The stageNerds control ((Neilxharrison,nikkixnerris, prestonxmax))
??? Pov
It was a great day in camp camp Bell highschool.
Actully the greatest day in a while, it have happen many stuff and none of them were good.
Well a few....
Nerris, Harrison and Preston is still together and they all have turned 17, and the same with Neil, nikki and Max.
Neil Armstrong aka space kid have turned 16 and Adolf hitle- ow! I mean Dolf have turned 15 and now working to be an artist.
Nurf have turned 18 and Ered have turned 21 and Helps David and gwen with the high school.
"Come on guys! Their play start soon!" Screamed Neil to nikki and Max.
"You know that Harrison is in the play? Right?" Asked nikki as she put her ponytails.
Neil blushed slightly and looked away. ( Harrison and Neil dont know each other, Neil is just inlove)
"Well i just dont want our money wasted in some dumb play without watching it!" Neil Facepalmed himself and started to think, why he Even bought tickets..
Well of course becouse his dumb crush sense 10 years old is playing.
"You go without me, iam working on something" say a rather unfamiliar but familier voice.
"Okey iam ready!" Nikki steps out with a blue formed shirt that Looks like her youngerself and some shorts.
"I was ready like 10 minutes ago!" Neil crossed his arms,"wait Max where are you, you have been really quiet....!.. Please nikki dont tell me our parents is here" Neil Begged
"Why do you think like that?"
"Well last time Max were quiet out parents made you- know -what in prestons stage! Right infront of us!"Neil screamed at nikki
"Oh.... Max were the heck are you-" nikki and Neil Suddenly got cut of by Max walking in with a orange shirt, styled hair and long black.
"Ready to go?" Max asked, nikki and Neil just nodded and took their jackets.
"Iam so nervous! Our first show! Its going to be live and the whole country can see it-"
"Plus sweden" nerris interupted Preston as she smirked. "Chill-axe its going to be fine, just to your thing!" Nerris smiled at Preston and he smiled back And the doungens master.
"Btw are you going out like that? You should wear something more professional." Preston teased."ya'know many girls is going to come here." Nerris blushed and just huffed
"Fine. Just for you, your to gay to be lying anyways!" Nerris winked and walked to her dressing room.
"Oh! You! Got! Burned!" Said a unfamiliar but familiar voice.
Preston just growned again and walked into his d-room (dressing room).
" okey its says here we will sit on the first row, and its going to be seat A6, A7 and A8."Neil read out loud, Max and nikki nodded and walked towards their seats.
The lights Darkend and Jermy fartz walked into the stage.
Max Suddenly bursted out laughing his but of- quietly.
"Welcome to the stagenerds play!"
"Its time." Said nerris as she Held Harrison's and prestons hands. "Its time to shine!"
"-and thank you Miss. E for helping us to make this dream come true! Now let me present-"
"ready(just Harrison )"
" the magic-fick (great pun Jermy right infron of the whole country)"
"set (just Nerris)"
"stop(just Preston)"
" the Biggest trio in this whole country!"
"go!(all three)"" the stage nerds!"
Harrison, nerris and Preston ran into the stage hand in hand and Said. "The stage is ours!" Preston ran to the other side of the stage and took out a big Box.
"Shot this is heavy" Preston side.
"Let me take it- with magic!"
(Time skip)
Everyone clapped and the trio bowed,
"Now them that is on the seat A6 A7 and A8 please. Stand up!" Said Harrison.
Neil, nikki and Max stod up and met by a spotlight.
Then it was smoke around them and they were magicaly on the stage.
"H-how!" Did Neil say in a quiet- screaming way.
"Hey A6 A7 and A8! Or should i say Neil, nikki and Max!" Guessed nerris without thinking twice
"Do you see this papper" Harrison showed it to Neil, "there is nothing in it" Neil nodded and Harrison smiled " watch as it dissapear, then return then comes to you"
Harrison threw it up then smoke come and the paper were gone.
Nerris took of her hat and took two pappers out "here it is!" Nerris gave one to nikki then clapped and the other paper were gone, Preston Suddenly catched a orange from nowhere and opened it, "and here it is again!" Preston Holded up two pappers and gave one to Max, "for you❣" he winked at Max then Preston spinned around and threw the paper at the ground and it disapeard in smoke.
"Mind if i look Behind your ear" Harrison put his hand behind neils ear and there it was. "Open it"
Neil opened the paper and read 'do you want to go out? Yes or No'
Harrison put his hand right infront of Neil and then out of nowhere it was a pen.
Neil took it and maked a little x besides the 'Yes' and gave it to Harrison,
It was the same for nikki and Max, exept Max got. Little kiss on the cheek as he gave Preston his answer.
"And that was all for this show! Thank you Max, nikki and Neil for coming up! D that was all for the stageNerds!" And the three dissapear in smoke.
Nikki's date went, they went to the zoo, after the ice cream shop and then walked to the forest. Now nerris and nikki have been a happy lesbien couple, and they are ready to show the World for that.
On Max date they went to the theatre, the candy store (welcome to my candy store!)
And the museum : they watched the founding fathers section (there is a million things i haven't Done but just you wait , just you wait.)
Max and Preston go really far with the dating, ;Max and Preston lost their virginity.
And they are ready to actully start a family.
On neils date, it was mostly in the lab, the school ground and at home watching Harrison doing tricks.
They dont want to show the World jet, so its still so that Harrison got flirts from girls and boys. Neil and Harrison dont go futher then kissing and cuddle, but exept one day when Neil lost his virginity.
"And they lived happly ever after, THE END... "Elin ended the storie and smiled
"Wow Where you there?"Asked a 14 year old boy (older then me)
"Yeah!" "But when where you there"
"You remeber when i Said a familiar but unfamiliar voice. That my dear friend, were me."
"Cool i loved the storie!" Elin nodded and closed the book " i love it to."
You guys if you want to make a one shot about this chapter its okey but dont forget to say where you got the Idea from!
Next time you want a storie make a catagorie this took long to write!
But now you can ask and dare your author! GP to the book i take any requests!
Dont forget to share, vote and comment, well gtg! Bye!
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