1. No hate
2. Dislike the character not the person
3. Have fun :D
4. No unrealistic characters (I won't go all 'Oh ThAtS nOt PrOpEr GeNeTiCs' but be slightly realistic- no cats with purple fur, or wings, or whatever)
5. Cats need to have 10 relationship points before becoming mates
6. You need 2 leadership to have an apprentice.
7. You need 10 fighting and 15 leadership to become deputy.
Leaders have: 5 energy
Deputies have: 4 energy
Medicine cats have: 4 energy
Warriors have: 3 energy
Apprentices have: 2 energy
Kits have: 1 energy
Queens: Varies
If their kits are 0-1 moons: 0 energy
If their kits are 2-3 moons: 1 energy
If their kits are 4-5 moons: 2 energy
Elders have: 1 energy
9. For code breaking commands I'm not sure how to do them anymore? Without PMs, it's kinda hard. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Code breaking commands will have an ❌ next to them in the command list.
10. Normal clan rules
11. You can technically have as many characters as you want... but not too many, all right lol?
12. For kits of mates, I'll just spin a wheel every few moons lol
13. If there is 0 prey for some time, cats will start getting ill at random
/train (skill) (character name)
/bond with (character name) (character you want to bond with) (+1 relationship point)
/ask to be mates (character you want to be mates with) (character name)
/become mates with (character who asked you to be mates) (character name) (+3 relationship points)
/reject (character who asked you to be mates) (character name) (-3 relationship points)
/hunt (character name) (+1-3 prey)
/eat (character name) (-1 prey) (+1 energy)
/kill (character you want to kill) (character name) (❌)
/kill random cat (character name) (❌)
/become secret mates with (character you want to be mates with) (character name) (❌) (can be used for medicine cats, rogues, cross clan relationships or cats who already have mates)
/play with (character you want to play with) (character name) (KIT ONLY)
/promote to deputy (character you want to promote to deputy) (character name) (LEADERS ONLY) (character you want to promote must meet Deputy standards stated in the rules)
/demote from deputy (character you want to demote) (character name) (LEADERS ONLY) (Must have a valid reason, I will confirm it and demote them if the reason is valid.)
/heal (character who needs healing) (character name) (MEDICINE CAT ONLY)
/gather (character name) (MEDICINE CAT ONLY) (+1-3 herbs)
/speak to StarClan (character name) (MEDICINE CAT ONLY) (once every six moons)
/patrol (character name) (+1 tracking or +1 leadership)
/socialise (character name) (+1 relationship with two randomly selected cats)
/rest (reduces the risk of any Greenleaf health conditions. Chance of prey or one of your stats going down. Only to be used in Greenleaf)
/search for resources (to reinforce camp)
/reinforce den walls (+5 camp security, -2 camp resources)
/reinforce camp walls (+10 camp security, -7 camp resources)
/construct barriers outside camp (+15 camp security, costs 2 energy, -12 camp resources)
/antagonise (cat) (your cat) (-1 to -3 relationship, -1 energy)
/antagonise random (your cat) (-1 to -3 relationship with 2 cats, -1 energy)
/comfort (speeds up the recovery of a grieving cat and adds 2 relationship points)
/steal prey from (other clan) (-5 camp relations, -1 to 3 border security, + 3-5 prey to your clan and minus that from the other)
/patrol (other clan) border (+5 border security)
/antagonise (cat from other clan)/JuniperClan (- 5-7 clan relations, could decrease border security)
/ask (medicine cat from other clan) for herbs (medicine cats only) (the other medicine cat has to say yes)
/kidnap (kit/random kit) from (other clan) (forbidden command. -10 clan relations. Chance of injury. Lower border security) (❌)
/make small talk with (other clan cat) (on patrol) (+1-3 relationship points, could have a bonus to clan relations)
/mediate with (other clan) (mediators only) (improves clan relations)
/meet up with (cat from other clan) (adds up to 3 relationship points, 20% chance of getting caught by cats from your clan. This chance gets higher the closer you get to this cat) (❌)
/threaten (other clan leader) (clan leader only. -clan relations)
/be polite to (other clan leader) (clan leader only. +clan relations)
/talk to (cats from other clan). (+relationship with the other cat, may increase clan relations)
/explore with (apprentice from other clan) (+relationship. Chance of injury. Apprentice only)
/start fight with (cat from other clan) (chance of injury, -clan relations)
/antagonise (cat from other clan) (minus relationship, lowers clan relations)
/play fight with (apprentice from other clan) (+2 relationship, +clan relations) (APPRENTICE ONLY)
/trade clan secrets with (other clan) (❌) (lowers border and clan security for your clan while it increases them for the other clan, increases your relationship with the other clan's leader and deputy)
Age: (in moons)
Family: (optional)
Other: (optional)
Mentor: (if apprentice)
Tags: (optional)
I look forward to seeing your applications! (Yes I copy pasted the intro from the other warrior cats command game thing)
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