Days passed and occasionally I dared to look at Paulina. She did as well, but she became more restless as our journey continued. I had seen her in a state alike, when we neared Devil's Depths, but this time it was worse. Every sailor, even I, knew that Bermuda was a dangerous place for very few managed to sail through and no one could speak of what they witnessed. It was unsure when the behavior of the crew started to change so abruptly but one morning we all witnessed that we were unmistakably close to the end of the voyage. By now, Paulina was one piece of tension. She didn't let me come near and when I made advances towards her, she immediately stepped away and stood next to Dickens.
I had avoided the latter, afraid his wrath would come upon once he figured that I might have stolen what never really was his.
We all stood on deck watching as the water was crystal clear and we could see into the endless depths of the ocean. We looked and saw everything. The shadow of the boat on the sand miles below us, accompanied by fish and sharks, and overall strange creatures swimming between dozens of shipwrecks. Paulina took a deep breath and glanced around, unafraid.
The others, however, looked as a giant serpent swam underneath our ship and even lifted his head lazily towards us. The creature hissed, his enormous fangs clearly visible, before it swam down with a smooth motion and curled up inside a sunken ship. Abby pinched my side and drew my attention of a group of around twenty sharks that followed our ship's steady course. The ocean was building up tension around us.
Underneath the deck, we heard Marina scream again and this time it did not sound angry but fearful and desperate. Abby shot me a curious look. « I think we're close » He whispered.
« Close to what? »
I received a smack on the back of my head. « Go back to our meeting, I told ya, didn't I? » He squinted his eyes close as he observed me. « Don't tell me you've been drinking so much sea water, you've forgotten! »
Truth was, the beginning of all of this seemed to be so long ago. I had never thought I would end up on the other side of the world, seeking some mysterious treasure and trying to hide my adoration for a female pirate. I thought back to those first moments long ago, when Maud and Tom were still in reach and I could go to them whenever I had to escape home. I was so fond of them, I had blindly provided my help, coming with the cost of my freedom. « The goddess? » I finally replied. A look of relief washed over Abby's face.
« For a second ya had me doubting ya, » He grinned. « Calypso. »
The water around us steadily became wilder as the waves started rocking our boat and leading the course away. A sudden under stream tugged at the Serena, bringing us all back to the very dangerous reality of being in Bermuda.
Paulina was standing next to Dickens, however nervous, a smile playing around the corners of her lips. But when her eyes landed on me, the happy glint disappeared for a second. She visibly shook her head and her eyes shot back to the horizon at the same moment the crew heard the sound of thundering water. Masses of water were disappearing in a giant hole, in the middle of the ocean. We should've seen that the creatures had departed us, but we were directed straight towards it. Immediately we shot into action, pulling the sail and struggling to fight the stream. « Stop that nonsense! » Dickens screamed across the deck, capturing everyone's attention. « This is where we ought to be! »
Amongst the crew chaos broke lose. Several men shouted, drawing pistols and aiming towards the insane Captain that was leading us towards a certain death on his most priced possession, apart from the one standing next to him mirroring the same stoic look the Captain held.
« The treasure is at the bottom of that hole. » Dickens said, and no one believed him. « If I survive this, I quit piracy. » I heard Castor murmur beside me. A man chose to shoot the Captain, but Paulina was quicker as her pistol was drawn out and shot the man between the eyes. « If you're afraid, feel free to jump! » She yelled and everyone looked at her. This was the first time she killed someone without Dickens' orders. Hell, it was the first time she had killed anyone. We all stood back and I looked at her. She looked so different now that apparently her goal was near.
Her hair was still a mess, she was still wearing nothing but a simple white shirt, a red waistband and black trousers, her eyes still looked at the gaping hole in front of us, but now she had something around her that seemed awkwardly familiar. A woman who wasn't going to be stopped. One of the most dangerous creatures indeed.
By now it was too late to try as the ship steadily tipped, helm first inside the gaping hole. We screamed clutching whatever was closest. Men fell of the edge, followed by barrels, ropes and everything that was lose on deck. A single creature caught them mid-fall and their screams were muffled with the cracks of their bones inside its hideous mouth but it was all we could see. It was a miracle the three of us on deck survived. We landed in a giant lake underneath the surface, the pale sky high above us. Water was drenching everyone to the bone and we all looked at each other as the cave in front of us suddenly enlightened. A path of lights showed us the way on the rocky ceiling and was enough for Dickens to sport a horrendous grin. « Get the mermaid and let's get going. » He said.
We were all standing still, unsure of what to do when Dickens disappeared inside and Paulina took the word once again. « Those of you who refuse to follow us, can stay on the ship. However, Bermuda is cruel for visitors, we don't like 'em. But it's your choice! » The eyes on her grew big and scared, it was the first time I saw the crew literally dumbfounded for they did not know what to do.
Abby shove me in the side. « Go. She's going to make a big mistake, Felix. » I looked at him. The old man suddenly looked sober for the first time in his life. He glanced at the young girl on top and I wondered perhaps he did care for her after all. She did save his life, perhaps he was trying to save hers in those deciding moments. Dickens returned, his cloak loosely hanging over his figure as he walked towards the plank and jumped onto the shallows. It didn't take long for Castor and Lock had hoisted the mermaid over the edge, and were accompanied by ten others, including myself and Absolom. The others looked at us with distrust, unsure of their choices. The men standing ashore beamed some slight confidence but it wasn't enough to convince the others.
We all went, without looking back at the Serena, inside the cave, waiting for the discovery of what Paulina and Dickens had risked our lives for.
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