The next few days passed as if nothing had happened. Except for the occasional groan from Quince and my new occupation to take care of the sails, the Serena worked like before. In the afternoon, seagulls flew between the ropes and sails as the wind laid down. We had been on the same spot for a few hours now, frustration growing amongst us. Dickens and Paulina were in a heated discussion, when Castor and Lock sat down next to me.
« How come no one has ever tried mutiny on those two? » I mumbled as I tore my gaze away from the duo. I had been trying to ignore her, and when it came to having a conversation with her, I was succeeding cum laude. But somehow my mind and eyes always reached out for the little devil that was Paulina. Of course, it was easy to ignore her when she was busy ignoring me, but I couldn't help wanting to know what she was doing.
Castor laughed out loud, causing a seagull nearby to suddenly leave with loud shrieks. « There was a mutiny once. I think I had been aboard for two weeks, or so? But the crew then, didn't obey to Dickens favors of course. Little Paulina was then a true tiran at the age of ten. She constantly pranked us, stole our goods and even worse told us off to gain her favor of Dickens. » The thought of a young Paulina and Dickens sickened me, knowing what the both of them had grown into.
« The men decided it was enough and they dropped Paulina and Dickens off on a deserted island. Dickens didn't even fight back! I for one, was left behind as well, for I had spoken my doubts towards the mutiny. No room for doubts. » Castor was getting worked up on that memory. « One night, the three of us were asleep, a ship passed the island. I guess it was Dickens who noticed it, or maybe Paulina, but we got on board. Dickens convinced the captain to drop him off at the closest harbor. Without asking any questions, the man trusted us and he brought us safely to the closest port within a few days. It was thanks to that man, the three of us didn't die on that godforsaken island, I tell ya. Dickens as well, would never forget the favor. It didn't came to my surprise that Dickens rescued the vessel of that poor man when, completely by accident, we saw how it got attacked by pirates, years later. » My attention was pulled back towards Castor's story. « You see, from that port, Dickens had created a small crew of two more people, determined to retrieve the Serena. We hopped from ship to ship, often in disguise. Paulina became Paul for a little while, until one day we saw the Serena anchored. We invaded the ship, but no one was there. Of course it was evening, and probably the first time the Serena had visited land in a long time, but there wasn't even a watchman. Dickens was disappointed for his revenge had to wait and we waited until the morning for our crew to return. Only Absolom did though... » Castor frowned, but waved it off with a smile. « When he saw us, he was extremely relieved. He told us a Sea Serpent had attacked the ship and taken most of them towards the bottom of the ocean. » Castor shook his head as he was speaking. « Poor man was as drunk as can be. »
« Dickens however wasn't so pleased and he nearly killed the fatty. If it weren't for Paulina, Absolom could as well be nothing more than a pile of bones on the ocean floor. »
That must be why Absolom detests Paulina so much. She used her favoritism with Dickens to save his life. I was eager to know more about the past history of the Serena and her odd inhabitants « What happened next? »
« Well, we decided to leave the remaining crew behind and went off with the Serena and Absolom. We have never heard anything of the men who betrayed us. » Castor looked pleased. « With four out of six, we constantly plead for the crew to obey Dickens, but they don't need it. He still hasn't forgotten about that one time his crew disobeyed him and ever since has become ruthless with the way he treats us. Not a single new member has survived longer than three years. » Castor confided. « Dickens always avoids mutiny by getting rid of the potential causes before there's any real threat. Now, these men aren't working for Dickens out of loyalty any more... They only have a strong desire to survive once they figure out a life at sea isn't as beautiful as it sounds. »
« But he didn't kill Quince. » I said, looking back at the captain that was still discussing things with Paulina. She waved him off, only for his hand to wrap around her wrist and pull her closer to him. She didn't seem afraid of him, rather annoyed by his presence at the moment. « He can't afford to kill another man right now, and what Quince did wasn't that crucial. I think he was just reminding us that even if we wanted to, he would kill us before any of us could even think about mutiny. He knows we don't have his back like we used to.»
The words hung in the air for a while. The ship was incredibly silent as we remained at our same spot. The sun was burning on deck, and everyone was seeking refreshment in the shadows. Suddenly Paulina's frustration was audible for everyone who hadn't searched the lumber of downstairs. « Seriously Conway, stop bossing me around! » She spat out, her anger fueling her moves as she stumped down the stairs. « Paulina. » Dickens grabbed her arm and forcefully pushed her against him. Everyone stared at the two, but they were caught in between their own battle. Her brows drew closer and fury burned inside her dark eyes. The words between them were left unspoken. She let out a sigh and slumped, her body suddenly so weak it seemed as if Dickens was supporting her. We all tried to look away from the display, but both Dickens and Paulina seemed unaware of the attention they caught. She rose her hand to his cheek, it was such a soft manner, my heart dropped a few inches, remembering the taste of her lips against mine. I swallowed hard and tore my eyes away. In the same time Paulina had left the deck behind her as she went downstairs. Dickens ran his hand through his long hair, letting out a sigh. « Back to work, you lazy land rats! » He yelled before he went back behind the steering wheel, hoping that the slightest breeze would pull us away from the scorching sun.
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