As soon as I calmed myself down enough I climber up the upper deck. The wind was howling through the little bay where we were waiting. « Oi, Felix! » Absolom screamed as the waves crashed against the sides of the ship. I wondered how I hadn't noticed the change of the weather so suddenly, but then my mind went back to Paulina. I forced a heated blush to stay below surface.
« It's storm tide out there. Dickens probably never assumed that the water would rise this high. »
Immediately, I looked at the cove where Dickens had disappeared with the best of our crew. There was little space left, not enough to fit one of the boats. It was clear that they would not return before the tide returned to normal. My nerves were capturing every little detail around me as if the world was suddenly different. I felt the waves trying to claim the ship, the wind dancing between the empty sails that hung loose around the mast and the raindrops approach before they traveled down in a condense shower.
We waited, our own nerves breaking down as we watched the waters unsure of what to do. Paulina returned, a filthy coat weighing down on her shoulders, one of Dickens hats balancing on top of her unruly curls. I ignored her as much as I could, looking away from her figure as soon as she went on the top deck, throwing instructions around. As her voice was carried over the waves, the ocean became rougher and rougher until the extend we had to steady ourselves to avoid being swept away by waves that drowned our feet on deck. Paulina looked around, her eyes big and for a second she seemed utterly forlorn. That was until a crack made us all freeze in place. « The anchors! » she yelled accompanied by a series of profanities, running towards the thick chains that bound us to the bottom of the reef. A few men, including myself, immediately followed her on the wheel, pulling the anchors up before they became the reason the Serena was pulled underneath the masses of water.
The wind howled, a scream from somewhere on the coastline in front of us split the air around us in two. We watched each other, fear displayed on our faces. « Let's get the hell out of here! » Paulina yelled, ordering everybody around. Slowly the sails descended, easily catching the wind and a sudden speed made us all stumble and some even fell. I took position at one of the sails, pulling the rope and twisting it around my wrists for any kind of support. The rope was burning against my skin, the friction making my loud beating heart less notable. My shirt was sticking to my skin, the water overflowing us with a welcome relief from where the rope burned my skin. But I didn't let go, the pain my body felt was a welcome distraction for the whirlpool of conflicted emotions Dickens most valuable treasure had caused me. Paulina dove behind the steering wheel pushing and pulling until the waves were no longer our biggest concern.
Once further away from the coastline, the ocean became more quiet as we watched dark clouds gather above land. Thunder and lightning were showing off, a little fire on the shore strongly drawn against the dark of the night. Paulina looked up, the moon was gone completely behind the thick clouds and I could read despair on her face. Somewhere underneath the rocks of the coast in front of us were Dickens and the others. There was no doubt we would not leave them behind, but we couldn't risk the Serena being destroyed either. We were merely at safe distance. Paulina was obviously contemplating what to do when a low laughter caught my attention.
The same moment Paulina seemed to hear it. Her eyes immediately searched for the source of the mocking sound. Her eyes squinted closer as realization washed over her face like a cold wave. She sprinted down, it surprised me she didn't stumble down the stairs and disappeared inside the deck. It was only then a thought came to mind, a woman I had ignored as well. Marina.
I dove behind Paulina, jumping of the staircases as the laughter suddenly stopped. I remained hidden behind some trunks as I watched the interaction in front of me. Marina who was obviously scared of Paulina but continued to mock her either way, blurting out stupidly brave things as she tried to remain a grin on her face. « Losing control, are we? » Marina taunted. Paulina's face was indescribable. Her face remained calm but on the inside everyone could see she was fighting her own temper. « You're overrated... Clearly, the only talent you have is bluff. » Marina continued to sneer.
Paulina huffed, another wave hitting the ship hard and making Marina strain against her chains. A smirk crept on Paulina's lips, her face contorted with pure hatred as she watched the mermaid struggle. She was so different from the woman I had the chance to catch glimpses of every now and then. Oh, if she only knew how much she resembled the ocean day by day with her change of moods.
