The next morning was shockingly quiet on the ship. As if a collective decision was made that today, we were allowed to take a rest. I woke up from my hammock, glancing around in the dark chamber I shared with around twenty other men. Everyone was still vast asleep, except for an empty hammock or two. I got out and put my shirt back on, stretching my muscles. I had changed the last month. Except from my hair that had grown longer, became blonder en seemed to be more reluctant than ever before, my body had changed as well. I used to be elegant. Yes, I was muscular but those muscles didn't hold any purpose except for looking good underneath my festive garments. Here, on the Serena, my body had changed in purpose of my work. I was tanned like I had never been tanned before. Some scratches made ugly scars on my forearms which were muscled and stone hard at times. I would be lying if I'd say I wasn't pleased with the turn of events. But compared to the men I shared a chamber with, I was still a shrimp in their midst.
I silently made my way out of the room, avoiding men who had fallen out of their hammocks or never reached it as they had plundered the provisions of rum last night. The wooden walls were slightly covered with daylight, leaving the Serena in a quiet and almost peaceful state. I made my way towards the kitchen, where I was met with Lopez who was complaining against another pirate about the circumstances in which he had to do his job. As soon as I came in, he shot me a look before shoving a plate into my hands. « Captain's Quarters. Tell him if he wants more, we need to get provisions. » I was about to complain, trying to get someone else to do this task but the way Lopez watched me indicated he hadn't accepted me. If I didn't do what he asked, I had no doubt he'd use me to create a variation on his potato soup.
I wobbled through the ship. Here and there a crew member stopped by to chat or yell me salute in the passing. It was weird to think that after a month, I looked so differently at them. Some considered me a friend, others a burden, but most men of the thirty pirates seemed to accept me at last. I thought I had passed the trial period. I started to know my ways around the ship a bit better, only taking me another ten minutes to reach the largely decorated door where the Captain's Quarters were just laying behind. With a firm knock I announced myself.
From inside, his low voice allowed me to enter. Compared to the hallways of the ship, Dickens room was bathing in morning light coming from the large window behind his desk. I focused my steps to reach him as Dickens was seated behind his desk. I put the platter down. He threw me a disgusted look. Although he seemed rather tired, it was impossible not to notice the pleasant glow that seemed to surround him. « Good thing we're heading for shore today. » He remarked, his dirty finger picking at a piece of mashed potato. « You can go now. »
A stir behind me, drew my eyes towards the large bed. I felt my heart drop a few inches as I noticed the big mess of curls spread across the white sheets. Her upper body was exposed, as Paulina lay on her stomach, the sheets barely covering the rest of her naked body. I couldn't stop staring at her. At least my suspicions were confirmed, but it hurt me in some way. I didn't think Dickens would be the one to tame Paulina. I looked at her as I passed by. The slow and deep raising of her back drew my attention to the birthmarks on her skin. With a fine line of ink some were joined, creating a tiny galaxy of stars and constellations on her shoulders, backbone and the small of her back. I heard Dickens chair move behind me, putting me back to reality. I was bluntly staring at the Pirate Princess, who had obviously shared the sheets with Dickens the night before. If I had any sense in my body I'd avert my eyes and get the hell out of there. It took me all of my effort to disrupt the contact my eyes had with her body and force myself through the door. With a shaky breath, I disheveled my hair with both hands. Paulina needed to get out of my system and quick.
I walked my loudly beating heart deeper into the ship where I found the other female inhabitant of the Serena. Marina was awake, her figure slumped against one wall as her wrists were still bound together. She looked up when she saw me. I couldn't ignore the roll of her pleasant silver eyes. Even captivated, she looked like a fairytale. « I don't know if you eat bread. » I said, holding out a clump of hard and old bread. We had to eat it all, it wasn't a special gesture towards her. She looked at it in disgust before inching closer. The chains avoided her from reaching her hands towards the piece of bread. Frustrated she let out a groan and dropped her hands back into her scaled lap. « Oh, it's hopeless. I'm going to die anyway. »
A single tear ran along her cheek. « Don't cry, it will only get worse if you do. » I said, sticking my arm through the bars of her cell so she could take a bite from the bread. She looked at me quizzically. « You're a strange human. » She said before lifting her soft lips towards my hand and stuffing the entire piece of bread into her mouth. I couldn't help but feel the shots of fire running through my arm from where her warm lips touched my skin. « I don't belong here, that must be why. » I explained.
Again, Marina rose those big silver eyes to my face. « You're about to become hopeless. » she stated and turned her back to me as she rested against the bars. « Your hope is going to be your ending. »
Later that day, we finally reached the island. The crew was excited to leave the Serena just for a bit. Life at sea was an adventure, but life on land brought certain luxuries the ocean couldn't give. Before I ran down the plank, a strong hand avoided me from running. Dickens was burning his pale blue eyes into mine. His hand was pushing near my collar bone, a nerve dancing between his fingers. « No games. You return tonight. I'm giving you my trust right now, don't disappoint me. You don't want to feel my wrath if I find you deserting. »
« Perhaps, seek some female attention tonight. » He whispered dangerously and sending me a warning by pressing his thumb against the nerve that was captured under his hold. I visibly flinched and a satisfied smile lifted the corner of his mouth. Or perhaps it was Paulina whose hand was resting between his shoulder blades as they both watched me descend the ship, my movements less energetic. The thought hadn't even occurred to me that however just an island, this could be my way to freedom. But was freedom of the Serena what I really desired?
