's wrong?" I blushed as I look out the window to check "Uh maybe we should wait on that?" She tilts her head "Are you a virgin?" I turned red "No! I'm not why would you ask me?!" She laughs as she crosses her arm "Well you just pulled my hands away and just yelled defensively on not being one." I sigh in embarrassment As I felt her hand on my face "Hey, I'm a virgin too. I have no idea what I'm doing but I asked my best friend what I should do." I eyed her a bit "You're best friend had sex before?" She nods "Yes. She told me her whole experience. So I know kinda what I'm doing." I groan "Maybe we should go back.." she noticed the awkward position we were in and she nods "Uh Yeah, we should go back. I'll go first." She fixed her hair and grabbed her jacket and left and I was standing there feeling like an ass. I chickened out ugh.
I walked towards the counselor office and I see Kelly typing away. "Can I come in?" She looks up and smiles "Yeah come in. What's up?" I sigh as I take a seat "This might be weird and you don't have to answer it if you don't feel comfortable." She nods slowly "O-okay" I take a deep breath "When do you think it's a good time to have sex..?" She blushes a bit and fiddles with her curly hair "W-well um...I...uh I guess when the time feels right? I have no clue I'm still a virgin myself" I sigh "Okay. Thanks anyways" she nods "Quick question" I look at her in confusion "Yeah?" "Who are you planning to have sex with?" I smirked "That's a secret Kelly. I'll tell you eventually" she laughs "Fair enough. Hey do you want to take a walk by the pier?" I nodded "Sure. I don't have anything else to do."
We talked and talked and it was just like old times. Man whoever Kelly dates better treat her right. "Hey I gotta tell you something" I nodded as I looked at her "Shoot" she tilts her head as her curls bounce back and forth. "When I got here, your friend star acted really jealous. She thought I was gonna steal you away from her. She even said you were hers" I blushed "Really?" She nods "Yeah and I told her you're your own person and you can date whoever you want" I nodded "I think she's in over her head. Don't get me wrong she's pretty but she has a weird mindset" I twitch a bit at the word "She's not weird Kelly, she's just different and there's nothing wrong with that" she nods "I know that. I'm pretty weird to. Chasing after a guy who doesn't want me." She lowered her head "What? That's crazy cause you're awesome and a catch. Also you have a very unique style." She giggles a bit "Thanks Marco." I smiled as we looked at each other for a bit. She moved slightly closer as I watched her carefully. She reached for my hoodie and pulled it up. She looked into my eyes and smiled "You always seem to have the right things to say.." I felt my heart race a bit as She let go and started walking "Goodnight Marco.." that was really weird...
As I walked towards my cabin I was pulled to the side and was shut by a kiss. I melted into it as I slowly closed my eyes. As I pulled away it was star in her cute little space buns and her pajamas. "You need to stop scaring me. You're gonna end up giving me a heart attack" she giggles as she pulls us into a secluded area. "I wanted to talk with you for a bit." I smirked as I held her hand properly instead of being dragged "What's on your mind" "we don't have to rush. We start slow okay?" I nodded "Of course." She sighs and walks closer and closes the space between us "It still feels like a dream. Us being a thing? I must be one lucky girl?" I nodded as I kissed her slowly as my hands held her soft face. "Yeah..you are"
A/n Hey! I'm back and I posted a part! Yay! Also this is unedited and probably sucks cause it's been awhile and I just wanted to update something. Also I won't be on here tomorrow cause I'm binge watching voltron tomorrow 😁 so yeah anyways bye!
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