« Another failed attempt. One to add on your never ending list of mistakes. » Marina gritted between her pointy teeth. Suddenly the ocean seemed to relax, sending us in slow waves back to a normal rhythm. Paulina looked up surprised and finally opened her mouth. « You might've just dug your own grave, Aga'lun'a. »
Marina gasped. It wasn't hard to imagine Paulina wouldn't hesitate to kill the mermaid when she got the chance and the venom that dripped of every syllable of that unknown language only proved it. I remained in the shadows as Paulina's wet coat dragged beside me, her figure disappearing back up. Marina slumped down, the gravity of her situation dragging her towards the hard wooden floor. She didn't resemble brave or fierce any longer. I waited until I heard the door slam close somewhere above me to leave my hiding spot. « Marina? » I shushed as her sobs filled the air around us. Another loud wail followed. I had to sit down, my hands around the bars of the cell to make her notice me. Her big round eyes were bloodshot with tears and Marina's marble skin was tainted with faint red marks. Nonetheless, did the crying not make her any uglier. Instead she seemed so vulnerable and in her weakness she deemed even more beautiful and mythical.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her wrists slumping back in her scaled lap. « You should not be here, boy. » Marina said as she looked down at her nails. « For once I want a woman to stop telling me what to do. » I groaned, but a faint smile appeared on Marina's full lips. Her empty eyes looked up at me. I noticed how her pupils widened, a finger trembled and a vein pulsing in her neck. Other than having me wonder about her legendary heritage, Marina was simply a damsel in distress. « I can no longer watch you suffer, Marina. » I admitted. It had been days since she was locked up in this cell, where she had seen no daylight nor proper food. I felt extremely guilty that my desires towards Paulina had led me to believe that capturing Marina was a good thing when it was obvious that the only thing to do was saving her. Her eyes glanced with hope and her hoarse voice was lilting in a sad melody. « You want to save me, sailor? » A smile was dancing at the corner of her lips.
The feeling of confusion Paulina had caused in my heart faintly dulled at the sight of those beautiful features in front of me. I didn't realize I was dying to see Marina back in the ocean where her full glory could be captivated by sunlight and a sweet ocean breeze. « But what about the girl? » She asked, sadness covering the silver eyes she had cast upon me. « I don't care about her anymore. »
She huffed. « I wouldn't be so certain of that. Looks like the wench has got her grip on you. » If Paulina had no feelings at all, I wouldn't hesitate to try it myself. After all, it had been too long since she trapped my mind with her villainous tricks. She was right, if I wanted to survive aboard the Serena, I had to stay away from her for my own safety and sanity. « That's nothing to be concerned about any longer. » I said, pulling the collar of my shirt higher. Marina looked at me with doubt in her eyes. However she seemed to give in as she whispered « I can't wait until you free me, brave sailor. My gratitude will be large, indeed. »
My attention was drawn towards the deck when the sound of thunderous footsteps sounded above my head. I ran upstairs just in time to see the longboats being pulled on deck and the other crew men arriving, ready to immediately leave. Dickens was ordering us around, cussing and screaming. I noticed Castor and Lock both heavily scratched and disheveled but they seemed to be alright after all.
Dickens threw me a nasty glare when he saw me ascending from below deck but his gaze immediately flickered towards Paulina who was steering his ship with an unknown desire to command it. She shouted commands towards the crew. Within moments we left the island behind us. Dickens accompanied her. I really wanted to look away but I saw how he forced her to look at him. She gave him an annoyed glare in return to which he promptly sported a scowl, pushing something in her hand and leaving her behind on the upper deck. Paulina looked down at a shimmering object, a smile dancing around her lips but doubt feasting in her eyes before she tucked it safely away inside the coat and changed her face into one of indifference. She didn't even bother to look at me, though I knew she noticed me. Lock supported Castor as they passed me. I immediately shove my shoulder underneath his arm and carried the pirate towards his chamber where they started to tell me everything that had happened on their adventure.
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