I thought about it but my thoughts were easily put aside as the ground grew steadier underneath my feet and I walked towards Absolom who had already found a bottle of unspecified liquids. « Felix, my boy, today I'll show you how pirates feast on land. » I wasn't really looking forward to drinking myself completely miserable as he dragged me towards a dark tavern. In front I recognized several of our crew, all a pretty girl hooked around their arms. Obviously they had come here before for some were catching up with the latest rumors, whilst others disappeared inside unable to contain themselves from grabbing butts and breasts.
Inside, I was disgusted by the display in front of me. Women with no boundaries straddling seamen, their lips barely separating to gasp for air before returning to each other, were hiding in every dark corner of the tavern. Other women were singing and dancing on top of the bar, men trying to watch under their skirts. The smell of smoke and rum burned the air around me, covering the entire setting in fog. I coughed. I had been in taverns like this before when Tom was going through a rough fase but never had I actually intended to visit it. And today was no exception.
I stumbled outside, into the heavy afternoon warmth. I took a deep breath of fresh air before I looked around to decide what I was going to do, how I was going to spend my day. The island was rather tiny, I thought. The harbor seemed to be accompanied by a small fishers village, often visited by seamen and merchants. A long promenade followed the coast line, tiny huts and houses pushed against each other to avoid building higher on the hill. Palm trees were swaying in a soft breeze, sand curling around trunks and dirt left on the street. The village itself wasn't that bad, and the structure reminded me of a fancy region in Port Riptide. Oh, the summers I had spend near those beaches, accompanied by beautiful and educated women, Tom always by my side. I was walking down the promenade, not really looking at the people but more just admiring the simplicity of the Island life, when I bumped into a scrawny young kid. He immediately stuttered some excuses, his cheeks burning red underneath his freckles and dirt. « No problem, chap. »
I was about to walk away when an idea formed in my head. No one would suspect an innocent child, would they? Dickens couldn't be so cruel. I didn't hesitate to return to the kid who had bend down to pick some shells that had been pushed ashore. « Hey kid! »
« When that ship leaves -« I pointed at the Serena « - can you write a message to Tom Rovers on Costa Luna? He just needs to know I'm safe. » The boy looked at the ground, his fingers fiddling with a shell. « I'd like to help you, sir. But I can't write. » he said and before saying any more, he ran off. Frustrated I ran a hand through my hair. A snicker made me turn around. Paulina.
I must've turned pale at the thought of being caught when I clearly hadn't succeeded but she smiled. « Don't worry, I won't tell Conway. Pirates Honor. » She bit on two fingers before sticking them up in the air. I didn't know why Paulina always seemed to be in the most unwelcome situations, but here she was again. Dickens was nowhere to be seen. « Isn't the captain with you? » I shot her, walking past her and steadying my steps towards the beach. With an annoying jump in her passes, she followed my every move. « He had some things to take care of. I thought I'd keep you company. You don't seem one to hang around in the Blue Bay Saloon. » She grinned.
« I'm also not the one to accompany taken women. Especially when the man who has claimed them, has the power to slice my throat whenever he pleases. » I groaned and moved faster until the point where I couldn't move forwards as the sea was already licking my boots. I felt how her environment changed. She grabbed my arm, pulling at my shirt to make me turn around and face her. Her hair, her gorgeous locks of salty curls were being touched by the ocean breeze as it were the touch of a lover. Her eyes locked with mine. It seemed that if she choose to make contact, Paulina confronted you in the most direct way there was. No dancing around the truth, she spit it out right in front of you. « No man claims me. »
« You seem rather sure of yourself on that one. But bedding a woman, is practically the same as claiming her. » I pointed out for her to see. She slapped me across the face, physical anger replacing the fury inside her eyes. « A man can claim a woman, but a woman can't claim a man? How small minded of you! » She yelled out. A few men on the promenade watched us, but most of them were too intoxicated to really bother. The desire to pull her against me was burning in my limbs but rage filled my thoughts at just how complicated being around her had become. « Honestly, I give a rats ass about what you think of me. Think of me as small minded, but I'm done with this. Whatever it is. »
« You can't quit something that isn't even there. » She hissed in response, her voice low and dangerous. Her words stung, and for a second I was taken aback. There was nothing between us. I knew that but somehow my mind had tricked me into believing there could be something. And Paulina just pointed out perfectly that that was all it was. A devilish trick my mind was playing on me. Embarrassed and humiliated I turned around and walked away, glad that Paulina decided not to follow me.
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