Right after she had said those words, she scurried away. Silence dawned in the warm room and Lock and Castor both looked at me with pity. « It won't be as bad as you think, perhaps he offers to bring you home. » Castor said, a filthy hand patting my shoulder. I shrugged it off, anger fueling every move. Without another word I stood up and walked towards the Captain's Cabin, not daring to look back at the men I considered my friends by now. If I would, they would without doubt see the fear in my eyes. I did not need to feel angst right now.
My heart was thumping in my chest as I climbed up the stairs to the familiar red painted hallways. In front of his door I stood still, wondering if there was any way I could avoid this confrontation. Perhaps Paulina had told him about our kiss. If she insisted I had approached her, he would believe her over me, that's for sure. No doubt he would kill me the second I walked through that door. Or maybe she did not, for I didn't hear them fighting in the room in front of me. If I didn't enter soon, he would find and kill me either way, purely out of annoyance. I took a sigh and the door swung open only to reveal Paulina's stern face. « He's expecting you. » She said emotionless, and she left me behind, walking down the hallway, up to the deck.
Inside the cabin it was dark, but the luminous moon enlightened the dark figure sitting behind his desk. Conway Dickens looked tired and if it weren't for the fuming cigar in his mouth, one would consider him asleep. With a shaky breath, a cloud of smoke left his mouth. « Felix, boy... Sit down. » he ordered me, without looking at me as he spoke. Uneasy I dragged my feet towards the only chair available and sat down, reluctant to completely relax. Another puff of smoke later and the room was still filled with tension.
Dickens hand removed the cigar from his mouth, his ringed finger tapping the ashes in a tray. He turned around and faced me. He could not be much older, ten years at the most, but his face looked tired and complex. I could see why a woman like Paulina was attracted to him. He had the face of an adventurer, his eyes clear and open for any wonders to behold. His beard was untamed but yet gave him a certain flair as he went. His dark hair reached his shoulders, but he never bound it together. He had a certain wilderness around him that probably appealed to danger seeking females such like Paulina. He clenched a fist in anticipation, before he let out a sigh and finally looked at me. His eyes locked with mine.
As he opened his mouth to speak, my heart was pounding in my throat. « It has come to my ears, you have shown remarkable courage today. I have to say I was surprised and nonetheless furious to find out Paulina had tested your loyalty to me. However, I blindly trust her opinion about you. »
I swallowed and felt Paulina's lie burn on my lips. For if anything, I had touched what was so important to the man in front of me. « I have to admit to you, Felix. I do not like you. From the moment Absolom brought you on my ship, I held the desire to throw you overboard if not release you from a few limbs in the waiting. If it weren't for the need of an extra pair of hands around, I would've. The fact you are the spawn of a type of people I despise most, and you sure act that way, doesn't make you any more likable. However, when I asked Paulina which crew members had helped bring the Serena to safety for us to return, she hesitantly admitted you were involved as well. Perhaps, I should let Absolom mob the deck as you are indeed younger and stronger, more capable of truly making a difference around here. » As he spoke he brought his eyes to mine. « But I can only give you this opportunity, if you promise me your loyalty. If I find any resistance against my leadership, I'll still happily show you the fastest way to Davy Jones' Locker... »
I swallowed. This conversation had not gone the way I had thought. Even though he was surely being royally convincing about the idea of better working standards, he did not fail to threaten me as well. The thought of freeing Marina flashed through my head and I wondered if he was aiming at rescuing the mermaid or falling for the seductive tricks of his protegée. I shook my thoughts away. If I were to confess any of those right now, I wouldn't leave this room alive. « I wouldn't see why not to follow your orders, Captain. » I said and respectfully nodded my head.
« Good, Felix. You can leave now and assemble everyone on deck. I still have to take care of one more thing. »
I managed to calmly walk out of the room, trying to remain as calm on the inside. It was all a bit too much. Never in my life would I have thought life on a pirate ship could be so dramatic. I took a deep breath and spread the message Dickens had left me with. In only a few moments everyone was assembled on the top deck.
I noticed Paulina's figure hanging in the climbing ropes, but she didn't seem too eager to come down soon. The crew was talking loudly, some oblivious to the nervous state of others. Finally Dickens appeared behind the steering wheel and yelled someones name. The guy to who it belonged to was a thin ugly man. A long scar was drawn from the top of his forehead towards his left eye. There it seemed to be stopped only to continue under his eye and drop down through his lip. He was slightly hunched over and his arms seemed too long for his figure. With only one eye, he looked up at the Captain above him. « Quince... You have disappointed me today by showing lack of respect for my vessel and lack of effort to keep her safe. » Dickens voices thundered through the sky. We all watched surprised at the face of the captain that was only enlightened by some lonely wind lights hanging on the top deck. « However, I can not lose another man today, for we must remember the three souls that have left our midst. » Some men around me scowled, obviously aware that the reason for their early departure of this world was the man standing on the upper deck.
« But reluctant behavior such as your own must be punished and discouraged for I can not have a crew slacking respect for not only their home but also their own life. » Dickens began stroding his way down towards us, pushing a wip in one of the bigger man's hands. Quince who was standing in front of us, visibly winced. « You see, the Serena is your home and I expect every single one of you to treat her so. » A maniacal grin was disgracing Dickens' face. « Twenty for neglecting your duties, ten for neglecting my orders to keep the Serena unharmed and five for... Well, just because I'm generous today. » Dickens said and as if on cue the entire group backed off. Quince pleaded and begged but Dickens looked merciless at the grown man in front of him « Don't make me regret my choices, Quince. For I can easily pull the trigger and this miserable life of yours is ended right away. Take your responsibilities like a man. »
What happened next would be craved into my memories for years after. The screams of pain filled our surrounding waters, but we were not allowed to leave the deck. Dickens watched from above, his gaze altering from the punishment below him to the girl who looked away every time the wip leashed down on the poor man's back. His outbursts of pain made the hairs on my skin stand up straight.
I caught Dickens eye and his words seemed to echo in my mind: « I'll still happily show you the fastest way to Davy Jones Locker... » I had no doubt he would.
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