"aye, mr. t-"
"you were on james corden!" a student of his bursts through the door before class starts. his eyes go wide at the sudden outburst, and when he subconsciously plays with the ring on his finger more students start calling out.
"alright alright!" he calls. "yes, i was on the late late show over the weekend."
"you're married to harry styles!" a girl sounds like she may just die. it makes the whole room burst into conversation.
"yes- okay, yes, calm down everyone!" he sighs and sits up on his desk. "harry and i have known and loved each other for a long time so we got married just like any other couple. nothing special." except it is a bit special, he supposes, the way it all happened. not quite like any other couple. "since him and the band get a lot of press we did an interview right away to set things straight. he's close with james corden so it all works out." he gives a nervous laugh.
"what do we call you?"
louis smiles. he tries to suppress it, but he can't help himself. "my surname is tomlinson-styles now, so either one is fine by me."
"do you have wedding pictures?"
one of the girls rolls her eyes. "no. did u watch the show? they just decided to do it out of nowhere at the crack ass of dawn."
"language!" louis laughs. he can't help it. "i mean, you're right, but language." he taps the papers next to him. "first person from each row come grab papers for your row. if you want to ask more questions you've got to complete your class work for the day." he has to go up on his tip toes to wipe off the writing on the top of the dry erase board. he replaces it with the days lesson, and clasps his hands together.
"my god, c, every kid in this school thinks you're fit." louis sits back against the couch and crosses his arms.
camilla rolls her eyes. "yeah but that's different. all they do is stare at my ass. if they were college students or the same age as me i might be flattered, but it's gross. they're just horny sixteen year old boys," she fake gags and leans her head against hélène, who only shrugs her off.
"i am trying to do something," she mumbles into the screen of her camera. it's hooked up to her laptop to download pictures, or at least louis assumes so.
"take me clubbing at one of your clubs," camilla whines and throws her head back against the cushion.
"pretty sure none of the guys at my clubs would be into ladies." he smirks and she hits him with a pillow. louis cackles and swats her back. his phone vibrates nonstop in his pocket. "just put yourself out there, babe, let me take this." he holds it to his ear as he exits the room. the hallway is empty, but the staff toilets is a single person restroom, so he locks himself in there just as a caution.
harry's voice cuts through, "hey." he sounds breathless. "i'm not interrupting, right? you're at lunch?"
he can't see him, but louis nods anyway. "yeah, no you're fine. what're you doing?" he leans back against the wall.
"just rehearsing with the boys. should be done in a few hours, we got set back a bit because of the usual ruckus." louis smiles at that and rubs his forehead.
"what now?"
harry giggles, "niall made liam's microphone sound like darth vader every time he spoke into it." louis rolls his eyes. "it was funnier if you were there."
"mhm. wish i could be."
"you can. you've got summers off, babe, you can be tourin the states with me all summer." it makes louis smile. he bites his lip and leans back against the wall.
"i cant wait. you going to show me around everywhere? take me to all your favorite places in the states?" he hears a door close on harry's end.
"of course. only the best places for you," he mumbles. "can i come over after rehearsal?"
louis scoffs, "no need to ask, babe. you have a key." harry laughs. "hey." louis' voice softens. "i kind of wanted to ask once i actually saw you next, but um, can we move in together?" he chews on his lip.
harry lets out a breath. "absolutely. was gonna ask you when i came over tonight. just got to figure out who's place we'd move into." he hums to himself as if thinking something up.
"harr," louis speaks up.
"you wanna say something?" he can practically hear harry smile to himself after he says it.
"i- i don't know. i was kind of thinking of moving into your place. or maybe finding a different place of our own. i'm not real attached to my place anyway, and i love your place but the security isn't as secure as i'd be comfortable with. you know, just in case, um." he struggles on words to find.
"in case of paps and fans finding out the address?" louis suggests. harry sighs. "don't feel bad about that, h, i know that my place isn't as guarded as you'd need."
"didn't wanna sound cocky."
"you're not, you're safe." a comfortable silence goes between them for a while until louis takes a breath. "i'd be okay with finding a new place for us. my rent's shit anyway and your place is a bit far from work for me." he pushes his hair from his forehead. "we'll start looking soon, yeah?"
harry hums. "yeah. i'll be home a bit after you're done. kay?"
louis unlocks the door and stands outside his classroom door in the hallway. "i'll be there waiting," he sing songs, and smiles to himself. "love you."
"i love you- for fucks sake, sandy!- sorry, love you, bye babe." he hangs up when music starts playing in the background. most likely the band with the song that had been interrupted by liam's darth vader microphone.
this was bad and short and stupid and i haven't updated in so long and i'm sorry i have no excuse other than i'm not rlly interested in updating these stories anymore but idk how to end them rn so i have to keep them going until i can end them right bc obviously i wouldn't wanna leave any of u in the dust. i have other stories that i'm working on that are 1. way better and 2. more fun.
love u all as always. xoxo
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